Official October Team Bumpkins

Evening :wave:

Wow you ladies can talk :shock: :rofl: Ive only not been on since this morning and took me ages to catch up!

Good luck to those in labour, hope things are progressing well :happydance:

Cant believe how many October babies we have now.. its so exciting!!

Not much happening here, loads of BH's, period type pains and baby is really hurting with the movements now! If he could just wait 4 days then ill be happy, as my birth partner has got swine flu :dohh: but shes allowed to leave the house on Tue so hes allowed to come then :rofl:

Anyone heard from Little Kitten, I don't think she's posted on here for quite a while? Hope her and James are ok.

LittleKitten is doing fine, James is still happy where he is for now, shes going to txt me when anything happens so i will let you all know!

Hope everyone is ok, cant wait to hear about more babies being born :happydance::happydance:

An update on Eala:
Waters had mecconium in them so shes been put on a monitor. Her contractions got pretty bad so she got taken to labour ward and put on syntocion and given an epidural.
Says baby should be here by the morning.
Good vibes for Eala and LO! Hopefully it will be quick for her:D Glad to hear they are monitoring the situation carefully!
Another update on Eala:
Baby is here! Her little girlie born at 1:22am Saturday 3rd October, weighing 7lbs 1ozs
congrats to Eala & her OH :)

15 girls & 9 boys so far & it's only 3rd oct!!!!!!!!!
congrats to Eala & her OH :)

15 girls & 9 boys so far & it's only 3rd oct!!!!!!!!!

:wohoo: congrats to eala!!!!

24 bumpkins already!!! :phew: flora - must be tough to update!!!!

Well, had an awful night..... Loads of BHs and fequent trips to loo. BHs were quite painful actually!!!!! Last week had been to MW was told my urine sample had leucocytes in them but wasn't treated for it! Last night had terrible pains in bladder area.... Really thot i was in labor!!! :dohh:

Unfortunately it wasn't and paincame down after a full 1 hr of massage by hubby!!!! Bless him!!

Tryin to get back to sleep now!!!!

Catch u guys in the morning!!!!!
Morning Girls!

I'm up and awake... Just had breakie, think dog's trying to tell me it's bed time tho... He's sat at the top of the stairs whining... I'll be on my way back up there very soon, he's doing my head in... It's too early...

There have been a fair few arrivals already! Golly, I do hope that none of the labours have been too horrid... I'm hoping that I've not too long left, I woke up with a start this morning, my bump had gone. Got out of bed to pee (4th trip) got back into bed and still no bump; gave OH a cuddle and wham... Babe moved and hip ache kicked in and I had to move away from OH as bump had popped back out... LOL.. OH woke up and said "I felt that, you did that on purpose, just because you're awake. We've all got to be awake..." LOL Not too sure if he was talking to me or my bump?!?! Just wait until we all get woken with the crying to be fed!!! The whole street wil know then...

Anyway... I'll pop back on later and catch up some more then... As I'm gonna gag the dog... See you soon xxxx
Oooo I just read a lovely post and seen a lovely picture of Craftymum's little boy... It's over in 3rd Tri... Bet she's relieved that the sickness has gone, from the picture it all looks worth it though....

Anyway, just had a lovely bacon sannie for breakie 2, best go get my winter woolies on as we need to go into town, I forgot some bits and pieces with the shopping... Why does that always happen?
morning all! glad everything went ok for eala... meconium in the waters can be bad news, so I'm glad they are all ok!

I am really really sore from the ECV now... my entire bump feels bruised and hard... off to take some paracetamol and go back to bed I think!

Have a lovely day everyone xx
Congrats eala.... xx

Well got up this morning and my underware we soaking wet not my pjs though... so I rang hosp and spoke to midwife and she says to come in .. So just waiting on oh to come back and were heading in . Im not in pain or anything so Im not very hopeful that this is it... Has anyone heard of waters leaking without being in pain ?? and if so is labour around the corner ??

Hope you all have a lovely days xxxxx
ooh good luck lindak. Im not sure about waters leaking, mine went all at once with my son and immediately after the contractions came on strong and fast so cant help with that! Hope its a sign something is starting to happen though! :happydance:

Morning all :flower:

Congrats to all the new mummies out there, well done!!

