Official October Team Bumpkins

Well no change here girlies. Still in constant pain with my back. Thats 4 days now. Still niggling but pretty sure now that the midwife was talking rubbish when she said it was early stages of labour. Got the consultant tomorrow so going to ask her to examine me and give me a stretch and sweep. Also going to talk to her about getting an induction at 40 weeks due to my scoliosis. Can't cope with this back pain for another 3 weeks :(

:hugs: Hope you lo make an appearance soon... Sounds very similar to what I am experiencing since last night... They dont seem to be getting closer together , no water, and no show :wacko: I think I am going to head to hosp later if im still the same...
Leah - sienna is lovely! Bet your so glad she's here now :)

Good luck linda - sounds like could be the start of something

ZN Winnie- wishing you a speedy labour!

Littlekitten - baby james has been a little tease over the last few weeks lol i really hope he makes his mind up soon to come out!

Cant believe my little Sam is a week old today :) its flown by but he's been so good, wakes every few hours during the day for feeding then every 4ish at night, he had his heel prick test on friday, he didnt even flinch lol he's a bit jaundiced and they want to check him again on tuesday to make sure its not getting worse but chloe was like that when she was about a week old too.

Its my 30th birthday today too, chilled day for me though cos OH is at work till 4 but we're going out for a meal somewhere tonight :)
Happy Birthday Jo!!!!!

LK ~ feeling the same since 3-4 days.... have booked an appt with MW for the 14th if nothing happens till then.

These pains are 10 -12 mins apart and seems like early labor... called del suite yday evening and I was told to take some paracetamol/bath/rest .... well I did and managed to get some decent sleep..... but only to wake up in the morning to get the same pains. :(

Gonna call Del suite again.... if this remains... I can't take it anymore.... :(
Afternoon all,

lindak ~ hope it is the start of things :flower:
znwinnie ~ good luck, hope things progress quickly for you :hugs:
Jo ~ Happy Birthday! :cake:

Well I am super bored. OH was on about going for a walk with me but now doesn't want to so I may just go myself, can't stand being stuck inside all day. I can only stand TV for so long then it just hurts my brain. Done some clothes washing and may do some more depending on if the tubmble dryer has done it's job. It's raining on and off so not going to put stuff out. Got OH's mum and dad over later. Double checked my hospital bag today too.

I feel like I want to do something a bit more excititng with OH as these will be our last few days just as a two. . . but hey ho.

I have been using the ball a bit too, not sure if it has actually done anything lol. I switch between it and my dining chair, usually when some part of me (legs or bum) have gone numb!

Right, I'm off to take myself around the park before it rains again, by myself, looking like a right plonker lol.
Well have finally managed to resize my nursery pics so here are some pictures of James's nursery. He will be sharing with DSS so the toy box is DSS's lol.


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Good luck to ZNWinnie, Little Kitten, LindaK and anybody else I've forgotten (sorry).

Big congrats to KrisKitten.

I haven't lost any more plug since Friday night, so not really sure what that was all about. Having lots of period pains and occasional "contractions", but I would describe them as uncomfortable rather than painful and they're most definitely not regular. They're different from Braxton Hicks, as I can actually feel something rather than just a tightening.

Am frustrated now, as I've managed to get all my jobs done that I wanted/needed to do before baby arrives. So now, it's almost like I've run out of useful things to do. I don't do daytime telly so that's most definitely not an option, and it's peeing it down here today so no nice walk for me. Don't want to spend hours on the computer either as I need to stay in a good position to get baby to move into an anterior lie. Plus it's actually still a week until my due date, so in theory it could be a-g-e-s yet. Come on, baby, pop out!

Snap on all of the above!!! :wacko: lol

I keep getting sharp stabbing pains in my cervix and my whole lower body will tighten up, and then nothing!! We're (all 3 of us!) getting impatient now lol

We've now stocked the cupboards, have the parking money and the ONLY remaining job is to wash and rinse all the bottles ready to go in the steriliser!

Looks like a walk later then a Disney marathon to keep us occupied!

Hope something gets moving for you soon hun xx
hello ladies,

Had been to the hospital ...... aka delivery suite was greeted by a lovely midwife. I am supposed to be DUE today!
I have been getting pains down there and constant BH's never relaxing..... every 10 - 15 mins and some intense pains lasting 40 - 50 seconds.

Was examined and everything was fine.... waters were fine and LO was moving loads.
Got an internal done... aww it was better than the last time and she could find my cervix quite quick! but the thing is she could just put in 1 finger........ which means I am only 1 cm dilated.....
Was told it could take somemore time and I was in early labor, infact very very early labor and it could take days!!!! So I still have to wait for long time....

Argghhhhhhh is there anything to SPEED things up..... !!!!!!???!!!!!
Good Afternoon!!

