Official October Team Bumpkins

How long do you leave it before phoning midwife if you haven't felt movement? Just wierd as he's normally so active and not moved today. Just one or two tiny kicks. Think i'll have a bath and see if I can get him moving tonight. I'm sure its nothing to worry about, I really hate to ring the hospital! Xx
Ana: If things don't feel normal i'd give them a call just to put your mind at ease. You could always do the cold drink test too to see if that gets the LO moving around. Have a cold, fizzy drink and have a lie down (preferably on your left hand side). The LO will usually start moving around within half an hour or so. This is what my midwife told me to do if i was worried about movement and it's worked everytime for me :) xx
Hi girls

Keerthy - just seen on Facebook that she has had a little girl:happydance:

No more details at mo x
Aw congrats to keerthy :happydance:

And I just got a txt saying littlekitten has had james yey, congrats hun! Hope your ok cant wait to see pics!

Well worry over, logan is now jumping around, dont think he liked me resting a freezing cold drink on my bump. He was just having a lazy day lol

Yay congrats to LK and Keerthy!!!!

It's so wierd seeing people posting on here saying what I'm thinking about waiting etc, and then they disappear and the next thing you know they've had the baby!!! I know there will be a baby at the end of all of this but I still don't think I've got my head around that 100%!!!!

Had a lazy day today. Didn't really achieve much (had intended on hoovering the bedroom but never quite got there!). Also had my first accupuncture session tonight. I'm not sure if it's helped, we'll just have to wait and see! She's coming back for the second session on Friday.

Had fish and chips for dinner which was a real treat as have hardly had any carbs for the last 10 weeks due to GD - but it appears to be going away?!?!? So i made the most of it but feeling full now - my body isn't used to it! Lol.

Hope everyone's well! Numbers seem to be dwindling in this thread!!! Although I'm more able to keep up with it now there's less of us left!
Keerthy's OH here. She delivered baby girl this evening at 3:45pm after more than 10hrs of Labor. Baby is lovely and doing well... Weighs: 7.7pounds or 3.51Kg. However, mom got bit of trouble delivering the placenta afterwards and needed small procedure in the Theater.

All well and good now.....both mom and baby are in the Observation section overnight and we have been told to go home as they dont allow partner/moms'-mom to stay.

Thats it from me and Keerthy will give you the full update when she is home........ hopefully tomorrow.

Thanks for all your wishes!!!!

Keerthy & Raj
so exciting all the late babys are coming as for me hes now 3 days overdue and an induction has been booked for me for sunday im praying he comes before than
Congratulations little kitten and keerthy :flower:

Well I hope today is better than yesterday. I was sick lots and then reflux started, poor OH ended up having to come home from work to get Gaviscon as I was just producing acid :sick: That did the trick and I managed to do a little cleaning while he continued working from home.

I can't believe I have only 5 sleeps until they start the induction, i' starting to feel a little apprehensive about the birth, not scared just wondering how it will be.
Coor these babes are coming thick and fast now! Well Done LK & Keerthy... Glad the ordeals over for you both... Hoep you're all home soon...

OK the jelousy is starting to slowly appear here now... LOL Babe was rather quiet yesterday until use before bedtime... I didn't know my skin could stretch and move like that, really I didn't... Felt like they were trying to come out via my belly button, bottom 1st... I feel rather tender now... Still feel babe bum right at the front, and I'm sure that they've got the feet purchased on my ribs to push themselves down.... Or maybe that's just wishful thinking!! I pinched all the pillows on the bed last night, propped myself well up and had my body pillow inbetween my legs and guess what?! I slept so well... Only woke twice to pee, and ready to get up when alarm went off...

I needed the car today, so had to drop OH off at work... DS really has given me his cold, urgh... Colds, coughs and babe do not mix, lost all my breakfast again... I really am not going to miss that one bit!!!

