Official October Team Bumpkins

Good Luck Leah!! :flower:

Congratulations Kaites! How fab that she's home safe and sound! :happydance:

Well, I've officially given up worrying about when I'll give birth. I've run out of 'nesting' to do....just a couple of loads of our washing to do, all the pots are done, double mopped the floors last night. I will probably just spend today in front of the telly! lol Come to the conclusion that if I keep on worrying I will still be here in a month's time talking about my induction date! lol

Hubby finishes work tomorrow and tbh I really cannot wait! He's so excited. We're off to the car boot as shoppers at the weekend hopefully (although money is tight!) to try to get a few bits and pieces and get us out of the house. I'm so relaxed it's silly!

Anyhoo...I'm up really early as my hips were aching like crazy so I had to get up. Not sure what to do with myself really lol.

Have a good day ladies! xx
Morning all, good luck today cant wait to see pictures!!!

Aimee I have achey hips too. Keeps waking me up

I have realised now i'm feeling a little better my pram is late!!! Was meant to be here
by now, so need to phone them :wacko:

I'm tolerating a little more food since sproglet stopped being back to back, he keeps crushing different organs inside me. Doctor said it didnt help as i'm short bodied so he's run out of room.

Taking some new pills which are anti sickness and also empty the stomach faster. They seem to be doing the trick :thumbup:

I wish I could nest but doing anything will put me back in hospital so i'm learning to leave everything and rest. (i'm hopeless at resting)
Maffie ~ Better to watch and wait than to end up back in the hospital again... The housework etc will still be there once LO is here, hopefully you'll feel up to doing small bits then... Don't worry about it, it really isn't worth it. You and babe reaching the end healthy and safely is so much more important... Anyway, I'm nagging! LOL try to rest love xxxx

Anababe ~ Glad all is looking positive for your homebirth, hope your bloods come back above 10! Mine came back at 12.3...

Katie ~ I'm so glad everything turned out really well and I so pleased for you that you were both able to come home together... That is such good news...

LittleKitten ~ Hope James doesn't keep you in early labour too long... Fingers crossed this is it this time... ~ I look forward to hearing that you're both doing well... Good Luck Girl...

Kte ~ Sorry to hear that your spots are back... What a bummer? Mind as you say it could be babe giving you an early warning that they're gonna be moving out soon... Wish I had a sign?!

Keerthy ~ Wow you go girl! I'm not sure I could manage an hour walking! Nope don't think I could... Was bad enough having to go the chemist yesterday. Had to get OH to help me off the sofa and out of the bath last night...

HarmonyBunny ~ Don't think you're alone on the anxiety fustration and nerves front... Think if we're all honest enough we've al got similar doubts and concerns all mixed up with excitement and emotions... I have times when my mind starts wondering and I feel as though I'm gonna end up in floods of tears, I've no idea why? Yet other things get me so giddy (like the raindeer babygrow?) OH just keeps giving me loads of hugs and kisses, he's being very good with the emotional support at the moment... Guess it's like you say all mental (?) I'll be so glad when I can get back to being independent again, being restricted to the house and having no capability walking really is doing my head in... At least once babe's here I can still take babe in pram and dog out and about walking... (funny you don't realise how much you do of something, until you can't do it...)

Aimee-Lou ~ I think maybe you're right about just going with the flow and chilling... LOL DS was telling OH he likes me being at home, we may have to reconsider me going back to work, but finances tend to dictate somewhat; at the moment I can't afford to make a rash decision so far away from going back to work, until we see where we stand next year... OH did admitte to DS he prefers me being at home too, as the house is tidy, foods all proper meals and all the chores are done, guess they're both just hinting they like me doing the housework... LOL Even though I've been nagging at them for the jobs I struggle to do LOL

I've had a rough night, slept rather fitfully... Awake not awake, up to pee, back to bed, awake not awake, I've had back ache and hip ache all night... My bump is so solid and so far down even my under the bump knickers aren't under it! I've had paracetamols which at the moment have made no difference, I kinda feel as though I'm gonna have the worst period I've ever had... LOL I've not had any BH for about 4 days, babe's movement is still rather low and very painful... I had a shock when I saw myself in the bathroom mirror, I look as though I've had a bloody good night out and have only been in bed a couple of hours (talk about rough, maybe I should just buy a bottle of wine and start drinking that tonight, sod the paracetamols.. hey if I'm gonna feel rough and crappy without the alcohol, maybe I won't feel much different with it!?!) Ok I'm taking the micky... I've not had a drink in what feels like 2 years, what with mmc, then working all christmas and trying for babe, and being pregnant... Maybe that's why I'm fantasing about that 1st chilled glass of medium sweet wine... ahhh bliss... (I know it's gonna taste so sour, it'll not be funny...) hey the fantasy's nice though...

