Official October Team Bumpkins

Congrats Kaites and congrats Leah!
Glad to hear the Babylove family are doing well:)
Hope all is well today with you ladies!
I am sitting here patiently waiting for some sign that labor will start, but no dice.
I think this LO is content to stay out of the cold rainy weather we keep having here. I can't say I blame him, but mommy is starting to reel and getting pretty hormonal. Today should be my last work day, but I told my boss I would work Monday and Tuesday if he hasn't shown. Starting Wednesday, I am just taking vacation because I don't have the energy anymore. I actually slept in really late today and it was wonderful, but by the time I hobbled around a little, my pelvis was hurting again. I am seeing more in the way of cramps, so am hoping that means we'll get started here soon, but not holding my breath for anything.
Hey everyone,
I just want to thank you all for all your kind messages. It really means a lot to me & thankyou so much to Bec (Pic Holder) for updating you all. :hugs:
Was discharged from hospital this afternoon & now back home with OH & Harry; adjusting to our new lives together. I am just about as happy as a human is capable of being right now; my nwhole world just feels complete, iykwim?
I'll write my birth story as soon as I get a chance, along with pictures (OH went a bit camera happy, lol) & stuff.
And also, thanks to Kte for keeping track of all the october births so far. Congratulations ladies; isn't it just amazing???!!!
I'll pdate the bumpkin birth thread later tonight once I've had my sweet n sour chicken, hehehe. (the diet starts tomorrow- only 6 months to lose the weight before my wedding)
I am in need of a back up text bump buddy.... There's a good chance me and my buddy may be delivering at similar times so I need a back up :thumbup:

So if someone is able to be text buddy when I go into labour I would be truly happy :cloud9:
Hey everyone,
I just want to thank you all for all your kind messages. It really means a lot to me & thankyou so much to Bec (Pic Holder) for updating you all. :hugs:
Was discharged from hospital this afternoon & now back home with OH & Harry; adjusting to our new lives together. I am just about as happy as a human is capable of being right now; my nwhole world just feels complete, iykwim?
I'll write my birth story as soon as I get a chance, along with pictures (OH went a bit camera happy, lol) & stuff.
And also, thanks to Kte for keeping track of all the october births so far. Congratulations ladies; isn't it just amazing???!!!
I'll pdate the bumpkin birth thread later tonight once I've had my sweet n sour chicken, hehehe. (the diet starts tomorrow- only 6 months to lose the weight before my wedding)

Congrats your home Flora!! Can't wait to see the pics! I have PM's you with a list of all the births, thought it would be easier than you trying to plow through posts etc . . . means you get more time with OH and Harry :thumbup:
Glad to hear you're home Florabean!! Hope that everyone is settling in at home....and enjoy the chinese! I have already put in my order for Chicken with Mushroom as my first 'Mummy Supper' lol!

Does anyone else get really dizzy when they bounce on their ball too long? I think it's all the bouncing....maybe a form of motion sickness? lol
Hello Florabean, glad your home and well xxxxxxxxxx
Huge congrats to Babylove too well done xxxxxxxxxx
Hey girls. Been down at the hospital cos in all the trying to get labour moving realised that he had only moved twice up til 5pm. Went and got put on the monitor and he of course started wriggling around lol. On the upside had 7 tightenings while on the monitor at regular intervals so the midwife says she thinks im in niggling early labour. Said to rest, eat and drink. She also said she thinks once I go into proper labour it will be fairly quick so we will see. So am now home and have had a nice curry and a glass of vimto squash yummy. Will try BD'ing again tonight lol see if that helps.
I thought I'd give you guys my birth story- I'll post it in the birth announcements section too. :) (there's some extra pics in there but story is basically the same)

So, my waters broke spontaneously at 2:35am in my lounge while In was moisterising my bump, lol. I was like, "did I just pee myself???" I waited for another gush before I could tell, then woke my OH Craig up. His response was, "Can you make me some toast then?"

I text my sister who told me to call my midwife, which I did. They asked me to come in & get checked over at my local maternity unti to make sure it was waters & that I was okay etc.

We got home again at 4am, and was told that contractions will kick i over the next 24 hours & to fill out some observation sheets in the meantime & to get some rest. Instead, I cleaned my bathroom, down on all 4s, lol, eating shreddies & drinking lucozade!!!!

My contractions kicked in at about 6am & began to hurt- but nothing that bouncing on my gym ball, a hot water bottle & 2 paracetamol couldn't handle. I used contraction master (brilliant) to monitor things & when they contractions were lasting about 45 sec & were less than 5 mins apart, OH called the main hospital maternity unti to let them know we were coming in.
We hot all the rush hour traffic, in lovely stormy weather which was quite scary, but we got there at 9am & were seen straight away, booked in etc & I was pacing the room, getting more & more in pain. I was given Co-Dydramol (sp?) to help with the pain & had Craig rubbing my back & stuff...

