Official October Team Bumpkins

congrats to all the new babies & mummies!

Im feeling very emotional lately,feel like iv fell in love with OH all over again :cloud9: , no idea why i feel like this :haha: . But hes been amazing, helping me so much, i havent had to move off sofa :blush:. I really wish he would hurry up and propose, its not fair :cry: even my mum asked him when hes going to make an honest women of me lol. I think he feels all loved up again aswell, yesterday was such a rubbish day and he lost his temper and was just fed up and he kept saying sorry which he never does :nope: .

anyway how are we all? were all off for a chinese tonight lol im starving! Iv noticed if i do to much, im major paying for it the next day :cry: but done nothing today should be okay!

Im really really hoping dexter doesnt grow up too quickly, im hating it every day goes by hes getting older! where as with my daughter i was wishing the time away :shrug: ,he put 4oz in 5days! im abit worried im over feeding him :shrug: he has 3ish oz every 2-3hours ?
please can i be updated on the births
2nd oct 09 - 02.45AM weight 6 pound 8 oz 3/4 - GEORGE JAMES

Congrats Neon and Jo:happydance:

Taylorsmummy: Dexter is gorgeous! You must be sooooo proud:hugs:

Hope everyone had a fab weekend :) !
I should really stop posting before i read All of the goss if i've been gone a few days:blush: So i shall make some ammendments to my last post lol.

A big congrats to all new mummies and babies:happydance: It really has been all go this past weekend, i blame the full moon! My LO was absolutley hyper Sat and Sun, constantly kicking out all over the place. Lady Luna has a lot to answer for.
Also, big :hugs: to everyone who's under the weather atm. Sending you all well wishes.
Oh, and after looking at the pics of all the new Oct arrivals i can safely say that we're a great looking bunch! The little ones are absolutely gorgeous:cloud9:
Hiya girls

well thats it i am officially booked in for my c-section :) had my pre-op this afternoon and all went well... I am measuring 38cm so a week behind so i'm assuming that means Sienna isnt a big baby! but maybe she is all hunched up and hiding it well just to trick us.. I have got to be at the hospital for 7am Friday and i am 2nd on the list so Sienna should be born around 10.30-11 am :cloud9: I am so excited but bloody nervous too .. Off to Asda in a bit to get all my magazines and a book, then tomorrow i will be catching up on the last of the housework and odd's and sod's.... Arrrggghhh it's come round so fast! i cant believe tomorrrow is my last full day of being pregnant.. i am gonna miss my bump but i so cant wait to meet my baby now...

Sorry i am rambling now but reality has well and truly hit!

Will catch up when i get back from Asda xxx :hugs: to you all xxx
XTaylorsMummy ~ Have a wonderful time tonight, sounds wonderful... Hehehe don't rush OH just enjoy the pampering... Bet you're both gotty at the moment due to feeding etc every 3 hours, sounds like Dexter's doing really well with his munching... Hope you're healing well...

Maffie ~ Sorry to hear about the power cut, certainly a sods law one that... I hope you're OH is able to relax a little, if not enjoy letting him fanny about after you and over you... LOL Might not happen much once LO's here... ~ Glad your pre-op went well, bet that's a big load off your mind... Whoo Hoo roll on Friday...

Sam76 ~ Congratulations!?!?

HarmonyBunny ~ It's so hard to keep track sometimes as so much happens so fast on here in a day... LOL can spend some time reading all the posts, I normally read through and then find I've forgotten what I was going to say... LOL

Right I'm off to check on tea... Catch you all later
HarmonyBunny ~ It's so hard to keep track sometimes as so much happens so fast on here in a day... LOL can spend some time reading all the posts, I normally read through and then find I've forgotten what I was going to say... LOL

Lol tell me about it! I have been keeping track on here all day, trying to spot these new arrivals! It's like a full time job! I still forget what to say as well when catching up on here. I have to write notes sometimes too and still feel bad if I miss someone off. Sometimes I write my post and lots more have appeared inbetween! Nice and healthy us all chatting away tho :D!!

Enjoy the Chinese TaylorsMummy and all the lovely attention you are getting from your OH x

Just sorted a load of dry baby clothes that I had washed, some stuff needs ironing but think I will leave that until the weekend. I am so tired tonight, OH and I are off to the land of nod now!

Night all :hugs:
Evening girls
Well my lo has gone from been a not very active baby earlier to hyperactive baby tonite, typical:dohh:
I had a call earlier from docs re. my wee sample (sorry tmi) that midwife sent off last week, they said I have an infection, but i dont have any symptoms, so had to do another sample to be sent off, but I feel fine in the department so doc thinks it as a contaminated sample, not the first time its happened!!.
As I was there the doctor had a feel of my belly and I am fully engaged:happydance: she could only feel 1/5 of babies head, since then every movement he makes makes me feel like waters will break:blush:
Midwife is coming between 9 and 11 in the morning to do another sweep, he was 4/5 palpable last week when she checked so we have made progress:happydance:
Evening :)

Ive just read through everyones post and now forgotten what i want to say :dohh: you all chat so much, only been gone few hours!