Enough about me and how I'm feeling, OH is taking me to town when he gets home from work which will be about lunch time... SO I've all morning to chill and get dressed... DS has already left for school... Shopping is being delivered this evening and the housework's all done... Hmmm what to do????
Morning all,

:happydance: :happydance: LAST DAY AT WORK :happydance:

It's already proving tricky and to be a headache but hey ho! (Only becasue its my last day obviously lol).

OH commented this monring that I would start to do his head in being at home already (he finished lunch time so is used to a few hours on his own before I get in (cheers!!) I also reminded him its not like I am on holday but I have so much to do, paperwork and sorting bits and bobs etc :dohh:

Anababe ~ thanks for the gym ball advice. Hope the blood results come back as you need them for your home birth :hugs:

~ Congratulatons on Emma, such good news that she got to come home with you so soon :flower: ~ Thinking of you and Sienna and your family today x :hugs:

aimee.lou ~ you can do my nesting if you like :winkwink: lol Nah, think you deserve to put your feet up!

Maffie ~ Good to hear that you are keeping a few more things down. Enjoy the rest time whilst you can, I am sure when you are able to be up and about when LO is here you won't have time to stop! :hugs:

Have a good day all :flower:
38wks today yeyyyyyyyy only 14 more days !! - good luck today , cant wait to see photosx

kte- congrats on finishing workx

kaites congrats xx

Maffie - glad your feeling a little bit better :hugs:

Well I am little peed off , I found out by mistake the my mam and friends are having a baby shower for me tommorrow .. They dont know I know but I have put two and two together. I really wish I didnt know, and I am the worst lier ever so I have to walk into my parents house tommorrow and be all shocked lol .... I am over the moon they are having one its such a lovely thing to do , but now I wish I didnt know.... I will fill you all in on monday on how it went...

Hope you are all well and have a lovely day xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
:sleep: just woken up from a 2 hour 'extra sleep' nap and I feel great now! lol apart from getting woken up by my entire skeleton deciding that being in one peice is too much like hard work! lol

Maffie - leave the housework. As long as you're all healthy and happy, nothing else matters. (The only reason mine's all done is because I have 8 hours a day on my own and it's a wonder what boredom will drive you too....and I assure you it will not remain in this state! lol

Off to go and get my pad and pen in a minute to write the 'big' shopping list for payday. It's going to end up like a christmas shop as we need the stock up type stuff as well as all the toiletries, dog food, everything. It's my next target as I would dearly love to go or hubby will have to do it on his own....hence the list lol. :dohh:

Anyway, got a big glass of OJ, some toast and jam and Jeremy Kyle.....could get used to this! lol:happydance:

Hugs to everyone! :hugs: Can't wait to hear more from, and I hope everyone else's niggles and twinges are developing nicely......I have NOTHING! lol
Just wanted to say I had my baby girl at 5.09am Thursday 7th Oct

She is called River Audrey :)
Morning girls. Well still in 'early labour'. BD'd last night and this morning to try to get things moving but asides from 1 rather painful contraction this morning they seem to still be more BH than proper contractions. Am going to hoover the house in a minute and then go for a good long walk followed by a very hot curry tonight if still no movement! Back pain has returned with avengance this morning so hoping things are going to get going properly. Can't take too many days of this lol.

Kaites - congrats on getting to bring your LO home. Such good news.
Kala ~ Congratulations Girl!

LittleKitten ~ I really do hope that something happens either way... LOL

LindaK ~ What a lovely surprise! Even though you've put 2 and 2 together... I'm sure you'll enjoy the baby shower, and I don't think you'll be able to hold back the look of surprise when your friends and family are all gathered around... Plus there'll be plenty of true surprises...
Morning Ladies,

Kaites - Glad everything went well! :hugs:

Eswift - managed to do all the housework yday and walk....... load of pelvic pains!!!!

Babylove ~ Good luck honey!!!! :happydance: so excited for you!!!!! waiting to see little Ms Sienna!!!!

Had very bad pains last night, which literally made me cry!!!! but all was fine after a massage and a sleep of 4 hours..... :shrug:

LO's still teasing me...... Just waiting for this one to get out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:hugs::hugs::hugs: to all those who needs them...

