Official October Team Bumpkins

:shock: I'm not ironing everything! I have enthusiasm but no where near that much ~ if I can get away with it I will! :blush: It's just a few items like some little jean dungarees that dried all crinkly and it was my 'reward' for the after normal ironing!! :wacko:

OH just made me laugh, he is carving a pumpkin already and I caught him using the vac to suck up all the pips from inside the pumpkin! Cheet! My poor vac :rofl:

Keerthy ~ gorgeous pics! :cloud9:
Keerthy ~ What a beautiful little girl! Congratulations!?!? I'm sure you'll choose the name that suits her the best...

Today has been one long day, OH is still at work, DS and I have had a true PJ day... No reason to go out and he's feeling much better after just chilling today... My back and hips are still sore, getting tightenings over the bump again... I hope that babe decides to come soon...
Good evening everyone! Still no baby and not looking promising lol

The wines are coming on well....took me 3 hours to seperate out all of the hawthorn berries but they are now soaking ready to have all the other bits added. Hubby's wine and beer are all sorted and already showing signs of life (lord knows what the HV/MW will think when they come round as the dining room is now a mini-brewery! lol)

I've been really active all day but having sat down I am going to have to chill out a bit as baby has been very quiet....doesn't like it when I'm all up and about lol.

Hope everyone is ok. fingers crossed for you eswift! Keerty - congrats on your LO (whatever name she chooses for herself! lol).

will be on later xx
Evenin' all :D

Eswift ~ glad your DS is feeling better. A PJ day sounds sooooooo nice.

Aimee.lou ~ 3hrs to sort the berries!! I'm sure if you promise the MW and HV some when they come over then they won't mind! I'm sure it will be fine really.

There is no way OH would try and 'check' for me, it would totally creep him out. He dreamt the other night I had given birth and we had had a little boy. He said then I had the placenta and it was like a floppy jellyfish flipping about!! I do worry about him lately lol! Bless.

I had another couple of headaches today but have taken tablets and they seen to be working. OH keeps telling me to call MW / hosp though, I feel much better than yesterday and LO is as wriggily as ever so I will see what tomorrow brings. Don't really fancy going to Hosp this weekend but need to do what's best for LO. As I say, not as bad as yesterday though so here is hopeing they are going away.
OMG hun thank you, i feel so much better knowing its not just me.. I have felt so guilty and have cried about it.
I know deep down that we have done whats right for her and the fact that she is so content on the bottle is fab :) :hugs:

I totally hear where you are coming from. I so wanted to BF, we managed the first 5 days and then it was just so clear that it wasn't working. We were sat at 3am, she was howling, I was sobbing, and my DH was nearly crying too. Thankfully the mw's were all very supportive of us stopping, but I still get a twinge every time someone does the "So why did you stop? / How are you feeding her?" question. :nope:

Like you said, we have both done what's right for her (and for us!), and they're both content and thriving, so it's all for the best.

Big :hugs: for you for those guilty moments (I know how that feels!).

Keerthy - huge congratulations! Your little lady is beautiful :)
Evening all, wow im hot tonight. Heating is turned right down but I feel like a furnace! OH still at work and he has a big release in the morning so due back in at 4am :wacko:

Eala and dont feel guilty about bottle feeding better a happy mummy and baby :thumbup:

Keerthy your little girl is so beautiful, i'm sure you will find a name just as beautiful. :flower:

Eswift pj day sounds good. Hope DS is feeling better, headaches are rotten!

Kte hope your headaches settle, definitely get checked out if they continue. I dont fancy oh having a rummage either well other than with his naughty bits :rofl:

I've realised today I have deliveries coming next week and i'll be in hospital :dohh: I think hoping they will come tomorrow is too much like wishful thinking! Will have to get oh to collect from the sorting office/couriers!
Eala and Baby.Love -our LO is also an aptamil baby. BF just wasn't happening for us due to her being pre-term. Midwife was fantastic and very supportive but I also felt very guilty. She is thriving now though and that is the main thing. Its nice to know I am not alone and others have felt the same.
Hey Ladies, I havent been on over the last couple of days just been so busy & tired !! Hope you are all well. and congrats to all the new mummies !And fingers crossed the rest of you ladies little ones come soon x

Zac is doing great. He is a little jaundice so bf every 3 hours. He is so good fingers crossed he stays like this. I am so in love with him girls its unbelievable , he is the only person that can get me up 4 times a night to feed them and I am still smiling. He sleeps constantly which is worrying me so much but I have been reasured this is normal. We ventured out yesterday to the shops and today for a little walk to get him some fresh air.

I stil havent had a chance to get my birth story up but will do next week when I get a chance.

I just wanted to say also thanks to all you ladies, you made my pregnancy so much enjoyable and less worrying. I would have been lost without this site it was a god send. Cant wait for the next chapter and for all you ladies to join me !!

