Official October Team Bumpkins

Have just posted my birth story if you guys want to go read it. Gosh Jlosomerset can't believe your still here hunni. Tell that little man to get a move on! I'm off to express some milk before his feed cos he can't latch otherwise! Catch you later ladies x
Evening all,

Eek it feels so much later than it actually is, I am so in need of some much needed :sleep:

I tempted the fates by saying I didn't want to go to hospital this weekend, it's been a bit of a mad day, we've been up since 1.15am ~ it has nothing to do with LO though. I won't / cant go into too much details at the mo but it's to do with a family member emergency, thankfully they are doing better now but it means lots have plans have now changed. Its been a whirlwind kind of day :cry:

Thankfully only 1 headache and I think that has to be expected due to stress and lack of sleep and I have been fine since, just sleepy!

Food time soon, pizza from the pizza shop lol, with a nice cuppa. Pack a travel bag, grab the sleeping bag. I will be back home for a bit tomorrow hopefully (so long as bubs doesn't try and badly time things now!) so will pop on to see how all you other bumpkins are doing! :hugs:
Hey Ladies,

Mmmm your tea's sound nice hehe....were off to the inlaws soon, MILs birthday so were all going for an italian, mmm can't wait....saved myself all day lol!! Gutted that I will be missing x factor though!!!

Soooo tired again today, one day I can be full of life, the next I just want to lie down and slob all day! Hoping tomorrow is a full of life day, got a few last minute bits I want to get....

Jlo, have you got an induction date? 11 days over must suck!!!

Maffie, glad you got your last bits finally :thumbup:

Aimee lou, your wine and chutney sounds fab!

Helz, hope you had fun at the fair. I seem to have discharge all the time, lots of it, can't say I notice more when I have been on my gym ball though? Its probs just to do with LO moving down and pushing it all out? Lol

KTE :hugs: Hope your family member is okay

Littlekitten, looking forward to reading your birth story later on when I get home!

Right I must dash, need to tackle the dilemma of what i'm going to wear tonight without looking like a whale...and find some shoes that will actually fit me, damn swollen feet!!!!

Kte - I too hope everything is ok. :hugs:

Well girls....whether or not it's yet another false alarm I'm not sure, but I've just had 4 contractions (mild ones) in a row, each 10 minutes apart. If they get stronger or start to close in I'll be calling the birth centre shortly! If this is false again I'll be gutted....

Also, can you get tightenings in between them? Like BH's? I keep getting them then like 2 mins later everything will just tighten up with no pain at all.....very weird and leads me to think it's just another practice run.

Will keep you posted. xx
Hiya! Just to let you all ladies know that my son has arrived 9 days early! The birth announcement is up in birth section. xxxx He born on 15th October at 6.21am via C-Section. xx
Kte - I too hope everything is ok. :hugs:

Well girls....whether or not it's yet another false alarm I'm not sure, but I've just had 4 contractions (mild ones) in a row, each 10 minutes apart. If they get stronger or start to close in I'll be calling the birth centre shortly! If this is false again I'll be gutted....

Also, can you get tightenings in between them? Like BH's? I keep getting them then like 2 mins later everything will just tighten up with no pain at all.....very weird and leads me to think it's just another practice run.

Will keep you posted. xx

I had this when I was being induced hun, it might be different because I had the gel but I had tightenings that weren't painful and ones that were but they weren't effective enough to dilate me at all.

Hope this could be it for you though, even if it's not it's a sign that something will happen soon.
it's even stevens on the girl-boy ratio of bumpkin births so far: 39 of each so far :)
Hi everyone, cant sleep, on mobile so have to be quick, supa stressed at the mo, put a post in the girls sanxtuary as it has or may contain sensitive info, more for respect of my family that its not easily avail on the web, i dont have anyone to vent to az such so needed to get it out as this lack of sleep milarky surly cant be good for lo

Morning All...

MeggieMoo ~ Hope you enjoy your meal...

Kte ~ I hope your family member and you are alright, nothing too serious I hope...

JLo ~ Gosh I guess your little man is feeling well and truely secure and comfy... Glad someone is! Hopefully not too much longer...

