Official October Team Bumpkins

Maffie - huge congratulations to you and Mr Maffie on the birth of your son!!

MrsO - ooh, exciting times! I hope everything goes smoothly for you :hugs:

Aimee-Lou, Helz & Eswift - sending loads of labour dust your way! Come on little bumpkins, we're all excited about meeting you! :lol: :hugs:
Can I just say......eeeewwwwww!!! :sick:

Just went upstairs to get changed and found the biggest 'puddle' of jelly. Me being me I stuck my finger in it to figure out what it was......:dohh: Oh well will serve me right.....going to assume that it was part of my plug again as it was clear, jelly-like and the colour of very very pale turkish delight (browny-pink). Hubby is now well chuffed and wants to go for a 5 mile hike to see if we can get this LO out today....personally I'm all for a nice afternoon out before that! lol


Have a good afternoon ladies....I'm off to go order my sewing machine! :happydance:
Congrats to colsy and Maffie on your boys :)

Good luck MrsO

Aimee that sounds like when my plug came out, was rank lol I never seen mine when i had my 1st so was a bit shocked when it all came out like that all at once.
Aimme-Lou ~ Sounds like you had a show love, that was the only sign I had of labour with DS... Had that at 5am and had babe in arms by 11.56 lunch time... Hopefully, it won't be long now...

TaylorsMummy ~ You're allowed to feel hormonal, you might be taking on too much by having you neice too... A toddler and a new baby is alot to handle anyway, without extra's... Having money worries won't help, it's a shame about the cinema trip; but it is good news about your OH getting work, even if it's only for a couple of days... Fingers crossed it turns into something more regular...

So far I've cleaned the fridge, baked some buns and just finishing off babe's cape this afternoon; I've got the hood to do... Other than that everthing's sorted, we're having cottage pie for tea...

OH is on another long shift today, my Nanna has taken to calling me every day to see if babe's here, as have a couple of my friends... Mum's stopped now LOL Other than that nothing, not even a few tightening, BH or any discharge... Morning sickness I've had... Just bloody restless and bored... Oh well, I gonna decorate the buns after watching cold case...

Have a good afternoon all...
Hello girlies, bumps & babies:flower:

Thanks to Jo for updating you all for me, your a star x

I am pleased to finally be able to say that my, not so little, man arrived on Tuesday at 3.03pm 9lb6oz!!!!

I started having some pains at 6.30am on Tuesday but carried on and did the school run before heading off for my planned monitoring at MAU, I put my bags in car just incase!!

Will do a full birth story when I can but short version is that I had a very natural, calm delivery just just gas and air, only pushed for 8 minutes and he was out, no crying so I thought something was wrong but he is just very chilled:cloud9:

Unfortunately for me things went downhill after that and after 3 hours I was in theatre with a spinal block having my placenta manually removed:cry: It was a very scary experience thats for sure, got back to labour room just after 7 and had to be monitored til just after midnight when I got moved to ward.

Stayed in Wednesday so they could monitor my blood loss and temp for infection and came home yesterday lunchtime:happydance:

Aidyn is a dream to feed and has still barely whimpered, my back is still sore from the spinal but other than that we are good and :happydance: my milk has come in today:happydance:

Have severe baby brain to other things may come back to me:dohh:

Hope you ladies are all good and congrats to the other new mummies and lots of labour dust to everyone else x
Congrats to Maffie and Colsy

Good luck to MrsO

Aimee - Hope things get moving if your plug has come out

Eswift - I am the same, aches and sometimes period type pains, a tender bump and a few niggels and night but nothing more than that,

I've had no serious twinges or plug or anything, really want LO soon tho, due date is tomorrow. My sis text to say she had been up worrying since 3:15am that I was in labour so I have told her off and told her to chill as there could be hours, days or even weeks left!! I also reminded her I would actually tell her, I dunno what she is thinking x
Quick question, gels: where abouts on the BnB site are we moving to once we've had our babies?

Maffie, fab news to hear your littl'n has arrived :)
Huge congrats to Maffie and Colsy. I have missed loads as hardly on now - no time!! Can't believe my due date was tomorrow!!
Quick question, gels: where abouts on the BnB site are we moving to once we've had our babies?

Maffie, fab news to hear your littl'n has arrived :)

Baby.Love set up this thread in the BnB Groups section. :) There are a few of us who've started using it already :)
Hey girls - it's a week until my due date for me.

No signs of anything imminent. Just trying to get the flat sorted etc and back hurts a bit. It's great seeing the pics of babies and good luck to those with due dates today and those who are over due - lets hope there's some movement over the weekend!
Thanks for the re-assurance girls. I kind of thought that it was at least part of my plug :thumbup: - not expecting anything to happen any time soon but hopefully before wednesday!

I have had a lovely afternoon. Hubby and I went to pick up my brand new sewing's lovely! A little bit more expensive than anticipated as I bought a few bits of material etc as well but got some gorgeous material to make some bits for the baby (bedding etc to start with lol).

