Official October Team Bumpkins

it does look like she's dropped!

Congratulations to Eala and Craftymum on their new arrivals! And to kte on reaching 37 weeks!!! Exciting time for you lindak... I'm looking forward to your update!

Maffie is still being kept in hospital although she wants to go home! They have given her even stronger injections to control the vomiting but unfortunately they haven't worked. She is drinking lots to try to avoid being put on a drip. Her liver functions results have have come back as fine though.
Wow, congrats to Craftymum and Eala:happydance:
Lindak: Wishing you the best of luck, chuck. Can't wait for the update:happydance:

I'm having a boring one today. OH is working and i'm lying on the sofa sipping raspberry leaf tea and watching utter rubbish on telly! Had a really weird nightmare last night. The creepy singing guy from the Go Compare advert was chasing me around an abandonned building singing that obnoxious song at me! I honestly woke up sweating and i've been changing the channel everytime the ad comes on, nuts!!!!! I now have an irrational fear of the word spondulicks (whatever the hell it means!). Aaargh. Hope everyone is having a fab Saturday so far :)
congrats to everyone who has had their lo's :) hope yours is on his way lindak!! well only 2 days to go for me til my induction.

hope everyone has a nice weekend x
Wow, congrats to Craftymum and Eala:happydance:
Lindak: Wishing you the best of luck, chuck. Can't wait for the update:happydance:

I'm having a boring one today. OH is working and i'm lying on the sofa sipping raspberry leaf tea and watching utter rubbish on telly! Had a really weird nightmare last night. The creepy singing guy from the Go Compare advert was chasing me around an abandonned building singing that obnoxious song at me! I honestly woke up sweating and i've been changing the channel everytime the ad comes on, nuts!!!!! I now have an irrational fear of the word spondulicks (whatever the hell it means!). Aaargh. Hope everyone is having a fab Saturday so far :)

I literally just saw that advert and then read about your dream! Freaky!
Good afternoon everyone!

Congratulations to Kte for 37 weeks! and to Eala and Craftymum! :thumbup:

Hugs to LindaK - hope that it's good news xx

Hubby and I decided not to go to the car boot this morning...blowing a gale and we were shattered lol. I'd been up about 6 times in the night too and tbh I'm not having a good day. Bubs seems to have risen int my ribs again and I think that, with them being a good deal bigger and heavier, that I actually have bruised bones! They're really painful and bubs just keeps on kicking! :cry: I mustn't least they're blooming active...and I'm going to put myself in a bath in a bit when hubby goes to get our tea.

We are going to the carboot tomorrow though as tomorrow is setting up the nursery day! I can't wait - got to go and get paint and stuff but in having the clear out I've found a load of old teddies from when both of us were small....brilliant heirlooms! I've got to wash everything too so I really cannot wait. All we've got to get is a few things from Boots and we're all set! :happydance:

MIL and SIL are convinced I'm going to pop this week! As long as we make it to Thursday then hubby should be ok for work as he finishes for his leave on Saturday at 2pm! I so cannot wait! He's off today, tomorrow and Monday so I'm making the most of him being at home lol.....just had Cheese on toast....scrummers!

Right i'm off to have a nap and a bath.....i'll be back on later to see who's next!! :baby:
Wow, congrats to Craftymum and Eala:happydance:
Lindak: Wishing you the best of luck, chuck. Can't wait for the update:happydance:

I'm having a boring one today. OH is working and i'm lying on the sofa sipping raspberry leaf tea and watching utter rubbish on telly! Had a really weird nightmare last night. The creepy singing guy from the Go Compare advert was chasing me around an abandonned building singing that obnoxious song at me! I honestly woke up sweating and i've been changing the channel everytime the ad comes on, nuts!!!!! I now have an irrational fear of the word spondulicks (whatever the hell it means!). Aaargh. Hope everyone is having a fab Saturday so far :)

I literally just saw that advert and then read about your dream! Freaky!

