Official October Team Bumpkins

helz81- yeah hes mahoosive now lol.. Still quite sore swallon and bruised! not fair =[ but going docs on friday just to get checked out i think
Mornign everyone,

Just catching up before we tackle the nursery painting. Have had 2 clary sage baths and 2 cups of RLT and keep getting contractions about every hour or so......all good signs but I had better have time to get the dust/paint out of my hair lol.

Best go and help hubby as he's lugging all of the furniture out of the room right now. Really excited that LO will soon have their own room! :thumbup:

Have a good day ladies xx
Hi girls, goodness,very very quiet in here now theres not many of us left :wacko:

Had a full day of it today, been out to pizza hut with the girlies (one of them turned 40 on Tuesday) had such a laugh, I think I've laughed some more plug out of and snotty, I'm sure it wasn't just discharge cos how could it change from being very very runny yesterday to being really thick and snot like today?! Had 30mins constant dull ache in stomach yesterday tea time too,so hopefully something will get started soooooon!!! And hope you ladies waiting get going soon too xxx
Just popping in very very quickly to say that we had a little boy on Friday. That's almost six days ago already. I can't believe it. We have called him Monty. He weighed 7lbs 6oz and he is of course the most gorgeous baby on the planet :) Birth didn't go quite as planned, but my yoga and HypnoBirthing training clearly did something special, because when we finally arrived at the birth centre I was 7cm dilated and the midwife didn't even believe I was in labour:thumbup: I will get round to doing my birth story soon, but for now I shall just wish you all well. Many congrats to those of you who've had your beautiful babies, and best of luck to the rest of you who are still to birth your little bundles of joy. Om shanti, girls xx
Congratulations Colsy!!

Well done you! Sounds like you did really well. Hope Monty is settling in at home too!

I'm still here so no need to be freaked out lol........looks like ours is determined to make an entrance lol.

Congrats again hun x :hugs:
Oh Well, that's another day almost over... I'm shattered! Is it just me or are the days just really long at the moment???

My discharge seems to have stopped being so snot like... My bump is still quite tender and my hips/back ache... Not to worry hopefully not too long now... Just had a nice soak in the bath...

OH just got in from work, shopping is ordered to be delivered tomorrow evening... DS's Christmas presents arrived today... That's all but 1 gift to arrive... So once OH has eaten his tea, we'll be checking the boxes... I've not done that yet as if DS had seen them open he'd have wanted to know what they were... So OH is gonna put them all in the loft as long as it all there...

Colsy ~ Congratulations!?!?! What a lovely name... At least you felt as though the Hypnobirthing & Yoga helped, that's one advantage...

Anyway, best make OH feel wanted, I feel so outta sorts, kinda weepy, but tired and fed up too... Think being stuck in the house is now starting to take it's toll, as I don't do it as a rule...
Congratulations Colsy!! What a lovely name for your little boy :) I'm glad you felt that hypnobirthing helped you :) I felt the same - even though we didn't have the birth we planned, the background that hypnobirthing gave us really helped!

Aimee-Lou - fingers well and truly crossed that these hourly contractions are something starting!! So exciting :)

Eswift - go you for being so organised for Christmas, I'm seriously impressed :lol: I hope things start happening for you soon :hugs:
Congratulations Colsy, well done xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I hope this is the right place to post. Maffie has a baby boy, Noah, at 0155 this morning, weighing in at a healthy 7 Ibs 9 oz. Mum and baby are doing well.

It wasn't an easy attempted induction (are they ever) and Maffie went for nearly half of it without any pain relief except for a TENS machine. In the end after a massive effort she was taken for an emergency C-section.

I'm so proud of her, having endured a really tough time. And Noah too, who is beautiful, obviously taking after his Mum. Thank you all for the friendship and support you have shown Maffie and I'm sure when she is home she will be on here to give you the full gorey labour story.
I didn't realise I couldn't post links yet; do a search for ed_o_brain on the flickr website. (Don't forget to click the 'people' radio button). Noah's picture is the top one in that photo stream.
HUGE congratulations to Colsy & Maffie on the arrival of your little boys :) Can't wait to hear more about them :) :hugs:

The boys are now well & truly ahead! 51 boys & 45 girls so far. :thumbup:
Florabean ~ You're doing a great job at keeping chck on all these babe's... Well Done...

Maffie ~ Hope you and babe are home soon, OH sounds like one very proud Dad; Congratulations to all the family... Bet you're glad the pregnancy's all over now, let the fun begin!!!