LK ~ Sounds like your LO is doing well...

Aimee-Lou ~ It's like being back in 1st tri all over again, being on edge and just waiting to see; isn't it?

Anyone else who've had their LO Congratulations!?!? There have been so many arrive early, as well as a few who don't want to come out...

Right, I'm off back to my pit after breaki 1... Catch you all later xxxx
Morning all

Cant sleep either, just having breakfast and thinking what I need to do before tomorrow.

I am feeling anxious but not about the birth just everything that comes after it :wacko:
False alarm ladies!

After 4 hours of regular contractions, I went to bed and this morning....nothing again! :dohh: Oh well.....looks like another day at home which can't be a bad thing!

I've also got killer toothache once again so have that to deal with which may be distracting me from pains etc....would rather have the BH's to be honest!

Hope we're all ok. xx
+12 and still here:wacko:
Just sent DH off to do the grocery shop, with a list!!, have my cousins little girls 4th birthday party to go to later today but other than than nothing planned.
It's quite chilly here this morning too so think it could be a very lazy day, well till 2pm anyway!!!

Have a good day ladies:hugs:
Good Afternoon Ladies...

Guess none of us are doing much at the moment...

Went and had a walk around a carboot, had a lovely bacon sannie, had to leg it out side hid out the way and lost the lot... (OH came looking for me, he was really concerned... Aww bless him... I'm now starting to get rather peeved with the sickness thing! There's just no real pattern or catalist...)

Not too worry hopefully, not too much longer... Golly, I'm not sure who I'm trying to convince? I brought another car seat (with a base etc, OH was rather taken by it...) a changing mat and another snow suit... It was bloody cold here this morning...

Came to the conclusion that although I've brought 2 snow suits, if babe up chucks on 1 you're left with only 1 clean... Hence getting another... The car seat was only £5, and it means that I can have one in my car and OH have 1 in his (when it's finally on the road again...) Hopefully, before Christmas... The changing mat was cream with teddies on £1, it's for downstairs... I'm so lazy LOL I've got a nappy box and now a changing mat for downstairs and the Changing and nappies etc all upstairs too...

Finally, managed to get my dining table in the kitchen/diner... Which means I can now sit and have my dinner at the table, rather than struggling to eat it off my knee... Whoo Hoo!?!?

OH is currently outside wire brushing the radiators for the kids bedrooms, ready to repaint them... We've had a play with the units for the kitchen/diner too; only need to buy 3 doors and we'll have full units across and down the walls... Not bad really... And need counter tops... The wall units, we've far too many... Which isn't really a bad thing... Talk about money saved! I'm so pleased, just a shame that it's so close to Christmas really, could have done with it being further away... LOL that's just me being a little shelfish, I've have loved to have been in my new kitchen for then, but we can't afford to buy the cooker and christmas presents... LOL will have to get saving after Christmas...

I've been and got our panto tickets (my B'day treat) was quite impressed 6 of us in a box for £70... expected it to be more? Was rather chuffed... DS finally told me what he's saving his Christmas money for, spoke to OH; gonna go buy the items on Tuesday for DS and put them away; then he can use the moeny he's getting off everyone else on other bit's he'd like... otherwise, I've no idea what to buy him... Cheating I know, but he would like so little now... I can't see the point of buying sommat for the sake of it, when he can save the money for other stuff... My sisters brought him a DS, so he may see some games for that etc... He's asked for a small stereo so he could get himself some cd's etc...

Anyway, best go make a brew for OH he's looking ever so slightly blue... Wonder if he's cold??? LOL Thank goodness for patio doors... LOL I can see him and stay warm... I do Love him...
Gosh it's quiet on here today!

Nothing at all most of the day...just feel very uncomfortable now.

Off to see the MW tomorrow so may try to beg a sweep out of her as I've had enough now (I know that I'm not even overdue yet, but after 3 lots of full on false labour I'm getting a bit fed up of the false starts!) a vanilla yoghurt and going to watch Notting Hill with my wonderful hubby!

Hope everyone is ok and the lack of posts means that everyone is being told to 'PUSH' profusely!

