Official October Team Bumpkins

Congratulations Bailey4eva. Hoe you're enjoying being a mummy :)

Keerthy & LK- really hope you guys progress soon; it must be awful for you being in pain, but not being far enough along for hospital admissions yet. :hugs:

Everyone else; I hope things are going smoothly for you ladies.

Sorry I can'r reply more to the msgs, but my LO seems to have turned into a boob magnet overnight & can't get enough of the stuff. Gonna start an expressing marathon tomorrow so OH can help me out a bit during the night times. Bless him, he's doing well, doing all the cooking, making cups of tea, washing up etc, so I have no excuse to feel tired, but still...

Anyways: Latest Bumpkin baby count is 27 girls & 24 boys. A lot of people started their inductions 7th oct, so I guess we will hear from them soon, and there are a few more who have inductions & sections booked for the 14th, so I'm expecting a boom soon. :thumbup:

Night night all. xxx
Good Morning Ladies...

Thanks Florabean, there's quite a few babes about and arriving in the near future... It's a very exciting time... I'm glad you and your family are coping so well... I'm sure OH will enjoy being able to help you feed babe, even if it's during the night...

I hope everyone's had a good night, I wonder if JLo is still keeping tight hold on her LO, or if it's finally decided it's time to vacate if wonderful, warm safe abode???

I managed to spend the night on the sofa, could I settle in bed, no chance; it didn't seem fair on OH with him having to be in work for 5am... There's me rocking rolling and huffing and puffing around the bed... So I moved onto the sofa, aventually fell asleep and woke up to pee and eat at 4am, So I got to see OH before he went to work... Bless him, he missed me in bed, kept rolling over to a cold space... I've finally decide that sleep truely is for the weak!?! LOL I'm sure I'm surving on somewhere between 4/6 hours... The days are just so long...

Oh well, still have awful back ache and hip ache; I'm gonna see if I can cope with spending some much needed time on the ball bouncing... DS has managed to give his cold to me, wonderful; but I'm more than sure that the lack of sleep won't be helping...
Morning all. I managed to escape the house and popped to the Trafford Centre yesterday, got a few bits and met OH after work and we went to TGI's. We thought it would be our last couples meal out for a while. We have a curry planned for later in the week. A nice hot one!!!

Keerthy I hope you are coping ok with the pain and you start progressing. Jlo hope the acupuncture works! I'm getting the clary sage out today!

Bailey congrats on your lil man :hugs:
Morning all

I'm still here, although possibly off to MAU in a bit, waiting for them to ring me back, my feet, cankles, legs and fingers have all swollen up overnight and I have a small rash on my leg, no idea if the rash is pregnancy related or not?!
So phones MAU and am waiting for a call back at some point to advise me.

LK and Keerthy hope things going in the right direction for both of you.

:hugs: to all x
Just had a thought, has anyone heard from Helz? I know she was showing some signs yesterday morning.

Midwife phoned back, said swelling sounds normal and to get the rash looked at by my doctor:dohh:
Morning all,

Ugh, I keep on getting headaches, I am not sure why, if it's my contact lenses even tho I just had an eye test, the temp in the house (only 17 degrees) or something else? I can't decide if keeping busy gets rid of them or just doing nothing does :shrug: They started last Thursday, on and off but I still keep on getting them. LO seems to be active as normal, well up until yesterday but I am not 100% sure if they are changing routine due to me changing my routine. LO is still moving etc... so I am keeping an eye on them but it's just not 100% the same iykwim. Not sure if I should mention the headaches to my MW at my appointment tomorrow or not?

I don't think I do well at home on my own lol. I went to empty the tumble dryer yesterday and the door was already open and it looked as if some of the clothes had started to be taken out but there was no one else in the house at that time and I didn't start the job! . . . Then last night, after OH had gone to work, I couldn't sleep very well so I put a music channel on the TV, about 2 songs in, with the remote on the side, the TV just changed channel!! :wacko:

Bailey4eva ~ congrats on baby Jake!

Catch up with you all later, I may go for a mini walk to freshen up :D x
Jlo - cant believe your stil here, hope LO decides to arrive soon. Glad everything was ok at MAU and things seem normal :hugs:

Littlekitten - hope things start to progress soon for you hun xx

Keerthy - sorry your in so much pain, Hope things move along quickly for you!

5 days to go here and still no sign of Logan! Wish he would decide to come out soon, my spd is really bad at minute and i'm starting to wonder how im going to cope with the birth! Especially at home with only gas and air!

Did lots of walking yesterday hoping to start something but nope nothing. Even the period pains seem to have stopped this week :dohh: I just know i'm going over :( lazy little man just like my son was! lol

Hope everyone is ok xxx
Good Morning everyone!

Very very quiet here this morning. Had a bath and some cereal and just popping on before taking the dog our for his daily constitutional.

Not a lot going on really.......bubs is very quiet but seems quite fidgety. keeps shifting position but no real kicks etc which is odd. Going to keep an eye today and see how we get on.

