Official October Team Bumpkins

I think I'll stick with that excuse too aimee-lou!!
Chaos - :hugs:I know exactly how you feel about the pregnancy, I had an mmc last august; It broke my heart, we'd gone for our 12 wk scan and saw it all on the screen. So yes, I feel as though I've had a bit of a rough ride so far, but it's all worth it.:happydance: Some mornings I wonder if it's all been too close together. But we can work through all the emotions strais and pains... OH has been a "jem", I couldn't have asked for anyone to be more patient and understanding, even just to listen when I've cried and just hold me until I've calmed. Even with all the ailments and stuff with me, house and work... We're still smiling...:cloud9:

As to when the house will be finished, I've no idea. But I know the house is gonna take some time, until we're able to move back as of yet we've not really been given another date; as due to all the things that have gone wrong there's been a 7 week delay, I'm hoping for the end/middle of May.:happydance:

Spoke to work today, I feel so much better about going back; although I'll be starting at 6am, I'll be on preparation rather than deliveries. I can't tell you all how happy I am about this. I had apprehensions about going back to delivery and endng up with blood pressure/blood sugar probs again. I'm one happy bunny!!:bunny:
So glad you got your work sorted. At least now you can start to get back to normal. Hope the interview went well for hubby!

Glad to hear the house is coming together too. Wonderful news when the sun is shining!
Hiya :) - woo you find out tomorrow.. im so excited for you :yipee: hehe

eswift - Glad things with work are looking better :)

Chaos - Glad yor feeling better after a good sleep :hugs:

Leo - Yeah you can find out the sex from around 16 weeks. I just had a private scan on Wed at 15+3 and it was pretty clear im having a boy! I dunno how people wait til 20 weeks nevermind the full 9 months! :rofl:

Im feeling ok today. I forgot to eat breakfast today and went straight into town. Around 11:30 i was in a shop and went very dizzy and started feeling sick, i had to eat straight away.. good excuse to go to McD's :rofl: No but i dont think ill be forgetting breakfast again! :roll: lol

Jellytot has been very quiet last few days, not felt him moving at all. He must be very sleepy hehe Hope i start to feel more movement soon :cloud9:

Hope your all ok! :)

Anababe - sorry to hear you felt faint, but what an excuse. I'm very jealous! :rofl: I feel really guilty now when I eat anything bad for me in public becuase my bump is qite accosted by a woman at the bus stop yesterday for drinking coke!!!

And abotu waiting....we've decided to go for team yellow. It's just so exciting to have this huge surprise waiting, you get to meet them for the first time and there's no chance of a mistake like a couple of my family members (and actually my Mum) have experienced! (I was supposed to be a boy!:rofl:)
Hi ladies, not been on since yesterday morning and loads to catch up on!!!
Had midwife yesterday, she is so miserable, no personality at all, dont see her till 28 weeks now, seems ages away!!

That's outrageous, are they not suposed to see you every four weeks?

Apparantly not, gave me a 'schedule' of appointments and I only see her 6 times throughout pregnancy, it is shocking thou.
Hi ladies, not been on since yesterday morning and loads to catch up on!!!
Had midwife yesterday, she is so miserable, no personality at all, dont see her till 28 weeks now, seems ages away!!

hiya mate, my mw was the same when i was pg with hollie seen her at 16wks then was supposed to see her at 28wks but couldnt fit me in and well you know the rest. Kick up about it or just make an appointment to go earlier she cant refuse to see you :hug:

Hi hun, tbh shes that miserable that I wont miss her, lol!! Have my doppler so thats good, my doc is brilliant and will c me at the drop of a hat so shes my back up and she refers to hospital quick to if you need her to x
Ive had days that Ive felt this way too. Not so much the nights out but more the amount of fat Im piling on!! I worked sooo hard to get it off not so long ago! I know that sounds very selfish but I can't help it,hate the days when I feel like this. Luckily,today is a good day for me..had a chinwag this morning after school run with a friend,who is 5months pregnant,she cheered me right up.

I so know where you are coming from Helz81, dont want to sound like I'm ungrateful for my bubba cus I'm not but worked my ass off to get back in those size 12's!!!! Oh well guess I've done it twice I can do it again!!! x
whats a HIP grant? I know health in pregnancy, is it that £190 at 25 weeks?
hi all, i'm due on the 10th with 1st! i'm 17wks at the mo, had 1st scan at 14wks and blood tests :( last week!
Yeah Honey, its the grant everyone gets at 25 weeks :) No idea what mine will be spent on yet.. lol

Hi all.

Heard the :baby: heartbeat for the first time today :happydance: I went for my bloods and didn't know that you got to hear it. SO exciting!