PS - Can someone put my date on first page. Zac was born on 11th. thanks
congrats to all the new mummies! I've updated the oct thread in 3rd tri as best I can! Thanks to Kte & the others on here for helping me keep up to date on it all. It's well hard trying to keep track now that people are popping them out all over the place, LOL! :dohh:
Morning All...

Glad to hear all the babe's and new mum's are coping so very well... I look forward to joining you all...

JLo ~ Are you still holding on to your LO?

I've had another really crappy nights sleep and have yet again woken up with horrid horrid hip ache/back ache... (touch wood, no morning sickness for 2 days!) I was leaking milk all evening yesterday (TMI) My boobs are so heavy and gorged!! Come on babe, everything is ready and waiting just for your arrival... Ok, so I'm uncomfy, achey and impatient now!?!? LOL So much for the mw's warning me to be ready, I'm beginning to feel they were really edging their bets...

Anyway, hope you all have a good weekend...
Morning all, well oh was up at 2.30am to get ready for work. Ive had rotten nightmares. OH thinks its anxiety from him not being here. Maybe he's right.

Going to pop into the city today and maybe meet oh for a late breakfast. Hopefully the walking about will help me along.
Maffie ~ Have a lovely day in the city... I'm sure your OH is right about the nightmare's and anxiety; but after all you've been through recently you're allowed to have a few issues and concerns... Big hug...

Right shopping list written and all ready to go... Catch you all later...
Still nothing happening here, I'm starting to think I imagined all that bloody gunk in my pj bottoms on Monday :wacko:

Still in my pj's at the mo but had breakfast. Going to Nettos soon to pick up a few boxes of Frosties while there on offer I LOVE FROSTIES at the mo,can't get enough! Then after dinner were taking the kids to Hull fair (massive massive fair for those who don't know!) so lots of walking for me to hopefully start something off!!

Question: ladies..when you've had a bounce on your gym ball do you notice an increase in discharge during and straight after? I was on mine for about 20mins last night and felt like I was leaking was runny discharge. ergghh.
eswift I'm still here hun :dohh:

Nothing happening here at all!!!!

We have our town carnival tonight, not going as dont think I can stand up for that long but, the hospital is the other side of town from us so thinking that murphys law dictates that I could go into labour tonite when the roads through the town are closed and we would have to detour!!!

I'm off to collect my carpet off cuts that have have the edges wound to make rugs for my hall and buy a new Dyson:happydance: then take DS2 to a party at 2pm.

Have a good day girls, bumps n babies x
Hey girls

Cant catch up on everything ive missed just now Logan is ready for a feed and you talks lots!! :) lol

Hope your all ok, ill get on later to catch up with you all and write up my birth story!

:hugs: and labour :dust: to everyone! :kiss:

Nothing here either! :wacko: thought I was last night but turned out to be my tummy instead! Just keeping busy and trying not to think about it too much. We have a MW appointment on Monday morning and I really had hoped that I wouldn't have to go. :dohh:

Just made a sparkling peach wine base (whizzing up the fruit is very soothing lol) and going to make an apple chutney this afternoon.....planning on giving some of it out at christmas so hoping it will work ok.

Jlo- hope that you get some action soon and you don't get stuck in traffic. There doesn't seem to be many of us left now! :wacko:
Afternoon all, well back from town. Didint meet oh has he's still stuck in work. Sounds like its not going too well there today!

I bought loads but day was spoilt by rude obnoxious people. I got smacked very hard in bump with a trolley and they didnt even apologise. I cant believe how rude some people are.

Now consoling myself with lots of chocolate and trying to decide if I have energy to cook beef in ale tonight or whether to do it tomorrow. I think tomorrow is winning lol.

Bought a changing mat and a few outfits, baby towel and wash cloths and cot sheets and a gorgeous Lamaze toy set for Christmas.
:hugs: Maffie - I have had that happen to me too....I have also found that women with prams can be the worst at times (ironic seeing as they should be the most sympathetic!)

Glad that you got lots of nice things though. :flower:

Just jarred up my chutney with the help of hubby (my sense of balance is off so it's best if he is dealing with red hot jars lol)'s ended up very 'festive' tasting which is good as it will be a christmas stocking filler. Got 7 jars and a portion to go in our freezer from 3lbs of apples! Woohoo! I could get used to this 'good life' style of living!

I too am deciding what to do for tea. Can't decide. I know I want pasta but I don't know what type/sauce to make. All I know is that after all that activity in the kitchen I'm starving! :dohh:
Aww, your teas sound much nicer than mine:dohh:
It's not shopping day til tomorrow so we have just a pizza out the freezer, salad and colslaw.........ooh and a bag of pick 'n' mix, mmmmm, figure at term + 11 days I am fully entitled to them:winkwink:

Have a good evening all and in the nicest possible way I hope I don't catch you all tomorrow!!:hugs:

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