Official October Team Bumpkins

Wahooo more babies :happydance: Congrats Jo and Neon on your boys!!

Taylorsmummy- I agree with Eswift, flick the V's up at anyone who trys to tell you how to look after YOUR son, he's your little man,not theirs! He is so gorgeous!! And where is that sleepsuit from..the one in the pics, blue and green,has cars all over it? I love it!! xx

Sounds promising Anababe! Labour vibes to you and all who want them! xxx
wow they are gorgeous pics of dexter james taylorsmummy. chaos - autumn sounds absolutely adorable! congrats also neon on handsome thom and to jo79 too!

lindak - hopefully you won't have too long to wait!

h702 - good luck with your induction tomorrow morning!!

eswift - thanks for message for maffie - i've let her know that you are thinking of her. maffie is still stuck in hospital tonight! She says the injections are helping a bit but her little one has now turned back to back. She's also having mild contractions but nothing much that she can feel so she doesn't think she's getting into proper labour.
Evening all just popping on from my hospital bed. Sam was born 4th oct at 17.01, 8lb 1oz, 56 cm long. Been in here since friday and barely slept at all so am bloody shattered, infact i was almost asleep when he came out! He's beautiful and can't stop looking at him! Going home tomorrow so will try post pics. Massive thanks to jlo for keeping me sane this weekend, dunno what i'd've done without you! You so deserve your lo to come out very soon x
Morning Ladies...

I hope you're all well and have had a good nights sleep...

I didn't manage all I wanted yesterday, LOL... I was shattered after carboot, ironing and doing lunch. Needless to say I'll be playing catch up today.

Got OH to take down the shower curtain, just gonna wash that today (need on for homebirth kit...) SO brought a new one for bathroom... Funny how a new curtain has changed how the bathroom looks...

OH is zzzing well upstairs, DS is getting ready for school, I can't get over how dark it is now on a morning. Even put the heating on just to take the chill off on a morning... I hate getting out of my pit when it's cold...

OH has put my concerns about Halloween to rest, he's at home this year! That's truely a 1st... He's gonna do the door... LOL.. DS is wanting to go with his mates this year trick or treating... Where as normally he dresses up and gives the sweets out... I've never been one for knocking on doors, I tend to keep myself to myself so don't really know too many peeps on the estate...

DS had a run in with one of the neighbours kids yesterday, I sent him out to play as he was dancing around the livingroom, nearly fell into moses basket and then the tv... LOL... So out I sent him... He was back in tears after 10 mins... One lad had been after him with a big stick, wanting his money (didn't have any on him, not likely too at 10 either) DS told him I've not got any, so the lad called him (DS's words a female dog, so he called him it back) then one of the other lads threw a metal bottle cap at DS and it caught his eye. He was devistated... He was upset as he'd swore at the lad... I tried to go see the boys parents, bloody typical; they were out! It's not that I'm bothered that DS has had the running with the lads, they're are 10 and the stick, intimidation and aggression over something so stupid... I'd want to know if it was the other way around, I'd be mortified if DS was to do that! How many 10 year old have money when they go out to play? Or am I being nieve?

Poor DS ended up on the house, in the bath really early as he didn't want to go back out and was so upset, he just wanted to sit in his room reading his beanos... I felt really quiet sorry for him, it was me who sent him to play; if I hadn't the kids wouldn't have intimidated him. OH didn't really help, his answer was, he should have just hit them... I know DS has some muscle (as he swims all the time), but I'm more of the mind that a big enough stick is intimdating no matter the size of the kid holding it... Oh well, boyes will be boyes... OH was a bit more concerned when he saw the kids and their sticks for himself as they ran up the street 10 mins after DS had calmed... I got the you need to speak to the mother when you see her, or I'll be having words with the Dad when I see him... They're now't but bullies! Talk about a change of mind... Men! They're so confusing....

Anyway best go listen to DS read... Hope you all are well & have a lovely productive day xxxx
Taylorsmummy - Dexter is gorgeous

Jo - congratulations, you must be excited about coming home, hopefully you can get more rest once you're back

Well, I'm 38 weeks today!!!!! Which means this baby is coming out this week, can't wait, by the weekend I should be a mummy! I've got a few bits to get sorted today and I want to have a good clean up so everything is nice for when we come home.

For some reason I have a scan tomorro before I go in on Wednesday, I thiink my consultant might have forgotten that she ordered it when she gave me my induction date, but it will be nice to see LO one more time before I meet him and to check on his kidney before he comes out as it was swollen on the last scan.