Come on babe swift... Time to move out!!! Hehehe my sisters boss went into work yesterday and said to her "You're gonna be an Auntie!", She said she looked at him and said "yep, I know...", to which he replied "No you're really gonna be an Auntie, by 12 midnight tomorrow!" LOL she said she felt very odd... Called me up yesterday lunch time to see where I was, and told me off for not being at the hospital in labour, and I needed to get a move on to meet the deadline! She was on that they're all planning to celebrate babe arrival too... Guess they're all ready for a drink LOL
Good morning everyone,

Huge Congratulations to Keerthy and Littlekitten :hugs: :happydance:

Well, 38wk MW appointment today, hope LO and everything is okay. I am going to mention my headaches today but not sure if they are related to anything. Figured it's just best to mention them. At what point do they discuss an induction date? I know I am not over so I suppose if LO hasn't turned up in the next few weeks its dicussed then? I have a sweep to book in first anyways :wacko: I really really want my LO to come in October! Sounds daft I know, but like I say, there are loads of birthdays around the late due date! Ah well, think I need to get over that one!

Eswift: What a weird thing to say to your sis about being an Auntie so soon?!? Mind you, it sounds like you would prefer sooner rather than later too!

I have my sis turning up real soon, must give the front room a quick vac. I am a bit miffed as I realised I have run out of tea bags!!!!!! :dohh: We didn't anticipate the amount I would go through since finishing work :haha:

Hope Keerty and LK are recovering well and that their LO's have inspired some of these cosy ones to come out and play! :hugs: x
Yeahhh congratulations to Keerthy and Littlekitten :thumbup:!!

Harmony- sounds awful hun,have a big big :hugs:xx

38 weeks today :happydance:

I stepped up the eviction methods last night to try get something started after my bloody show!! I had a hot veg chilli for tea, half a pineapple, and abit of the old nipple stimulation and :sex: with the OH who was very happy to offer his services :haha: As soon as the nipple stimulation started I had a 5min long contraction! Ouch! Was hoping it had kick started me off but nope,didn't get anymore after that.

Todays plan is trying to keep moving..I'm going in a min to mop floors, hoover whole house and put clothes away in bedroom,with bouncing on ball in between when my thighs start to ache! If I don't start today, I won't get my fave MW cos she goes on hols tommorow :growlmad:
Morning all

The numbers definately seem to be dwindling over here!!!
Feeling a bit more positive today after my 'off' day yesterday, still no signs of anything though:dohh:

Off to trawl around Sainsburys and Asda in a mo for some xmas inspiration and to get some offers, hopefully!!!

Midwife this afternoon, for another sweep, got to have lots of positive thoughts before I go there in the hope she will tell me I have progressed:winkwink:

Have a good day girls :hugs:
Helz im with you on the eviction process, :sex: isn't doing anything and im sure we've seen more action in the last week than we have all pregnancy :rofl: well all 3rd tri at least.

Off out shopping after JK so hoping a good walk around will help. I know my induction is only 5 days away but i'd love to start naturally.

ARGH....i'm SO fed up, I dread to think what its like to go overdue & really hope I don't have to experience it!

I ache all over the place, can't sleep at all, have majorrrr insomnia! My body seems to think 2am is time to wake up...mum thinks its a sign that is what time he will arrive or will be up for his feed at that time of night, I don't bloody care right now...I just want to be able to SLEEP. Seriously my body can't handle this anymore :(....sooo miserable.

Sorry for the rant! Congrats to Littlekitten & keerthey (sp!) hope your recovering well.

Maffie - the sickness and reflux must be awful, you poor thing :hugs:

Helz - Lol @ all your eviction methods, think I will be trying all in the book as of today! Hope your in labour soon & you get the MW you want!

JLO - Good luck for your sweep! :thumbup:

Kte - Hope all is well at your MW appt, have fun with your sister today!

Eswift - My sister in law keeps saying Thursday/Friday i'm going to have this baby, I really hope she is right lol!!

Well i'm off to dry & straighten my hair then find something to keep me busy all day & def a nap at some point :sleep: ...will pop back in later and see how we're all doing!

just a quickie while harrybo is asleep; so far we have 30 girls & 25 boys for the Bumpkins. Guess a lot of those yellow bumps must've been girls after-all?

Hope everyone's doing okay? :hugs:
Just popping in quickly - fantastic news Lk and Keerthy :cloud9: :cloud9:
Well done lovelies!

Good luck for later JLo :hugs:

Just had my pre op ready for tomorrow - yikes, can't believe its nearly here :wacko: :baby:
Catch you all later :hugs: :kiss:

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