We also splashed out a little bit and got a Mamas and Papas travel cot and mattress....2 combined were £74 as they have an offer on the cot (was £60, now £49) - really chuffed as this was our last big purchase. Can't believe how expensive their highchairs are though!

Off out in a minute to walk the dog then spaghetti for tea! Yummers!

Hope everyone is ok and that others are having a few more signs than we are!
Big congratulations to Colsy and Maffie:happydance:
Eswift: +12 days!!!! Yikes, i really hope i don't hold off that long!
MrsO: Wishing you the best of luck, hon.:hugs:

Well, i'm 40 weeks today!!!!!!! The LO had definitley done some dropping in the past few days but still no loss of plug or waters yet. I've had horrible niggly period cramps with lots of tightning every 20 mins or so for most of the day so i guess i'll see how it goes. I've been trying everything to get him on the move, we're now lovingly referring to our efforts as "Operation Evacuation!"
Aimee-Lou: I hope things start to progress quickly for you, hon. Congrats on the sewing machine though, i wish i could bloody operate one tbh. I was absolutely useless in Home Ec at school which is pretty embarrassing as my gran was a seamstress lol!!
Thanks do I! Congrats on the due date too! :happydance:

I haven't used a sewing machine for years....but I've always wanted my own since I was little but never thought to buy one. I finally got my payout after my work case and hubby insisted that I spend some money on myself so this is my present to me! (Hubby is getting something but he's going to get it as a surprise - he deserves it!)

Hubby has taken the dog out as I have come over all tired! it's weird...this happens all the time at the moment. I'll feel fine then 5 minutes later I'll be fast asleep or drowsy as anything. I will have a little nap before cooking tea!

Anyway, I'm hoping that yet another bath will get things moving.....straight after FlashForward - at least we didn't miss that! lol
Evening all

well had a mini treck today on errand run and also keep clocking up the milage at the hospital. I started to get some light cramps and stich like feelings at the bottom of my bump. they were on and off for a bit, since about half three to about eight-ish. Bump is quite tender and sore too. I have been sat for a bit and they have eased off now though but I feel a little queasy and still get the odd twinge. I wish it were the start of something but worried I am over thinking it. At least it's something I suppose o just don't want to get OH over excited. :shrug: LO is enjoying a wriggle right now.
Kte - sounds pretty much the same as what I get all the time. It feels abit like the muscles have been working hard to hold the baby up to me and I'll get really bad contractions in the car too. I think it's just the body getting ready - like you though I wish it was the start of something. And don't worry about OH - he will soon get bored of the twinges. My hubby can tell the difference between a kick, a twinge and a BH now lol! :blush:
hello my baby was due on 12th october but came on the 18th october weighing 7pound 11 n half a little boy called maison :)
Congratulations Samii!

Good morning ladies!

My gosh I'm so achey! :wacko: I was up about 10 times in the night, I'm leaking something (no idea what?! lol) and bubs is kicking the living daylights out of me! Hubby is making me some nutella on toast :thumbup: so hopefully that should perk me up a little bit. Hubby had a 'rummage' again last night and he could feel LO's head and said I felt about 2.5-3cm dilated.......aren't I supposed to be in labour right now then? lol

More decorating today....going to try to get the 2nd coat of paint done today, then it's just a case of assembling the furniture (cot etc) in due course.


Have a good day girls! xx
Congratulations Samii! well done xxxxxxxxxx
Morning All...

I'm still here, was still up for breaki at 4am, went back to bed once OH left for work at 6ish... We've had a very lazy morning so far; I'm gonna get dressed then we're venturing out to McDonalds for lunch and by passing Aldi on the way back, didn't fancy running OH to work so I could have the car...

As I've got DS here, I thought if we take a very slow walk it will burn most of the day and maybe just maybe help babe get the hint to move out...

OH was on last night that he's not nervous about the labour now, just kinda's want babe here already, so we can meet and get to know LO... He's figured that I've a right to moan as I've very little mobility, and have been stuck indoors on my own for weeks now; and he's decided that if he's so over the pregnancy now, then I must be well over it... LOL Bless him, guess he's been thinking...

Aimee-Lou ~ Hope something happens very soon Love...

Kte ~ Your sister sounds like mine, even tho she somewhere on a boat in the middle of the ocean somewhere, she's called me every day since EDD. Moaning that babe's still not here... LOL Only way I can contact her is via email LOL... Got her address saved on my mobile already and waiting to take a pic and send it, but missing a big part of the plan at the mo... Yep, the babe...

JLo ~ Glad to hear you're home and well, I'm hoping that my LO decides to show itself sooner rather than later... I'm so pleased that he's so chilled too, that must be a plus side with half term being here already... DS's headmaster sent the message home that he expects to see babe when they return to school a week on Monday... Even they're wittering LOL...

Colsy ~ Nice to see you're back, hope everythings settling well into babe's rountine...

Right, I'll pop on later; Off to get nagging DS now... Wish me luck, his hearings playing up something terrible since coming home from school yesterday!! Very selective deafness...

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