Official October Team Bumpkins

Ok well we are down to 4 minutes apart. Getting very intense now so have phoned delivery suite and we are off to the hospital shortly. Hopefully will be able to make my next post my birth announcement!

good luck babes xxxx :hugs:
Congrats to all who have had their LOs & those in labour!!! :hugs::happydance:

Well i've been back in hospital AGAIN...went in on Friday for them to turn little man :happydance::thumbup: all went well & bubs is now HEAD DOWN! Go little man go! Lucilou, I know what you mean about how uncomfortable and sore it is now :cry: , don't feel too bad now but saturday I felt really bruised and had some stomach cramps, and LO didn't move much so I panicked abit and was back in hospital for them to check us over, little mans heart beat was great but he still wasn't moving much, however after 2 long hours on the monitor they were happy enough to let me go home and to come back straight away if I was still concerned and they said it would be time to just get him out! :shock:

Anyway, on the way home, guess who wriggled like a maniac...yes, the little monkey!! He hasn't stopped moving since lol...and he's still deff head down, feeling alot of pressure down there :( and still having the odd stomach cramps but apparently its nothing to worry about unless I am bleeding too, so i'm constantly on knicker watch, feeling very damp down there as it is!

Just had a lovely chicken sunday dinner :toothpick: cooked by my lovely dad on my request :haha: ...been craving one for weeks hehe! Now watching X Factor and going to get an early night tonight I think...haven't had much sleep this week :sleep: ...

Night all & will try read all the posts tomorrow!

x x
LK ~ Hope all move fast and relatively smoothly...

Just got back from the cinema, watched the film UP! Boy did it make me cry, made me smile too and laugh... DS really laughed loud!! Think I felt such a pratt with the tears though as I'm sure it was the extra hormones that were making me super emotional...

Came out of the cinema, got into the car; said to DS & OH I don't think we have very long left as just us 3... I'm so tight, and rather sore/sensitive to how I can move... OH has said that next Friday would be a good for him... LOL 1st week of new job under his belt... I'm not too fussed as to when LO decides I just want it sooner rather than later!!?!?!!
Good luck LK, and also to Keerthy, LindaK and anyone else experience early labour stages. :hugs:
How areb all you overdue girls doing? I hope you're not feeling too uncomfortable, although I'm sure that sounds stupid, beause obviously being heavily preggers is defo NOT a comfy experience! :dohh:
Also, mega congrats to Charliesmom who had her little girl on 5th oct. :)

My little boy had his 5 day check up today. He screamed when they did the heel prick thingy, and then he wouldn't bleed properly, lol, so they said they may have to re-do it at a later stage. silly heel. He's lost a few ounces & only weighs 6lbs 3oz now, so hopefully e'll gain weight over the next 5 days before his 10 day check-up or they'll admit him. I'm sure he will gain weight though, coz he is now a booby juice monster feeder!!!! He wants it ALL the time. (like his father, hehe)
Anyways, i'm off to bed now coz I'm tired from mall this up in the night business! Have to say, if it wasn'r for my OH, I would be dead already! :rofl:
florabean - harry is adorable! poor little mite having to go through the heel prick test again. - sienna is so cute!

littlekitten - i hope you have a good labour!

can't believe it's only 3 full days to get through until my caesarean on thursday! getting excited but also a little anxious about it now!
Hope all is going well LK!!
Well, girls, today is my due date, but I am about 3 1/2 hours from going over, so it's pretty much a done deal. Even if something starts I doubt he'll come out that quick:rofl:
My only other date I thought he may show on was the 13th, so that is my next guess, and then, who knows?
I have a Dr. apt tomorrow, so I will probably be scheduled for something then, according to the Dr.
Went to a festical today to try to get some walking in and it didn't go so great. It just hurts way too bad to hike around right now. I have a pumpkin head right down in my pelvis and it is too tough to work around. I have some awful stomach cramps, but nothing like what I would call a contraction. I think they have a lot more to do with what I ate today:haha: Generally feeling yuck.
I got all my cleaning finished, so I am on the same page of running out of things to do. Wait wait wait. That is what is left on the list. I better not have the chance to re-clean everything before this baby comes out or I will be one tired grouchy pregnant lady!
Good luck to all the girls who are getting started...send some dust this way!
Ok ladies.... am officially 1 day overdue..... Greaaaattt!!!!

Still having contractions 8-10 mins apart.... this pain sucks everytime it comes.... ufff
Morning all

38 weeks today :wohoo:

Hope your babies come soon DJgirl and Keerthy

Flora I love that pic of Harry

Need to get ready for my scan in a bit, seeing consultant too so hopefully when I get home I will have a plan of what's happening.

Need to choose a name too as i'm running out of time.
Good Morning ladies....

LK- I hope everything went ok at the hospital! :flower:

DJgirl and Keerthy - Hope things get a move on for you!

Hope everyone else had a good night.

