Official October Team Bumpkins

Sounds like you're all getting impatient too... Bless it's so fustrating...

I've done the ironing, DS has moved them all upstairs for me, bless him; then he's emptied the dishwasher and now is wanting the laptop... Hehehe best let him have it, as I'll be wanting to work him again later...

OH is stripped down to the waist doing the floor leveller stuff... LMAO he's kept his t- shirt on all summer, and now he strips off when it cool??? Men!
Good afternoon......

Hope everyone is ok. :flower:

We've had a very productive day so far! Went to the car boot and made a little money....unfortunately not enough for paint but enough to do a few bits! Got a bargain........Mama's and Papa's moses basket and stand, 4 fitted sheets and 2 mattress protectors......£5 for the lot!!!! Who could say no to that? :thumbup: It looks like brand new and the stand is really sturdy! Also got a play mat for £1 which I was proud of too!

We also got the pram out and have had a play. Hubby can now put together and take down the pram, it fits in the boot and the car seat will attach fine! Sorted!!

Anyhoo, I think we're going to chill for a bit. I've put the washing on and I think we may be emptying the room ready for the decorating to take place through this week...... I'm going to be shattered!

One thing...I heard a very weird noise coming from the bump...sounded like a yawn or a squeal or something. :shrug: Definitely didn't come from me, that's all I know! Hubby had his hand on the bump at the time and felt some vibration at the same time. Freaky!

Right, I'm off to watch some tv!

Have a good day ladies!
:wacko: HELP! :wacko:

I just tried to put the sheets etc back on my moses basked and its driving me mad! I wish I had taken pictures of it before I took it apart!!!!! It just doesn't seem right, there is a label that sticks out at the top ?!? I know LO will be feet first but still it seems wrong, plus the canopy thingy, well it just flops back down all the time :growlmad:

Any tips ladies before it flies out the window! ~ Well maybe nothing that drastic but the scissors will be out to clip the label and there will be no canopy!!! At least it's Autumn / Winter time so I can't see there being a huge need for the canopy!

Here are some picture of my handywork, errr I mean mess! :cry:


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Afternoon ladies!

Hope your all well. Im not feeling very good today, a lot of pains and been sick a few times :( So ill catch up properly later :)

38 weeks today though!!! :happydance::yipee:



Pains in your belly? Throwing up is a sign of labour .. I was throwing up all over the shop once the pains got bad lol. OoooOOo Fingers crossed for you, lady :)
So I change little miss after feeding her, put a new nappy on her and decide to cuddle for a bit. Put her on my chest, shes just falling asleep, when I hear "Parrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp, squirt" as a massive smile comes across her face. :dohh:

Ah the gifts haha.
So I change little miss after feeding her, put a new nappy on her and decide to cuddle for a bit. Put her on my chest, shes just falling asleep, when I hear "Parrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp, squirt" as a massive smile comes across her face. :dohh:

Ah the gifts haha.

Aw so cute ! congrats again chaos xxxxxx
:wacko: HELP! :wacko:

I just tried to put the sheets etc back on my moses basked and its driving me mad! I wish I had taken pictures of it before I took it apart!!!!! It just doesn't seem right, there is a label that sticks out at the top ?!? I know LO will be feet first but still it seems wrong, plus the canopy thingy, well it just flops back down all the time :growlmad:

Any tips ladies before it flies out the window! ~ Well maybe nothing that drastic but the scissors will be out to clip the label and there will be no canopy!!! At least it's Autumn / Winter time so I can't see there being a huge need for the canopy!

Here are some picture of my handywork, errr I mean mess! :cry:

Sorted it thankfully, I was being a realy numpty! :dohh: Lol oh well.

Funny how she smiled about it for you Chaos! Cheeky, bless!
argh im so mad... adams mum n dad been down for the weekend. well they came at 7ish on friday, stayed here for an hour then went campsite. Came about 12ish on sat and toke taylor shopping to leicester to get dexter some pressents, asked us what we wanted and i said some funky sleepsuits and vests or something like that. Me adam and dexter went to my mums and did some food shopping, they came back at 6ish at met us at my mum and dads. Didnt say one word to my mum and dad, mum tried to have convos with them and they just looked at her like a werido. Anyway came back to ours and as soon as i brought shopping in they was out the front door, couldnt wait to go! they brought him 3sleepsuits and a jacket from primark. So today we went for a meal, they turned up again about 12sih [there staying 5mins away]. Have hardly held dexter/spoken to us. His mum kept having ago at me! Telling me that if you held him when hes sleeping he will become spoilt!! [Taylor was held all the time and isnt!].. Then i told her he was up for 2hours last night so i want to get him in a routine where he knows day is day and night is for sleeping, well she went off on me saying newborns sleep and eat and she doesnt see how i can get him into a routine, and im being stupid for wanting to fed every 3hrs then on demand. she really upset me and i went upstairs to cry..

