Official October Team Bumpkins

Well I don't think the sweep worked.

I have had BHs every 10 minutes all night, but they aren't painful, just very tight. Not getting worse or closer together, so definite BHs. Managed to sleep from 9-12 and then 3-6 though so I feel quite rested.
Baby is moving around tons in response to them though!

Never mind, I could actually do to wait until after the weekend as my dd has 2 birthday parties to go to anyway so I am gonna be busy!
Also hubby is working in Dundee this week (about 2/3 hours drive away) so he would have to hussle back quickly if I did go into labour!

I have another sweep booked for next Tuesday if I don't go before then.
I actually feel physically better than I have in weeks, mainly due to baby having dropped down so much, but am not in such a desperate rush to get him out when I feel like this!!

Well I had better get dd ready for school, then have breakfast, then probably go back to bed!

JLo ~ Congratulations, well done xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Goodluck to everyone xxxxxxxxx
Congrats jlo xx

Congrats to any new mums I have missed

aimee the pic of your doggy so cheered me up bless hi

Just on pjs phone so bloomin hard to type on this thing lol

life is still mad and lo still happy being in my tum x

so tired don't know. How much more I can take but need to be strong

hugs to all xxxxxxxxxxx
Kte ~ I do hope you're coping well... My thoughts are with you and your family...
Congratulations Jlo, so chuffed for you!! Can't wait to see pics! xx

Kte :hugs: won't be much longer xx

Happy due date AimeeLou :happydance: love the pic heehee
Eswift- is it your due date today too? Happy due date if it is :happydance:

39weeks, can't believe just 7 days away from EDD! I keep looking at my birth pool hopefully but I think I'm going to go over :nope:
:flower: Dylan's going to have to start a fan club at this rate lol....he's currently staring at me eating a packet of wotsits so the fame hasn't gone to his head yet! :haha:

Just got back from town.....we have got the stuff for the nursery! :happydance: I know it's our due date lol......was great fun in homebase as the woman asked when I was due, I said today and she looked like she was about to faint lol.

Anyway....busy day today as we need to clear out the room that will be the nursery, sterilise a load of bottles for hubby's home brew (He has a second kit to do now!) and then we're off to the cinema - although I keep getting twinges. Sods law, I'm not going to get an ice cream or to see 'Up' before LO arrives lol. :dohh:

Have a good day girls....hope we're all ok.

Kte - I hope you're bearing up ok.

massive congrats to JLO at last!!!!!!!!

eswift: glad i'm not the only one who's lo took some time to gain weight; i am now on a mission, feeding him every 3 hr on the dot, lol.
Good Afternoon All..

Yep, it's my Due Date too... So far now't, nothing, not even a twinge... LOL

Washing in the machine, house all hoovered and 1st of DS's Christmas presents have arrived, OH now mobile has turned up too, and I'm waiting for babe...

Just wondering if it's gonna be worth me doing the shopping on-line again this week, or to risk it and we do it on Saturday??? Oh I don't know...

Aimee-Lou ~ Have a lovely time at the cinema... I hope you enjoy your ice cream...

Florabean ~ Sounds like you've got a plan, hope Harry doesn't take too long putting weight on! I'm sure he'll be fine...
Congrats to all the new babies!!

Dexter been weighed... 10lb8oz lol <3 3 weeks old tomorrow!
Taylorsmummy- awww it's nice to hear Dexters doing well, how are you now,you were quite sore?!

Lol, Aimee I know what u mean about sods and the girls have a date with pizza hut tommorow for a buffet lunch,one of the girls turned 40 yesterday so we are treating her..and I just absolutley LOVE pizza, especially from pizza hut, so it's sods law I won't make it there!
I've been quite busy today, tidied aload of clothes away in bedroom then hoovered it AND hopped on my treadmill for a brisk walk to try get things moving! Only managed 12 mins, felt like 12 miles!!!
Hubby has offered his erm services tonight too, so hopefully because I don't really want it to work tonight-it might!?!
Gotta dash off again, got sons parents evening just after 5 but gotta go pick hubs up from work first.
Congrats to KKSarah and JLo :happydance:
MrsO: I'm really hoping the sweep starts working for you:hugs: I'm due this fri but at my midwife appt yest she said that the LO was only one fifth engaged and that changed to free again because she managed to pop his head back out again whilst palpating me!!!!! Aaargh:growlmad:! She's booked me in for a sweep next fri if he still isn't here which i am not looking forward to and apparently i'll be given an induction date then too. I really hope it doesn't have to come to that! I'm sending you happy labour vibes, i might just be in the same position next week lol!
harmonybunny ~ My mw here won't even look at doing a sweep or talk about induction until +12 days... Even then they'd rather you opted to just go with babe and be monitored... I hope babe engages fully for you soon... I'm really hoping not to be still sat here in 12 days...

Mrs0 ~ Fingers crossed for you too...

I wonder how everyone else is doing? Maffie, Colsy, MeggieMoo? It seems to have gone really eerie in here as there seems to be so few of us left now... I hope we hear from them soon...

Well, I'm shattered now, I've had one long boring day... Even took the dog for a walk to the shops, I collected DS's beano from the news agents the lady behind the counter asked if DS was my son. Yep, I said rather gingerly! She then went on to say "He's so cute and has wonderful manners; he's so lovely and polite when he comes to collect his Beano"... Aww I felt so proud of him! Must be good otherwise she wouldn't have thought to mention it...

