Official October Team Bumpkins

I think my OH will soon, I always feel so bad saying 'no its just a niggle' ~ he won't believe me when the time comes! I wish labour were that easy, one niggle and were off!! Would be nice, somehow I don't think it will pan out that way!!

Peach champagne sounds nice too, although the last time I had a peach flavoured drink I forgot it was very stong alcoholm, drank far too much far to quickly and consequently can not remeber what happened that night, I have never done that before or since! Sadly it was at the Milennium new year's eve party so no special memories for me for such a rare occasion! :lol:
LOL On the peach alcohol drinks... My favourite tipple, peach schnapps... mmm that and a chilled medium/sweet wine... Love homemade elderberry wine... Now I sound like a right alchi... We really don't drink much or often, I can't do with the hang overs... Old age is creeping in...

(My Granddad always had some sort of alcho drink brewing when we were kids... ranging from beer, larger to the wines.. Pear and elderberry was another of my favourites, not that he makes them any more... Mind he did make a beer for my first wedding... Moaned about the last as he didn't get enough notice apparently...)

OH left this morning for his 1st day, at the new company; he was so nervous bless him... He'll be fine, but I'd love to call to see how he's doing; but best not as I don't know when lunch is or any breaks are... Starting a new job is always nerve racking...

DS was given some money off my Nanna yesterday for his popcorn etc at the cinema; he spend half of it; bless and told me this morning he's saving the rest to go to the fun swimming session on Friday after school. If it's ok would I give him his swimming money too so he could have a McDonalds on his way home afterwards... It's only over the road from the baths... Plus he wanted to know if I'd give him his library card, library in the same building as the swimming pool as he could get a book out this week, and take it back next week. He seems to be growing up so fast... I just answered we'll see... I won't have the car, and I want to see when it gets dark before I say yes... I don't mind him going and walking but not sure I want him walking home if it's dark...

He went swimming yesterday morning, OH dropped him off at 10am, he walked through the door at 12.30, with the happy meal box empty... I expected him home about 1ish.. He had walked home, it's not too far; and I know he's got to learn to be street wise before he starts secondary school next summer... It really is making me realise how independent he has become recently...

(I know it was different when I was his age, the media wasn't into scare mongering as it is now... But it is hard trying to watch how he does, rather then be there to hold his hand... Part of it is me being selfish too, I don't fancy having to run about after him, when LO is toddling if I can get away with it... I am having issues with when is old enough and how much freedom do you allow??? He's not daft by any means, if anything he's too soft... My Menace is a real softie!??! Wouldn't change him though...)
eswift - I can't drink peach schnapps. It makes me depressed and I cry....a lot. :cry:

Hubby is very good at the home-brew. He's done some really nice red wine before too. He's not had chance to do a lot lately but seeing as he has 5 weeks off now he's filling his time with his many hobbies. He has an Airfix kit to finish (actually he has 3! lol) and he is learning a new song on the guitar too so he should be kept occupied. I have some sewing to do - I feel very lazy today though as hubby is running around after me. We have been to the garden centre to look at christmas decorations - random I know.

Anyhoo....lunch time! Toasties! Yummers! Hope we're ok girls. I think bubs is trying to escape bottom first out of my right side! Muchly uncomfortable!! :dohh:
Ok sweethearts!!!!

am off to del suite in a while.... having loads of pains every 8 mins..... were every 5 mins this morning! but have increased in intensity this afternoon.......

Called the Del Suite and was asked to come in to get checked...... am in agony with each contraction..... was 1 cm dilated with irregular patterns of contractions(1 fingertip dilated yday) hopefully.... this is it......

Loads of contractions the whole night...... whcih wake me up every 5-10 mins and make me yelll ..... aaahhh they are horrible ladies!!!!

Keerthy ~ Fingers crossed and good luck! :flower:

I'm not much of a drinker either but I am looking forward to being able to have a little something to celebrate LO's arrival, I will be BF so I won't be going too mad!

Eswift ~ I hope your OH has a good first day at work :thumbup: Awh your DS sounds so good, wanting to go swimming and then the library. It's prob good he is a softy as he will try and avoid any bad situations x

aimee.lou ~ We have the decorations down in their boxes and at the ready! We have started buying the odd present here and there, usually a £1 selection box for the kids too. It kind of feels too early but at the same time this year has gone so fast!

