Official October Team Bumpkins

Just had my 38 week m/w appointment and all is well.

I am now 3/5 palp, at long last as I was sick of seeing 'free'!!
Also my bump has gone from being 1 week ahead to 4 weeks behind!!!
This is good apparently as it means thats how much he has dropped.
It also explains the period pains and mucus/plug like discharge.

I originally had my Consultant appointment for when I was 41 weeks, but she has brought it forward to Monday so I can have a chat about all the things that went wrong in the birth with my dd in case I need special treatment this time.
I was supposed to have this chat at 33 weeks, but it was a stand-in Consultant who was running an hour late that day, so I was pretty much pushed out the door and forgot to bring it up.

I am really getting fed-up now and cannot wait to meet my baby boy.
I am 38+2 today and had my dd at 38+3 so I have my FX'd I go early again!

Congrats to all who have had their beautiful babies.
Good luck for tomorrow Baby Love, I wish it was me!!
And for all of you who are fed-up, in pain and just impatient, I totally sympathise :hugs:
Aimee-lou: Thnks for that. I think it's just first time nerves tbh. I keep thinking ohno, this person and that person is at this stage and i'm due before them, what's wrong with me?! I guess it's just the whole everyone is different thing. My mum was telling me that she never lost her plug until she went into labour with both me and my bro and she also had to have her waters broken. I just really think that panic is setting in because D-Day is coming :) !
Afternoon all,

I keep thinking ohno, this person and that person is at this stage and i'm due before them, what's wrong with me?! I guess it's just the whole everyone is different thing
I am a few days behind you and feel exactly the same! It feels like more should be happening but like you say, everyone is different :hugs: We will get there!!

~ ~ ~ ~
I posted this on the other October thread but thought I'd pop it here too

Janey09's birth story, she had a little boy, Alfie on 3rd October, here is her link Baby Alfie born 37wks 4days
Afternoon all, well another day at hospital is over, had GTT but finger prick looked promising, it's down from the high 8's to the high 5's They were just about to let me leave when they checked my BP and it had shot up again, so meant more bloods and ctg and BP profile. It finally settled and I have to call back to see if bloods ok. If they are I can stay home for weekend if not I have to go back in tomorrow.

On a plus note I have managed to keep a small sandwich down which is the first meal in a week that I haven't brought back up.
Harmony- please don't worry, we are all so different. Just because someone has lost their plug or babies head has engaged ect..doesn't mean they will go into labour before you! It is absolutley completely possible to go into labour without losing plug, without any engagement happening AND without waters breaking (mine had to be manually broken last time just before pushing stage!) I know it;s easier said than done as Its a very anxious time, I'm the same, want to meet my baby NOW so desperatley but try relax about things not happening xxx
Hello All, huge congrats to all new mums, me & George are settling well at home, tired but well worth it, also i have change the pic for you to have a look at xx
Take care
Maffie ~ That's excellent news on the sandwich front!?!? Woo Hoo... Hopefully that means you'll start feeling better... I've still got my fingers crossed for you re the bloods and stuff... I do hope you can stay at home for the weekend... There's nothing worse than being in hospital over the weekend...

Kte, Harmonybunny and Aimee-Lou ~ You are all so right, we're all so close now, it can be a case of any time for any of us. My waters were broken last time, when I wanted to push, I didn't have any of the discharge and gloop I've had this time. I had a very small show early doors last time and no pain until DS was on his way out... He had & still has a big head; but at least his body now looks like it fits... LOL

Sam ~ He looks so peaceful... bless him...

I've still got back ache, I'm gonna see if a warm bath will ease the aches... Always hopeful... Anyway, I hope you all have a lovely evening and (hopefully) a fantastic sleep...
Hmm well it would appear I am in early labour. According to midwife anyway lol. Went to the loo at 2.30pm and lost lots of pink jelly mucous which was a bit of a surprise as I'd been told I had lost my plug at 29 weeks (although apparantly it can regrow if you lose it that early). Have had bad lower back pain since then and have been having my clear out. Feel sick and just not quite right. Phoned the midwife who says she is almost 100% sure I am in early labour and we could see this baby in the next 24-48 hours. Not convinced as I'm not really contracting but we will see.
Maffie....glad you finally got some food in you, little lady! Bout time!
Good luck with things Babylove...we will all be waiting for our update!

I have to say I am starting to feel really odd and panicky/jittery. I am not sure why. I am trying to finish up work things that need to be done, and I guess reality is setting in that there is not much left for me to do...everyone is expecting this LO to show up in the next few days. I honestly feel almost like I am having an anxiety attack. Not sure if it is nerves, reality sinking in, some strange mental need to keep working until the baby literally crawls out, or if it could actually have anything to do with labor coming soon, but it is kind of unsettling.:(
I'm not normally high strung at all, so I just don't get it. Maybe it is because I am getting freaked out about being a mommy? I just don't know. Anyway, I think maybe I will go lay down and try to rest, or I will have to find something to do to distract me. Either way, if it keeps up, I may have to phone the Dr. and see about getting my BP checked, etc. I assume it is mental, but who knows?:shrug:
Evening all,