I then started vomitting everywhere, which wasn't fun. They hooked me up to monitors & stuff, and I asked for gas & air. It made me feel really weird, but really did help with the contractions. I decided at this point to labour on my left side because my back & legs were hurting to much. They did an internal & I was only 1cm!!!!!!! actually said to my MW, "You have got to be freaking kidding me- check again!"

From 11am-4pm, I was still using the gas & air & they gave me a shot of pethidine, which I reacted badly too, hallucinating, feeling sick, unable to sit up properly etc. I managed to dilate to 8cm & was fully effaced, so everything was looking good from that point of view, but I was really struggling to cope with the pain & I was begging for an epidural. I got pretty messed up around then, talking all kindsa crap & accusung my MW of not caring about me and that she was fobbing me off, and that I was a pathetic baby who needs help & that babies shouldn't be allowed to have babies & that I'm scared of spiders & that I will cut him out myself if it takes any longer.... Kinda funny in retrospect, but obviously not at the time! I kept coughing & throwing up & couldn't keep anythng down. I became dehydrated & they had to put a canula in- they messed the first one up because they couldn't get a vein properly, so they has to re-do it, so I'm black n blue on my hand n wrist now, lol.

Then, at last, the lovely lady came & did my epidural. I couldn've kissed her- it made every difference! They left me to sleep for an hour & gather my strength for the delivery. I slowly became fully dilated & they informed me I was ready to push. They lowered the head of the bed & I vomitted right into my midwife's face, which she wasn't impressed about. They gave me some water, which I then puked up again about 20 seconds later. They told me I was now nil by mouth & put another bag thingy on the drip, lol. Was quite amusing actually.

Coz of the epidural, I couldn't feel the contractions, so I didn't know how to push or when to push or anything, which felt really odd. Thenn my contractions stopped altogether & my baby's heartrate dropped, along with my BP. They left the room & came back saying they needed to gve me an injectionto kick start the contractions again & wait for the consultsant to arrive, or I may end up with an emergency c-section. Both me & my OH said no though, & they were hapy to let us carry on.

Eventually the consukltant arrived & said if I was open to it, he could see the head, so I could have a ventouse delivery, but that my vagina was too small (sorry, tmi) so I would need to be cut. I agreed and about 15 minutes later, my little boy was born!!!! I was sewed up, and handed my son to breastfeed, which felt amazing. Myself & my OH were holding back the tears & just so relieved to finally have him here & everything be okay...

I wont bore you all with the rest of the gory details, but we decided to call him Harry George Arthur Lees, and he was born after 18 hours of labour, on tues 6th october 2009 (3 days early) at 9:03pm (GMT). He weighed 6lbs 9oz & measured 19.5 inches long with a head circumferance of 35cm. (he's my little pumpkin headed harribo man, lol)

I feel truly blessed to have him in my life & complete my family. :) Thankyou for all the support you have given me over the last few months- it has meant a lot to me. :hugs:


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Flora ~ OMG look at all that hair, he's adorable!!!

Don't feel bad about throwing up on your MW. I was sitting here at home in the bath and just vomited all in it haha. I couldn't move cause I was having a 4 minutes (!!!!!) contraction.
Hey and you vomited on your nurse, I peed all over my OBs arm hahaha.

I was 7cm when I got to the hospital and I was talking all kinds of shit, I was writhing around the waiting room waiting for the nurses from labour and delivery to come down with a wheel chair and asked the security guard (amongst crying and sobbing "make it stop") .. "Where they coming from, fucking India!?!?!", I loved the epidural also.

Oh where's the dignity.

So I've not been keeping up at all, every time I sit down I either have pump/boob in one hand or a feeding baby in the other. I solved the pump problem tho. Got a sports bra and cut a couple of slits in to it, so I just thread the pump thru and now have 2 hands to type!! :)

Lil Miss Autumn is doing well. She's 8lbs 5oz now. She was 8lb 1oz at birth. Went down to 7lb 12oz coming home from the hospital. So she's made up her birth weight and some in 9 days. Little porker! She's on 3oz of boobie milk a feed now.

Congratulations to all the new Mums. Babies are coming thick and fast now. So exciting. All those months of aches and pains are forgotten.

I'm really excited about weight loss! I've gone from 200lbs down to 172. 12 more and I'll be at my pre pregnancy weight. I'm not even doing anything to make it go as I'm not allowed to drive/do housework/lift over 10lbs till next Thursday. I think its breast feeding that's helping the situation.

I have gotta say, I am loving NOT being pregnant and being able to touch my toes lol.

OK I have a dinner to make and a baby to feed and bath. Have a wonderful night, lovelies xx
Chaos- love the piccy of autumn in your avatar- she's beautiful :thumbup: :flower:

lol, yeah, dignity definitely left me the second I started not being able to cope with the pain. :dohh:

I managed not to swear at anyone though, which mega surprised me considering I usually explete every other word in every day life, lol. My OH said that despite the pain, I was still on my best behaviour, apart from when I punched a pillow a couple of times, and bit so hard on the gas & air tube that it broke off & I threw it acorss the room...
It's so true when people say you forget about the pain afterwards though- literally, the minute the doc pulled Harry out & I felt like flubber, iykwim, I was just so wrapped up in him that I could hardly recall the pain & trauma of everything else.
I am jnow in agony from the episiotomy though- the paracetamol & dicofenac they gave me aint doing anything, that's for damn sure. I'm walking like I've just been buggered by a horse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And after only 3 days of BFing, my boobies ache like crazyl. Guess the chapped nips & cracking skin comes next eh?