Nooooooo, turn off before he gets to you too:wacko: !
Good Evening Ladies...

Guess this months the month... Hopefully by the end of it all our little bundles will be here... I was thinking today, that even if babe is over due, a month tomorrow is the longest that they'll leave me... So one way or another babe should be here by bon fire night LOL...

Was talking to OH about halloween, as if babe arrive on DD it'll be only days old; I don't fancy opening and closing the door etc we have lots and lots of kids on our estate; DS goes to school with most of them or plays with them on an evening and weekend... So our door is rather busy... I was toying with putting out a large bowl with a sign saying "Once they've gone, they've gone... Please do not knock!" He just said well that's the first group done with, what you gonna do for the rest? Point taken... But I don't fancy sitting in the dark or opening the door all evening... The last lot came at 9pm last year. DS had been in bed over half an hour...

SO, I'm really not sure what to do???? As if it a major issue?!

We've been a spent a fortune on food and shopping already this weekend, what with tesco's delivering, OH and I hitting the veg stall at the market, then freezer shopping... So needless to say we've loads to eat but absolutely no money now... LOL monthly bills, monthly shopping and weekly wages just don't mix... LOL Roll on Friday!?! Always waiting for pay day...

I was rather bossy today, with what was left over out of the working tax money, I've been and paid for cinema tackets for next Sunday for all of us, we're off to see UP! LOL I'll be really ticked off if babe decides to show it's face then and I miss going...

Even priced up panto tickets for around my b'day... Babe will be just 2 months old, DS really enjoyed the panto last year as did OH & I; we're big kids really... But the local theatre does a few childrens play each year. At the back end they tend to do discounts for the shows, where if you buy to see one you get 25% off the other, type offers... Last year we saw Heidi (from the goats prospective) and the panto sleeping beauty... We all laughed so hard at both shows we're all excited about going this year too... It's only a tiny theatre (see about 200 peeps; it an old Georgian one) SO the shows are very close, imtermate and interactive... This year it's Wizard of Oz & Goldilocks and the 3 bears... Mum, Dad & my sister and all wanting to go too.. So could be a good evening... If I can get the tickets when Working tax goes in this month...
My due date today lol

Anyway here my little [big] man <3:cloud9:


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taylorsmum - he is beautiful .. I cant wait to meet my little man..those pics made me all teary.

kte - congrats on 37 wks

well girlies I went of to the hosp today and had a scan of the amniotic fluid and it was at 4. something and they said that they would like to see them at anything from 3 so they were happy witht hat and doc doesnt think my waters went !! She also done a swap for I dont know what but she was happy to let me go home... :growlmad: :growlmad: I really wanted it to be it but nope my little man wanted to stay in there ..

So back to watching the xfactor for me , hope you are all having a lovely wekend xxx
Hugs Linda...probably for the best that he waits just that little bit longer to make an appearance! At least you know what to look for in future! :thumbup:

It's a full moon tonight!! Is anyone's LO being a bit more active than usual? Or is it just our chunky monkey that seems to be hunting for the escape hatch? :dohh: lol
Anyone had a 2nd degree tear and didnt want it stitched? need some advice! =[
Awh lovely pics of Dexter TaylorsMummy :D

My LO has been a litttle over active bless but it's the usual bum poking out near my ribs or a leg or arm twanging something in there to make me go ouch! lol
Good Morning Girls...

LindaK ~ How you doing this morning? Sounds like you ended up with the smiliar situation that I had the week before last. I was rather confused??? In the end mw thought it had just been a large gloop of discharge, rather than my waters... I've had an off day since, back ache, hip ache and bump ache, think I'd over done the ironing the day before... Been stood up and bending too much I think? Try not to worry love... At least al the time babe stays put is extra time for them to grow, rest and develope...

XTaylorsMummy ~ What a gorgous little boy! Bet you're glad to be at home... I've no advice to offer on the stitches, I didn't have any with DS... Sorry... Hope the pain eases and the healing starts very soon...