Do you think the gym balls are really worth it?? I saw some in Asda tonight and have been undedcided for ages if I should get one or not. I can't decide if its worth me getting one now or not, its only just under £5 so it's not too much but I don't know if I have left it too late?? :shrug:

I thought today its just typical? I know LO can't be long now as my face has broken out, spots all over. I just know that means the camera needs to be at the ready! :rofl: I suffered with spots / blemishes before I was pregnant and LO kindly cleared them up for me but they are suddenly back with avengence. Hope they bugger off still once LO is here as I was enjoying not having them!! :dohh:

Maffie~ hope you get to stay home this weekend, glad you could manage to eat
a little :flower:

Littelkitten :wave: Hello, nice to see you back :D It must be frustrating / confusing with all these false alarms to know if you are actually in early labour or not :hugs: Lets hope if it is your not hanging about too much :flower:

Sam76 ~ cute pic of George, glad your settling in at home and doing well :flower:

Eswift ~ Hope the bath helps your aches. :hugs:

Baby.Love ~ Good luck (again) for tomorrow! :flower:
Hiya girls

thank you so much to you all for the well wishes it means alot to me.... I am off in a min to have a bath and get prepared for the morning as we have to leave here at 6.20 to drop our son to his nans.. I am unsure if i will get online in the morning although i shall try :) If i dont i just want to say now.. Thank you all for the support over the last 9 months it has meant alot to me and i appreciate all the advice/comments and hugs you have all provided... So from tomorrow it's onto the next stage of the journey and i look forward to sharing it with you all....

I will get my OH to pop on here at some point tomorrow with all the details.. and i will hopefully be home sunday ... Good luck to all those who get induced or go into labour whilst i am gone... xxx

My love to you all xxxx
Good luck tomorrow! I think we all owe you big hugs anyway for starting the bumpkins in the first place! I will be on the look out for news of little Sienna! :flower:

Not a lot going on tonight.....feel exceedingly normal lol!
Kte - funny but I just said same to my husband re spots as not had any during pregnancy until last few days! Fingers crossed something will happen soon as my due date is Sunday although I am trying to gear myself up for a longer wait.

Good luck tomorrow Babylove and hugs to all those who need them x
Thanks for the reassurances folks, i'm never ever usually this much of a worrier tbh, i'm sure it's hormonal :) . For now i'm just glad that he's staying put, give me at least a week or two to catch up on some sleep lol!

Oooh, good luck for tomorrow:hugs:
Babylove ~ Good Luck tomorrow!!!!! waiting to see her....... :hugs:

Hello everyone, today got a sudden bust of energy.... cleaned ma kitchen, hoovered the whole house.... walk for 1 hour.....

Still no progress!!!! :nope: except some back pain..... and twinges..... and some pain in lower part of bump!

Hopefully its the start of something!!!!!!!!
So hows everyone doing today....?

Congrats to all new mums and good luck to all those in labour....

Aww good luck tomorrow. Hope everything goes well. Cant wait to see pics of Sienna :hugs:

Kte - I dont think its too late for you with a gym ball, with my DS i started using mine around 37-38 weeks and i dont know how i managed without it, when i went into slow labour at 39 weeks it really helped and got him into a nice position. I still think it was because of the ball i had such a quick delivery. Ive been meaning to get one for weeks now and keep forgetting, i think its a bit late for me tbh.. knowing my luck ill buy one this week then go into labour the same night :dohh: hmm actually maybe thats a good idea!! :rofl:

Littlekitten - Nice to see you here, hope something happens for you soon :hugs: dont forget to txt me when something starts! x

Eswift - Hope the back ache has eased off a little :hugs:

Everything was fine with MW today, she said baby is well down and fixed.. so not sure how engaged that is :shrug: but im assuming hes pretty well in there! lol

Get blood results back tomorrow. Hoping they are up enough for my home birth!

Ive been losing my plug for 2 days now and im shocked at how much there seems to be! :blush: lol (sorry tmi) hope it means im nearly there though! :thumbup:

Other than that all seems well, got some lovely strong braxton hicks and backache going on at the moment so off to have a nice bath and bed i think!

Night :kiss:

good luck everyone! =]

Im off xmas shopping tomorrow and i can not wait! thats all im doing this weekend lol =] sooooOOo excited i feel like a big kid!
Hey Ladies!

Just thought I'd pop in quickly to say I had my baby :happydance: Emma Eileen was born Oct 6th at 8:11am, 8lbs 13ozs. Best part is that her pleural effusion had cleared up totally on the chest x-ray that they did 1hr after birth so not only did she not have to go to the NICU, but she got to come home with me today :yipee: I'll have to post some pics and maybe a birth story once we're settled again.

Just wanted to pop in, say hello and see who else had bumpkins this week- congrats to the other new mums! :)

Good luck tomorrow!

:hugs: and labour dust to those that need them :winkwink:
Morning ladies...

Well i am showered and dressed all ready to meet my little Sienna :)

I will get updates to you through my txt buddies. I have a few so there shouldnt be a problem and then tonight my OH will update with the weight etc (although i will pop it on my FB so keep ya beady eyes out for it lol)

Good luck to those who have their babies whilst i am gone...

Massive hugs and loads of love to you all xxxxx Bye for now xxxx

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