Oh the joys of it all.... but when we look at our LOs, it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, does it? :)
hey, dont normally post in this bit but just to let you all know my waters have broke and if i get no contractions by morning im to go to the hospital (im hoping that means they will induce me - i never asked - doh!). Very excited!! Never had a baby early (2 weeks) as both my boys were 10 days overdue so its all new to me this time! Im assuming now my waters have gone they wouldnt just send me home again after checking me (they better not ive got 2 organise a baby/dog sitter while im in and don't want to muck people about or waste their time). So wish me luck and keep fingers crossed they dont send me home (and that madam comes before tomorrow nights live xfactor!! heehee)
I am jnow in agony from the episiotomy though- the paracetamol & dicofenac they gave me aint doing anything, that's for damn sure. I'm walking like I've just been buggered by a horse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had a 2nd degree episiotomy to get Autumns pumpkin head out. Mine's not really hurt. Its more itchy because of the stitches. I checked down there today and you can't even see the cut anymore.

It felt bruised for a couple days ... at the hospital they gave me Icepacks for the first 24 hours down there, total godsend. Along with the icepacks, they gave me some witch hazel pads (like the ones for hemorrhoids) they really helped sooth the area. You put them directly on the icepacks, then pull it all up.

They also gave me a bottle that you squeeze to wash down there each time you go to the bathroom, as hot as you can stand it, then pat the area dry.

They also told me to do "sitz baths" when I got home, 3 times a day .. 15 minutes a time. Basically water as hot as you can stand it in the bath, couple inches deep, some epsom salts and just sit in it for 15 minutes. It really really helps.

For the swelling and pain they were giving me 800mg of Motrin every 8 hours. Its basically Ibuprofen, an anti inflammatory. The percocet didn't hurt either ;)

I'm still afraid to sneeze and cough tho lol.
gonna try some salt baths tomorrow & some ibuprofen in that case. I'm alergic to witch hazel, so can't use that, but I'm willing to try anything. Can't sleep coz t hurts so much. Harribo is fast asleep, as is my OH, snoring away, lol. Typical men!!!!!
hey, dont normally post in this bit but just to let you all know my waters have broke and if i get no contractions by morning im to go to the hospital (im hoping that means they will induce me - i never asked - doh!). Very excited!! Never had a baby early (2 weeks) as both my boys were 10 days overdue so its all new to me this time! Im assuming now my waters have gone they wouldnt just send me home again after checking me (they better not ive got 2 organise a baby/dog sitter while im in and don't want to muck people about or waste their time). So wish me luck and keep fingers crossed they dont send me home (and that madam comes before tomorrow nights live xfactor!! heehee)

Good Luck- I hope the labour goes swiftly for you now your water's have gone. :) Let us know once you've had your little girl & your'e back home safe 7 sound.
Morning All...

Yep, I'm up and awake thanks to morning sickness... Argh... Why does it have to come back?? Oh well, hopefully not too long left... I'm positive it will all be worth it... LOL was even talking to OH about trying for another yesterday whilst walking around town, anyone following must have thought what a nutter??? LOL I waddle from side to side very slowly but do it with some expertise now... Can't walk...

Going up and down the stairs in mothercare is such a joke! I'm scared of heights anyway, and the stairs in the local mothercare has a sheer drops either side.. As I struggle to go up the stairs (kinda have to pull myself up on the banister...) OH had to help me come down due to the sheer drops, and carry all the stuff down... Talk about feeling pathetic... Why do they make stairs like that in stores and malls???

Florabean & Chaos ~ You both sound as though you're doing really well adjusting to motherhood... Hope the healing continues to go well for both of you... Sounds like you both survived the labours well... Both babe look beautiful...

Sobersadie ~ Hope everything progresses well for you...

LittleKitten ~ I've a feeling LO's planning to keep you and OH on your toes... Guess it's a sign of things to come... They sure know which buttons to push as they grow up... DS still does now, it's not until after he's acheived his goal that I normally realise what he's done...

DS got OH a cracker yesterday, whilst we'd been in town we'd looked at halloween outfits, didn't see anything that was worth the price they were asking; When DS came in I said to him I didn't get you an outfit, we'll look at making one this coming week. OH asked DS to go to him, he lifted him up and said we just couldn't beat the mask you have... DS screamed at the mirror, and then said "Mum Mum Theres a werewolf in here, behind me!" OH just didn't know where to look, both of them ended up on the floor, in giggles; DS squirming and OH trying to lick DS... LOL not just me he catching out then?!?! (OH has a full beard and is in need of a hair cut too, his curls are growing well)

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