Official October Team Bumpkins


Aimee-lou and ktes I have tried absolutely everything going to get my little man out, 3 sweeps later and term +13 he is not showing any signs at all:nope:
My other 2 break up from school and preschool on Thursday so it is going to be a mad house here with them home aswell, in my mind baby would have been here and settled before the half term, we are considering that DH may have to take 2 weeks paternity, instead of the 1 we had budgeted for, and we will have to beg, steal or borrow to make ends meet this month as I dont think I will be able to cope on the lack of sleep looking after a newborn and trying to keep the other 2 occupied.
Unfortunately his holiday is set throughout the year so we didnt have the option of him taking that which is a real pain.
Oh well, nothing I can do about it now, off for monitoring in the morning and then induction starts at 7am Wednesday, am dreading it, really dont know what to expect, had planned to go into the birthing centre instead of main maternity but that wont happen unless he makes an appearance in next 24 hours :cry:
COME ON:baby:

Hope you both have better luck with the eviction process than me:hugs:
Good Morning All...

Still here LOL and still keeping baby warm... LOL...

We did so much yesterday, and still nothing; started chewing on today already and still nothing... My due date is by the hospital is Wednesday, my date is Today... I have a feeling that I'll still be here at the end of the week waiting... LOL

In a perfect world I'd like to be able to see if we could be induced during the weekend; OH is entitled to absolutely no time off what so ever now... LOL Although the company have reassurred him that they will if we end up with complications, C-Section etc they will give him time off and sort everything out after, he wouldn't be left high and dry... He is feeling much better about it all... Bless him...

I'm just impatient... LOL

JLo ~ How you doing???

Aimee-Lou ~ Good luck chatting to mw...

MeggieMoo ~ LOL re snacks... Our shopping is costing a fortune at the moment too, babe still seems to prefer crap to proper food, I'm constantly snacking... So looking forward to a healthy salad when babe's out...

I've lots of little jobs planned for today, why is it that the kitchen doesn't take long before it looks as though a bombs gone off in it? Anyway, gonna watch JK first then carry on chewing... (pokes baby swift, come on move out?!?)
Hey Ladies!!

Blimey you can chat!!!

Congratulations to all of you who have your little Bumpkins already!! :cloud9: They are gorgeous!

Ive been diagnosed with mild pre-eclampsia, so on bed rest with feet up and its a race between what comes 1st - BamBam arriving naturally or P.E getting worse.
Obviously its not favourable to induce me as it would have to be done via hormone drip (I have GBS, so no sweep option either) as with p.e they wont allow a gel pessary as they dont always work straight away. But I have very very bad SPD so induction rules out water natural labour is favourable...which is fine, but baby doesnt realise this and is quite comfy in there whilst Im no bed rest just keeping BP down and getting through books!! - not how I had my mat leave planned! :rofl:
Hiya lovely ladies

Just popping in with some labour :dust: .. Been and registered Miss Sienna's birth today and it felt fab,.. I had a wobble yesterday about her name :blush: But when the registrar was filling in the certificate it felt so so right... so thats it she is now officially Sienna Louise Love :cloud9:

Hope you are all ok and that these babies start showing themselves soon xxxx
Hey girls. Just had to pop in to show you a pic of my gorgeous little boy and to send lots of labour dust to those of you still here! I'm sure it won't be too much longer and you will all have your gorgeous LO's.


  • james from facebook.jpg
    james from facebook.jpg
    16.1 KB · Views: 5 - congratulations on Sienna's registration :) I nearly cried when we got Romilly's birth certificate, somehow it was just another tick in the box of "She's here and she's real and she's ours!"

littlekitten - your little boy is absolutely gorgeous :) He looks so contented in that pic. Huge congratulations :hugs:

Jlo - I hope that your LO decides to surprise you and appear sometime in the next 24 hours. I had no signs whatsoever before my labour started, I went from 0 to contractions 4 mins apart. Fingers crossed something similar happens for you :hugs:

Lots of labour dust for everyone who is still waiting for their bumpkin!, sienna is a beautiful name! :)

Littlekitten, he's adorable!

Mines due today but no sign of him making an appearence yet...probably gonna have a sweep tomorrow!