Then at the meal i said ohh hes awake and she was like no hes not hes fast asleep he had his eyes open ffs! Then they moaned that they wanted to be home by 4pm

ohwell over now, iv done way too much this weekend, very sore now and bleeeding ALOT
ah dexter is so cute- sorry you had a hard time with your in-laws at least its over now :)

chaos - thats so cute, cant wait til i can cuddle my lil man.

well prob wont be on here again til ive had him now as im in at 7.45 tomorrow morning. so good luck to everyone else and will be back on next week to catch up! :) xx
My little man :cloud9::cloud9:


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XTaylorsMummy ~ Big Hugs... Your MIL is really taking the job of being a dragon to the limits... If it fits better into your life to feed Dexter every 3 hours and that's what you want to do, flick the v's at her and do it your way anyway... There is no wrong or right way with children just our own way; each and everyone of us will do something different... I think you're probably still very emotional, you're allowed to be! You've just had a baby!!! How to feed Dexter won't be the only dispute you and MIL will have, I'm sure that there will be many more; just stick to your guns... Your children are your's she's raised her's already, now it's time for you to raise yours, your way... Good Luck! 18 yrs + is a bloody long time... LOL... I hope you heal soon, try to take some time to rest, I know with Taylor & Dexter that you time is gonna be rare... But try to relax, you'll heal faster then... Hope next week is a good one for you xxxx

H702 ~ Good Luck Girl! Hope all goes well...

Tea was absolutely scrummy! 1st time since falling pregnant my Yorkshire puds actually worked!?! I had OH have a look at my scales yesterday... Found 1 of the springs had come off it's perch! So simple, wierd how everything else I've been cooking & baking has worked, just my yorkshire puds that haven't!
Hey ladies!

Hope everyone has been having a good weekend!

40 weeks today!!!

Argh, just means that I'm definitely gonna be overdue... Just ate half a pineapple in the hopes that fruit is more successful than my sweep was :wacko:

h702- hope the induction goes well tomorrow (I'm jealous! lol)

eswift- I was thinking about what to do at Halloween too- we just moved into this neighbourhood about 6 mths ago, so we haven't experienced Halloween here but I'm hoping that since most of the kids are a bit older, it'll be quiet. I think if the doorbell gets to be too much, I'll have my OH sit in a lawnchair out front waiting for the kiddies. Maybe with a bit of luck, the baby will already be awake, feeding or something.

Taylorsmummy- precious pics of Dexter :) The one with your daughter from your first post is especially cute! Hope you are healing okay from the tear- sounds like you've had a rough weekend.

lindak- good to hear all is well but I guess it would have been nice to have the baby a little early too! I was really hoping our baby would pop out at 37 weeks too!

Aimee-lou- sounds like you got some good bargains today. I'm going to try to get the OH to figure out how to attach the car seat this afternoon too- should be interesting to watch since he gets frustrated easily. that's good that your son is getting excited for the baby. I hope the adjustment goes well for the family.

jlo- thanks for the update- I love hearing about all these babies arriving (wish mine would get the hint and start movin' out!!!)

Anababe- hope you are feeling better

Chaos- sounds like mummyhood is treating you well :)

Anyway, lunchtime here and I'm starved! Hope there are some more new arrivals soon! :hugs: to those that need them!
Hi there. Literally posting and running! Just wanted to let you know that early bumpkin Thomas (Thom) Laurence arrived at 14:16 yesterday 03 Oct. Natural waterbirth/pool delivery in hospital with no drugs bar x2 paracetomol! Came home today and totally in love with him!!! Will add birth story in due course.

Photo 1 - 40 mins old and photo 2 just now :)

Will catch up on bumpkin news this week!



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Taylorsmummy - Dextor is adorabe xx

ewift- glad you enjoyed you puddings just waiting on oh to finish making our dinner..... im starving.

