Official October Team Bumpkins

HI Ladies, Just quickly popping by to let you all know that I had my little man on Sunday at 22.16 , he was 7lb 3 oz and we called him Zac.. I am totally in love. We have just got home today , so I am a little all over the place . But I will put up my birth story and some pics soon. But briefly turns out I HAD been leaking for the whole week even though hosp told me that I wasnt leaking when I went in the week before. Labour was fine ladies for any of you that are nervous I was so nervous and had such an irrational fear but honestly its so worth it. Il fill you all in tommorrow. x Havent had a chance to look through all the threads but I see LK & Keerthy had there lo's so congrats xxxxxxxxxx
:happydance: CONGRATS LINDA :happydance: Glad all went well and look forward to reading the birth story and seeing the pics x
Just to let you all now Sainsburys has 1/3 off of all nappies at the mo, not sure how long its on for though x
MeggieMoo ~ I so hear you on the sleep front... It's so hard when everyone is sleeping and you've no chance on getting any... LOL... I keep thinking that babe's probably gonna want feeding more or less every 4 hours as I seem to need to eat every 4 hours now, even sometimes at night too... LOL Guess it's a case of wait and see...

LindaK ~ Congratulations!?!? Glad you're all home safe and sound....
just a quickie while harrybo is asleep; so far we have 30 girls & 25 boys for the Bumpkins. Guess a lot of those yellow bumps must've been girls after-all?

Hope everyone's doing okay? :hugs:

The more I go on the more I am convinved my yellow bump is a blue, they just seem to chilled and relaxed!!!

Pip.holder ~ good luck for tomorrow :flower:

LindaK ~ Congratualtions! :happydance:

& MeggieMoo ~ I think my LO will be the other way around, I have regular wake up times during the night I would be okay with that now so I am 99.9% sure they will be a day baby just to be awkward!!

MW appointment soon, I am so excited to actually get out of the house that it is dragging now! Im sure we will only be in there for a whole 5 minutes too lol! My Sis just set off back and OH is now home so at least I am not ratteling about on my own. Had a good natter with my Sis so its been a good morning, even minus the tea bags!
Good afternoon ladies!

Congratulations LK, Keerthy and Lindak!

All very quiet here - not a lot going on. Been for a walk, had a spicy pasta lunch and now just sat watching some telly before getting on with today's jobs! Got a few contractions this morning but nothing since...similar story to the other night really.

39 weeks today, although the countdown seems a bit pointless now! lol

Hugs to everyone who needs them! :hugs:

Will be on later if I have any news xx
Well went shopping still cant get a changing mat :wacko: Having a few pains but nothing definite.

Starving as everywhere was shut down, will get lunch when i'm not as achey!

Linda congratulations :hugs:
Well MW appoitnemnt went well, LO is 3/5th and I was surprised as I feel LO so high up, they must be quite long and enjoying a stretch! MW was surprised I had felt no extra pressure. I mentioed the headaches she said my bp was fine and there was proteins so keep an eye on them and if they continue and don't go away with paracetamol to give them a call.

Next appoitnment is booked in and as much as OH and I like our MW lets hope we don't make it to then!!
Oh gosh just had some pineapple and ooooh the heartburn is so bad from it. Going to soak my feet in hot clary sage water soon.
Linda- congratulations!!! Can't wait to read birth story! Glad youre both home and doing well xxx

I've had a go with my breast pump this aft to see if it would kick start contractions..just braxtons so far..but I do feel abit sick,so dunno if thats a sign?! And quite teary and emotional today too.
hiya girls

please excuse any typo's but i am one handed at the mo :D

congrats to all the new mummies :hugs: isnt it fab and so worth the wait x

Sorry i havent caught up with anyones news or done my story yet.. All i have been doing is feeding and sleeping for the last 5 days.. Sienna is feeding so so well but its making mummy so so tired..... I am pissed off with the hospital at the mo as turns out they got her weight wrong :( Luckily my MW is on the case as she agree's plus we have pics of the scales in theatre... It turns out she was actually 7lb exactly and not 7lb 4oz... So she was a proper teeny tiny one...