OH had another long day, he's back at work for 5am tomorrow instead of 4am, he's grumpy now, very grumpy... To top it off he realised he'd left his digicard in the wagon, went back to work, to find the wagon had left the yard; got them to call the driver. "No card in there when I put mine in." Told to call after 8pm; just called work again, the other driver can't open the drawer to get the card out now; LMAO so there's now 2 cards stuck in the drawer... So drivers has to come back to yard to go to the work shops... Bet they'll both be checking from now!?!? At least they've found his digicard...

Well, I'm about ready for bed... Hope there's some action tonight, well kinda anyway, don't really want another bloody long day of hanging about... OH could do with a day off he's been so busy recently too and I'm sure could do with a pj day... The other part of me would love to have an excellent nights sleep and wake up tomorrow to find bump gone and babe here... LOL totally unaware of it all... Yeah right... Ok realistically, I'd like to wait until OH has finished work Saturday and is off Sunday, so he's not at work or gonna miss babe arriving or be too tired... But hey... Probably a sods law thing anyway, more so with OH just starting his new job... It's my Nanna's B'Day tomorrow, she's 81; so she'd be over the moon if babe showed up tomorrow... LOL Place you bets please!?!? MW thinks before the weekend, one of my mate thinks tomorrow, OH Mum wants Friday, My Nanna B'day tomorrow... I don't really mind just very soon would be nice...

Night Ladies... Good Luck All...
Evening all

eswift - how nice of the shop keeper to say that about your son

OH's dad is improving well, he has moved wards now. He is so excited about LO arriving he tells all the nurse staff about them, it's really sweet and makes me feel so happy he is a proud grandpa to be, he was worried he wouldn't get to find out, he will be one of the first to know! We got to see the delivery ward at the hospital, it's quite nice and I feel a little more relaxed about it. So now it just depends on when LO wants to come and where OH's dad is as to where we go, I'm pretty much sure it will be the new place though. I still wish I could go to the original birth centre but this place is a good second best and it was good of them to give us a private mini tour when they were quite busy :thumbup:
Kte - glad to hear that your FIL is improving and that he is so eager to meet LO. I'm sure that the fact that he is there will help the transition to the new hospital.

We've just got back from the cinema and a 2nd shopping trip of the day! Just to let you know that 'Up' is brilliant! I was laughing all the way through which was interesting as I kept getting kicked all over lol.

Hubby and I have added to the arsenal of 'baby encouragement' today.....we bought clary sage oil and RLT (been thinking about this for weeks but finally got them today!) - also found out that ASDA's own muscle relax bubble bath has clary sage in it will double up! lol

We also got the final bits and pieces for the nursery including the most adorable lampshade! Going to order the travel cot tomorrow so that we can get it home with no problem lol......get the delivery man to lug it about instead lol.

Anyhoo, time to drink my tea and off up to bed soon. Been a long day! We seem to have been non-stop today and tomorrow will be another busy one with home-brewing and decorating! Hoping with all this activity, we'll be in labour before we know it!

Good night everyone....hope we're all ok. x
Hiyaa im new here well kind of, how is everyone? im currently waiting for my due date to approach which is on 30-10-09 and i really can't wait... im full of aches and pains and im sure many of you are too. im sooo dreding labour i hope it goes ok...i finally lost my mucus plug yayy and baby is engaged just hoping it will happen some time soon... hope your all well and wish you all luck xxxx
Morning all

Well I have been awake since 1am. I seem to paying now, as I have not really had any problems sleeping this pregnancy so far, and all of sudden I am on about 3/4 hours per night :(
Strangely I still feel ok though. Weird.

After our huge walk yesterday (it was more of a hike actually), I am having pains, but nothing too strong or regular ggggrrrr.
Losing even more plug though, there can't be that much left.
Going to go for the same walk again today after dd finishes school.

I know I am only 40+2 but it's getting to me now iykwim.
I just want to meet my little boy.
At least I have my induction date of 1st Nov, so only 10 days at the most now.
It's gonna drrrrraaaaggggg on though, especially if I am not sleeping much!
Morning All...

Hello Tinkerbell, welcome to the group...

Mrs0 ~ Hopefully something will happen before you're induction date...

Kte ~ Great news on you FIL. Hope he recovers quickly... I'm glad you were able to have a look around the labour unit at the hospital too, sure it'll have put your mind at ease... My Dad is so excited too... He was on the phone last night asking me how I was, what aches and pains I've been having, what the midwife had said and about how long they'll leave it before induction etc... Funny how my Mum doesn't do that type of conversation? Dad's hoping sommat will happen soon as he some leave due... Aww bless... I'm so relieved he's still here, when I think how different things could have been with his heart attacks and etc earlier this year...

Aimee-Lou ~ I hope with all the extra encouragment babe takes the hint... I've got the ironing to do today, other than that nothing to do...

Oh well girls... Hope you're all ok and feeling well...
Mrs0 - Goodluck!!!!!
Goodluck and babydust to everyone waiting too xxxx
:wave: hello Tinkerbell

Eswift - it's really nice to see them getting excited, it's usually in a nice none intense kind of way! I was lucky to grow up with my grandparents around and me, my sis and my cousins have such fond memories. My OH never had that luxoury and it does upset him sometimes so it means the world to him that our LO doesn't miss out.

His dad today was allowed half a small cup of tea!

It's my cousins due date today I wonder if he little man will decide to be on time or keep her waiting like we all are!!

Lots of labour dust and wishes to us all xx

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