I'm going to have a rant now so be warned! :growlmad:

At about 8pm last night I started getting pretty regular 'waves' of what felt like contractions. Started off at 40 mins apart, then 30, then 20. Each lasting about 10-20 seconds at a time. It got to midnight and we went to bed, I took a paracetamol and we would see how they were in the morning. I woke up at about 5 and had 2 more of the same, about 20 mins apart, lasted about 20 seconds......then NOTHING!!! I'm not as sore as I have been the past week or so, and I think bubs has pretty much fully engaged as you can't feel any head (hubby is pretty good at body part finding lol) and you can actually see, let alone feel, my bottom ribs for the first time in about 2 months!! :happydance:

Both hubby and I were trying not to get our hopes up last night - but it's hard when you have that kind of a pattern emerging! Just had a sausage sarnie to drown my sorrows. We're going to go for a nice long walk later and perhaps take a little trip out to fill the day.........but I guess my feelings about 38weeks and 4 days were completely wrong! Hubby now has money on the 15th (Thursday) so we will have to see.

Hope we all have a good day! :thumbup:
Morning all

Sorry not been on here - have been keeping myself to the overdue thread as dont want to depress everyone else who is not overdue!!!

Congratulations to all new mummies....I just wish it was me now.

8 days overdue now- MW at 145 so will probably have to take sweep. Will get offered induction date between Friday and Sunday but I am going to do my best to make it Friday at the latest !!!!

Am very uncomfortable, particularly my back and cant even really get out of the house!

Sorry, I will skulk back to overdue thread now...............:cry:
Morning girls:flower:
Just checking in, no :baby: yet for me either, me and pootle are in for the long haul I feel!!!
Good luck to all those experiencing anything remotely like labour and :hugs: to anyone that needs them.
Am very jealous of all these new baby pics, they are all adorable:cloud9:

I'm still here not had internet over the weekend, just using my phone.

I'll be back on tonight to catch up with everyone :) Xx
Morning girlies,

Had my show this morning..proper this time,all bloody and lots of it! Just hoping something starts soon but I'm trying not to get too excited, I know labour could be weeks away yet! MW due round any min for my homebirth risk assessment be back later xxx
Morning all,

These babies seem to be experts at being a tease!

Well, 1st day off (I didn't count the weekend lol) :happydance: I have already done some clothes washing, drying, putting away and I have washed some left over pots from last night. I will be off upstairs again soon to clear some paperwork and make the bedroom nice and presentable so its nice and neat for whenever LO decides to show up. I keep on being told to rest but I would just feel like a super slob sat on the couch not doing much when I have stuff to do. I am doing it at a nice slow pace mind you and not over exherting myself.

Everyone wants LO here and now but I am expecting to make it to my MW appointment on Wednesday. LO has been poking and prodding all over, I hope they are still head down, they had some hiccups last night that seemed quite high up :shrug:

The cats are loving that I am home, the little monkies keep on meowing at me and walking to their now empty bowl, I think they are trying to take advantge of my baby brain but I know I filled it up this morning already so they can wait the little ganets!

OK marmalade on toast and :coffee: first before I crack on. :flower:

:hug: to everyone who needs them xx
Morning all! :coffee:

I haven't posted in this thread for a while... How's everyone getting on?

Been getting lots and lots of lower back pain and other weird pains since about 1am... I'm hoping it's the start of things (knowing my luck it wont be though!)... Kinda hope it isn't just yet though as I kinda made a complete mess of my ladygarden lastnight and desperately need to sort it out lol! :blush:
Morning everyone!
Hope you all had a fab weekend! Oh, and Happy Belated Birthday Jo:cake:

To all of those in early labour (there's too many to count lol) i really hope things progress quickly for you. :hugs:

It's got to that point where i have people calling or texting on a daily basis to ask for news. It's crazy! It could be a few weeks yet (but hopefully not!). My temper hasn't frayed yet but i do keep feeling like i'm constntly repeating myself with "no folks, nothing yet" and the disappointment in the replying tones are hard to mask! I guess i'm lucky to have a lot of excitable people around me :) . My little nephew (who my mum has brought up from 6 weeks old, he's now ten!) is soooo excited. He appaently talks of nothing else at school and has told his teacher that as soon as his auntie Roni goes into hospital he will have to go right away so can he please keep his mobile phone on! Bless:cloud9:
These babies seem to be experts at being a tease!

Tell me about it! We've been for a walk this morning with the dog and hunting for nettles to go in hubby's nettle wine/beer/champagne that he is going to make. I have had niggly pains, period pains, cervix back to normal. :dohh:
The nettle wine/beer/champagne sounds interesting!

My LO gave me a boot last night in bed and my back was aching for ages, I just had to lie there rubbing it. OH gets so excited when I have a niggle, although concerned too bless him.

Argh, my cat just sat in the highchair with my nice clean dressing gown in (the one for my hospital bag) so now I am going to have to re-wash it. I'm not so fussed about the cat fur it's just he goes outside a lot and could have been anywhere! I just this min put a white wash in as well! :dohh: I got the camera out as I thought since he is there I might as well get a cheeky pic but then as soon as the camera set up he buggered off! :haha:
Hey girls, no sign of early labour for me but then I'm not due till the 30th! Sooo hoping I won't go over though. I'm very jealous of you first time mums with no other off spring at home, it's so tricky trying to get things sorted with a toddler!

It's great hearing all of the progress, good luck girls!
My hubby has stopped getting excited now by niggles......they get a bit boring after 4 hours of them lol. Now we're just sat shouting at the bump 'Come on!!!!' over and over! :haha:

The nettle wine should be nice.....he's made peach champagne before and it was gorgeous!! Hoping to make some hawthorn wine too. Got to visit the brewing shop come payday lol! :happydance:

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