Official October Team Bumpkins

Thanks ladies for your hugs... Spoke to neighbour today, she was mortified, bless her. She was ok about it all... I did the I would want to know if DS was doing it.. I don't want to fall out with you over it as kid bicker anyway... SO seems as if all's well...

Not had a good day, should have stayed in bed... Blew the fuse box, had to get OH up to help me sort it as I'd lost all the electrics in the kitchen and utility and upstairs too... All because of the microwave! I'd put the steamer bits out of the dishwasher on top of it, slight drip of water outta handle gone into microwave top! I'd manage to get it down to 3 items, fridge, freezer or microwave but all the sockets were behind fridge and freezer... I couldn't move them... Then OH went back to bed, thought I'd hoover through... LOL caught the dogs coat in the hoover (it was hiding under a chair), I've burnt the belt out... Given it up as a bad job...

I hope everything goes well for those at dr's, consultants, mw & contracting... I'm at mw tomorrow... What fun?! I know I shouldn't still feel like that about seeing her, but she really does do my head in... Guess I should have requested a change long ago... But hey not too long now...

Right I'm off for lunch, gonna have cheese, tomatoes and mushrooms on toast... Yummy...

Chaos ~ It sounds like motherhood is really suiting you... Glad all's going so well xxxx
Lucilou & MeggieMoo ~ fingers and toes crossed that your LO's turn x :hugs:

Re work - Ha ha yes, I feel like I am pushing it just a little being here!

Good luck Special_kala!! :flower: :happydance:

Eswift ~ There is nothing worse than trying to do things and it all just going wrong anyway, at least you have tried. :flower: I hope if anything like that happens to my LO I have enough sence / tact to sort it how you did, like you say, kids bicker. I woulnd't want to fall out with the neighbours and have it all blown out of proportion. Re the vac - I did the very same with my cat yesterday, I though he was outside so when I stick the vac under the table he shot out poor thing, he was not amused bless him, thankfully I have been forgiven by him now!
:hugs: to everyone who's having crappy nights sleep at the mo, Im one of those too..last night was the worst yet, up to wee every 2 hours like clockwork..i don't know where it all comes from..had a big wee each time!! Usually Im not too bad at being able to nod off again afterwards but last night I just couldn't get back to sleep,then by the time I did-it was wee wee time again :dohh: Before I went to bed I took my panyliner off and put it on a table we have near the bedroom door as hubby had emptied the bin downstairs and not brought it back up again. I picked it up to put in bin this morning and noticed a bit of blood on it but I can't be sure which end of me it might have come from (suffering with a pile) cos I don't know which way round it was when I took it off IYSWIM?
Im so uncomfy right now, really achey and sicky, don't think Ive done myself any favours by laying on a beauticians table for 2.5hours this morning having semi permanent eyelashes applied, I was shuffling around all over as I couldn't get comfy. Being aware I shouldn't be flat on my back I kind of laid on my side with my head and shoulders twisted to the front but I had to keep rolling over changing what side I was laying on all the time as I was aching so much! I dunno if it was cos I was so uncomfy but I was getting regular tightenings too, in my back and round my bump. Then when I was done and could get up,it took me ages cos my spd decided to flare up and I went all woozy! Still feel abit wierd,like spaced out,but Im being pummelled to a pulp right now so all is well with bubbs! :thumbup:
Lucilou & Lindak: My en suite has one of those noisy fans too & I have mastered the art of peeing eyes close in the dark too, lol. OH thinks it's hilarious & asked, why not walki to the end of the hall & use the actual bathroom instead??? Surely that would be easier? I told him that when he's a pregnant woman, THEN he can comment, hehe. :thumbup:

Kala, H702 & anyone else having contractions/being induced today: best of luck to you. With any luck you're beautiful babies will be here in no time, happy & safe in your arms. (and I will be even more jealous of you mums, lol)

ESwift: glad you bwere able tyo have a chat with that little boy's mum & sort things. I hope your son wont be too affected by it all. You're defo NOT niave- I dont know any 10yr olds who carry money on them when they go out to play. I was 11 before I was allowed to go to the shops on my own, and that was only if there was a group of us and only on saturdays, which was pocket money day... even then, you're talking enough to get a few penny sweets & a choccy bar, nothing major. :hugs:

Meggiemoo: hope they manage to turn the baby! Keep us updated hun.

Chaos: Autumn sounds lovely. How is she doing? From what you said, it sounds like she's feeding & sleeping well & that your OH is nicely involved in everything, which must be a blessing.