Ok, I know I said we were gonna check the Argos order, guess what; yep, it's all still sat in the livingroom... I ended up feeling so urgh, achey & tired; so I went to bed; OH just forgot it was there... LOL yep, he got watching tv... Oh well at least none of the bag's are open... Only job to do today is clean the fridge if I can motivated to do that...

I had such a rough night, I'm feeling shattered; I'd still be in my pit zzzing if it wasn't for morning sickness and needing feeding! My bump was so sore, achey and painful most of the night; and nothing! Feel as though I'm having horrid period pains... So I'm still trying to stay hopeful... Sunday, would be a good day for babe to show up as OH is not at work then... DS breaks up for half term today... So it's gonna be all go next week, I'm praying for a couple of PJ day's as DS is still choked full of cold... (Wishful thinking!?)

Have a good day all...

Lots of positive labour vibes being sent to all waiting for the big event!?!?
Well girls guess what??!!

Since I woke up this morning they are every 5 minutes lasting 50 seconds and are just as sore as I remembered!
They seem to be coming thick and fast which I suppose is normal since it's my second but I thought I would have more time. Still haven't finished packing my bag!!!

My mum is on her way up to take my dd to school, and my hubby is on his way back from work. I am away to phone the hospital.

I just hope this is really it!!


(just had another one, wow, they hurt even more when I am sitting down!)
huge congrats to maffie!!!!!!!!! well done
goodluck to mrs029 too!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ohh good luck!!

Im feeling really hormonal today.. OH has managed to get a couple of days work [YAY!] which could become on going!! so so happy! BUT woke up this morning checked his banking and hes missing 150! job center havent paid him for over a month, and have decided to pay him 100 instead of the whole lot they owe him.. not a happy bunny! Last payment was 11th sept. We had alot planned this weekend now cant do anything.. like normal!

And i feel such an idiot!! i thought dexter was 9lb5oz!! but on his birth sheet he was 9lb6oz.. how could i make a mistake like that?! not knowing how big my baby was! =[ Really also not liking being at home on my own with two kids, im shattered! want my bed!

Dexter seems alot harder to look after then taylor was, he hates being put down! =[
Big congratulations to Colsy and Maffie on your boys!!

MrsO good luck hun, smooth and easy labour vibes for you,but please send them back when your done with them!! xx

LABOUR VIBES for us all..I don't think theres anyone on here that won't want them now?!

Im confused with my body again..what the hell is it playing at?! Bloody show 10 days ago then nothing. Losing plug but nothing..loads of braxtons but no pattern forming..another 30mins of constant period style pain yesterday evening then nothing. :wacko: Normal bowels one day to being so constipated I was sat on the loo in absolutle agony the next to having the runs the next!? :shrug:
:hugs: Taylorsmummy, don't be so hard on yourself,your hormones will be all over the place xxx
im feeling really down today dont know why..

iv just burnt all my fingers making bottles up while dexter is screaming and taylors wanting my attention, then my neice is here [had her all week!] asking me over and over what does dexter want. i just burst into tears, my hand hurts and i cant cope with dexters crying today. OH aint back til 5, im so tired aswell. im going bed this afternoon and putting kids to bed lol =[ I was so looking forward to going cnema with OH tomorrow but now cant afford AGAIN =[
Good morning everyone,

Good Luck Mrs O - Hope everything goes ok for you all. :flower:

Congrats to Maffie too....and thanks for the update Maffies_Man! Sounds like it was a real hard time so well done to all three of you! x

Well I'm officially bored now - I had a bit more of what I can only assume is plug last night (kind of the same texture as aspic) and feel very achey and tender all over the bump. Apparently I was 'flipping like a salmon' in my sleep last night which woke hubby up but I don't remember lol :dohh:

Carrying on the decorating today and maybe a quick trip into town to pick up an oil-filled radiator for the nursery. It looks so much better now that it's all white rather than depressing slate blue that it was before! Going to paint it white and yellow so that it's all nice and bright :happydance:

Hubby and I have another bet going....I reckon Sunday, he reckons I'll need the sweep I have booked on Wednesday at the hospital. We will have to see. Still have a few more days though lol.

Anyhoo...sausage sarnies are calling me so I'd better go. Bubs is really active this morning and I'm taking the time to actually watch and feel the movements while I still have them. We're dying to find out the sex now....went and bought a snowsuit and we really like all the boys clothes- is this a sign?

Have a good day ladies......and as I'm now officially overdue I'm off to have yet another clary sage bath after brekkers! That's my 4th lol......does anyone else find that RLT brings on 1 big contraction!? lol


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