Official October Team Bumpkins

Wow, what a day folks! So much going on :)

Flora and Chaos: Your little ones are absolutely gorgeous:cloud9:
Kriskitten: Congratulations:happydance:
Littlekitten and Dom: I really hope things progress quickly for you!!:hugs:
Colsy and Aimee-lou: Things are really starting now:happydance:
Maffie: So glad you finally got your pram! Bet you can't wait to play with it :) !

Sorry if i've missed anyone out and hope that you're all having a grand day!

Big:hugs: to everyone feeling under the weather xx
everyones babies this month are tiny =] my lil man beast so big already =[ feel like iv been robbed of his babyness iykwim =[
Hiya girls :wave:

well we are home.. so i just wanted to pop on and say hi... I will get on properly soon but i am very sore at the mo and Sienna is feeding like a little trooper :D so i aint getting much time to myself.... Thanks for all the congrats girls.

I am totally and utterly in love with Sienna and still cant quite believe she is here... I will put my birth story on when i get some time, but for now here is a little pic of my beautiful daughter taken today xxxx

Well girls I have gone to Tesco and bought 2 fresh pineapples....trying everything now to get this little man out. Sat eating my pineapple...and then I'm going to have some paracetamol and a bath and then get an early night.

Leah - congrats on being home with your beautiful little girl. She is truly adorable.
Sienna is so absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations :hugs:

Hope everyone is having a good day. Romilly is keeping us busy! Already I can't remember life before her. I can't believe she's a week old already, where has the time gone?

I finally got the time/energy to post my birth story (with a couple of piccies). Here's the linky to the thread. Please be warned that it's horrendously long (tis as much for me as everyone else!) :lol:
congrats Leah- she really is beautiful- with a killer wardrobe, I see already too! :)
Oh Leah, she is gorgeous!!(I looooove that little sweater, too...she looks so bundled up and cozy!):cloud9:
So girls, I cleaned everything I had the energy to and just took a nice shower, and still no LO. 28 hours till he is officially late and everyone in both our families have checked in today just about. They all ask the same question, as if we would have had the baby and not told anyone yet:rofl:
I can tell you my belly feels like it could pop at anytime, so having him out of there will be a relief when it happens! My big fat old right foot is getting stuck in permanent swollen position now. I can't wait to see my ankles again:rofl:
Morning all

Well my pram is lovely :cloud9: I'm trying to get used to the articulated steering though. My mum liked it and my brother helped put it up. I just need the baby now :rofl:

I'm feeling little better each day that more food stays down which is good. I was uncomfortable last night so hoped :sex: would help :lol: instead of helping me on my pains went I was super happy and slept :rofl:

It's so lovely seeing all these babies arriving. I'm loving reading the birth stories. Can't wait to do mine!
Just to let everyone know my waters broke at 5.30am so hopefully there will be another bumpkin soon...
Morning Ladies,

Well I have had an eventful day yesterday. Started of by going to my surprise baby shower ( that I knew about) It was brilliant and had a lovely day. I was getting the odd really lower back pain ... But just put it down to pressure. Then last night I got home at around 7 and have been getting pains every 10 mins last around 45sec , they are all in my lower back and make me squirm. They are painful but maybe on a scale of 4 or 5 out of 10. I now wernt to the toilet and have had some diarohea ( sp?) . They seemed to have eased a little in the last hour. What do you ladies think ?? I hope this is something for happening for me because I cant go on for the next two weeks with these bloody pains....

Leah- Sienna is beautiful

Maffie - Congrats on the pram , enjoy your play time with it ...glad your feeling a little better :hugs:

znwinne - How exciting , good luckx
Oh it may be lindak!! Fingers crossed for you xxxxxxx
znwinnie, goodluck to you too xx
Babylove, wow, shes so cute, hope your well too
znwinnie, hope things progress quickly for you.

Linda hope its the strart for you now :thumbup:

Well solids are coming back up again, not going to let it get me down though. :)
Baby Love - Sienna is gorg!

Congrats to any new bumpkins I have missed. Hope the rest of you are not going too mad waiting!

DH did the breakfast feed today to give me a long lie as our LO has day and night muddled up - what a treat :)

Well no change here girlies. Still in constant pain with my back. Thats 4 days now. Still niggling but pretty sure now that the midwife was talking rubbish when she said it was early stages of labour. Got the consultant tomorrow so going to ask her to examine me and give me a stretch and sweep. Also going to talk to her about getting an induction at 40 weeks due to my scoliosis. Can't cope with this back pain for another 3 weeks :(
oh my god girlies iv never been so tired in my life! =[ doing the night feeds all on my own and its really starting to get to me... Dexter seems to wake every hour for past two days at night =[
hi everyone
congrats to all on the new arrivals, it is really busy around here.
lindak-hope it is start of things for you.
best of luck-znwinnie

AFM: had a bloody show yesterday morning and had cramps on/off in my lower back, no real pattern to the pains. have been awake since 5am with them only niggling ones really, had one that made me stop in my tracks. have hosp appt wednesday so will see what they say.
Good luck to ZNWinnie, Little Kitten, LindaK and anybody else I've forgotten (sorry).

Big congrats to KrisKitten.

I haven't lost any more plug since Friday night, so not really sure what that was all about. Having lots of period pains and occasional "contractions", but I would describe them as uncomfortable rather than painful and they're most definitely not regular. They're different from Braxton Hicks, as I can actually feel something rather than just a tightening.

Am frustrated now, as I've managed to get all my jobs done that I wanted/needed to do before baby arrives. So now, it's almost like I've run out of useful things to do. I don't do daytime telly so that's most definitely not an option, and it's peeing it down here today so no nice walk for me. Don't want to spend hours on the computer either as I need to stay in a good position to get baby to move into an anterior lie. Plus it's actually still a week until my due date, so in theory it could be a-g-e-s yet. Come on, baby, pop out!

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