Official October Team Bumpkins

maffie - glad to see you out of hospitsl!

lucilou - wow can't believe your section is tomorrow!!

wow florabean - really exciting with contractions!!!

congrats sam76 on the arrival of george

i had a midwife appointment yesterday. i've changed midwives now and this one is closer and she is really nice and does the relaxation class that i go to. i apologised for changing to her so last minute and she said she would rather that she was giving me my care so that was nice of her. at the last appointment my blood pressure was 90/60 which was my lowest ever and i thought mus be due to finishing work. at that appointment i was stressed cos had been waiting for nearly 2 hours to see consultant and to have internal examination i wasn't looking forward to lol but blood pressure was still low. at appointment yesterday i was feeling calm but my blood pressure had shot up to 140/98! the midwife took the reading 3 times then said i had to go straight to hospital to be monitored and for kai to be monitored too. she said it could be pre-eclampsia and if my blood pressure stayed that high then he would have to be delivered straight away! at the hospital my blood pressure had come right back down so don't know why it had gone so high! After 3 hours monitoring they let me come home so still more waiting to do...
Afternoon girls!

Congrats to everyone giving birth and those reaching milestones :thumbup:

I went for my presentation scan on Friday, and atlast shes finally head down, couldn't quite believe it, but I sighed a deep sigh of relief lol. MW came round this afternoon to talk about the birth plan and what happens when I go into labour, god it makes it seem so real! Kinda freaked me out a bit, but theres no going back now, was saying to the MW that Kacie is just gonna magically appear, if only that was the way :dohh: She thinks there is no need to ring my hospital until my contractions are 5 mins apart, but the hospital is like 45 mins drive away, I can imagine giving birth in a lay-by! Have to wait and see what happens when the time comes!
expecting09 ~ The distance from our hospital was my concern, hehehe DS labour was 36 mins... So I've gone and got sorted for a homebirth; didn't really sort anything out until 36 week mark, they dropped a homebirthing kit off at 37 weeks and now it's just a case of calling labour unit when the little darling decides it's time to come! Might be worth a think about... You can have the same medication as in a midwife led unit, but even then if things god forbid do go down hill, it's a blue light trip anyway; which from our local hospital here to the other maternity unit is another 45 mins down the road... Same from my house as the local hospital... hence the homebirth... Get's rid of the possible road side delivery anxiety I had LOL
Hey Girlies!!

Congrats To All New Mums.. Cant Wait To Read Birth Stories And See Pics Of New Arrivals!!

Also Congrats To All Reaching Milestones Today Or Soon :)

I Have A Question To Ask All You Wonderful People,

I'm Finding Out Tomorrow What Day I'm Getting Induced... Buuut.... I Don't Know What Happens When You Get Induced?
Sooo... Im Wondering If Any Of You Have Been Induced Before If You Can Give Me An Inkling As To What Happens Puuurdy Please :)

Evening ladies!

Hope we're all ok.

good luck tomorrow lucilou! Hope the section goes without a hitch! :flower:

MW was all good and internal thank goodness!! Next appointment in 2 weeks but hoping that we wont have to go! :blush:

Just as expected the MW has said that we have a very 'solid' baby......hmmm could be a big'n! lol Hubby and I have spent the afternoon sorting baby stuff agian so we're ready now! :happydance: Even sorted all the clothes and stuff......had a tough time seperating coloured/whites/darks etc as there is always one awkward thing with a bright colour AND White! :dohh:

Had a lovely tea and hubby made a swiss roll.....scrummy but we've managed to eat the whole thing in virtually one sitting! :blush: Baby likes it too....keep getting kicked (might be the sugar or maybe he's a cake fiend! lol)

Have a good evening ladies. I'm of to pop the last lot of baby clothes into the washer.....can't wait to get it all put away tomorrow! :happydance: I've also mixed up the sizes for an extra challenging folding session! :dohh:

Have a good night......hope to hear some more baby stories tomorrow! :hugs:
:happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

:cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9:

As most of you will have seen on her thread earlier- her waters broke at 02.35am and she bounced her way to 09.00am before going to hospital, she managed with only gas and air until 4pm ( star or what!!!) then has had an epidural put in which seems to have done the trick.