Taylorsmummy: go to the doctors & get checked out. You dont wanna get sick with infection when you've got your 2 LOs to look after. Better safe that sorry I say. I loved the pics of lil Dexter- he doesn't look like a big baby at all, btw. He's so cute & I love his little outfits. :)

Kte: Yeah, my OH's mum is a complete odd ball. Niether of us have any debts, never ask for money, never ask for/have needed any help, have always paid our own way with eevrything in life etc etc. OH's parents have a lot of money, so it would've been very easy for us to have begged & loaned & asked for money etc, especially with the baby on the way & stuff, but why ask if we dont need it??? She goes on about my OH not being in a secure enough job (he's had the same job for 4 years & is assistant manager for one of the south coast's largest diving & watersports retail shops & training centres), where he is treated very well indeed & which he loves) and not being responsible enough to cope with such a large amount of inheritance.... The will from his grandparents states that he can ONLY spend the money on a property, so it's not like the money can be squandered in any way, and with the economy being the way it is, we could buy a house together that would set us up for life as a family & beyond........ Finger's crossed hey?!!!

Wellk, after the drama of the fire last night, I am knackered! They kept these giant sized fan things on till midnight to make sure all the smoke was literally sucked out, & the police took quick statements from everyone in the area & in our building. Couldn't sleep properly coz I kept coughing (I still cant shift this cough, but the sore throat & cold have almost gone now, thank goodnees!)
Got woken uo thismorning by police again, asking questions about the guy that used to live in the flat that was on fire & what he was like etc... I only have 2 scenarios of him: 1 was when my sis was round & the guy was having a fight outside my front door, which we called the police on him for and the other was early hours one morning when he tried to throw his then girlfriend off the balcony!!!!! Which he got arrested for too... That was why he lost his tenancy in the first place. He is now the main suspect in the arson case!!!!! What an idiot.
Went back to bed, only to then get woken up again at 1pm by our landlord wanting to check each of the flats (luckily there's only the 4, lol) for any damages etc, which, amazingly, there isn't & everyone & everything is fine. The poor guy was so appologetic & was like, that's the last time I rent out to people on benefits! I just smiled at him.... Then pointed out that while we aren't on benefits or anything like that, I am pregnant & the leak in my kitchen which I reported on 14th august has still not been sorted, despite them sending out a surveyor, a carpenter & a plumber.... He said 'it was on the list.' Hmmmmmmmm. Maybe I should set fire to my flat then & get everything replaced?????? :)
Afternoon girls

I am still feeling like total and utter shite :( i feel so sicky.. i dont feel like its a bug though.. I am just grateful that i only have to put up with it for 4 days at the most..
All i wanna do is have a nap but i cant where i feel so nauseaus(sp?) My bump when i stand is super low so thats making walking a bit of a task now..

I am sure next week i will look back at this and laugh at how pathetic i sound!

I hope everyone is ok,... i will catch up on the posts asap.. just right now my brain wont take much info in.. :hugs: to you all x
hope you feel better real soon Leah & are able to get some rest... or.... that Sienna is actually on her way & everything you're feeling is a sign she's coming. Either way, a happy ending I suppose, iykwim?

Pootle has done an october overdue thread, for all of you who are now waiting for your lo's to get their butts out. :dohh:

Also, Laraa has had her little girl. (dont know name/weight yet, sorry)

Current count is 18 girls & 14 boys, although only a few of those have actualy been born IN october, lol, and 5 of them ar4e actually septembryos who have been very late. (I think there is something like another 6 or so ladies in the septembryos still to drop aswell, bless them.)
Wow you ladies have been busy posting this morning :) Big congrats to all the new mums! I'm still hanging in there, officially overdue now and no sign of baby anytime soon :( Had a horrible night's sleep and was hoping for a nice mid-morning nap until a huge truck rolled up to the house next door. Today would have to be the day the neighbours get their roof redone!

We got the base of the car seat installed and I'm realizing that our backseat isn't quite deep enough for the carrier handle to flip forward like it's supposed to (both of us are tall so the front seats have to be back quite far). Hope it's safe- all the infant seats were the same size and the actual seat does lock in the base fine.

Anyway, hope everyone is having a good day- :hugs: to those that need them! I'm off for another walk, followed by a snack of pineapple.... :)
What a pleasant surprise I had through my door when I got ack from MIL. Neighbours hubby collarded me, I sent DS round with a note as no one was in... It will not happen again, I'm so sorry love... Went in DS was on his laptop, made him check the letter box. There was a lovely note for him from the other boy... Sent DS to say thank you and to see if they could try to be friends from now on...

All very nicely delt with... I'm very happy, so DS he's out playing while the weather's nice... Managed to do 2 cottage pies, and a stew; just waiting for the pots to cook for the mash... Couldn't figure out why they weren't boiling? Helps if you actually light the ring under the pan! LOL OH was giggling at me when I realised what I done... Told you bad day!

Gonna go cook my bubble and squeak I'm famished... Have a lovely evening all...
hi all! well, good and bad news at the hospital today - wee one is fine, heart rate and movement and stuff, so that's good - still totally upside down though, and because of my low fluid levels and the fact that I am 39 weeks today, they aren't holding out much hope of a natural turn so..... I'm all booked in for a section on WEDNESDAY!!!! Oh my god!!!!