Hope everyone else is ok. Hubby has a cold :cry: which means we're both just trying to relax......says she that has just sorted all the washing and stripped the bed :dohh:

Anyhoo.....i'll be on later to see if we have any new arrivals! :hugs: to those that need them!

bubs is very quiet but seems quite fidgety. keeps shifting position but no real kicks etc which is odd.

My LO is exactly the same, I just couldn't describe it!

OH is home soon and I can't wait. This headache is still driving me mad tho but I have managed to do a few bits and pieces around the house.

My Sis is over tomorrow for a natter so I will be relaxing then. Its her wedding anniversary today so I may attempt to make her a card later on today.

:hugs: for all x
Jlo, nah, still here,been at my friends all morning. Thanks for thinking of me! :hugs:
I was losing more bloody gunk all yesterday and having cramps, had a nice warm bath in the evening and was mega tired fell asleep at 9.30pm (and was fighting it for a while too!) which just lately is abit unusual for me. Woke up this morning to a few cramps but they have worn off, no more bloody stuff either,just mucky coloured stuff. nice.

So...still waiting! Hope you are ok and the rash clears up xx

Congratulations to Bailey! :happydance:
Awww bless you all... Guess as the end is getting closer and closer our LO are getting cold feet, hence the apprehensions and reluctance that they seem to be having about coming into the big wide world... It would kinda seem funny if it wasn't so uncomfortable... I hope you all start feeling better...

Like I've said over the past few weeks I have good day and I have bad days, days I do stuff and days I don't... I think babe has it's own agenda as to what they fancy doing, doesn't matter what I fancy doing... Today's an off day...

JLo ~ I really hope that the swelling goes down for you, I keep having to put my feet up and take my rings off, which makes a change from them flying off in the 2nd tri... I think some of it's water retention though, as I seem so thirsty all the time now... Plus drinking all the water stops me eating for a while... Otherwise I'm sure my cupboards would be bare...

Helz ~ I was sure you and JLo would have had your babes during the night! How disappointing... I hope it's some time soon for you both... I keep ending up with tightening in the evening, but I go for a warm bath and end up with nothing all night, until he next evening...

Aimee-Lou ~ I hope your OH's cold clears up soon, he must be so disappointed when he had so much planned... Hehehe and if he not well he may consider going on strike... LOL... Hope you enjoy your dog walk...

Anababe ~ Sounds like you're hopefully on the way to having your homebirth... I'm building myself up for the labour with the thought that if I relax my body will do what it needs to do without tensing up; and the fact that the labour will last only a short time of my life rather insignificant amount of time, considering the length of time our LO will be with us... Plus what did women do without all the pain killers? OH keeps laughing at me as it seems to be my quandry at the moment, I've come to the conclusion that it's a case of mind over matter... Babe won't mind and I don't matter... Either way aventually it's gotta move out...
Sorry girls, but I have to do this I'M BORED!!!!!!:hissy:

I know I should be making the most of the peace and quiet and having time to myself but think I've overdone it all now.

My house is as tidy as its ever going to be full of males, the washing is all done. I could dust some more and do the hoovering again but come 4pm when kids are in it won't make a difference!!!

Sorry for the rant:blush:
eswift - Nah hubby is a fighter! He just drugs himself up and carries on - I've seen him go to work with full blown flu and hardly able to keep his eyes open! He's taken some cold tabs and feels a lot better now I think - in fact he's being downright mischevious!

Walk was really nice.....found some apple trees laden with fruit so come thursday (all being well) we're going to look at getting a fruit press and making some cider! :thumbup: and maybe some chutneys and things! It's all a bit exciting - We've turned into Hugh Fearnly Whittingstall or something! lol

Bubs is waking up slowly.....I think we liked the fresh air. I'm off to make a big bowl of pasta for our lunches now! Starrrrrving!!!!! :dohh:
Well ladies, no news here. Had Dr. apt yesterday and I am soft but not dilated. Just sitting here waiting. He gave me an option of inducing any day now through the weekend. I am still trying to pin down when, as I would really prefer him to show up on his own, however, Dr. desn't want me to go over a week, so I have to pick, I suppose. I am a little bummed that I may get induced. :(
That probably sounds silly, but I really wanted this to happen on its own. At least insurance has told me that I will be covered if I need to stay longer than 48, which is entirely possible based on not knowing whether my body will cooperate with the prostoglandin. In the meantime, I have implemented full on eviction around here. DH is being used for his services:rofl: and I am planning on some heavy walking later today to see if that gets something going. It hasn't worked yet, but I am not giving up!!
:hugs: Labor dust to everyone who needs some and hugs to those who just need a hug!!
It sounds like there are a few cold bugs going around, OH seems to be coming down with one. I've spent a few hours asleep after being sick. Sproglett seemed to moved squished my stomach and made me feel rotten. Feel a bit better now i've had a nap.

I've been advised to soak my feet in warm water with clary sage so need to find a bowl to see if that brings things on.
Afternoon all,

Well OH is home but Zzz'ing away on the couch now bless him.