OH has ordered sparklers for a mini bonfire night. Although he knows LO will be too young for all of these celebrations (Halloween / Bonfire night / Christmas) already he just can't help himself! I'm just hoping LO arrives for the first two! My sis wants us to go to my nephews birthday party on the 7th Nov too but I said it all depends on when LO arrives as she lives 2hrs drive away!
Ok I am officially fed up. Having spent almost 24 hours in labour now...was 1cm dilated at 10pm and 80% effaced so was sent home. Used TENS machine which was helping but by 2.30am was so intense even with the TENS that I went back in hoping to get some gas and air. Was contracting at 2 minutes apart lasting over a minute. Got to the hospital at 3am and she examined me and he was fully engaged, cervix more effaced but still just over 1cm dilated. I could have cried. Then my stupid BP was up so she made me stay there til it went down at 5am. They were threatening to keep me in but I didn't want to cos they weren't going to actually do anything except let me carry on how I was! Said to keep my consultant appointment this morning so went home and took more paracetamol and got into bed. Managed to grab about 2 hours sleep before going to see the consultant. Who I have concluded is a sadistic bitch. She has given me an induction date of 29th October! And she said basically I have to just carry on as I am until either things progress by themselves or I get too exhausted to carry on. In which case I have to go to DS and they will consider breaking my waters to try to hurry things along. I just snapped at her 'Define exhausted. I've not slept properly since Wednesday and I've had 2 hours sleep!' She said give it another day or 2!!! I was so close to tears and the cow just rubbed my back! Came home and took yet more paracetamol and had a bath. Still contracting regularly and painfully. Going to try to get some rest now.
LK - :hugs: I don't really know what to say - puts my frustrations into perspective. I really hope you get some movement soon either way. Keep your chin up hun.....he'll soon be here! :hugs:
Hi girls feeling a bit miffed at the moment but going to put it in GS as I dont want it on open boards.

I have an induction dte of next Monday so im going to try more eviction methods this week.
LK ~ That is terrible, I really don't understand why they are not helping you?!? :hugs: It all seems a bit backwards x
Hey Girls,

I know i'm not a member anymore but i just wanted to say good luck to all you mummies to be with your pending labours I wish all the best of luck x x
LK ~ That doesn't seem to make sense? How shattered do they want you to be? Aww babe I guess you could do with everyone elses share of labour dust for now... I think your consultant must be a sadist... I hope you're able to get some zzz's... I guess your LO is testing you staminer and patience...

Kte ~ Your OH is going to really enjoy being a Daddy... LOL my OH and I are planning on surprising DS at Halloween, he's off out trick or treating with his friends; OH is giving the sweeties out, we're gonna dress him up as a werewolf... I think DS will burst into fits of giggles, when he sees OH... After the grief DS has been giving OH, I think it'll be worth it...

Aimee-Lou ~ I'm sure once LO arrives you OH's hobbies will be put on a back burner for a while... LOL My OH is trying to finish the house totally, hehehe; lino's fitted this Wednesday... Then there's only our bedroom floor to sand again and varnish... (oh, and the kids bedroom radiators to connect. Next weekends job!)

Maffie ~ Coor bet you're excited about being given a date! ooo not long now!!! Ok I'm jelous now...

Well, ladies... I'm still the same... Still got back ache and hip ache, discharge has come back something yucky... and bump keeps tightening... LOL beginning to think babe thinks it's me that needs to vacate this body not them...
LK ~ :hugs: :hugs: honey!!!! Dunno wat to say...... hope things progress for ya soon.

Well ladies... me back from Hospital.... 2 cm dilated ....... contracting every 8-10 mins....

But in back to back labor... loads of back pain!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:
LK - Hope things start moving properly for you soon. :hugs: Try to relax - easier said than done I'm sure, and try some of the natural induction methods maybe, it can't hurt. Good luck!

Maffie - Hope all is ok hun? I'll be joining you on the eviction methods - let me know if you find any that work!

Kte - I know the feeling - i think a (small) glass of baileys will help to celebrate LO's arrival! Maybe straight after a feed though to give it time to go through my system before the next one! I think my DH seems to think that Halloween etc will be the same as every year - I've tried to explain that we're prob going to have to put a note on the door saying we have a sleeping baby, but he's all set for all the neighbours to come round!!!

Keerthy - GOOD LUCK!!! Hope all goes well, keep us posted!

Aimee-Lou - I can't even think about Xmas yet! Hope you get your sewing done!

Eswift - it must be hard letting them grow up and become independent! I can't even imagine that stage - i think I'll be accompanying my LO on dates until they're 35!!!

JLo - Did i read somewhere that you've had accupuncture? How was it? I've got a session booked for Tuesday and I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Helz - :happydance: on your show!! Fingers crossed!

Neferet - Welcome back! Hope it's the start of things!

HarmonyBunny - My DH just rang to ask if I have any news!!!! AAggghh! I think he may be the first one to hear, funnily enough!!!!

