Official October Team Bumpkins


Florabean - Wow 18 hours of labour i feel for you babe, i was climbing the walls after just 6 with DS!! :rofl: Your little man is gorgeous! Well done :hugs:

Chaos - Awww Autumn is so beautiful, bless her. Sounds like shes doing great with her feeding/weight gain :)

Sobersadie - Hope things move along quickly for you, good luck!

Eswift - Sorry your feeling sick again, hope it passes soon :hugs:

Nothing much happening here, was having a lot of strong and quite painful BH's last night and thought i was leaking waters as my underwear was quite wet.. but nothing this morning so thinking it was just false alarm.

Its my sons birthday today, hes 2! So hoping nothing happens, dont want to be in labour in his day really!

Hope everyone is ok and has a lovely weekend! I might not be on again today but ill catch up tomorrow if not!

Morning all, well pram as just arrived, not opened it yet. I'm waiting for brother to arrive to help me as its in 3 massive boxes!!!

Went out last night with a friend for a drink and done a little housework this morning, stopped though as head is hurting.

Flora the pics of Harry are gorgeous....good name (it's my dad's too :thumbup:

I'm also keeping a little more food down so well chuffed about that.
Morning girls. Still no sign of proper labour yet. Getting a little bit fed up of it now lol. This is the 3rd day of niggling early labour and it doesn't seem to be moving anywhere. Off for another long walk this morning. Been BD'ing at every opportunity and that isn't working either lol. Curry last night has done nothing but make me windy this morning lol. This little man is determined to mess everyone about. Mum will be going home tomorrow if labour doesn't start so I can guarantee you I will go into labour tomorrow night lol.
Chaos and Flora- so lovely to hear about how you're getting on,it's making me really impatient though...I want all the pain now!!! LOL

Anababe, happy 2nd birthday to your DS hope you enjoy his day xx

Sobersadie- wow, bet that was a suprise for you then but just goes to show..just cos previous pregnancies have gone over due it doesn't always automatically mean the next one will :happydance:

Jlo and Littlekitten, and of course anyone else that wants them (me included!!)- mega labour vibes to you xxxxxxx

Not doing much today,still sat in PJ's at the mo. It's a lovely sunny day, OH is fitting our new french doors and I'm gonna get all Ethans newborn and 0-3months clothes washed dried and ironed.
So, had period-like pains all day yesterday and then in the evening this bit of green snotty jelly fell out of me - about a teaspoonful I'd say. Is this what they call my "show"? I thought it was usually meant to be a bit red or pink? Went to bed hoping this was it, but although I had the period pains throughout the night, nothing else major happened. If that was my show, will there be more of it at a later stage, or was that it? Despite reading mountains of literature on birthing and babies, I'm suddenly feeling completely unsure of everything! Help! xx
Good morning ladies!

Chaos and Flora - thanks for the Mummy updates! It seems like you're both enjoying it which is great! :thumbup:

Hope everyone else is ok and those niggles turn into something for everyone!

I had an interesting night......

Went to the loo and I think part of my plug had come away......white/green snot like substance all over!......announced this to hubby (he likes to know what's going on) so we googled 'mucus plug' not whatever you do look at the image results for this. It will make you feel really ill! lol I think it was part of my plug as later on we got the same amount again after BDing.

After the daily BD I did not feel well...I felt like I had something in the back of my throat. I coughed to try to move it and was promptly sick everywhere (I haven't been sick this entire pregnancy (I've come close and heaved but never actually been sick). I was sick twice and after cleaning up passed out to sleep. I have since had about 11 hours sleep (with a couple of loo breaks obviously) and still feel really tender and sicky. All last night I was getting niggly pains and my whole stomach and back was tensing up for up to 30 minutes at a time....I was not impressed! lol

Hubby finishes for his leave in 2 hours time so will be home very shortly! I can't wait to have him home but it does make my nerves kind of tingly becuase now there's nothing stopping us from going full throttle on 'Operation Evacuation' :wacko: - Ideally we should wait until Thursday as we need to stock the cupboards up. Speaking of which......while I feel sick, I'm starving so I think some cereal may be in order!

Have a good day girls xx
Went to the loo and I think part of my plug had come away......white/green snot like substance all over!

So, Aimee, sounds just like what I had! Be funny if we end up birthing on the same day after all our other dates matched so well at the start of our pregs :) Good luck, gal! xx
So, had period-like pains all day yesterday and then in the evening this bit of green snotty jelly fell out of me - about a teaspoonful I'd say. Is this what they call my "show"? I thought it was usually meant to be a bit red or pink? Went to bed hoping this was it, but although I had the period pains throughout the night, nothing else major happened. If that was my show, will there be more of it at a later stage, or was that it? Despite reading mountains of literature on birthing and babies, I'm suddenly feeling completely unsure of everything! Help! xx

I had the same thing last night by the sounds!

Hope things get moving for you soon hun! xx
Went to the loo and I think part of my plug had come away......white/green snot like substance all over!