Well, better get some breakfast. Hope everyone had a good weekend

Eswift - Aww bless your DS. Id be so upset if my child was to bully another child like that.. its terrible. Glad hes ok though :)

Dom - Happy 38 weeks. Good luck at scan tomorrow :hugs:

Morning girls

Congrats to the newest bumpkin mummies... :hugs: and congrats to all milestones reached xx

Well girls i'm not getting my hopes up but this morning i have got shall we say an upset tummy! i am an everyother day kinda girl.. but not today! i have been twice so far and its not normal iykwim! I feel sicky too and it feels like little miss is really pushing down.. the question is will i make it to friday?! :lol: I had such a bad nights sleep so thats not helping emotionally..

I hope all of you have a good day xx Big hugs to you all xx
Morning all,

Florabean ~ what a nightmare! Not exactly what you need so close to LO arriving, lets hope your OH's Mum considers your OH to be responsible. From what you say about him it seems he is very much so! The scuba diving day for your nephew sounds like fun! I bet he had a great time!

Cloud9mummy ~ thanks for keeping us updated about Maffie, hope she is okay, she seems to be having a rough time :hugs: for her, hope things get sorted for her soon.

eswift ~ Poor DS. I think my 10 yr old nephew would have been just as upset, he sure doesn't carry money about with him either. It sounds like he did the right thing though but coming back in. I hope your DS gets to put it behind him soon. I hate kids who think they can bully others, especially when they have to resort to sticks and things!

dom85 ~ Congrat's on 38 weeks :happydance: I hope scan goes okay tomorrow too :flower: ~ :hugs:

Last week of work this week :wohoo:

My aches and pains have increased a little, LO seems to be wriggling as per so I am not too worried at the mo but my tummy / bump feels much tighter and I have a few achy / crampy type feelings. Nothing painful, just niggily iykwim.

Well, :coffee: and :munch: time I feel x
Morning girls, bumps & babies!!!

I have had a crap few days of no sleep and no wanting to go anywhere or do anything:nope:
DS2 went to party on Sat pm then was up at 11pm been sick, everywhere, after he was cleaned up he wanted to sleep in my bed, DH is on the sofa anyway due to his snoring!, so he came in with me but every half hour he kept crying out, so needless to say I didnt get a wink of sleep, was like a zombie yesterday, sent DH grocery shopping, just couldnt face going, so god knows if we actually have anything to make a meal, you know what they are like without a list:dohh:
Managed 2 hours sleep yest afternoon and then was bloody awake till 2.30am:growlmad: so today I am hanging, waiting in for the man to fit the hall carpet, hes already phoned and is running late, its raining so I cant dry my washing and all I wanna do is :sleep:

Sorry for the long ranting post girls and:hugs: to all x
Good morning ladies,

eswift - sorry to hear about DS! I don't get how people can ignore their children's behaviour and let them think it's acceptable to bully. :hugs: - it all sounds like Sienna is packing her bags and getting ready to make her appearance. :thumbup:

Hope we're all ok.....all these peeps with niggles, I think we may get a few more earlier than expected bumpkins!

I've had a fabulous night's sleep, I went to bed last night feeling like I'd got a cold coming (sniffly and tired with sinus pain)....all pretty much gone this morning. Woke up so comfy, and feeling really chilled! Hubby seems to think it's 'a sign' but then again everything is 'a sign' at the moment. He's very impatient bless him, especially now that he's only got 5 more shifts at work.

jobs for today - wash all bedding, blankets etc and stack them into relevant moses baskets. Do washing and washing up.....make a scrummy tea for me and hubby, and move all furniture out of spare room (got to swap the mattresses over as we don't want to ruin our own mattress, so going to use the spare one for a couple of weeks until after the birth!)

I love having my hubby here with me though....he's just making me a cuppa nad has brought me a bowl of coco-pops! :coffee: I'm so chilled out it's unbelieveable.....I get a bit teary yesterday (hormones :roll:) but I feel so much better today, and all these bits of period pains..........I don't know what to think! As long as we don't appear before Wednesday I'll be a happy girly!! (No money until then!!! :dohh: No food in the house for LO, and still need to get a couple of bits for them too!)

Have a good day ladies....I'll be checking in to see who's next. :hugs:
Morning ladies, - :hugs: hope your lo makes an appearance xx

eswift - :hugs: fory your ds

Ended up in hosp again last night .. went throug 3 pairs of underware yesterday they were soaking again so oh was like lets go in... Doc done an internal and scan and all seems fine !! im baffled and I know its not urine, but I just have to take their word for it. When I got home last night there was a little blood from where doc was poking around I think.

Other than that I am ok had a nice sleep last night, I seem to be becoming an expert with going to the toilet in the middle of the night now I keep my eyes closed and actually am still half asleep ! lol ....

Hope you all have a lovely day xxxxxxx
Blimey, I only switched PC on for five mins but have had to spend half an hour reading all the weekend's happenings. Congrats to all the new mums - I shall have to read through the list properly later to see who's had who.