H702 - good luckx

Neon - Congrats looking forward to your birth story

Kaites - congrats on 40 wks and hopefully your lo arrives tonight xx
h702 ~ good luck tomorow :flower:

Neon ~ Congrat's!

Kaites ~ Happy 40 weeks, hope your LO decides to show up soon.

Right all, off to bed, hurray!
:happydance:JO HAS DELIVERED BABY SAM:happydance:

I am happy to say that Jo delivered Sam at 5.01pm, no weight details as yet, mum and baby both well, although she is knackered!!
Congratulations neon & Jo79!!!! :)
that makes it 15 girls & 14 bys now by my count. :)
Good to hear about all the successful births!!

Is anyone else getting impatient like we are? As much as we really could do without bubs arriving before next week, I think I've had enough of the size of me and hubby is getting impatient to get bubs here and me back to normal!! On the other hand it's all getting a bit real think we could have just got a puupy!!! :winkwink:

still really pleased with our purchases today. We've assembled all of the moses basket stuff and the covers are on the airer to dry......should have it all set up soon! again, a moses basket in the front room kind of wakes you up a little!! Getting very excited now!! :happydance::thumbup:
well, I've had an eventful day. Had my nephew this weekend, which was fine, but had to get up at 6am today coz me & my OH took him snorkling in the pool where he works today (private session for free, LOL) and had a brilliant time. He even managed to swim without armbands or anything for a whole 3m before he 'sanked' as he called it, lol. He was terrified but at the same time, thrilled to bits bless him. We have an underwater camera, so my OH managed to get some adorable pics & a il video of him swimming with his fins & snorkle on, massive grinning smile etc. Made my day. :)

Went to my sister's afterwards, wyhere I started getting really painful BH, but nothing regular or unbearable. Went to bed & managed to get an hours sleep at hers & felt better afterwards- since then, LO has decided to take up residence in my rib cage agan. (thanks, haha) Defo not in labour, as I feel fine now again.

Got home at 6:30, to find the quad where we live, closed off, surrouded by police & fire engines!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH says, 'please tell me we pay house insurance each month?' I was like, 'yeah... please dont let that be ours....'

Turns out my OH knew a couple of the fireman- one of the 4 flats where we live, in our nice lil suburban, pedestrain only, stupidly quiet, crime free area, had caught fire & is being treated as suspected arson!!!!! He had some words with them & due to me being pregnant, they put in these giant fans to get rid of the smoke & after about an hour, let me & my OH back into our flat, but kept everyone else outside waiting... Then the police came to take statements from each of us who live here as they think the previous owner may have set fire to it to pee off his ex girlfriend.
MY OH is now saying, right, I need to book an appointment with my mother to get my inheritance so we can buy a house of our own out of this area. I am not having my son grow up round here, that's for sure!!!!! (he's allowed it once he turns 25 at the end of this month, but his mum has previously said she wont sign it over until he's 30 or can proove he's responsible enough! silly woman)
So, all go here...... maybe the stress will put me into labour if I'm lucky, hahahaha!

Hope everyone else is having better sundays. :)
Afternoon ladies!

Hope your all well. Im not feeling very good today, a lot of pains and been sick a few times :( So ill catch up properly later :)

38 weeks today though!!! :happydance::yipee:



Pains in your belly? Throwing up is a sign of labour .. I was throwing up all over the shop once the pains got bad lol. OoooOOo Fingers crossed for you, lady :)

Yeah very low down in my bump, was getting contractions every 15mins since last night but seem to have stopped today :shrug: i feel a little better and not a sick now. Had a nice bath and although still getting period type pains they are no where near as bad as in the night. No idea whats going on but im not expecting anything anytime soon, knowing my luck he'll still go over! :dohh:

Kaites - Happy 40weeks, hope something happens soon for you!

Neon and Jo - :happydance: congrats, look forward to hearing birth stories and seeing pics. Neon your little man is gorgeous!

Aimee - Im so impatient now! I just want to meet him, although not quite ready to set up the moses basket.. think that makes it a little too real and scary :rofl:

H702 - Good luck tomorrow hun :hugs:

Im so tired tonight, think im going to go bed early and hope i get some sleep, although the braxton hicks are so uncomfortable now and so often ill probably be up all night again :( aah well only 2 weeks to go :happydance:

Big :hugs: to everyone :)


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