Jlo - Yey for being fully engaged! Good luck with the sweep tomorrow, hope something happens for you soon! - Glad everything went well today, i cant believe Sienna is going to be here in 2 days!! :happydance: Its come around so fast hasnt it :shock:

Taylorsmummy - Sounds like Dexter is doing well. Enjoy your Chinese tonight, ill be having one soon aswel! lol

Sorry girls thats about as much as my brain will remember at the moment :blush: Sorry to anyone ive missed big :hugs:

Not much happening here, lots of hiccups and movement which really hurts low down in my bump! Other than that he seems pretty happy in there for now!

Off to watch a film now and decide what i want from chinese mmm :D

Hey, feel like I am gatecrashing a bit here as I have just joined but due on Friday Oct 9th and interested in how all Oct mums are doing. Its my 1st baby and no signs of him/her turning up early yet which Im fine about, but so excited to meet!
Anyone for the Cardiff area due around the same time? Im planning on trying to get out and about as much as possible afterwards (walking, sign, swim etc, baby behaviour permitting!) and it would be good to know some mums localy who are planning to do the same.
Hi all... sorry not read all the posts for today, just updating on my phone from hospital to say the c-section went without a hitch and our wee Hamish arrived at 12.38 today weighing 6lbs 5oz. Will post more details when I get home, probably at the weekend.

Hope everyone else gets on ok this week! Xx
Hi all... sorry not read all the posts for today, just updating on my phone from hospital to say the c-section went without a hitch and our wee Hamish arrived at 12.38 today weighing 6lbs 5oz. Will post more details when I get home, probably at the weekend.

Hope everyone else gets on ok this week! Xx
Congratulations Lucilou!! I'm so glad that everything went well for you. Welcome to the world, Hamish!! :)
Congrats Lucilou!! :D

Welcome katstrz, Not long to go til due date, its all so exciting isnt it! hope something happens for you soon! :)

:happydance: Congratulations Lucilou and welcome to Hamish - piccys asap please :cloud9:

Eala and Jo - what beautiful babies, thanks for sharing :cloud9:

Leah, glad pre op went ok, was going to ask you to find out about the order of the list as I've got my pre op on wed and didn't know if we got to find out a time or not, can't believe she'll be here in time for friday's loose women eh :haha: :haha:

Aimee Lou, I've been EXACTLY the blinkin same with false labour pains - talk about keeping our OH's on their toes though!

Linda, sorry you're still gong through the leakyness chick :growlmad:

JLo, good luck with midwife again hon :hugs:

Maffie, I'm meant to be back in with my BP too but feel like it gets even higher iwhen I have to stay on a noisy ward and can't sleep so begged to be discharged as well - go us :happydance:

Welcome to any newbies, hope haven't missed anyone with news, :cloud9: to anyone hitting milestones
:hugs: to us all, have a good sleep bumpkins :hugs::kiss:
Congrats lucilou!
Babylove, glad to hear things went well..good luck Friday!
Lindak...sorry you are still dealing with this-here's hoping it will let up of LO will come very soon!
Jlo...girl...seriously, I am hoping this sweep will do it for you:D
eswift...I am with you...I end up forgetting everything I read by the time I get to post! So if I left any new mommies out that I have not said congrats to yet, then congrats! It wasn't intentional, but these little babies are popping out left and right!!!
So much fun here in the Bumpkin patch:rofl:
florabean - woohoo congratulations on the birth! and lucilou too! i hope you're recovering well after the operation x

jo_79 - sam is just absolutely adorable! - oooh not long to wait til your little girl is here!

eswift - i'm glad things are getting sorted with your hubby's work

maffie - im glad they're letting you stay at home again tonight x wow we could possibly end up giving birth on the same day!!

good luck bailey!!

i think i managed to overdo things today as when i sat down to watch a bit of TV at 5pm i started to come over funny and OH ended up helped me upstairs for a lie down. he reckons it's cos i'm not used to doing more than half an hours work a day and today i was doing housework and shopping nearly all day from 8.15am to 5pm lol
Morning all No.1,

Well, OH has just gone to work so I made the mistake of taking a 'quick peek' lol! :haha:

Jlo - Good luck with the sweep tomorrow, hope something happens for you soon! :flower: - Glad everything went well today, it exciting that Sienna will be here in less 2 days! :flower: Hope you get a good relax in today and enjoy the last day of being preganant before it's her time to arrive :hugs:

Katstrz ~ :wave: hello and welcome! Its alswasy nice to have new bumpkins! Hopefully not too long for you before your LO arrives :D

lucilou ~ Fantastic! Congratualtions! :happydance: Hope you heal quickly :hugs: Ooo I noticed you suspected tam blue and were spot on!!

JLO ~ Good luck again with the MW and sweep, fingers crossed for you :hugs:

cloud9mummy ~ hope your feelig better after yesterday / last night :flower:

Okies, I am off back to bed! Night all!

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