Heard from her about half an hour ago and she's now fully dilated! :happydance:

Looks like the little dude wants to arrive 3 whole days early.

Lets keep everything crossed she progresses quickly from here, will let you know as soon as I do, how exciting! :hugs: :kiss: :hugs: :kiss: :hugs::kiss:
Awww how exciting :yipee: Cant wait to see pics of LO :happydance:

lucilou - wow can't believe your section is tomorrow!!

I know - me neither! haven't quite got my head around it yet - it's all come around pretty suddenly! Hubby keeps asking me what I want to do tonight - do I want to do something to take my mind off things? I don't know what I want to do I'm in a bit of a daze, to be honest! I don't want to go to bed too early as then I'll wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to sleep... really not sure what to do for the best! :shrug:

think I'll go for a nice relaxing bath... maybe that will help settle my nerves!
Hey Girlies!!

Congrats To All New Mums.. Cant Wait To Read Birth Stories And See Pics Of New Arrivals!!

Also Congrats To All Reaching Milestones Today Or Soon :)

I Have A Question To Ask All You Wonderful People,

I'm Finding Out Tomorrow What Day I'm Getting Induced... Buuut.... I Don't Know What Happens When You Get Induced?
Sooo... Im Wondering If Any Of You Have Been Induced Before If You Can Give Me An Inkling As To What Happens Puuurdy Please :)


Well being stuck on a ward there were quite a few ladies who came in to be induced so I got to see some of the process.

On the ward I was on most had a gel put in and this was left 6 hours before they were rechecked. They were left on the antenatal ward until started t dilate past 4cm or had good strong contractions. Some had a second gel put in. Of these women most took 1-2 days to vanish down to delivery suite.

I think if they break your waters and put you on the drip its much faster.
Lucilou ~ Good Luck catching some zzz's tonight... Hope all goes well tomorrow xxxx

Well after a busy day, I managed to acheive everything I wanted to do today, catch up with yesterdays jobs, nagged OH enough that he called one of the large cold transporter companies this morning (after he'd been messed around by the agency yet again ...) Anyway they told him to fill in an application form, call back in an hour; which I made him do, he called back an hour later and got an interview there and then... He went for the interview and starts Monday!?!? I'm so proud of him... He called the agency to inform them that he has been offered a permanent job, would like to hand his notice and use the leave that he has saved for the birth...

I thought he'd been very truthful. They then told him that he can't have his leave as they need at least weeks notice! They told him that he could use the leave short notice for the babe arrival over a month ago? I guess they were lying! I'm absolutely bouncing... Maybe it's hormones or not! I just can't believe that he's just letting them take the micky out of him so much... So what does happen now if babe decides to come some time this week?

Anyway, I guess after this week he's not there anymore... And has a permenant job to go to... He will be on days instead of nights and will be at home each and every night... Woo Hoo... I can have some help come evening time... I should be grateful...

Maybe I'll calm down eventually... I'm surprised I not tired today as I've not stopped, guess being in a rage is good to keeping busy and active... LOL... I am proud of OH and chuffed that he's got a new job, just really hacked that the agency have just taken him for a fool... He's nobody fool (well maybe mine??) Wish we were as financially stable as we were this time last year, I'd have told them to stick it! But after this year he needs to be paid, every week... Sugar, I've just thought does he now get monthly wages? oh my we could be absolutely brassic this month!?!?!?! B*ll*cks...... Argh, now I'm off for a bath... I'm not sure I can think about that now and deal with it...
Hey, well done Mr eswift:happydance:
Bet that is a huge weight off your mind now. I remember when this all kicked off, many moons ago, and all the hassle you had with the house, look how far you have all come and your still sane:winkwink:
Eswift if he's paid monthly they'll probably pay at end of month so if he does a part month at least he will receive some money. It is hard changing onto monthly from weekly. When I went from temp to perm in a n old job I knew it was happening so tried to squirrel a little away each week when I found out I might be going to monthlies.
Aargh - have had no internet for two hours and have needed to tell you.......................................................................................................

:happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

Both are doing fine -link to details is in 3rd tri

Massive congratulations to the new mummy and daddy

Kte, can you update other thread for us please chick xx
Pip - thanks for the update on Florabean! :happydance::flower:

eswift - well done to OH for getting the job sorted. Shame that the agency are messing him around but overall, you can rest a little easier now!

Good Luck Lucilou :thumbup:

Hugs to everyone!!

Good morning everyone! I got up with hubby this morning as we both had a really disturbed night's sleep! I truly thought that I would be posting that I was in labour this morning. Went to bed about 10ish, had a quick bath and went to bed to watch a DVD. I went to sit up to drink my squash (only thing that doesn't cause me to have major heartburn lol) and I got huge stabbing pains low down and the bottom of my bump went really soft. I was getting irregular contractions much so that hubby had the stopwatch out and was getting ready to call his boss (at 1am! :dohh:) to tell him he wouldn't be in. I said that we needed to get some sleep so I took 2 paracetamol and got the hot wheaty bag out and set the alarm for 4am (just in case).....when the alarm went off everything had eased off. I think it was baby dropping into my pelvis further....for the least 3 appointments I've been 3/5 engaged, and yesterday I was the same, but bump is one heck of a lot lower today!

Hubby says it's the fates messing with us as today is about the only day I would NOT want baby to be born. (a lot of issues with my parents and it's their wedding anniversary so I wouldn't want baby to 'share' this). Still, if we get hubby home this afternoon, I will be a lot happier. He seems to think we may have a similar drill tonight as he was born on the equivilant of tomorrow and he really wants that to happen lol.

Jobs for today though, seeing as I'm up lol. Finish off the washing (It's pretty much all done but a couple of things need to go into the dryer later to finish off so we can fold it all and sort it all out! The bathroom looks like a baby laundry though! lol Finish off cleaning up the kitchen (mop floors etc) and whip the vacuum and duster around! We are then pretty much done. Oh and I need to wash all of the cuddly toys - have quite a few lol! :happydance:

Right, I'm off to get some brekkie! Can't believe it's 6.30am :dohh: (I should be lying in! lol)
Morning girls

39 weeks today :D

Congrats to all the new mummies & those hitting milestones :)

I have my pre-op today and bloods ready for my c-section Friday, its all very very real now as i will be booking my bed :) It looks like Sienna is gonna hold on till Friday rather than make an early appearance.. but hey she is a girl and what girl doesnt want a grand entrance with a spot light and an audience! :lol:

I hope everyone is ok... :hugs: to you all xx
Congrats on 39 weeks! Good luck with the pre-op today!

I forgot to add I'm 38 weeks today! (rather annoyingly the stabbing pains seem to be coming back :growlmad: hubby is getting a bit jittery as I was on the phone to him and let out a wail lol!) I'm sure we're ok though....going to make some toast and take a paracetamol!

Happy 38 weeks Aimee, hope the pains stop soon, ive been having same kind of thing this last week or 2 so think its all normal :) happy 39 weeks! Not long now :happydance: Good luck today :kiss:

Florabean - Congrats hun! Cant wait to see pictures :happydance::happydance:

Good luck today lucilou hope everything goes ok :hugs:

Im feeling ok again this morning, DS woke up at 5:20am but he lay in bed with me playing with his car til half 7 while i slept on and off hehe bless him, he's so sweet :cloud9:

Ive been staying at my dads for few days but think its time i went home today, got midwife coming tomorrow and its DS's birthday sat :) Not going to be doing much for it this year though as im bit wary of going to far from home at min :dohh:

Hope your all ok and have a lovely day :) xx
Morning All...

