Official October Team Bumpkins

Evening ladies...

I've given up on the cleaning and housework now; hehehe I got halfway through the kitchen and I've had enough! What's the betting I'll have a house full later and the cooker looks minging?!?! LOL I don't care... (Maybe sods law will encourage LO out! Now't else seems to have worked...)

Finally, DS and I have made the pram up; I know OH and I did it all when we 1st brought it. Just had the urge to do it today... I don't remember it looking so massive though... Still it's light DS was having fun pushing it around the kitchen/diner... LOL As it is a 3 wheeler and the one on the front is fixed, not pivated he was trying to turn it... LOL lucky there was no baby in it...

Right I'm off for a bath very soon, beginning to feel absolutely shattered now, managed no zzz's on the sofa earlier, couldn't settle so I did the ironing instead... OH is not due home until after 10pm ish; hopefully I'll be zzzzing away by then LOL... I've to take him to work in the morning, as I need the car for mw appointment, he's in work for 8.30 ish. I've made his baits for tomorrow alreadt as I won't have time to do everything before I take him and make sure DS is all sorted for school etc. I'm gonna try to get DS's christmas presents tomorrow before seeing mw, so all's hidden from DS until Santa brings them... I've been such a cheat this year WHSmiths is delivering all his stocking fillers (on buy 1 get 1 free, Beano Website are delivering the other collectable bit, and Argos are suppling the bit's he wanted to save for... That him all sorted then! How easy was that??) Means that next month I just get the nifnaf for the rest of the family... Mainly giving neices and nephews cash (£10) and chocolate & wine for OH's siblings; and my family have all said they want nothing LOL... So it's just the token gifts.. White tower for my Mum, Couple of real ales for my Dad and Tia Marie for my sister... DSS will probably get cash too as he's 14 and doesn't know what he'd like, quite into warhammer stuff, but we've no idea what he has or doesn't have...

Sweet dreams all... JLo fingers crossed girl...

Wonder if there's any news on Maffie? MeggieMoo? Colsy? Kte? Ok I don't want to list any more...
well iv heard something today that has pissed me off

so is it about me???

well aparntly your not hppy with me because i didnt get u a card or something after i had dexter to say thank you

and whos said that??

u fucked up so called fuckin sister

ur dad said it too her. Dont talk about tina like that

ill tlk bout her how the fuck i like

and at least i got a happy birthday this year i dint even get that last year

and why am i ungrateful

i didnt get fuck all this year eaither did i

no and why was that

cause u dint get me fuck all works both ways


ha give us another one

i waited there for 3 days for him to come into the world

let work down for 3 days

and you cnt even get me a card

i didnt ask u to come in every day

oh but you can run to the chinese but u aint got no money

oh right but cause you wanted me there with you i dint wana let you down

so i did it

cause you wanted me there and thats what friends do

but im ungrateful

i didnt ask u though. you wanted to be there!! how ungrateful, seeing him being born was supposed to be special and this how u repay me

i bought you stuff for both your children and i dont even get a fuckin card

shut the fuck up ffs

your pathetic

you really are come back to the real world kim

your family aint all that perfect


nor is yours

kim your son bein born wasnt for my benenfit

just go get fucked

YES BUT I WANTED YOU THERE AND U WANTED TO BE THERE!!!! you need to sort ur attitude out, keep out mine and my babies lifes if this is how fucking feel

i cnt be done with the shit no fuckin more

adam threatenin me you happy with urself

and this has all stemed from your sister well shes a fuckin good sister

so called friends eh


ok i care bout my self

im afraid thats life

look after number one

well stay out of mine and my babies okay.. Bye

fine i really dont give a shit

no u selfish cow/

ok im selfish i really dont care what you think of me kim

im over it

yeah okay.. Well dont come crawling when u come off ur period

i aint on my period kim

its got nowt to do with hormones

you no when i need you you aitn never there but when you want me i come runnin and i always have

i dont need no fucker ive always been on my own

lol okay uv always been there, never asked about or owt

and i will never be good enuff cause i aint got kids

and thats the way it always been

oh w.e lol

just to say id watch adam

lol ok

he will do a runner one day

stop puttin statius on facebook bout thankyou

its nowt to do with no fucker else

funny thing is, you obv have said that you thought u diserved something to you dad, how else would i find out?

