Official October Team Bumpkins

Florababe ~ how exciting! I do hope that it is the start...

Anababe ~ Hope you managed a few zzz's last night... I'm currently sleeping relatively well compared to the last few months... LOL Typical! Think I may have finally got use to disturbed sleep from trotting to and from the bathroom... LOL ~ Hope you're feeling much better today xxxx

MeggieMoo ~ I so feel for you at the mo, I found it very hard when we were all at my parents house earlier in the year. As there is very little space if you just want to curl up and feel sorry for yourself. I felt almost as if I was about 15 again, stuck in my bedroom watching tv in bed... LOL I'm sure it'll pass soon... At least at the mo, there's plenty of bod's about if you need any company...

djgirl ~ Coor not long now either way... Get drinking the raspberry tea, eating pineapple, bouncing on that ball, abusing OH and have a nice warm curry... LOL and if none of that helps at least you've had plenty of fluids, plenty of fresh fruit, worked them thigh and pelvis muscles and had a decent meal so you'll be ready for anything!

Well plan of action for today! hmm wanna see if I can hoover the airing cupboard out and repack it, I've no idea why I have the urge to do that?? But I do... Wanna make a chicken cassarole and toad in the hole (now that my yorkshire puds work...) My freezer's starting to look quite full and ready for OH it start taking over meals when LO arrives...

Have a lovely morning all, I'm not quite awake yet, and ranting at OH & DS already... Urgh....

Flora - wow how exciting! Good luck hun :hugs:

Eswift - You sound so organised! I havent made any meals, i dont like cooking as it is so cooking meals for in the future is definitely not going to happen in my house :rofl: Not really sure my nesting has kicked in yet either :dohh: it did for one day then i was too tired again :rofl:

Well i slept better last night, woke a few times but not with pain just to re position myself lol got a little niggly period type pain in my side but feeling ok this morning, oh apart from a really weird annoying pain in the top of my right thigh :shrug: oh well im not complaining.. just glad i got some sleep!

Not sure what im doing today, see how the weather is and how tired i am later lol

Oh was meant to ask other day, would anyone mind me having their mobile number for updates when im in Labour? I do have a txt buddy (HoneySunshine :kiss: ) but she is due around same time and could do with a back up if anyone wouldnt mind? :blush:

off to make breakfast now :)

Hope your all ok! xx
Anababe i'll be a back up if you like hun.. Obviously i aint about Friday & Saturday though lol.. If you need me just PM me your number x
Flora - How exciting !! Good luck ...

wow lots of bumpkins starting early !!

So still soaking wet no blood this morning though ...

hope you all have a lovely day xxxxxxx
Morning all,

Florabean ~ Best of luck!! :hugs:

Flora posted this in the other October babies thread:
will someone keep a track of any october babies born, just in case I can't get online etc while I'm in labour/at hospital? my waters broke early hours today & contraction are getting longer, more painful & closer together, so I'm gonna make the assumption that proper labour is imminent withihn the next 24 hrs, lol.
Thanks. xxxxxx

So if anyone sees / hears anything PM me and I will make her a list! I will be keeping my eye out but just in case I miss anyone. Flora was doing a super job of spotting all these arrivals!!

Today is officially due date:happydance: Come on:baby: come out now!!!

Off with DS2 for a play date this morning, figured I may aswell be doing something as sat at home waiting, need to go to shop to stock up on some magazines too!!!

Getting lots of low down pains, but that could be due to the curry I had last nite:blush:

Good luck Flora and anyone else that has things happening today:hugs:
Morning all, well Baby George has arrived, i had him on friday 2nd Oct at 03.45 am by emerg c section, very frightening, were all doing well and he weighed 6 pound 8 3/4, just at home now trying to take it easy, i will update more wants i feel up to it all xxxx
Hes fab, cant believe hes here!!!
Hope everyone is all ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Good Morning everyone....

Oooh how exciting for everyone who's in labour! I will be calling in all day to see what's going on. Hubby's cousin had a little girl yesterday (she was a full 13 days overdue bless her as she was due 4/5 weeks before me, and I'm 38 weeks tomorrow!

