Official October Team Bumpkins

Hello, ladies.

Congrats to Linda, Keerthy and Littlekitten:cloud9:
I'm so glad that youre managing to get your own place at last!!!! You must be so happy:happydance: esp after all of the bad luck in the place you're in.

I'm still not too great. Bloods came back negative again for pre eclampsia which is great but my potassium levels are high. Doc thinks that it could be due to the traumatic nature of the blood sample, she thinks that some of the blood cells were damaged when she tried to extract them and as a result leaked potassium into the serum but she may do more to be sure. Don't know if i'm up for that again :wacko:. Still having headaches and the anti sickness tabs are making me really dopey lol. Apart from that all is grand and most importantly the LO is doing fine :)
Wow! I've missed loads today...

Colsy ~ Think I'm part of the "Oh, come on out Little Swift your time is up!" group. Not too sure but I don't think babe is taking the hint... LOL

Meggie-Moo ~ I've started to call my Mum about 10 ish prior to her calling me every lunch time... Stopped the are you ok calls...

Florabean ~ That is fantastic news about the house situation.. Happy hunting!

HarmonyBunny ~ I really do hope everything runs smooth for you until babe arrives...

Baby.Love ~ I'm sorry that the BFing hasn't worked too well for you, but if Sienna doing well on formula, it doesn't matter... Hope she soon puts the weight on...

I've pottered about the house today, cleaned and hoovered all the way through and done all the ironing... Even with cold and ms; they just don't mix well at all. I'm sick of the bloody hearburn and tightenings now... I'm getting rather restless, and fed up of being stuck in the house!?!?! Ok enough moaning...

DS will be home soon... Must remember to send him with the dog for milk... I'm toying with cooking mince, veg, mash and yorkshire puds for tea... Hmmm proper Autumnal food, not sure what time OH will be home, hoping it'll be about 6ish... As all week he's more or less been finished 12 hours after he's started...
Hey, just to let you all know ive had my baby girl - Cori Elizabeth. My waters broke last Friday night (9th oct) but had no pain so went in to hospital on sat to get induced but they wanted to leave me 48 hours grrr but baby passed meconium so was induced sunday (ill post longer story on birth announcements section later) and she was born in 3 1/2 hours with gas and air and was out in 3 pushes! Weight 6ld 7oz but had an infection and a few wee breathing problems then jaundice and now is trying to suck feed rather than through her feeding tube so will be in neo natal till sunday at least. But she's fine and im so glad she's here!
aww, congrats Sobersadie. :) Hope Cori gets better really quickly so she can be home with you. :hugs:

Pip Holder (Bec) had her little boy Adam Lewis thismorning- he weighed 7lbs 1oz. I've put a thread in 3rd tri section too for her. Mum & baby are doing just fine. :)

10 days overdue the litle lady arrived 11/10/09, weighing in at 8lbs 5oz. :hugs:
finally!!! I wondered what had happened to you!!!!!! Glad she's finally here tho. Hope you're all doing well? :hugs:

(edit) That's 33 girls & 28 boys so far. :)

(edit again) 29 boys coz mumof42009 just posted in 3rd tri that Nanaki just had her little boy, lol--- wow, it's all go today!!!
Hi Ladies

Just thought i'd pop by while had 5 mins to let you know my little man is home :happydance: he came out last night, he is doing really well and fully breast fed now. Ive been told he has severe allergy to diary products so ive had to cut everything out my diet and if he ever needed topping up he has special formula but other than that he is gorgoues. Im so happy is been a long month!
Other good news Nanaki had her baby this morn a little boy by c-section huge congrats to her and other oct mummys x
Mumof4: my little bro is allergic to all dairy- it makes him bleed internally- his body just can't cope with it. But, other than that, he is a strapping, healthy 22 yr old now & other than avoiding dairy, it doesn't affect him in any way, especially now that there are so many dairy alternatives out there, which there wasn't when he was little. I hope your little man continues to grow & develop happily & healthily now he's home. You must be so glad to have him with you & the rest of your family at last! Best wishes to you all.
Hey girls very quick hello from me. Will post a proper birth story when I get chance but in essence it was very long, traumatic and he had to be delivered in theatre by forceps with the cord around his neck and arm. Laboured for 6 days in total, and 53 hours roughly of contractions from 5 minutes apart to birth. We are home now and both doing ok. Very sore but he is so worth it. Love to all x
Wow! Congrats katethegeek, lindak, LK, keerthy and anyone else I may have missed on there! So much has happened in just a few days around here!
I am still sitting and waiting. Nurse is supposed to be calling me back to get me scheduled in tonight. I keep hoping and wishing that things will start on their own first, but I am not so hopeful at this point. I really didn't think he would stay in this long. Not even that it seems like a long time at this point, but I kind of guessed he would show up a day or two late at the most. Usually my body runs like a clock. :shrug:
Anyway, good luck to all and I hope to be posting a birth story soon!:hugs:
Good evening everyone - still no signs of bubs.