Sorry about the swearing! i will delete soon
TaylorsMummy ~ That was one barney! Hope you two get back to talking soon...

Mind I must admitte that true friends will be there regardless, where as others won't be; There's normally a reason they're not... We've certainly found out who our true friends are over the last couple of years... In all honesty, after mmc some peeps I thought were friends haven't spoken to us since, and I ain't loosing sleep over them... I've more important things to contemplate... Like what to get babe for Christmas??? hmm... LOL

Right I'm off to bed, up early tomorrow and hopefully I'll sleep well tonight...
i went out yday, for a nice walk around the country park near here, loved it with the two kids and OH but i seem to bleed ALOT after iv been walking around still. Walked all the way down town with OH today aswell llol

I'm finding this too; I try to go out for at least a 30 minute walk everyday, coz I figure a) the exercise is good for me, b) the fresh air is good for me, Harry & my OH & c) it gives me a chance to show off my LO without having to have people round my house, lol. But yeah, I find that I bleed loads after walking & that my back & the fronts of my hips ache afterwards too.
The joys of post partum, hey?! :dohh:

EDIT: just read the text convos- jesus christ, what a drama queen, just coz you dint get her a card???!!! Sounds like she needs to grow up a bit.... Hope you can both cool off & maybe repair the friendship, but if not, oh well, she obviously wasn't as good a friend as she thought she was to be that petty all over a card...
thanks girls, needed a rant! She did the same thing after i had my daughter, fell out with me.. must be jealous! =[

florabean- i really love showing Dexter off, but because hes so big he doesnt look like a newborn so noones really bothered =[ ohwell.

Pics of my baby girl&boy :cloud9:


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Kim, he really doesn't look big to me! he still has a newborn look about him to me.
Love the pics though- he seems so alert & curious :)
Lexie Louise Breckon has arrived by c-section on the 14/10/09 at 10.18 am weighing 6lb 15oz.
attached are some pictures.


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Lexie Louise Breckon has arrived by c-section on the 14/10/09 at 10.18 am weighing 6lb 15oz.
attached are some pictures.

congrats hunnie been looking out for posts from u we will have to meet up again once ur settled with baby she is lovely xxx
Congrats on your little girl KKSARAH - I had wondered about you since I knew you had a booking. She's adorable! :flower:

Taylorsmummy - don't worry about having friends like her! Tbh, I don't have many friends as I've moved around a lot, but the ones I do have are true friends, tried and tested over the years and if she is going to upset you and your family, she's not worth having around! I agree with shopping is far more important on the scale right now! :hugs:

I'm up as I am in such a foul mood. I have toothache.....again.......which feels like the entire top left set of teeth is about to fall out all in one go. That would be a relief to be honest. I've taken a tablet and I'm just waiting for it to set in before going back to bed but I don't think it's likely right now. I think it's a viscious cycle....I've had really bad aches in my hands just lately because I'm so achey and uncomfortable at night that I get stressed, grit my teeth and clench my hands, which hurts, which makes me achey, which makes me do it more! :growlmad: I am so frustrated but there's not a lot I can do as I'm uncomfortable after half an hour in any position. Bonus ball I suppose is that since bubs engaged (about 3 days ago I think) I've not had the really bad hip-aches, I just have muscular aches all over my bump and back.....oh the joys!