I have my 38 week MW appointment this afternoon. I had to re-arrange it as I can't drive any more and hubby couldn't make a morning app. MW was very good and slotted me in today so I don't have to wait too long - do they do an internal at this one? I'm really not looking forward as I've heard they can be a bit 'heavy handed' lol.

Baby is fine I think. I'm not feeling very well. Have the sniffles and feeling very acey 'down there'. :nope: Just uncomfortable though so I'm hoping it will ease off if I take a paracetamol for the cold. I have a few bits and pieces to do today....finish washing, do ironing (for the last time before November!! :thumbup:) and set up the changing stuff in the bathroom. I'm also hoping that the postie will bring us a cheque of some description today..........then we can go and buy paint and baby gates lol. Really cannot see this baby making an arrival this week, we seem very settled in there, if not a little squished!!:dohh:

Hope we're all ok ladies.

eswift - I know the feeling on the jobs...I just have to get this done now, I have a job or two every day to keep me occupied but I am gradually spreading the baby stuff out into the house at the same time.....and the dog hasn't tried to sleep in either moses basket either....BONUS!! :happydance:

jlo - congrats on the due my hubby would say, 'keep thinking labourous thoughts!' :thumbup:

Good luck to everyone!! :hugs:
Congrats Sam....and welcome to the world baby George

Try to get some rest! SOunds like you deserve it! :hugs:
Congrat's on baby George Sam76 :happydance: :flower:

aimee-lou ~ hope you feel better soon :hugs: I'm not sure if they do do an internal or not, I saw a thread a few months back saying not but then again I suppose it depends on where you are. Let us know, I have my 38 week appointment next week! Hope the appointment goes well x
Hope all our labour ladies are ok.....:hugs:

It's been a busy morning. I'm feeling a little better so have stopped for a cuppa and some toast! :thumbup:

Postie brought the cheque we were expecting - Yay! :happydance:

Washing is all on, and i'm feeling very productive. Going to take everything upstairs in a minute. Don't want to do too much without hubby being here as he wants to be as involved as possible but I thought that nappies and wipes weren't of great interest for him lol. (I have managed to stockpile 6 full size packets of wipes.....don't quite know how! lol) My changing mat is also on it's way from ebay so once the towels are washed, that's the bathroom side of things done.......btw what's everyone doing for soap etc? I've got some baby soap but I'm wondering whether or not to get some top-to-toe next time I'm out. Also need some baby lotion and hubby has suggested we do a set of stuff for downstairs more shopping! lol I've also moved the kitchen around a bit and made room in a cupboard for bottles and formula and everything's gradually spreading through the house like a rash! lol

Anyhoo.....toast! Hope everyone is ok....I'll update once I've been to the MW this afternoon. Fingers crossed that we're ok (apart from a cold I can't see why we wont be!)

Be on later!! :hugs:
Aaahh! I keep missing the excitement! Flora! Good luck-hope all is going well!
jllo-congrats on making your due I will be sending strong vibes willing LO to show up for you! Here's hoping it's very soon!
Congrats/good luck to anyone else I missed, too!
It is getting so darn busy in here I can't keep is soooo cool but it is just hectic!
:hugs: to everyone...we finally made it to our big month:D
Congratulations to all the new mums and good luck to those who should be mums soon!

Must admit I starting to get a bit restless now so god knows what I will be like when I hit ny due date on Sunday!

Just back from hairdressers which was lovely but now can't be bothered doing anything else!
Afternoon all, i've escaped on semi good behaviour. I have protein in urine and still unable to keep food down. They have said I have labile BP so im getting hypertension but I was so desperate for some home time. They agreed for me to have tonight at home and they are saving me my bed (I said they didnt have to!) Have to go back tomorrow, so not sure if i'll be staying back in or staying home :shrug:

If I develop more severe symptoms tonight I have to go straight back (i'm only a few minutes by taxi from there). Must say it's very strange being devoid of food. As long as fluids stay down baby is safe.
Good Afternoon All...