Lindak, yes your waters can start to leak without anything happening, they will only leave you for, I think its 48 hours here, before they induce you, due to infection, due then again it may depend on if you have dilated at all.
Fingers x all goes well for you at the hospital:hugs:

Not much to update on Jo, she is hacked off, understandably, the hospital are so understaffed that they are unable to take her to labour ward to break her waters, there are rooms available just not the staff:growlmad:
This morning they didnt even give her breakfast, she had to wait for her oh to come in and him to make her toast in the kitchen, its disgusting!!!

Anyhow, will update more as and when I hear anything.

Nothing happening with me either, had lovely bacon n mushrooms on toast, mmm, couldnt manage it all thou:nope:

Going to get the pram out of the loft this afternoon and make sure my sheets fit it, it will have to go in babies room once assembled as, at last, our hall carpet is going down on Monday morning so it needs to be out the way.

DS2 has a birthday party at 2, so get a couple of hours peace:cloud9: DS1 is happy to play quietly with his lego.

Have a good day all, wonder how many :baby: will appear today?? x
so happy for Crafymum (louise) & her little boy. :) After such a long hgard pregnancy, she must be overjoyed. Now gonna check her facebook see if tyhere are anymore pics, hehehehehe. :)
:yipee: :headspin: :wohoo: :dance: :happydance: 37 WEEKS TODAY:happydance: :dance: :wohoo: :headspin: :yipee:

Congrat's to Eala and Craftymum :cloud9:

All these little bumpkins turning up, its so exciting! Well my LO is officially fully cooked today. Okay, so technically there are still a couple of weeks to go for me but it's good to get here! :happydance:

OH and I just bought our LO a Halloween costume, well an orange and white stripy baby grow! Hope they show up on time now!! :haha:
Congrats Craftymum!!!! :hugs:

Happy 37 weeks Kte!!!! yayyyy!!!!

Hows everyone doing today?????
Hiya girls

Congrats to all the new mummies and to all those hitting milestones today... I am feeling fabulous today :) My new hospital bag is all packed. My OH took some bump pics for me this morning and it looks like little miss Sienna has dropped alot more over the past week..

What do you girls think? The one in the pink is last sunday and the other one was this morning! Do you think she looks lower?


38+3 weeks.jpg

Right i am off to save my washing off the line as its blowing a gale here... TTFN xx
Hiya girls

Congrats to all the new mummies and to all those hitting milestones today... I am feeling fabulous today :) My new hospital bag is all packed. My OH took some bump pics for me this morning and it looks like little miss Sienna has dropped alot more over the past week..

What do you girls think? The one in the pink is last sunday and the other one was this morning! Do you think she looks lower?

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View attachment 39307

Right i am off to save my washing off the line as its blowing a gale here... TTFN xx

She definately has dropped!!!! :happydance::happydance: D-day getting closer!!!!!

Good morning ladies!

Hope everyone is doing well!

Eala- congrats on your baby girl!! Hope you are both doing well.

Keerthy- sounds like you have had a rough month! At least you are putting your hubby to work with massages :) That is the one thing I'm looking forward to in labour- lots of massages!

Eswift- I'm constantly forgetting stuff when I go out shopping too. I really hope that it's just pregnancy brain and it clears up once baby arrives (either that or it'll be "new mum brain" and I'll continue to be scatterbrained for the next 18 yrs or so...)

Lucilou- I read another post that the ECV didn't work- sorry to hear that. Hope the paracetamol kicks in soon.

Lindak- that's how both my mum's labours started. Water breaking but no pain- she went into labour about 12 hrs later with me and because my brother was only 26 weeks, they held him off 3 days to get her pumped with steroids. I'm excited for you- good luck!!!

Kte- congrats on 37 weeks! Sounds like a cute halloween costume- my mum bought our baby a monkey outfit. baby definitely looks lower!

Florabean- thanks for keeping us all updated on the new arrivals :) Crazy that for so long, it was looking like there would be fewer girls but now we're in the lead!

Once again, I'm hoping today will be the day that Emma decides to make her grand entrance into the world- I went for a super long walk yesterday and I was starting to get mild contractions by the end of it. Of course, they went away once I was back home and relaxing. Got my hopes up briefly but I suppose I fully expect she'll be late. I think it'd be cool if she was born on Monday- my hubby and I had our first date on Oct 5th so it'd be cool to be able to say that 4 yrs later we had our first baby :)

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