Official October Team Bumpkins

Thanks everyone - the idea is to plan loads so bubs has plenty of opportunity to scupper the plans! :wacko::haha: Should be a nice day tomorrow. I'm not very convinced that it was waters tbh....I think it was just A LOT of discharge. Lets just say that hubby has had a 'rummage' and has found me to be a little bit dilated - about 1cm so it would appear that things are moving in the general direction. .....:thumbup: Woohoo!

Anababe - glad everything is ok. :flower:

Jlo- hope you get some movement soon! Your LO is obviously very comfy - hope mine doesn't get any ideas lol.

Right...Matrix then bed ready for a busy day tomorrow! :wacko:
Yaay congratulations Linda :cloud9:- I KNEW that was leakage, dozy hozzy :growlmad:

Good luck to you all whilst I'm away, lots of labour :dust: to all that need it

Well I'm saying goodnight as got to go and do a few bits befor very early start tomorrow, am cacking myself now :blush:

Will update Florabean as to the flavour/weight etc, wish me luck, still not sunk in yet :dohh: :hugs::kiss:
wow you've all been very busy since I was last here...! congratulations all the new mummies and lots of speedy labour dust for everybody having early contractions!!

I can't believe that in the morning I will finally get to meet my little man!!! I'm hoping he will be strong but am trying to prepare myself for his possible stay in neonatal like I've been warned could be the case.

maffie - is it ok if i text you to update the bumpkins?
wow you've all been very busy since I was last here...! congratulations all the new mummies and lots of speedy labour dust for everybody having early contractions!!

I can't believe that in the morning I will finally get to meet my little man!!! I'm hoping he will be strong but am trying to prepare myself for his possible stay in neonatal like I've been warned could be the case.

maffie - is it ok if i text you to update the bumpkins?

Hi text me at anytime hun. Im sure all will go well so good luck cxant wait to hear

I am sat here at what 4.30am eating more curry :rofl:

carseat is coming tomorrow well today really :happydance:
Morning All...

Good Luck to all that are being induced, having C-Sections and sweeps... Hope all goes well for you all...

Anababe ~ Sounds like your LO is so very comfy in there too...

JLo ~ Hope the scan goes well, and the sweep works...

Maffie ~ I'm not sure I could fancy curry for breakfast LOL... Hope it starts sommat though...

MeggieMoo ~ It's hard just playing the waiting game isn't it? I too am trying to make the most of the little solid sleep I'm managing to get... Since OH haas been on days this week with his new job, I'm not convinced either of us are getting much sleep... Both of us seem to have got use to having the whole bed... It's Mine All Mine!?!?!

Aimee-Lou ~ I'm sure with all the plans and how active you're being that babe will arrive at the most inconvient moment... Sod being somewhere where it could benefit you... LOL hope you enjoy your shopping anyway...

Well, I manage a little more sleep the last couple of nights... Woo Hoo... Babe is still not too active, think that cause there's so little room for movement now, my bump is so very solid, it's still feels quite tender... hey ho not too long left now, hopefully...

Anyway, hope you all have a good day and feel quite well...
Morning all

Oooh good luck to those having babies today :D

Well my little miss slept so well last night.. she only woke twice bless her, I have had to stop BF'ing as i wasnt supplying enough and she wasnt settling at all, so i spoke to the MW and it was agreed its best to give her a bottle... So Sienna is an Aptimil baby and she loves it :lol:

I hope everyone is well and Maffie i hope you enjoyed your curry :rofl: :sick:

catch you all in a little while xxx
Morning all:flower:

Well need to leave in 30 mins for my scan, just had some breakfast and going to double check my hospital bag just in case, doubtful, they decide to keep me in.
Don't seem to have had anything happen since the sweep, not even any spotting, am so disheartened right now , think the tiredness is catching up with me too, so that always makes things seem worse:cry:
Best wishes to all those with hopeful babies arriving today.

Emily - I had a dream about you last night, you had posted on Facebook overnite that you had had a little boy, had the name aswell but wont put it incase it turns out I'm Mystic Meg, spooky:haha:

:hugs: to all x
Morning ladies!

Well no sign of bubs overnight - so we're off out in a few minutes for a slap up breakfast a la greasy spoon, and then to buy the whole of the supermarket by the look of the list! :wacko:

Hope everyone is ok....good luck to those going in for c-sections and inductions today! :flower: :flower:
Have a good day!
I cant count 4am as breakfast as I had a bath and went back for another nap.

I've just posted in 3rd tri thats cloud9mummy has had her baby boy

Maffie - Curry at 4am sounds good to me! LOL We're ordering in indian on Friday night if bubs hasn't made an appearance, doesn't look like it so far (booo hooo) name me some good hot dishes ;) lol!

Aimee Lou - Enjoy your big slap up breakfast, all this talk of food is making me salivate! hahaha, hope the shoppin brings on your labour :p

Jlo - Hope all goes well at your scan

Eswift - My babe seems to have quietened down alot too, feeling more little tiny wriggles than big rolls etc ...they do say they have a quiet period before entering into the world ;) you never know!