Maffie ~ I am really thinking about you... Hope that they can control the sickness, and you feel much better soon... ~ My bump is like yours too... So low.. Are you struggling to walk about? Go up stairs and bend too?

Aimmee-Lou ~ Hope you and OH manage to acheive everything you set out to do this weekend... OH has now sealed the floor ready for the leveller he'd hope to do last weekend, which he will do this afternoon...

Today, we are off to a carboot this morning, having roast beef dinner this afternoon, Ironing to do and only 1 load of washing. DS & OH need their hair doing and the dog needs clipping too... (Sounds like they all need grooming LOL)...

My livingroom looks like a dumping room yet again for another weekend... Oh, well it'll be right aventually!

Yesterday, was shattering after shopping again yesterday morning fighting with the awful wind here I was absolutely buggered! OH started chipping at the floor in the diningroom as there was a bad line of rough concrete that was too high for the rest of the floor... I had such a headache... As the noise etc was too loud I was not gonna end up with a nap... So I made some strawberry jam... 1st time I'd done it, was surprised by how easy and quick it was... OH was made up... Then in the evening he started again drilling etc, so ventured into the kitchen and made some apple crumbles (guess what we're having for puddding? Complete with custard)

OH gave me some white chocolate coated strawberries, thought he was being loving; they looked nice and tasted bloody horrid! OH was are they nice as I put one in his mouth, he bit down into it; and his face changed! All of a sudden he said Urgh! They're freeze dried and sour.. How disapointing! LOL I'd had one and it took all my time not to spit it out at OH... LOL DS is making his way through them...

Anyway, enough from me... Hope you're all well and have a lovely Sunday...
Morning girls...

Its my last sunday as a mummy of 2! :wohoo: its so exciting now, especially as we have got the moses set up now & we are putting the travel cot in the living room today.. Its mainly so that Ethan gets used to the change happening before she is here, he has suspected Aspergers Syndrome so we have to tackle things differently with him. He seems really excited now as everyday we tell him how many days are left.

Eswift: I do struggle a bit hun.. although i am still quite mobile considering how far along and how big i am.... :hugs: Its all worth it though hun x

:hugs: to all those in need... i will have a catch up later xxx
morning girls! Just a quick update before i leave the house til this afternoon, had a txt from Jo at 5.45 to say they were, finally, moving her to labour ward, yippee! Fingers x for her that her lo is well on his way now!! Will update again as i hear anything. Hugs x
Linda- Our bodies do like to tease us into thinking this is it don't they! My underwear was wet yesterday after just a few hours YUCK. I'm sure you won't be waiting much longer now xx

BabyLove- wow, yes, I can totally see a difference in your bump! So much lower in the 2nd pic!!

Jlo- Thanks for the updates on Jo79, glad to finally hear she's getting somewhere now!!

Taylorsmummy- your little Dexter is beautiful! Well done you :happydance: xx

Not much planned today apart from popping out for abit of food shopping and into DIY shop on way home to get some paint..I've got the urge to freshen the kitchen walls up!! Think that maybe the fact that I have a midwife home visit week on Monday has something to do with it lol.
Linda- Our bodies do like to tease us into thinking this is it don't they! My underwear was wet yesterday after just a few hours YUCK. I'm sure you won't be waiting much longer now xx


I know ! Just really thought maybe this was it. Ah well its just a waiting game now. Seeing all these bumpkins having their lo's is making me really impatient !

Enjoy your shopping xx
Afternoon all,

Wowzers my hormones are all over the place! Poor OH, I just need cuddles! I am hoping it's a nice sign as in my body is changing to get LO here ~ although I hope to be a little less irrational by this afternoon!

Just been to a baby show type even, it was rubbish! Oh well, worth a peek I guess.

Rest of today - wash clothes and relax!!
Afternoon ladies!

Hope your all well. Im not feeling very good today, a lot of pains and been sick a few times :( So ill catch up properly later :)

38 weeks today though!!! :happydance::yipee:



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