I'm still here:dohh:
Have a poorly DS2 at the mo, so have been up the entire night with him, he is a typical ill male and I'm not a good nurse so bad combination!!!
Off to docs with him in a bit.
Had 2nd sweep yesterday, mw changed her tune from week before and said wasnt favourable, booked me in for another one nxt wed and induction for the 20th, I so hope I dont go that long!!
I went and had accupuncture yest pm and started gettiing pains as soon as I came out and on/off all night till 5 this morning and nothing since, although have started to lose my plug:happydance:

Will catch up properly later when hopefully DS is asleep :hugs: x
Congrats Kala! What a lovely name too! :flower:

Littlekitten - I hope things get moving.

jlo - sounds promising after the acupuncture - fingers crossed for you x

I'm so hungry today girls! Time for an early lunch me-thinks! Ham and cheese sarnies and a cuppa.....yummers! That's my third 'meal' of the day lol - Only been up for 4 hours! lol
Just spoke to my mum and found out one of the family cats wh's cancer had returned they operated today but she was riddled with tumours so she's had to be put down :cry: they said they could of woken her up and put her on ain releif but she only had weeks at most left to live. I'm gutted as i'd been too unwell to go there recently.

Just awaiting pram sghop to call me back as they aren't sure its in stock :saywhat: I ordered and paid months ago!!!!
Hey Ladies!

Just thought I'd pop in quickly to say I had my baby :happydance: Emma Eileen was born Oct 6th at 8:11am, 8lbs 13ozs. Best part is that her pleural effusion had cleared up totally on the chest x-ray that they did 1hr after birth so not only did she not have to go to the NICU, but she got to come home with me today :yipee:

Big congrats, Kaites. And that's great news that Emma didn't need to go to NICU after all. Wishing you lots and lots of happiness for the days (and weeks and years, of course) to come. xx
... After having a mostly very uneventful, very low-risk pg, I saw midwife yesterday, who informed me that the baby is lying occipital posterior (back-to-back) ... which often means a long, protracted back labour with extra pain. Am now spending all the hours god sends on my hands and knees trying to get baby into an anterior position. Anybody have any experience of this and found that baby turns just in time? Ta, girls xx
arrrrgggg pram has been mucked up but after contacting shop owner they have agreed to deliver tomorrow morning. Miscommunication problems, just so glad its sorted. Everything makes me cry last few days.

Colsy my baby keeps turning back to back, he then turns round when I lean over my birthing ball. Try not to sit back ad slouch as your body will act liker a hammock and it encourages back to back.
Morning all!

Kala and Kaites: Congrats on the new arrivals:cloud9:
Littlekitten: I really hope things get a move on for you:hugs:
Maffie: Glad that you're feeling a bit better. Rest up, chica:hugs: Wishing all the luck in the world for today:happydance:
Lindak: Yaaaay, congrats on reaching 38 weeks! I'm 38 weeks today too:happydance:
Colsy my baby keeps turning back to back, he then turns round when I lean over my birthing ball. Try not to sit back ad slouch as your body will act liker a hammock and it encourages back to back.

Hi Maffie, is your baby's head engaged at all? I'm 3/5 engaged, so I'm hoping I can still manage to get baby to turn, even though its head is quite low in my pelvis now.
Colsy my baby keeps turning back to back, he then turns round when I lean over my birthing ball. Try not to sit back ad slouch as your body will act liker a hammock and it encourages back to back.

Hi Maffie, is your baby's head engaged at all? I'm 3/5 engaged, so I'm hoping I can still manage to get baby to turn, even though its head is quite low in my pelvis now.

He keeps going in and out. I was 2/5 on Monday and then on Wednesday he was free again. They said it can happen a few times like that :shrug: I get massive movements when he rolls back into a bad position and his bum sticks all the way out as her rolls over.
Just spoke to my mum and found out one of the family cats wh's cancer had returned they operated today but she was riddled with tumours so she's had to be put down :cry: they said they could of woken her up and put her on ain releif but she only had weeks at most left to live. I'm gutted as i'd been too unwell to go there recently.

Just awaiting pram sghop to call me back as they aren't sure its in stock :saywhat: I ordered and paid months ago!!!!

Aaw, hon that's awful. It's been a year to the day pretty much since my little dog passed away. It always feels awful when they've been part of the family for so long :hugs:

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