Evening x

just on oh's phone

We just got back from hospital visiting oh's dad, he has been very lucky, he is a toughie, he had a 25 percent chance of surviving the op which thankfully he has. They woke him up yesterday and he was breathing on his own, now He is sat up and talking in icu and they are really pleased with him and his progress, he is still in quite a lot of pain but obviously not complaining and we are all just so greatful he is still with us.

I was really stressed as we are now possibly changing hospitals so lo will be born in the same hospital oh's dad is in. Today I'm feeling a lot more positive about it, being in the hospital etc I just want lo here and safe, family is so important and all the little things I was het up about months ago about visits etc seems so trivial now I just want us all healthy and happy xx

Had a lovelyy meal last night with DPs family, had a full 3 course meal, felt soo fat :blush: LOL but mmm it was good! :haha:
Just finished our tea (chicken fajita's ,mmmmm), watching x factor now then off for a bath and bed, might put a film on for me and DP to watch!

Had a pretty hectic day today, been shopping to Tesco and M&S, got few bits for my labour bag AGAIN as me and Matt ate all the snacks the other day :haha::blush::blush: and got some gorgeous hat and mitten set from M&S, mum thinks the hat won't fit him straight away, it better had....I wanna bring him home from hospital in it!! Its newborn? We'll see!

Took the dog for a massive walk in the hope that it would set off labour LOL...we have a massive park near us with a lake etc, let him off the lead like we normally do...some massive dog came and almost ate my poor little Monty :cry: never heard him whimper and cry like that before...won't be taking him there for a while again, poor thing is still shook up now, thankfully he is okay though...big softie!

Hope your all well anyway and not going tooo insane, can't be long now eh? I've resigned myself to the fact that i'm going to go overdue! So 2 weeks at the most anyway? :shrug: think I can deal with that!

Just a quick post to let you know that Luca William Saunders was born at 7.43am on Thursday 15th October weighing 7lb 13oz!

Not quite the home water birth that we'd planned as there were no midwives to come out to us, and then things didn't progress so well when we got to hospital. I ended up having a C section 26 hours after it all started. Whether it would have resulted in that if we'd stayed at home I'll never know. But we're both home and well which is the main thing. Luca is gorgeous and feeding well!

I'll try to catch up on everyone elses news soon - congratulations to all other mums and babies. I'll also try to post a pic or two soon!
:Hugs: to Kte - glad that things seem to be improving for you.

No more false labour for me as yet so I'm off to the MW in about half an hour to basically have a bit of a moan! lol. Really don't want to go really overdue as it's a waste of hubby's time off (he's been off a week already- has 4 left!) but we're trying everything we can and bubs is still not budging. 39+5 today so still technically not overdue but I feel like I could be here forever! :cry:

Anyway, off to make some toast before we have to head out.

:flower: to everyone still waiting and I'll be back on later on. xx
:Hugs: to Kte - glad that things seem to be improving for you.

No more false labour for me as yet so I'm off to the MW in about half an hour to basically have a bit of a moan! lol. Really don't want to go really overdue as it's a waste of hubby's time off (he's been off a week already- has 4 left!) but we're trying everything we can and bubs is still not budging. 39+5 today so still technically not overdue but I feel like I could be here forever! :cry:


I feel the same! Need LO out PRONTO!! OH had planned to take 2 weeks holiday starting from the moment I go into labour but he is taking it now and then a weeks parternity leave, I am hoping he maybe gets two weeks paternity leave. Financially we will be screwd but hey, I just want him to be able to enjoy our LO for a bit before he has to go back to work. If I go overdue (due on Sat) then that could mean LO arrives just in time for him to go back to work, I have a sweep then an induction booked in but it all seems too late! Need a plan!!

We haven;t been at home for the past few nights and I have an hour whilst OH sorts a flat tyre (typical!) ~ how can the carpets get so messy with no one here?! (Cat are locked out of the main room when we are not in).

I have to say I am soooooo proud of my OH right now. I need to do something for him when the time is right, he has taken on so much responsibility these past few days, I have such admiration for him. I just worry it will all get too much so I need to think of something to treat him and show him how much it is all appreciated.

Hope everyone has a good day and that your LO's will be here sooner rather than later x :flower:

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