I think I'm really feeling some movement down there too! :cloud9:
Hi Everyone

I havent been around much this week as im so tired been going to sleep really early dont know whats up with me lol :rofl:. I wish i had a relaxing weekend but i havent gota get to bank before 12 so gota get up early then my dd has a party so doubt we will be home before 7 :hissy:. On a good note only just over a week before we find out the sex :happydance: cant wait now! good luck for tommorrow hope you get some lovely pics xxx :hugs:

Please can you add me to the list, I am due the 29th of October:)
hi ladies,

Finally I think my energy is getting back to normal!!!!
Had been shopping yday and spent almost 5 hours outside... walking n shopping!!!!!!
Did shop for a few maternity clothes.... just got some bright colors for this summer!!!!!! :)

Hows everyone feeling today?????
oooh, check out this lovely Sunshine!!

Well went to hospital yesterday re: arm - good and not so good news! good news is I dont need an operation, bad news is Im out of plaster but in a brace (which is as bad really) for another 4 weeks at least! :dohh:

For all you who dont know me from 1st tri - I was snowboardiing in Feb - 12.5 weeks ago (pregnant but before I knew) and broke my arm in 4 places and scaphoid in 1! :dohh:
so have been plastered up and off work ever since - so whole pregnancy so far! Cant drive and live in sticksville so can get demoralising at times.

But not on SUNNY days like this! :wohoo:
Good Morning Ladies!!!

After a very early night last night I slept from 7.30 ish right the way through until 6.30am! :sleep: I'd got to the point that my eyes were struggling to stay open, but I'd been awake from 4am yesterday. So I was very ready for bed. Only woke once and that was wen OH came to bed at some silly time, he's fallen asleep on the sofa!:rofl:

I didn't get the ironing done yesteday a I'd intended; after taking DS to school having breakie number 2, pestering OH to call up about some job, i was lunch time; fancied a sickly bun so nipped into town to get lunch; by the time I got back the house was full of bodies. So there was no room to do it!:hissy: Maybe I'l try again today, but I ain't holding my breath...

My sister has planned a night out tonight, and has bags to finish packing ready for her leaving on Monday. So if yestrday's anything to go by, the entire house will be covered in her stuff. I had another fall out with her yesterday too; I had been looking forward to seeing her, when she came home, but now I'll be glad when she goes... I endedup in bloody tears again! OH tried to comfort me, but why does the "you shouldn't let her get to you, you know what she's like" chat never makes you feel better?

I'm fed up of being bossed about, treated as though I'm stupid and as though I'm beneath her. I'm the older sister, I've a family, a job and a house; I've been to college and uni and still she thinks I'm something you scrape off your shoe! I could understand it if she had some well paying job and earnt wads of money. She has an exciting job, but is poorly paid, she's younger than me, no family, house and runs so hot and cold. She can be nice, like buying the babe stuff, but then the next day she's complete off on one for what seem like no reason whatsoever. Roll on Monday!?!?:happydance: I know I'm hormonal but I ain't stupid!

I've made no plans for this weekend, infact I think I may just bugger off out, blow all the money I haven't got buy loads of crap I don't need and then I'll feel so much better. I'd be skint and then worry about money constantly, I'd feel loads better. Ok so My mood sucks today, rather sceptical on how today's gonna be, I can see me falling out with my sister big style if she starts again today... Then I'd be the bad bugger as normal, generally because she doesn't come up very often, and we do like to see her etc. :rofl: I just can't win!:rofl:

Other than the sister thing I feel great, and really think things are looking up... The weather's getting better, work on the house has started again, OH is actively seeking work, I'm back at work Thursday and hopefully it won't be too long before the house is ready for us to go back to. Had a great nights sleep and heard babe this morning, starting to feel babe move too which is reassuring. All in all I feel almost like a well me!!:happydance:

Right I'm gonna get dressed and go round the carboot. Balls to everyone else. I'm gonna have some me time. Might even go buy some trousers for work and a swimming suit... I'll fill you all in later, as to what I've done...

Have a wonderful day, in the sun shine... Make the most of it!!
I was at physio yesterday, as suspected the SPD is back, and because of how bad it got last time they want to see me every 2 weeks. it didn't help that with all the poking and prodding she did I could barely walk out of there.

I feel like all I ever do at the moment is see medical people. my schedule consists of 2 weekly visits to physio, 5/6 weekly visits to respiratory consultant, 4 weekly antenatal consultant appointments and the regular midwife appointments, every single appointment also involves having 7 vials of blood taken to check on my levels so they can tell when I need blood transfusions for the thalesemia. this whole pregnancy is getting more and more like a nightmare every time I see someone else. My obstetrician wanted to know how many more children I wanted I had to laugh, I have no plans at all to do this again.

still I guess if we get a healthy baby out the end of it it will be worth it.

I told my ex yesterday, he was devastated, went from being a lovely little catch up chat to stunned silence. I think he was still holding out hope I would leave the OH and I guess this confirms I have no plans to. good luck for today. Cant wait to find out what team you are on.

Hope everyone is feeling better today. The sun was out this morning and cheered me up but now its gone away :( Has anyone else noticed that their belly has got really hairy?!

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