I slept aventually and slept well... Woke at 3am, called to see how OH was doing, he was on his way to Scotland, I was brave and asked about the wages... He's gonna be weekly still, but the hourly rate is higher and the hours too... But days rather than nights and over time every other weekend (only on a saturday)... At least we should be relatively sorted... Hopefully kinda stable by christmas...

Had the conversation with MIL the other day about christmas presents for the nephews and neices.. She had abit of a face on when I first mentioned it, as I've said before we just haven't got the money we normally would have (our income this year has dropped by more than £24,000 this year to less than £17000, so no wonder we're struggling)

I'm of the opinion that as I've had to have the conversation with DS about not having much money to buy presents to send to santa, I can't understand why I can't tell the families we normally buy the issues we're having this year... It's not as though they're close the rest of the year, if they were they'd not need to write list to tell each other what they want... It works out bloody expensive as they buy for all the kids and the adults, silly if you ask me as they're just damn greedy... LOL

Always been my bug bare, as I'm of the opinion that Christmas is for kids not adults... My family don't buy for the kids once they get to about 18, and when they go on to have kids you buy for them instead... Kinda of keeps the costs in quite realistic proportions... We do a token gesture thing for mum's, dads, and grandparents; you know like a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates... Otherwise it gets rather silly as my family are very close, all live very locally and my nanna is one of 9 kids so it would work out far too expensive for her if we didn't set limits...

My sister did call to ask if I wanted to give her some money towards a DS(i) for DS, I laughed and said I don't think so; as DS wouldn't understand the cost of an item after me having the chat on money etc so not many presents; but he'd be will peeved if all he got from the entire family was one very small box regardless on it's cost... He is only 10! I did say that I'm not sure if he's quite old enough in my eyes for a DS(i), as he's still very happy with his game boy; she's ordered the DS(i) anyway, so I guess I best start scouting ebay/ for some games for DS and PS2 (stocking fillers)...

Anyway, enough of my thoughts and concerns... Hope you all have a lovely day and babe that are due, arrive etc... Good Luck for all those due inductions and c-sections... I so look forward to heaing how you all do...
Morning all,

Yipee for Flora! :happydance:

Eswift ~ great news for your OH (and you obviously!) for the new job and the day shift. Shame about the leave though, I think I recall you mentioning he could leave at short notice on ‘B-day’ (my OH has a similar agreement with his work). I hope that things will work themselves out for you x We have the same idea for Christmas, we have started buying a few bits for my nephews (one is 7 and the other will be 11 by Christmas, that's a point, he needs a birthday present first!) We get token gifts for our parents and my sister & BIL and a little something for eachother and that is it. We can't afford to go mad either. I am quite lucky in that, although I have a large extended family, we usually just send cards to each other.
~ congrats on 39 weeks & hope the pre-op goes well today.

Aimee.lou ~ Happy 38 weeks :hugs: for the strange pains, hope they ease off for you.

Lucilou ~ I know she may not read this now (but) thinking of you, good luck today :flower:

OH has decided he wants to bribe LO to come out now! :wacko: At first he be me a whole 10p that LO wouldn't arrive on their due date. Then he said to LO ' actually I will give you £10 for your bank account if you come out on your due date and if you come out early you will get an extra £1 a day (so if LO comes 2 days early they get £12 lol) :haha:

I had what I think was a leg sticking right out of my side last night, OH was messing about on his phone and I grabbed his hand to touch it, it really freaked him out!

Ok I am off on the hunt for any more new arrivals!
Morning All!!

Congratulations to Flora!!!

This baby better come out soon or Ill be super super fat! :rofl: I cant stop eating!! Im on 3rd BIG bowl of coco shreddies already today!

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