Official October Team Bumpkins

Morning all :hugs:

OMG :shock: 1 more sleep to go! Feeling really sick with nerves but mega excited too.. This time tomorrow i will be in hospital waiting to see the surgeon..

So here's to my last day of pregnancy.. I am gonna make the most of it as i am gonna miss my bump :cry:

Congrats to the newest bunch of bumpkin mummies :hugs:
Morning all, well getting ready for another hospital trip. It's such a daily thing :lol: Another GTT test today as my sugars were well over 8 when I was in hospital and that was with no food. Cant believe doc said they might need to induce next week :wacko: Keeping fingers crossed for blood results today and hoping BP has dropped and protein and ketones have gone.

This last week seems to of flown with all these appointments!

Lucilou congrats on Hamish, cant wait to see pictures. enjoy your last full pregnancy day :flower:

Right time to get my shoes on (it's always an effort)
Morning all...

Maffie ~ I hope it's all good news today, fingers crossed for you... ~ 1 more sleep!?!? Wow... It's beginning to feel like Christmas is coming early...

Lucilou ~ Congatulations on Hamish!?! Hope you heal fast...

JLo ~ Good luck with your sweep!! Hope it starts things this time...

Anababe ~ How you feeling this morning? The last 2 days have been so busy... LOL I've had so much energy, it rather embarrassing considering how little I've had until now...

DS came home from school and told me we should stay as we are as he's liking me being at home... So Mum should stay pregnant and look after the 2 men in the house as he's not having to do the dishes now... LOL guess he doesn't see the hoovering or laundry as housework...

We went looking at halloween outfits last night too, went to tesco's then into peacocks; DS said "Oh, look at them masks!" I looked to where he was pointing, no masks just slippers; I said "They're not masks." To which he replied "No, look they're here..." I turn around and the little sods pointing straight at my face in the mirror!?!? He ended up in fits of laughter... I'm just not fast enough at the moment!

Looks like I'm in for some stick as he gets older... Hope this brain thing improves, LOL if not I'm gonna be the butt of his jokes for a long time yet...
Eswift - Im ok thanks :) ive had alot more energy these last couple days! Bless your DS, so cheeky hehe - Wow 1 more sleep, how scary and exciting!! Hope you enjoy your last day of pregnancy :D

Maffie - Hope everything is ok at the hospital today :hugs:

Me and DS have only just got up! Lazy morning hehe i have to be ready in half hour though to go home (im at my dads) as midwife coming at 10! Looking forward to seeing if baby is engaged anymore and got to have my bloods done again to check iron levels.. hoping they have gone over 10.5 this time!!

Need get my house in order this weekend, if i went into labour now im completely unprepared for my home birth :dohh: not even packed a 'just incase' hospital bag yet! Always on last minute :rofl:

Only 10 days to go til due date :happydance:

Hope your all ok!

Mornign all (no2!)

Anababe ~ hope the MW appoinment goes well today :D

Maffie ~ fingers crossed for today :flower:

2nd to last day at work today :happydance: Still a few bits and bobs outstanding . . . so long as I don't get any more :lol: I will be trying to not take on as much as possible now, feel kind of bad about it but there is no point me starting work now and passing it on half way through as it will most likely just complicate things more. To be honest, from the stuff I have heard this morning I just can't get away from this place!!! One of my bosses just slandered my office colleague even though they have done nothing wrong, its only becasue the boss and another employee haven't got their backsides into gear, the boss wispered it but I sooooo wish I had stood up and said something, they down right lied and that has wound me up no end! :growlmad:

I woke up last night and my bump was so tight and hard, LO was again sqwished at the top. I think my muscles are getting some practice in :shrug:

Hope you all have a good day x
Morning Lovely Ladies,

Maffie- Good luck today x

Lucilou - congrats , looking forward to seeing photos - im so jelous ... Good luck tommorrow and have a lovely day today seens as its your last day being pregnant x

Anababe- good luck at app x and congrats on 10 more days

Only 15 more days for me .. yey... Again I am still leaking but its obviously not the waters because nothing has happened ! I am waking every night now with the same really intense ache in my lower back. It is so sore. Dont know what it is. I really wish lo would make an appearance now I am so fed up with it and getting really impatient. I know Im gonna go over and its driving me nuts. My oh keeps saying " Linda prepare yourself for going over " But I really want him to come now :cry:

Had a lovely sleep last night , went to bed at 8 and woke at 8.30 this morning ol.. Lazy bones there was about 8 toilet visits inbetween but thats routine now..... Working from home today till 1 so not that bad. Hope you all have a lovely day xxxxxxxxx
:cry:my bubba is a week old:cry:

me 6days post birth to a 9lb5oz baby, not too bad i dont think... obv im plus size anyway lol


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I had a fantastic nights sleep, 11 till 7.30 and was only up twice, 1 toilet visit and 1 with cramp:happydance: Feel so much better for it.