Sorry to rave on girls, it's just it's 5.30, I'm shattered, if I can't rest there's no way this baby will ever come any time soon, I'm worried about the birth as if I can't cope with toothache how the hell is labour supposed to be ok, hubby is getting bored as he's been at home for a week and nothing so I feel slightly like I'm letting him down, and I just feel like I'm sat here moaning ALL the time! I guess the frustration is showing up! (Oh and work still haven't sent my greivance settlement or paperwork some 4 weeks after it was all agreed - it was supposed to be here last week so now I have that to deal with too! Not what I need when it's my EDD tomorrow.....what I wouldn't give to just have 1 day without all of this!)

Sorry again girls...I'm just so fed up! :nope:
Good Morning All...

Aimee-Lou ~ I'm sure you'll cope well with the labour, the whole pain thing is so different to tooth ache, plus all is forgiven when you see LO... Try to keep PMA!! Us female's are made of strong stuff; (oh my goodness! What a weather report! Where's all that rain come from???) As I was saying we're made of strong stuff... LOL... Hope you get all sorted out with work, seem to be really dragging their feet, you'd have thought they'd have wanted everything finished ASAP? Good Luck!

TaylorsMummy ~ Glad you're feeling somewhat better and are healing nicely... Your babes look adoreable; Dexter is growing well, still looks like a newborn through...

KKSarah ~ She looks so well and beautiful!?!? Congratulations...

Right I'll catch up again later... Still no movement on babe front here, think they're planning on staying put (until possibly spring? can't say I blame them with the rain forecast!)

OH finally got in last night at 12.30 ish, he's gonna be shattered by the end of the week at this rate; I guess we can't moan about the over time... LOL Probably just as well babe didn't decide to arrive last night he'd have been neither use nor ornament... (Chocolate fire guard spring to mind...) I'm so glad I made all his food for today last night, otherwise I'd be doing a good blue arsed fly impression this morning LOL...

Lots of positive labour thoughts and vibes being sent from me to you... Take Care Girls...
Morning girls

KKSARAH: Congrats babes she is totally stunning xxxx

I am sat here watching Sienna test out her swing and she seems to love it so far :thumbup: so anyone who brought the M&P Starlite swing well done lol x

I hope some of these babies show up today xx love to you all xx
Morning to you all!

Well it's my due date, I really thought I would have had him by now as my dd was 11 days early so I kind of thought this one would be too.

Feeling huge and tired, but otherwise ok.

Have a Midwife appointment at 2, and I think I am getting a sweep so that should be fun!
I don't care so long as it works, but from the majority of posts I have seen on bnb, they don't really seem to do that much!

Have a nice day x
KKSARAH: Congrats well done
Babylove im glad sienna,loves her swing xxx
George loves his new chair, and sits there like a old man!!! ha ha
Goodluck to everyone else today xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I've just ordered the last of DS's christmas presents from Argos, worked out cheaper to pay for them to deliver the items than it is for me to take the car to collect them. I don't have t o chew on parking or carrying the items... Sounds good to me... Quite impressed as they had all the items he wanted! Bonus!?!

How's everyone doing this morning? My sisters called already today... Wittering that babe's not here... LOL... I am so fed up with the morning sickness!?!?! Argh!!! Certainly puts a damper on things... Just had a brew and some really healthy snacks LOL (3 bags of crisps later...)

Thinking about cleaning the kitchen once JK has finished, hmmm; think morning tv is doing my head in too... It's always the same sort of story line, he/she cheating, I can't trust her, he beats me, DNA etc... Beginning to wonder how it manages to stay on the air for 1000 shows full of the same stuff? Golly, guess I'm gonna have to get use to Nic Jr etc all over again might be more exciting than JK is at the mo...
Hi everone i think i can finally post on behalf of our very patient Jlo!!!

She went in for monitoring this morning as shes 14 days overdue but before she left she was having pains but nothing regular, i fell asleep as i didnt have the best night with sam :( but woke to a text at 10.14 saying "ouch it f*cking hurts" bless her.

she was on the monitor and contracting every 2 minutes but they weren't very strong then at 11.17 she text saying she's 7cm dilated and off to get a bed!!

Finally it seems her little boy has decided to make an entrance :)

Wishing her a speedy delivery x

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