Leah - Sienna sounds like shes doing fab, twice a night is great...think I could manage with that! Sorry to hear BF isn't going so well, but if glad shes more happier on Aptimal, we have a few cartons of that on stand by if I don't manage to BF!

Good luck to all having C-sections and being induced today!

Well I feel fantastic today, I went to bed last night at 8:45 and woke this morning at more than 12 hours sleep...and I didn't wake ONCE, wahoooo!!! Hope its my bodys way of saying right i'm ready now!
My mum keeps ringing from work bless her, asking if I have any twinges, getting slightly annoying....wish it was me ringing her saying i'm in labour *sigh*

Plans for today are to put final bits into my labour bag, sort through a huge bag of newborn/0-3 clothes from my friend :D (all cute Next and M&S stuff!!)....and take my pooch a nice big long walk as i've been neglecting the poor thing!

Hope you all have a nice day, catch up with you all later!
Mornign all (just!)

I was catching up on posts and then my PC decided to re-start itself so then I had to catch up even more!! Now my 'owl mog' has decided to sit infront of the keyboard so I can't type bless him!

Good Luck :flower: to everyone being induced, having C-Sections and sweeps x
Congratualtions to Cloud9Mummy :happydance:

My MW said yesterday that LO's movoments would be more wriggles and stretches now, rather than boystrous (sp) kicks etc

I have loads more to write really but my brain is still hurting, another day yet another headache. At least it was pay day today so I have bought some paracetamol, it's not really kicked in but I only took one about 45 mins ago. Think I will go and just relax now. There was so much stuff I wanted to do today but I think its best to 'take 5'.

Catch you all later x
Congratulations to Cloud9mummy! Kai is a cool name :)

I will update you all on Pip Holder as/when she texts me. Finger's crossed everything will be ok. I just literally broke my phone last night, so I've been phoneless for the last 12 hours, but now setting up my old phone again with my sim so I can make sure I get her texts n stuff. :dohh: Hopefully nothing major has happened yet or I'll feel terrible for missing it. (stupid technology)
Ooooh good luck to Pip

Kte :hugs: I know how horrendous headaches can make you feel. Ive found a walk in fresh air can help, if desperate I lie on the sofa with a cold wet flannel on my head. My boy is all wriggles these days too. He is very good at sticking his bum out though!.

oooh flora I couldn't cope without a phone :wacko:
hey ladies, can you remember I said about the leak in my kitchen a while back? (I reported it to my landlord on 14th aug- they sent a surveyor, a carpenter (?!!!!) & a plumber & they still have no idea what's causing the saturation under the floor & why the wall at the back at one of the cupboards is now black with mould on a buliding that's pretty much brand new!!!!!!
Well, the surveyor guy came out again today with a damp-meter thingy & it turns out the whole of our flat is saturated & they are definitely gonna have to rip out the kictchen & take up the floors to get it sorted.
Finally!!! But thanks for taking so long, now that I have a 9 day old baby & the colder weather is kicking in. Bloody idiots.
So, that, combined with the fire upstairs last week (arson by the previous owner) is the last straw for us....
But.... in a weird kinda way, this has worked in our favour, coz my OH's mum has now agreed that when he turns 25 in 10 days time, she will sign over his inheritance money so we can buy our own house!!!!!!! (we have been asking this for nearly 2 years, but she refused coz she said my OH wasn't responsible enough to deal with it!).
I feel so relieved. I cannot wait to have our own actual house, with a garage & a place we can decorate to our own tastes instead of magnolia, lol. And give Harry the most amazing bedroom ever (underwater theme, as daddy is a scuba diver) and have a place that is ours forever, lol.
Woo-hoo!!!!!!! (can you tell I'm happy???)
So, now I can start house hunting between feeds instead of playing farmville like a saddo! :)
So, out of interest, because I'm not even 40wks yet, does anybody know what happens if you point-blank refuse to have a sweep or gel or a Syntocinin drip? I don't mean what happens physically (because presumably the baby will come out eventually!), but what happens legally? Like, can the medical establishment do enforced induction if it believes you are endangering your or the baby's life? Like I say, this is purely hypothetical - now I've got all this spare time on my hands, I have too much time to think of "interesting" scenarios!
By the way, to all of you trying the chilli method of eviction - I've had chillies in some form or another every day for the past ten days, and baby's still entirely comfortable in there, thanks very much. And that's not for want of trying! I never thought I'd end up joining the club of girls pleading with baby to come out, but that's exactly what I'm doing now. Ho hum.

By the way, FloraBean, that's fab news re your house situation. xx
Colsy - I know you can refuse any sort of sweep/induction, they just do checks on you and the baby every day I think from about 10 days, and obviously if baby or you are showing any signs of stress or danger, then I think by law they have to act then....
My friend went to 15 days before her little lady ventured into the world, and she was still only 7lb obviously wasn't ready before that anyway! All was fab with them though.

Hope that helped!

x x x

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