Anababe ~ Just take things easy... OH's limits in the kitchen is sausage and chips, burger and chips; and for as much as I enjoy chips occasionally I don't fancy them everyday for tea... So a Stew cooked and frozen, he just takes it out and puts it in the oven and well a couple of hours later and teas cooked and ready... same goes for cottage pie...

JLo ~ Tell your bump if it insists on staying there, you'll start changing rent very soon! Funny how fast the skip that was on the drive was moved when I threatened the company with charging them a holding fee... Wonder if it'll work as fast?? They came and took it away that afternoon... Surprise surprise...

LindaK ~ I've been very wet too since I had that trip to hospital after I thought my waters had gone, I know I'm not wetting myself! Lots of gloopy discharge and still very very wet, having to change towels 2/3 times a day. Spoke to mw today about it, as it's not very nice and rather concerning really... She said it's just my body getting ready to get baby out, lots of gloop and water stuff can be a sign of evrything relaxing to be able to let babe's head through... So take it as a good sign... Hopefully not too long now...

Aimee-Lou ~ I had my 38 week check today, no internal done... Thank goodness, measured my bump and weighed my as bumps measuring 35 weeks, but is massive! She then weighed me as it looks so big, thanks! Thought it was all fat... LOL I've now only put on .5kg LOL so all the bump is baby...

My next appointment is two weeks time... If babe doesn't show it's head before then, mw took a guess at babe today, she thinks it's a boy? Sommat to do with heart rate?!? It'll be interesting to see as we've no idea...

I hope that everything goes well for those of you in labour and due c section etc...
Maffie ~ hope you get to enjoy as long as possible at home :hugs: Its good to hear from you and sorry your having a rough time with it all :flower:

Wow I am super tired this afternoon, it's only half past two! :dohh: Everything tastes of salt too *bleugh!* :sick: Ah well, c'est la vie. I was so on top of work jobs yesterday I thought it would be fine if LO decided to show up early but today so many random things have fallen on my desk, typcial lol!

:hugs: for all x
Congrats to Sam on baby George!!

Maffie- sorry your'e going through a tough time of it :hugs:

Jlo- hang on in there,your nearly there!!

Linda- wet pants is definatley a sign of things starting!! :thumbup:

Ive got more thick snot like discharge today on my p.liner, which Im still unsure as to if it's bits of plug coming away or just thick discharge :wacko: Im thinking must be plug cos I thought, and Ive read,that as you get closer to due date,discharge goes whiter and runnier,not greeny brown and snot consistency?! Had loads of braxton hicks yesterday,most were very uncomfortable but not breath taking. Full term tommorow at last :happydance: serving my womb eviction notice tommorow to get my squatter out!!!
Congrats to Sam on baby George!!

Ive got more thick snot like discharge today on my p.liner, which Im still unsure as to if it's bits of plug coming away or just thick discharge :wacko: Im thinking must be plug cos I thought, and Ive read,that as you get closer to due date,discharge goes whiter and runnier,not greeny brown and snot consistency?! Had loads of braxton hicks yesterday,most were very uncomfortable but not breath taking. Full term tommorow at last :happydance: serving my womb eviction notice tommorow to get my squatter out!!!

I'm not sure :shrug: but if that is the case but I hope so as I have mostly this (sorry, TMI I know :blush:)

Lets hope he listens to his eviction notice!
Anybody know whether feeling quite nauseous is A Sign?

Big congrats to Sam76:) And congrats to any other new mums who I've not noticed in my daily trawl through the messages. xx
Colsy ~ There seem to be so many signs, it's confusing... I've noticed things I could keep down, I can't anymore! Mega peeved... All my food has to be so bland it's all potatoes and veg! Tonight I had peas, sweetcorn and boiled potatoes... Couldn't face the chicken cassarole... OH and DS demolished it, so none wasted... Can't has tasted bad!

Maffie ~ I hope the sickness stays away whilst you're at home, hopefully; you'll be able to relax and take some much needed nutrition in... I hope that thing gets easier soon... You really have had a rough ride...

Kte ~ I hope that the salt thing passes, I had one day where I was sure everything tasted like playdough! That was really urgh! Didn't want to eat anything... Hard when your tummy demands food at 3 hourly intervals!

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