So, Aimee, sounds just like what I had! Be funny if we end up birthing on the same day after all our other dates matched so well at the start of our pregs :) Good luck, gal! xx

Argh cross-posting! :wacko:

I've just said the same thing to hubby on the phone.....would be very odd indeed!
hi everyone. well, after coming in on wednesday to be induced, im still here :( im on my 4th gel now, i haven't had more than one gel in 24hrs because it gives me contractions for 12 hrs roughly then they stop and they dont want to overstimulate my uterus. im so fed up, dont think i can do another day of this. theres also a really chavvy woman next to who got here LAST NIGHT and is moaning coz shes not in labour yet, she is doing my f'ing head in
Went for another walk which has made me get more contractions which are making me very very uncomfortable. Been feeling quite sick for the last hour or so. Can't get comfortable no matter how or where I sit which is making me feel a bit out of control. Have just had some fish and chips and managed to eat about half of it. Feeling alot of pressure down there are feel like I need to take a big poo even though I don't. Not nice.
Aww Dom85 - :hugs: I hope things start moving soon.....That must be so frustrating!

Hope everyone else is's very quiet on here this afternoon. I'm just waiting for hubby to get home! Can't wait!!!! :happydance:
LittleKitten ~ Fingers crossed this LO has plans to move soon...

Colsy & Aimee-Lou ~ Sounds to me as though your going through the same as I've been having for weeks... I'm now fed up with the gloop...

Maffie ~ Bet you can't wait to get the pram out and have a peek... I'm so pleased that you managed to go out with your friend yesterday, bet you feel so much better for having time out... I'm so relieved that you've been able to keep food down, I'm sure you'll start to feel so much better soon... LOL and then babe'll decide it's time to arrive...

I've been and had a walk up and down the hills in town yet again... I'm buggered now... My back and hips are so painful, I'm sure my moaning must be getting on OH's nerves... He dealing with me very well at moment, keeps giving my back and hips a small massage, can't to with long ones; it hurts too much... I'm debating on going to ctach a few zzz's but not sure I'll feel much better afterwards, hehehe OH just said he'd not expect me to be up to doing much since I've such a great lump camping out for squatters rights!?! Cheeky Monkey...

Mind I do feel that there's no enough room for me and babe in my body, one of us is gonna have to move out, babe just isn't taking the hint, or is it me???

Anyone heard from JLo?

Anababe ~ Hope DS has a lovely b'day...
eswift - I'm still here:dohh:
After a epic sleep last nite, even DS2 managed to sleep from 7 til 7 and is feeling much better today, Ive done some washing, cleaned the bathroom and hoovered all upstairs, waiting for DH to get home after his latest B&Q trip to carry the hoover down for me to do downstairs, I'm sure our hoover has gained weight or am I just weak:wacko:

Am feeling the need for a:sleep: but got to go and face the grocery shopping, I have a list though so hoping it wont take me too long, am beginning to get cabin fever now, dont like to wonder far from the house incase anything happens but its doing my head in now:dohh:

Dom - fingers x this gel will work for you:hugs:

LK - what are these boys like, the girls dont seem to be giving their mummies half as much of a hard time:hugs:

:hugs: to everyone else on this sunny day x
My baby boy is here!! He was born at 23:06 on the 7th October and weighed 6lb 12oz.
Thomas Karl Michael Kiener XD :happydance:
im so excited!!
LittleKitten & Dom85- hope things progress for the both of you soon. :hugs:

KrisKiten; congratulations hun!!!!!! hope you're doing ok :)
KrisKitten, Congrats!!
Dom, LittleKitten and jlo...come on girls...I am keeping everything crossed for you! Hope something happens really soon!!
No more progress here. This baby is going over. I am all but certain, now. I haven't had one real contraction since last week. Cramping yes, but nothing else even worth mentioning. Today is my LMP due date, and tomorrow is the U/S due date, so he has 36 hours before he is late. Thinking the odds are stacked against me right now. The good news is that there is time to do some more cleaning around here, then, so I am off to entertain myself with that today! Good luck for any ladies who progress before I return!!:hugs:
Kriskitten, huge congrats to you xxxxxxxxx
:hugs: to everone suffereing with twinges, let hope you haven't much longer left before your LO's arrive.

Anababe, hope your DS had a nice birthday :D

Congratualtions Kriskitten :flower:

It's been a busy day today as I had my Sis, her hubby, my two nephews (10 & 7) and niece (almost 2) around. Mad house, but fun! I got lots of housework done before they came, I even managed to sew the button back on my maternity jeans lol. OH and I then went to Tesco's once they had gone, I picked up a gym ball from there yipee. It was a bit of a stuggle walking around as my feet are nice and puffy, took a while to get my shoes on. Once we got back OH made me a yummy chicken dinner and I may go finish it off now with a bakewell tart. Then after it's all settled I will give my ball a test run!

Have a good evening all x

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