We've been out for nearly 7 hours and have bought out ASDA and boots but we now have a curry in the oven, a pineapple to eat afterwards, and a lot of bubble baths to use up as well as 3 packs of paracetamol! lol

All the way around the shops I was getting really severe stabbing pains and they would literally stop me in my tracks. Loads of discharge (nothing like the other day though) but when we were on our last stop (butchers) they seemed to stop and I've had nothing since. Bubs has been kicking me in the ribs again so I don't think it's done very much.....lets see if the curry and pineapple work! lol

Went and got hubby's homebrew gear - he's got the ingredients and equipment to make hawthorn wine, peach champagne, a very good red wine and 40 pints of IPA! Should keep us going lol.

Anyhoo...I've got to go and make us some drinks up! Hope we're all ok....congrats to all the new mummies! Today seems to have been a bumper day! :flower:

Will be on later on once I've eaten....I'm starving!!!!!! :blush:
Wow so much has happened in the past few days since I last checked in! Congrats to all the new mummies!!

Maffie- your food eviction techniques have me craving Indian food! :)
Mumof4- that's awesome that you finally get to bring your little guy home!
LittleKitten- that was one LONG labour- you've definitely got my respect :)
djgirl- I hope your LO arrives for you soon!
Aimee-lou- have fun with your homebrew adventures. We bottled a nice red a week before the baby arrived (got some fun pics of me bottling the wine with a huge belly) and I can't wait to start drinking it (it still needs some time to mature).

Anyway, little miss Emma is starting to wake up- she gave me just enough time to catch up on all the posts I missed. My milk monster weighed 8lbs 13oz at birth and at her week old check up she had gained back the weight she lost and was up to 9lbs 2ozs. So far so good for BFing- hopefully she continues to do well since sterilizing bottles would be a pain...

:hugs: to those that need them- can't wait to hear about the next crop of bumpkin arrivals!!
Kaites - How gorgeous is Emma! And you have just given hubby ideas as he is a member of a home-brew forum and so I may feature in tomorrows photo's lol.

Just thought I would put up my bump pic.....39 weeks and 1 day......and so jealous of you girls!


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Hi everyone. Wow, there has been a flurry of babies since I was last here! A massive congratulations to everyone!

I will hopefully get around to posting a birth story and pictures tomorrow but thought that I would pop in to let everyone know that my beautiful baby boy Brady Luke was born on Sunday 11th October at 21:23 weighing 8lb 6oz. I was induced at 38 weeks because of gestational diabetes but the process was very long and difficult so he was born nearer to 39 weeks by c section.

I went into hospital last Wednesday and ended up needing 5 gels, I think I updated at some point while I was in there?! Well in the early hours of Sunday morning my waters broke on their own and I was hooked up to 4 drips and the feotal monitor for the entire labour. The hormone drip in my experience was horrendous, but there was a problem with doing my epidural and the labour wasn't progressing, Brady was getting tired as well so had an emergency c section.

Brady had to be given some formula straight away as his blood suagrs were low, and after a very frustrating day and night yesterday Ive made the decision not to breastfeed as he has been much happier today with the formula. Recovery is going well, although I haven't had more than 3 hours sleep since I went into hospital, he is so worth it though, I can't beleive that I made this amazing little person.

Congrats again everyone who has had their babies, and hope everyone else isn't waiting too long xx
Oh, congratulations Dom & well done for getting through what sounds like a pretty tough labour process too. Hope you're both doing well?!
I wanted to let the world know that I have a beautiful baby boy. We named him Gavin James and he is a dream. I wish my last baby was this easy. Congrats to all the other new October mums!
Hey, looks like its my turn. Contractions every 8-10mins now and bleeding slightly, its so so painful already and I've so far to go yet :( I think I've changed my mind about home birth not sure i'm going to cope very well. I'm starting to remember labour with my son and im a little scared! Anyway gonna go have a bath. Will update when I can xx
Anababe ~ Try to relax love... You can do this... Think of somewhere calm and safe... I hope your labour doesn't last too long... If you don't want to be alone call your midwife sooner rather than later... Big hugs love...

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