Just been on my ball, LO seems to get higher and higer up when I do it!?! :haha:
Anababe ~ Sounds like you're hopefully on the way to having your homebirth... I'm building myself up for the labour with the thought that if I relax my body will do what it needs to do without tensing up; and the fact that the labour will last only a short time of my life rather insignificant amount of time, considering the length of time our LO will be with us... Plus what did women do without all the pain killers? OH keeps laughing at me as it seems to be my quandry at the moment, I've come to the conclusion that it's a case of mind over matter... Babe won't mind and I don't matter... Either way aventually it's gotta move out...

Yeah everything is sorted now, iron is up to what it needs to be, house is (almost) sorted lol im getting through it slowly.. its becoming as tidy as my son will allow it to be :rofl: got towels and something to protect mattress... all i need now is a torch/lamp for midwife and all sorted! Id love to say i know if i relax my body will cope fine with labour.. but it doesnt work like that for me LOL i tried so hard with Caeden but the more the midwives shouted at me to relax and breath the more i tensed through each contraction making it so much worse! :dohh: The thing i couldnt grasp was getting in control of my breathing as the contraction was building up, as by time it had hit its peak it was so painful i was holding my breathe through them which didnt make things easier! Im hoping being at home though ill cope much better this time! Are you having a home birth or going in?

Maffie - glad your feeling better after a sleep :)

Jlo - bless you.. it must be so frustrating still waiting for something to happen! Come on LO!! sending lots of labour dust to you :hugs:

Aimee - Hope your OH is feeling better soon!

Kte - Hope you have a nice time tomorrow with your sister, sounds lovely. Mine is coming over sat with my mum i think, be nice to see her :)

Ive finally packed my hospital bag (just incase) been putting it off for ages but its done now :D i was walking round with a tiny little vest on my bump saying to everyone 'ive got a little person inside me whos going to wear this soon' :rofl:

So everything is ready just need you to come out now Logan!! :happydance:

Anababe ~ I'm planning on a home birth too... The mw's kits all here; an old shower curtain is waiting as is an old duvet, balls all blown up ad the house is all tidy too. Case packed just in. All my families phone numbers are already in the phone. As for a lamp, I'm sure OH had a couple of head lamps hidden somewhere... LOL They'll look like miners... LOL I've my lavander candles and oils already waiting, and my chilling cd's bring on Rod Stewart... LOL I'm sure if my mw last time had been shouting at me to relax I'd have tensed up too...
Anababe ~ I'm planning on a home birth too... The mw's kits all here; an old shower curtain is waiting as is an old duvet, balls all blown up ad the house is all tidy too. Case packed just in. All my families phone numbers are already in the phone. As for a lamp, I'm sure OH had a couple of head lamps hidden somewhere... LOL They'll look like miners... LOL I've my lavander candles and oils already waiting, and my chilling cd's bring on Rod Stewart... LOL I'm sure if my mw last time had been shouting at me to relax I'd have tensed up too...

I know if i remember right her words were.. 'you need to control your breathing, your not in as much pain as you think you are, your just not coping very well!!' :growlmad: little did they know i was dilating so fast and i really was in that much pain.. it took me collapsing and throwing up before they checked me and found i was ready for pushing :dohh: Hence the reason i dont want to go into hospital again! Im terrified to be left like i was with caeden, at least ill have a midwife with me the whole time at home.

Sounds like your all prepared and ready to go! That reminds me i need candles and to decide what music i want.. :shrug: LOL

Hello everyone!
Bailey: Congratulations on the LO:happydance:
To all of those with stirrings and such i'm sending you some magic labour dust to help you along:hugs:

I've had an eventful couple of days. Yesterday i ended up with a lovely set of crutches and a fetching body brace to help sort out the dreaded SPD. Mum and i must've looked comical hobbling round the hospital with both of us now on crutches lol!
I had a horrid headache last night that wouldn't shift. I woke up with it this morning and promptly threw up all over the bathroom exorcist stylee. OH drove me to the docs where i had urine and blood pressure checked. Turns out that my blood pressure is creeping up and i have white blood cells again in my urine!!! (no protein though, thankfully). She said that if i'd had protein present she'd have sent me to hospital which freaked me out a bit because i wasn't even going to go to the docs in the first place, i'm so glad the OH convinced me. Anyhoo, she also took some blood and that was a bloody ordeal. My veins are rubbish and always refuse to fill so they usually have to go quite deep to get one. Well, she went in deep and just as the blood began to flow my vein collapsed! This happened two or three times before she gave up and just decided to send of the dribbles that she managed to get. I don't think i've ever had a needle in for so long. The most embarrassing part came when she started saying that she was having to put the needle in and out a bit to let the vein fill again after each collapse. I just went really dizzy and threw up in the office. I was totally mortified! I'm also probably gonna have a horrid bruise to boot because my arm was bleeding quite a bit. She sent everything off to be analysed and sent me off with anti-sickness tabs, strong painkillers and yet again no real explanation of what's wrong with me. It's beginning to grate on me ever so slightly:growlmad: . I keep getting told that it could be pre-eclampsia and then it's not, then it might be again. Aargh, such a rollercoaster.

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