We spent eight hours on both Sat and Sun at the last weekend of our NCT class. Very intensive, but loads of useful info. Met lots of nice people who are semi-local to us so hope to stay in touch.

Have got major energy spurt today and plan to get house finally looking finished. I think there will still be a few leftovers to do once the baby arrives, but so long as we get the final few big house jobs done then I will be happy. We've been renovating our cottage for almost two years now, so I am sooo looking forward to having it just right.

See y'all again soon xx
im feeling rough today. think i have an infection in my womb and tear =[ dexter seems to wake at 12ish for half an hour then go every 3hours lol. which isnt too bad, so tired today though and sore, not sure if i have piles aswell ?! i made the mistake of looking down there =[
I seem to be becoming an expert with going to the toilet in the middle of the night now I keep my eyes closed and actually am still half asleep ! lol ....

:thumbup: this is a good trick isn't it? Our bathroom has a noisy fan that comes on when you put the light on, so I have been peeing in the dark with my eyes shut for a while now so as not to wake hubby.

Hope your fluid levels are ok Lindak, I guess they must be if you have been checked out - mine are quite low at 5.8 so they are keeping an eye on that too.

Well, after the 'failed' ECV on Friday afternoon and much bruising and discomfort over the weekend, I now have no idea which way round my bumpkin is - I am not daring to hope that it might have turned and I might avoid a c-section, but it does feel a little different and I have had some movement on the right side, which I haven't really had before. There is a still a defiant bump to the top left of my belly button which I suspect is still head unless it sneakily swapped places with bottom while I was asleep. Little rascal.

Anyway, back to the hospital this afternoon so I will know more about baby's position and my fluid levels then.

Taylorsmummy, hope you feel better soon, and I hope having dexter there with you safe and sound is helping to take your mind off the discomfort...

hope everyone else has a good day today... :hugs:
Hello all...Haven't had chance to read through the posts yet - will do that in a second!

Just thought I would let you know, been to see my consultant today & baby is still breech :(, i've got to go back on Friday & they are going to attempt to turn the baby (& possibly be induced there and then if he turns successfully), if not I will have a C section booked when i'm 39 weeks, so around the 19th October....please please cross your fingers that baby will turn before Friday or that they turn him successfully!

Other than that, all is pretty good. My mums friend has just moved to Australia and has offered to rent her house out to us, only thing is we don't think we will be able to afford it, but my mum has said she can help out if we need her too, but we will have to pay her the money back at some something we're going to think of over the next few weeks! Won't move out till atleast 6/7 weeks after the birth anyway, would like to stay at home and have the help from my mum etc, especially if its going to end up c-section!

Right, off to read what you have all been upto now & see if there are anymore birth announcements! :D

Hopefully we will be able to tick another Oct baby of the list soon !

4 days overdue and having fairly regular contractions (defiantly not BH)

Not long now hopefully :)
Ended up in hosp again last night .. went throug 3 pairs of underware yesterday they were soaking again so oh was like lets go in... Doc done an internal and scan and all seems fine !! im baffled and I know its not urine, but I just have to take their word for it. When I got home last night there was a little blood from where doc was poking around I think.

A few days before I went in to labour, I had copious amounts of watery discharge, made me feel like I was wetting my self and I had to wear a pad. Keeping my fingers crossed for you lady :)

Sorry I aint been around much, I am reading all the developments, Its just hard to type any amount one handed. At the moment the hubby is feeding Autumn and I'm sitting with a pump hanging off my boob haha. I'm getting about 4oz out every 3 to 4 hours. Not bad cause she only eats about 2.5 oz a feeding at the moment so I have about 15oz in the fridge :)

She woke last night at 1230, 415 and just now at 730 for feeds thru out the night. Not bad at all, I'll take 3 hours sleep at a time.
Aimee-lou - thats some impressive bargains you got there! I've never been to a car boot in my life, maybe I should have a wonder to one some day!

Taylors mummy - Dexter is gorgeous!! Sorry to hear the inlaws have been being abit of a pain, and hope you feel better soon x

H702 - hope the induction is/has gone well!

Florabean - so sorry to hear about the fire, must of been very scary! Glad your all okay though and had a good day with your nephew :)

Congratulations to Jo & neon! What a cutie <3

Eswift - your poor little boy :( I don't like other children that think its okay to be a bully...hope hes feeling a little happier today

Dom85 - hope all goes well at the hospital today! & Kte - hope its not much longer for you both...the pains sound like they could be doing something! Kte, wow can't believe you are still at work...not long now!

Lindak - how frustrating! Hope it is your waters!

Lucilou - I know exactly how your feeling :( big hugs hun, hope both our LOs decide to turn soon!

Kala - Hope its not too long for you now!!

Sorry to anyone I have missed...hope your all okay *big hugs*


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