Congrats to everyone who has had their little ones so far and good luck to everyone who's still waiting!
aWWW cute babies!!!

Congratulations Amandas :happydance:

:hugs:to all of you lovely ladies xxx

I'm fed up too, I'm not sure if my waters are leaking slowly :wacko: I've posted a thread about it in 3rd tri but basically I was woken up last night by a trickling feeling,thought omg I'm weeing myself! Felt my pj bottoms and they were smell of wee though,oh and I looked before I put them in the wash this morning and there was no yellow wee stain, it had dried clear. Anyway, put a clean pair of bottoms on and got back to bed and they were wet this morn when I got up but not half as much as the 1st pair. definatley was not urine so I'm confused as to wether it was abit of my waters, really really runny discharge or..I had inserted an EPO caspsule before going to sleep so could it be this cos it did feel slightly sticky. BUT I have been inserting them most nights since 37 weeks and it hasn't happened to me before. I don't know what to think!!
Afternoon everyone.

MW went well....I'm all signed off and she doesn't want to see me again until bubs is home. (I'm booked in at the birth centre should I need a sweep or anything)......not allowed a sweep until a week OD so we're just going to have to keep on trucking.

I thought we had started something as I had another hour of contractions which seems to have stopped now (30 mins since last one).....but these were actually painful which the others have just been achey.

Will be on later xx
Good Afternoon All...

So far I have completed about half of my plans... But hey, OH's working late and DS will be home in a couple of hours.. So we can crack on later... Ironing to do and kitchen to clean, other jobs done... I'm about buggered now... So I'm gonna zzzz on the sofa...

Hope sommat happens soon JLo and for those of us still hanging about... Oooo I'm not gonna miss the heartburn!?!? Catch you all soon...
im so so mad!!!

I had my best friend as my birhting partner aswell adam. Been friends since we were 4. Anyway she really wanted to be my birthing partner, She toke time off work to come to my scans ect and toke time off to be there at the birth. Anyway my sister was talking to her dad yesterday and her dad let slip that my "friend" was upset that we didnt buy her a card or pressie for her being there?!!! WTF . Anyway it was her birthday last week and tbh havent go no money to buy her a pressie and shes pisssed off about that! Shes really upset me, she was there witnessing my baby boy coming into the world, and she wants more!
im so so mad!!!

I had my best friend as my birhting partner aswell adam. Been friends since we were 4. Anyway she really wanted to be my birthing partner, She toke time off work to come to my scans ect and toke time off to be there at the birth. Anyway my sister was talking to her dad yesterday and her dad let slip that my "friend" was upset that we didnt buy her a card or pressie for her being there?!!! WTF . Anyway it was her birthday last week and tbh havent go no money to buy her a pressie and shes pisssed off about that! Shes really upset me, she was there witnessing my baby boy coming into the world, and she wants more!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
just updated the bumpkin births thread- he boys have finally gone ahead of the girls!!!!!! 40 grls & 43 boys as of 10 minutes ago. :) woo-hoo! :happydance:
TaylorsMummy ~ I think I'd be a little peev'd as well if I was you... Some people you just can't please... Big Hugs.... I'm sure your friend doesn't quite mean it as it sounds, and I really don't think it's worth falling out with her over it... How are you feeling now? Hope you're all healed...

Coor it's a close call between the sexes!?!

Hope all the mums and babes are doing well, and those hanging about are feeling ok, not too down in the dumps or fustrated...

I've only got the kitchen to do now...
iv healed but my god it looks gross down there lool!

Dexters now 18days old! oh my god so quickly! hes a right porker! pilling the weight on =[
Congrats all new mummies!

Just popping in to say that I posted Brady's birth story yesterday. We went out today in the pram (well, just Brady in the pram :)) it felt good to be out and c section recovery seems to be going well, just so frustrating that I can't drive for 6 weeks.

Hope everyone who is still waiting isn't waiting too long for their LO's
i went out yday, for a nice walk around the country park near here, loved it with the two kids and OH but i seem to bleed ALOT after iv been walking around still. Walked all the way down town with OH today aswell llol
Very quiet here today..some babies must be being born...not mine,unfortunately.

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