I am off to attempt my birth story as my little lady is asleep after a nice bath and feed... Catch you all in a bit xxxxxx
Afternoon everyone....I'm very very bored but we have pie for tea! :thumbup: I'm so hungry all the time at the moment. Hubby says I'm fixated lol

My toothache has come back's not too bad. I've not been able to take anything as we have no painkillers in the house (lord knows what will happen if I go into labour as I have been saving the 1 paracetamol we have left! lol). Payday tomorrow though - big plans for a big breakfast out and then a big shopping trip for food, baby bits and home-brew gear. I'm so excited :happydance: (sods law that I will be in labour by the morning so we can't go! :dohh:)

Bit of TMI but about the only 'sign' i'm getting....hubby and I have been using the :sex: induction technique quite a lot. This afternoon I got a 'gush' of fluid in the middle....not a lot since, and i wouldn't say there was a huge amount at the time but hubby is wondering whether my waters have broken but bubs is now blocking the rest. I'm hoping it will stay in place until we're in Mama's and Papa's tomorrow lol...could use the vouchers! lol:blush:

Anyhoo, I'm off to put the pie in the oven....chicken and ham! Yummer! Then jam roly poly and custard! :thumbup:

Hope everyone is ok and have a good evening. Good to hear all the nice stories from the October Mummies....hope to join you very soon! :cloud9:
The pie sounds nice aimee. We are trying curry tonight, not sure what I should have heat wise :shrug:
oh my gosh im in so much pain! bleeding quite heavy today and got tummy ache =[, also so so tired!! im sleeping most of the afternon cause having hardly any sleep at night! lol. Lil man weighs 9lb14nhalfoz! 9nhalfoz in 13days! lil fatso <3
Congratulations LK, Keerthy and Lindak!, well done!!!
Hope everyone else is doing ok and keeping well xxxxxxxxxx
XTaylorsMummy ~ If I was you I'd call the mw or GP's as I'm not sure if you should be in pain and still bleeding heavily... I hope you feel better soon, it's not gonna do you or Dexter any good you ending up run down...

Maffie ~ I've had horrid horrid heartburn the last couple of day, doesn't matter what I've eaten or drank I've still ended up with heartburn... And bloody sickness again! Argh... Come on babe, hurry up and move out... I'm really looking forward to the instant cure for both... I'm sure you find a changing mat soon...

Baby.Love ~ Glad you and sienna are doing well, I'm sorry to hear about the mistake at the hospital... Enjoy your bath...

Aimee-Lou ~ Sounds like you've got loads planned for tomorrow; wish I had the energy... I managed a trip into town this morning and that was it for today... LOL

JLo ~ How you doing?

Kte ~ I'm glad you had a nice morning with you sister... I'm looking forward to seeing mine in December, wonder how long we'll be able to get on without falling out with each other this time???
Evening all

Had midwife this afternoon, as my mw is on hols it was a different one taking the clinic who just happens to be the team leader, she was running 40 mins late but I was last appointment, just aswell as I was in there for nearly 40 mins:dohh:
She did another sweep, said I'm 2cms dilated and favourable:happydance: but when she checked measurement I'm still measuring 37 weeks, so after a few phone calls and her demanding that I be slotted in I am off to hospital in morning for a chat with consultant and a growth scan, fingers x its all ok and just lo in a funny position.
No pains or anything since the sweep so not holding out much hope but you never know!!!!

:hugs: to all x
Congrats Linda! Zac is a cute little name too :)

JLo- I really hope the sweep works for you this time!!!!!!!!! He's obviously far too comfy inside you still :dohh:
Evening ladies,

Well you have all been chatting far too much again, and i'm far too tired to do lots of mentions, so :hugs:& :wave: to everyone! Hope your all okay :)

I've had a pretty chilled out today, bounced around on my ball a little, ate ALOT of food :haha: and watched lots of baby programmes LOL...not the best thing to do when so close to due date, crapping myself again now!

Off to bed shortly, DP is out at football and won't be back till after 10, hoping he doesn't wake me when he comes in or there will be trouble :grr:...trying to make the most of my uninterrupted sleep!

Night all!!

x x
Jlo- hope the sweep works this time! Good luck with the scan. Wont be long now til LO is here :hugs:

Linda - congrats hun, cant wait to see pics :)

Leah - aw sounds like sienna is doing great. Sorry to hear the hospital made a mistake tho!

Aimee - hope the toothache is better now. Sounds promising with the possible waters, FX something happens soon! Hope you have a nice day out tomorrow :)

Taylorsmummy - I agree it may be best to get checked out if your not feeling right. Sounds like dexter is doing well though, and enjoying his food :D

I've had a fun day today, hospital at 6am with regular but not very painful contractions, 8mins apart. Loads of pressure and was very sick and shakey, so phoned maternity unit at hospital and they told me go in to be checked, especially with me not having much movement yesterday. Anyway all is fine, took a while but baby started moving eventually once he'd woken up lol

Monitor was showing the contractions but my cervix is still very much closed and far back. So no effacement or dilation at all :( not holding much hope of him arriving before due date on sunday!

Least he's ok tho! :) been on my ball for a while tonight and just come to bed now. So tired!

Hope everyone is ok :)

Night xx

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