It's not quite how I hoped things would pan out, but hey, it means I get to meet my wee one safely and a few days sooner than expected!

other not so great news is that my usual hospital is all booked up so they are sending me to a totally different one. Need to go tomorrow to get booked in and have some tests and stuff, but they won't keep me in, I just go back on Wednesday morning. Hey ho. Hasn't quite sunk in yet.... until last Thursday afternoon I still felt like everything was fine and I had loads of time to go before my nice easy natural delivery....

Meggie Moo, there might still be time for you though, get on your hands and knees and crawl everywhere, girl! Hope the ECV goes ok for you and that you have a better and more successful experience than I did. It's really not pleasant but the good thing is they can pretty much tell straight away if it is going to work or not, and if not, they won't try too hard. Actually, strike that, I hope your baby turns on its own and you don't need an ECV at all, that would be even better!

Anyway, going to re-pack my hospital bag for a slightly longer stay, then try to get my head around the fact I have only 2 days left til I am a mummy... jeepers!!!!

hope everyone is doing ok today...
Wow Lucilou It's a shame about your hospital but I hope the one you are going to is just as nice at the very least. It must be scary yet exciting to know that your LO will be here is just two days time!! :hugs:

Eswift, such a nice refreshing outcome for your DS :D

Flora Fingers X'd for you!!!
Evening ladies, havent been on all day. So update on the wet panties situation !! so still soaking today and a ting of blood there aswell , I wonder is this just because the doc was poking around or is something going on ??
So big congrats to all the new mommies out there I missed over the weekend! You girls were busy while my internet connection was down!Love the pics Taylorsmummy and Neon!
Saw the Dr. today and had a US to check size. 8lbs 8oz as of their best guess right now, so this baby is cooked and ready! Not dilated:(
I am due Sun, and have next apt set for Monday. Dr. says if he hasn't showed up by then, he will schedule to induce that weekend(week from Fri) so at least I know how far I may have to go. Either way, he'll be here in 2 weeks! (I am ready whenever he is!)
His head is so far down right now that I can hardly walk. It kills. At least he knows which way is out, he just ain't getting there fast enough for me:rofl:
Hope all is well with you girls and I will keep an eye out to see who is going to be next!
Eswift - Sounds like everything worked out nicely :) Bless you not putting the cooker on.. thats definitely something i would do :dohh: :rofl: hehe

Lindak and DJgirl - Hope something happens for you both soon!

Lucilou - Sorry baby hasnt turned, but wow Wednesday! How exciting!! :happydance:

Not much going on here, had hardly any sleep last night so hoping for a better night tonight!

Hope everyone is ok :hugs:

Thanks Lucilou, really sorry your having to have a c-section, at least you know the end is in sight and your baby will be here Wednesday, how exciting! Looking forward to hearing your BA!

Eswift - Glad all got resolved with your DS! Mmm your dinner sounds gorgeous!

Lindak & Djgirl - Sounds like the end is in sight for both of you!

Anababe - Hope you get a nice kip tonight!

Well not much to report from fed up :( feeling very emotional and poor DP can't say/do anything right, I just want to be on my own sometimes and with us living at my parents, were both pretty much just sat in my room all the on the PC and him on the PS3, all I want to do is relax and watch tellie in bed!!!

Off to get the last bits for my labour bag tomorrow and find a coming home outfit for LO...who STILL has no name, anyone else still not chosen a name? We did have Noah but DP has gone off it...grrrr :(

Hope your all having a nice chilled out evening!
x x x
dammit. *scream* We have no gas for the next 24 hours, whihc means no heating, no hot water & no use of the hob. Had to have beans on toast for tea and wash up using water from the kettle. Gonna have to wash my hair tomorrow with kettle water too by the looks of it.
Apparently it's due to safety reasons due to the fire last night.
Would've been nice to have had a head's up from my bloody landlord though...
So frustrated- really wanted a bath, lol.
NFM3 had her little girl. :)
There are quite a few people in early labour too: Bana, Special_Kala, Jacks... And also a few who had inductions on 4th/5th and about 3 other's having inductions tomorrow.
Man, it's all go for the Bumpkins!!!!

Night Night everyone. Got a day of shopping, getting phone fixed & yelling at landlord to do tomorrow :thumbup:
Umm, so yeah. My waters broke half an hour ago.... At first I was like, did I just pee myself??? But then went to loo & all this clear stuff was coming out of me with little bits of snotty stuff in it, followed by some pink stuff. Everytime I cough, more comes out too. Had no idea how much water there actually was!!! I was thinking there'd be like a couple of mugs full, iykwim... Now feeling very naive. :doh:
Am now freaking excited as hell, like a happy kid at xmas, but at the same time shittin myself, lol.
Just phoned local midwife & am going in for a ruptured membrane check just to make sure.
Kinda handy if he does come today as OH has today off work, lol.
Will keep you as updated as I can; I have Pip Holder's and AndBabyMakes3 mobile numbers so I can text them if I can't get online.
Wish me luck peeps! (if this is a false alarm now & all I did was pee myself stupid, I will feel so stupid) :rofl:
Flora good luck sweetie.. If you want a back-up txt buddy PM me as i am home all day today xx Wont be long till your little man is in your arms :cloud9:

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