Having real trouble walking now he is so low, everything is taking me an age and the boys are taking full advantage of the situation:winkwink: I can't believe our founder member is having her babba tomorrow, where has the time gone!!!

Eswift, you DS sounds like a right character, that did make me chuckle, tell me more - a fit of the giggles might make the old bag of waters go:haha:

Hope everyone else is doing good, off to catch up on everything now before midwife arrives.

:hugs: x
I must be truely nesting, I've now paired all the odd socks! Fixed OH spare work trousers and washed all of DS's bedding; will do ours at the weekend...

I'm not sure but I think I may drag OH into town tomorrow after work, he's not doing Saturday (after 12midnight Friday is offically Saturday!) He's handed his notice in for Friday finish which is after work tonight!?! LOL Guess being shafted can work both ways! Plus after tonight he's done over his contracted hours, and over time isn't compulsary... Hehehe guess the worm turned...

Well if I take him to town tomorrow after work we don't have to go on Saturday when it's busy... I only want to go to either the big boots store or mothercare... LOL forgot to get nappy pins and plastic pants... It's bugged me all day yesterday, I knew there was something I forgot...
Congrats to all the new mummies and good luck to everyone who is about to go in.

Our little darling is 2 weeks old today, can't believe it. She was a wee scamp last night though. I am beginning to resemble a walking zombie :)

Good afternoon everyone!

Congratulations to lucilou and welcome little Hamish (brilliant name!!) :flower:

Good Luck tomorrow! Can't believe that your day is nearly here! :thumbup:

Had a pretty uneventful night - thank god! I slept through til 10.30 this morning which is great considering I didn't have a nap yesterday and was up from 5am-10pm! On the plus side I managed to get ALL of the jobs done! There's only 2 things left for hubby to do....vacuum upstairs (I can't get the sebo upstairs anymore! :dohh:) and mop the kitchen floor which I will probably do this afternoon. Then that's it! We folded and put away all the clean clothes for bubs last night (took flippin' ages!) and the changing mat arrived today! We're officially ready! :happydance:

had a bit of a money scare today....something that I thought I had concelled came out. I think it bounced which isn't great as we'll get a charge but as we have no money until next Thursday we need to keep hold of every penny. Sent hubby on a rescue mission for the rest of the bank balance! lol

Hubby has said that I'm officially going to be a good Mummy as for the first time ever, my Yorkshire Pudding worked!!!!!! Apparently that's the key criteria to being a good mummy! :blush:

Anyhoo, I'm off for a proper catch up then I'm going to get my sewing out.....been trying to get it finished for 6 weeks so now that should keep me occupied until the birth lol. Hubby's boss keeps asking if I'm ok....very sweet of him but I know it's just because he can't cover the shifts if bubs were to make an early appearance! Hubby has also taken to texting/calling people at obscure times of day to see how they react.....cruel sod!
Hey girls! Well there is no way I can catch up with everything as you lovely ladies have done over 70 pages since I was last on! Congrats to all those who have had their babies. Going to go check out the October Babies thread in a sec. Quick update on me....had yet another false alarm on Saturday where I had 3 hours of contractions between 5 and 8 minutes apart...went to bed to try to get some sleep as it was 11pm by this point...and surprise surprise it all pretty much stopped. Baby is 2/5 engaged so hoping it won't be too much longer til he decides to make his appearance. Everything is all ready for him and I was majorly nesting yesterday. OH laughed at me when he came home cos I told him off for getting sock fluff on the carpet lol. Have completely decluttered the house, washed all the towels and bedding, hoovered, cleaned the kitchen and bathrooms, cooked and frozen several meals. Feeling a bit odd today. Bit sicky and shaky and spaced out. Got tummy ache like I need to go to the loo but nothing happening.
Good afternoon everyone!

Maffie: Good luck with the bloods and such today. My fingers are crossed for you:flower:

Lucilou: Congrtulations!!!!!:happydance: Wow, you must be soooo excited:happydance:

A big congrats to everyone reaching milestones today and a big hello to all newbies :wave:

Well, i've had such an awful night and morning. The spd is getting ridiculously sore. I've been awake since 3am in agony and i'm now really struggling to walk without the pain. The pressure on my pelvis is unbelievable and i've now got shoting pains that go right down my bum and hips and mike my feet go dead. It's horrible. I've had physio and i do the exercises but they're not working tbh. I'm not sure what to do to relieve the pain. There's no point in trying to get another physio appt because the LO will prob be here before i get seen and if i contact my midwife her response will be, call the physio! Do you think that the pain has anything to do with the LO's head engaging? The reason i'm asking this is because at my appt on Tues the midwife said that his head wasn't engaged yet but he was in the right position. The increased pressure only came about yest so i'm wondering if the wee one is trying to get his head in there and that's what's making the spd worse? Any advice would be grand because it's driving me crazy. I feel awful moaning because i don't want people thinking, gosh if she can't deal with this pain how will she ever survive labour!
Congratulations Lucilou on little Hamish :happydance:
Taylorsmummy, your looking fabulous darling!!