Well, how's everyone? For those of you in labour or early labour I do hope that things speed up and happen sooner rather than being prolonged...

I've had a rather lazy day today, just as well as everyone and their dog turned up today... My Nanna & Granddad arrived bang on lunch time, my Mum & Dad arrived about 3.30 ish with their dog... It was nice to see everyone as it had been a couple of weeks since I've seen any of them... Must admitte I'm glad they've all gone now... I'm about ready for tea, then a shower and then the cinema!?!?! Woo Hoo...

My Nanna was on that my cousin & girl friend are expecting, some time in May; bless them, she's only just got herself a job, and my cousin is still looking... Why they never looked during the summer when they were only working temp at the local themepark is a mystery to me... Hey Ho... Hope he finds sommat soon... They're not too young really just turned 20... Just need a house and a job, they doss a couple of nights at her Dads, a couple of nights at his Mums, a couple of night at her Nanna's so you get the picture and a night at her Mums... Seems as though they're gonna have to do a lot of growing up and settling down over this coming winter... Rather them than me... They'll manage I'm sure...

I've still got bloody back ache, my bump keeps tightening and I had very little sleep last night, was up eating at 2am, back to bed for 6am and up for breaki 2 at 9ish, been up since... I'm hoping for a better nights sleep tonight after the cinema...

LOL still just a case of waiting for LO to decide it's time to vacate my body... Come on hurry up little Swift!!! Still hope it'll not only be Swift by name but also by nature... LOL Doubt it if OH is out to go by he's normally late... probably more Shifty than Swifty... LOL
Oh Aimee when I saw that you had posted last on this thread I got excited thinking you had posted to say you had had your LO!!
Right..going to read back now
Hmm....interesting....went to have a nap...only to start getting really intense waves of pain in my back with tightenings. Timing them now and they are coming every 6 minutes. Fingers crossed girls!
Sounds like this is it Littlekitten! Good luck!!

Awwwwww Babylove, good to hear your'e doing well and Sienna is gorgeous! Did you make them double check she was a girl when she was born? lol xx

Colsy- same has happened to me, had abit of plug come away but none since, so now I'm starting to doubt that it even was plug :wacko:

Everyone in early labour (think were at the stage now where there are way too many to remember!!) GOOD LUCK and speedy labour vibes to you!

Happy 30th JO! :happydance: awwww what a lovely time to celebrate turing 30-with a beautiful new babba!

Well, I got all Ethans clothes washed dried and ironed-had to sit down to iron though as the tops of my thighs are aching like mad today. Also washed all the bedding,thats out drying at the mo. Been out to Morrissons and done a shop, kinda wrote a birth plan out for MW coming to see me tea to make a start on now. Oh I want my baby now!!!!!!!!!!
Well they have been roughly 6 minutes apart for an hour and 10 minutes now. Have phoned OH and he is on his way home from work. Not phoning mum yet cos she only went home this morning! Shes going to kill me if I have him now lol.
Hiya girls

Thought i'd pop in whilst i have 2 mins of peace :) I very much doubt i will get the chance to catch up on the last few days events, so here's lots of labour :dust: for those who need it and :hugs: for those who need them x

Sienna is amazing :cloud9: and she is proper chilled out x I will make some time soon to add lots of pics and write my story....

Will try and pop on tomorrow to see how you all are... Hugs to you all xxx
Forgot to say earlier Baby.Love - beautiful picture of Sienna :flower:

Good luck LittleKitten, sounds very promisning! James must be ready for his nursery (nice pics btw) :hugs:

Lots of labour vibes to all those who need them.

Well, OH did come for a mini walk with me bless, it was just nice to get out of the house. How many days have I been off and it's already driving me crazy?!? :wacko: I have a few things to do still so I will be fine when OH is at work tomorrow, it's just I want to spend some quality time with OH when he is about on his day off.

His Mum and Dad have just left, we had a nice beef dinner and apple pie and custard to finish, LO is having a wriggle now :cloud9:
Ok well we are down to 4 minutes apart. Getting very intense now so have phoned delivery suite and we are off to the hospital shortly. Hopefully will be able to make my next post my birth announcement!
Ok well we are down to 4 minutes apart. Getting very intense now so have phoned delivery suite and we are off to the hospital shortly. Hopefully will be able to make my next post my birth announcement!

ohh!!! Good Luck honey!!!!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs::thumbup:
Oh Aimee when I saw that you had posted last on this thread I got excited thinking you had posted to say you had had your LO!!
Right..going to read back now

No such luck helz! :dohh: hope you're ok too hun xx
Ok well we are down to 4 minutes apart. Getting very intense now so have phoned delivery suite and we are off to the hospital shortly. Hopefully will be able to make my next post my birth announcement!

Good Luck hun! xx

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