Panda97 - I'm v glad i don't have a toddler running around! Although saying that, at least you're kept busy with less time to think about things!

Congrats to everyone who's had their babies!!! And good lcuk to anyone I've missed who hasn't!

I've been trying to keep up to speed with this thread but havent posted for a little while! Due to my GD I've got an induction date of 26th booked but I'm desperate for LO to make an appearance on his/her own accord before then so am trying every old wives tale going! I'm not sure if i had a mini show yesterday - sorry TMI but it was browny for the morning but then went away again. LO is still very active too!

Hope everyone is feeling ok today! Take care!
Kte - I know the feeling - i think a (small) glass of baileys will help to celebrate LO's arrival! Maybe straight after a feed though to give it time to go through my system before the next one! I think my DH seems to think that Halloween etc will be the same as every year - I've tried to explain that we're prob going to have to put a note on the door saying we have a sleeping baby, but he's all set for all the neighbours to come round!!!

We have a little Bart Simpson character from last year that I got OH with a devil suit and pitch fork, we are going to stick it in the window with a little sign on the fork to ask people to only knock at a certain time and especially only on the 31st as the kids around here can get a bit cheeky and come the day before and then after, they usually claim they 'were on holiday'!! It's much easier around here when it falls on a week night as they come round quite early as they have school the next day.
had my lil man weighed today... 9lb11nhalf oz lol lil fatty! 6nhalf oz in 11days!.. hes growing too quickly =[... But ive decided i soo want more babies! i want to be pregnant again lol but not for a few more years lol
hi everybody :) congrats on all the babies bein born - ladies I hope ur bein looked after too!!

Good luck to those in labour and still waitin for the start of things - when it happens it will all be fine and life will never be the same!

Just to let u all kno, I had baby Jake on 7th October, after waters broke at ten 2 6 in the mornin, had him at 11.20pm, what an experience! He weighed 8lb 7oz, normal delivery, gas and air only, and 2nd degree tear thats all stitched up n rather uncomfy now! Breastfeedin goin well now, lovin every minute of havin a a gorgeous lil boy whos all mine (even if i do have to share him with OH hehe). Will pop a pic up wen i get them on pc. wont be on here much now, seem to be really busy feedin, lukin after myself and sleepin etc etc. Mayb wen im bk to normal and hav more energy n more of a routine then may come bk on more often n c how things r goin.

good luck again n congrats xxxxxxxxx
Amandas - yes I did have accupuncture last Thursday, I had alot of pains after but nothing else, she said that she wouldnt do the full induction treatment until I am 10 days o/d, am booked in again tomorrow afternoon (7 days o/d) and then again on Thursday when she will do the full induction treatment IF I havn't delivered.
The treatment that I had she said just prepares your body and tries to get things moving in the right direction.
I had never had it done before but she put 5 needles in each lower leg and 1 in each ear lobe.
I hope it works for you hun:hugs:

I have felt not right all afternoon, went for lunch with a friend and since coming home I just can not seem to get comfortable, I know my bump has dropped massively, am waddling everywhere and the only place that seems half comfortable is on my knees on the floor with my top half over my ball (if that makes sense) certainly not very graceful with my bum in the air:haha:

Everyone that is in early labour hope things progress quickly for you and you have your lo's very soon:hugs:
Jlo - I hope that the acupuncture works tomorrow! :thumbup:

Halloween shouldn't be a problem for us this year! Last 2 years we've been here, we've got sweets, put out pumpkins etc. There are children of that sort of age in the village but we haven't had a single visitor!! Not a one! First year we were here, hubby got over-excited about it all and put the smoke machine out in the porch and had 'the Monster Mash' ready to play with lighting and everything! We were muchly disappointed when we didn't get a single child :cry: So this year we'll get some lollies just in case but I can pretty much guarantee we will be left well alone!

I'm off to bed soon....going to watch FlashForward at 9 - that programme is ace! Would totally recommend and I love Joseph Fiennes! :blush:

Have a good evening ladies xx
JLo ~ I hope sommat happens, sounds promising if you're only comfy on you hands and knees... Bet OH loves the stance!! If not hope the acupunture starts sommat then...

Bailey4eva ~ Congratulations I'm glad you're doing well...

XtaylorsMummy ~ LOL guess you're healing well... Glad Dexter's doing well...
hello ladies.....
typing in b.w contractions..... had some discharge like Brown jelly type discharge... dunno if it is a show or the result of the internal examination this afternoonstrong intensity pains 6-8 mins apart..... double to those which I had last night!!!!

God Save me..... myTENS machine is helping me with back ache... butmy hips, thighs and lower tummy are paining horrendously!!!!!!

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