Once again,had a fantastic nights sleep..just 1 loo trip at 3am, Im not knocking it but it's abit wierd why all of a sudden I went from 3 or 4 wees in the night to just 1 :shrug:
So, feeling energetic again today (she says,sat on sofa with laptop plonked on bump lol)
Got more painting to get done today and 2 bathrooms to clean-going to do that in a min.
Don't appear to have lost anymore plug today so far which is strange as me and OH had abit of :sex: last night which I thought might have disturbed something abit more but nope,nothing. Had a really long braxton hicks contraction straight afterwards though-god that hurt!!!
Helz - funny you should say about the lack of loo trips. I've only ever been a 1-a-night kind of gal but last 2 nights I've not needed at all. Full 8-9 hours! Very odd as I thought that as baby dropped you'd need more not less.

Also, about the post :sex: BH's....god they hurt don't they! lol
I also thought that it might have distrubed something last night but nothing. Did get a lot of discharge though afterwards (sorry if this is TMI) which we thought was waters there was so also shot out as opposed to trickled and hit hubby's leg which freaked him out a bit, but nothing since and baby is still rocking and rolling! lol

Does anyone else think this bit is almost as bad at the wait to get to 12 have no idea what's going on, every twinge and leak gets analysed to death and you're constantly on tenterhooks with a mix of excitement and apprehension! Hubby says that why, if all three of us incluidng bubs are in agreement that it's time to be born, why can't you will it into happening! lol
Helz and Aimee-lou: So jealous of your amazing sleeps lol. I'm up god knows how many times these nights on the loo dash and i have the added enjoyment of the old pelvis flaring up at the same time. Ever feel like a derelict building much :dohh:

Can i ask a wee question? Sorry if it's too personal and please don't feel obliged to answer but i was just wondering when you started to lose your plug? It seems like i'm way behind everyone and i'm 38 weeks tomorrow. I'm getting period pain, pelvic pain, braxton hicks but the wee one hasn't engaged yet and my plug is still very much intact. Everyone is totally convinced that i'm gonna be quite a bit over due before the LO arrives which annoys me. Surely that's just opinions and nothing definitive but it does stress me slighltly because everything has been pretty much text book (timing wise) so far.
HarmonyBunny ~ I spoke to my mw this week about pain and pressure in my pelvis and bits, and the inability walk anywhere nor bend. She did say that babe engaging and staying engaged can be and cause some intense pain and discomfort... I don't think you're being a wimp at all... My labour last time was less painful than the walking about issue I've had recently...

Littlekitten ~ Glad you're back with us! Missed you... Super to hear that LO although has given you a few scares is still staying put... Funny tale about OH getting sock fluff on the carpet... I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who's gone a little bit "doo-lally" where the house is concerned...

Aimee-Lou ~ I'm finding this bit is horrid! I feel as though I'm on egg shells all the time, every ache and pain, is Ooooo that hurt... Is this it? I guess as OH is still not here on a night and isn't arriving home until after lunch, then sleeping all afternoon/evening... It's all playing on my mind a little too much...

Today I got stuck on the loo, I'd gone for a wee and couldn't get up. Bump moved and each time I tried to stand up LO seemed to have sommat to say about it. I'm not sure if it was trapping my nerve or what but I couldn't lean forward to stand nor put any weight on my legs to stand. Talk about feeling pathetic... I was sat there thinking well I can't stay here until OH comes home from work... LOL talk about a numb bum... LOL Evidently I did manage to get my rather numb bum off the loo... Just had to do it rather gingerly... Not really ventured up the stairs to the loo since... Hehehe rather apprehensive about it happening again... I can just see OH in stiches if I was to shout him to help me get up...

I've got an achey back and bump today, but I've not really stopped for the past couple of day, so what do I expect? I had a ride to the thrift shop today, I managed to get 2 baby towels and a raindeer baby grow and hat; all for £4... Bargain! They had some lovely lovely fluffy baby girl winter coats, one was covered in fairies and flowers, only £3! Wonder if I'm having a girl or boy???
Thanks for the reassurance eswift. I'm really hoping that he is finally engaging and i'm so glad that i'm not just being a total wuss lol!

I did have to laugh at your poor numb bum though:dohh: What a nightmare. Usually its my legs that go when i've been sitting on the loo and i panic that if i try to stand up on dead legs it's just an embarrassing accident waiting to happen lol! Well done on the bargains though! Reindeer baby grow sounds adorable:cloud9: Mum bought us a couple of snow suits the other day, one is brown with bear ears and the other is fluffy and white. I really want one for myself :)
harmonybunny - I'm the same.....I think that my plug is pretty much still there (unless I've missed it :wacko:).....everything else is happening though, and you can get to labour with everything intact so it's not a sign that you'll go over at all.

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