Official October Team Bumpkins

congratulations Samii :)

Good luck to all those who are due or overdue right now. :thumbup:
Congrats Sammi :)

Hello all, so what does happen if one our LO's are born when the clocks change?! :haha:

well still getting the period type pains and tightnings, I was worried they would have gone by the morning but they are still there (yippee lol) OH spoke to the next door neighbours who has a little boy just coming up to two and from what she can remember it's how she started. Don't get me wrong I know I could be like this for days but it's a start lol. I'm not letting on to family yet as I know they would drive me bonkers!

I got in there first this morning before my sis could wind me up lol

Hope your all having a nice day, even if it is a wet one!! X :flower:
McDonalds was so quiet! DS sat outside with the dog, he shared his cheese burger with him LOL... Not sure whos got who where? LOL I tided dog up, he was sat happy waiting, DS went out made the lead longer; every time DS came in dog started barking LOL... Once they'd eaten DS came and told me he thought the dog had been hungry; as he's sat quiet now... I'd sit quiet too if I thought I was gonna get another cheese burger when DS came out again... LOL

We went to Aldi, got a few bits and pieces, DS then moaned all the way home about wanting the sweets I brought then and there... Argh!?!? Wish I'd not got them!

By the time we got home we were all absolutely soaking! The heavens opened! So we've got changed back into our PJ's and put the heating on! Dog's asleep under my chair on his bed right next to the radiator... Can hear the zzz's over DS on the playstation... Must have worn himout, he's only little... Bless...

DS has a hot chocolate and I've a black coffee, once we've had them, I might just fill the dishwasher... How exciting LOL... Oh, finished the cape this morning; really pleased with how it's turned out... Looks ever so snuggly and warm... Now started a blue cardi to go with the sailors outfit I did... Nearly finihed the back already, guess I've been awake far too early this morning...

OH called to say he's heading northwards again so shouldn't be too late home... It'll be nice to see him... DS thought OH had been at work over night as he was zzzing away when OH got in last night and was still zzzing when OH went to work this morning... Bless him..
Hi girls

Well he's here!!!

3 days overdue, I woke up at 6.30am with contractions every 5 minutes, went into hospital at 10.30am, Gas & air and 6 pushes later and out he came at 1.30pm.
Had a small tear and had to get cut, but it was fine.

His name is Rory and he weighed 8lbs 4ozs.

Just away to give him a bath now, he's been asleep since we got back from hospital 4 hours ago!!
So far so good!!

Good luck to all still to go.
I'm still here too, only had to get up once,at 5am to pee!! Lost no more plug yet, had quite a big pain earlier this morning-bad enough for me to get on my ball to try ease it abit, nothing since. Me thinks my baby is just happy where he is! I'm slowly trying to get myself to accept that I'm going to go over due, then if I go before Wednesday it's a bonus! Aslong as I have him before kids go back to school 2nd November thats fine with me. I have this coming week with no school run or driving to do everyday (it's hurting me to twist round in my seat to reverse out of my drive).
Just come back from having my last haircut before the birth,I'm pleased with it,looks so much healthier having had a few inches chopped off and my outgrown fringe cut back in. Kids are playing ps3 so I might go relax in a nice warm bath for abit.
Aww congratulations Mrs0 :happydance: glad everything went well, I'd like your labour vibes please..sounds like a fab labour (as fab as labour goes anyway!) xx
Congratulations MrsO - hope you're all doing ok! Very jealous lol

Helz - at this rate there'll just be the 4 of us left sitting here twiddling our thumbs! lol

I've had another load of :sick: -inducing gunk. This time with blood and everything. Baby feels like it's between my knees and I can't bend at all- just got myself stuck in front of the washing machine! :blush:

Hubby is making me a scrummy lunch.....feel everso spoiled! :cloud9:

Hoping it's not too much longer for all of us! Seems to be us Yorkshire Girls! lol :shrug:
Congratulations MrsO - hope you're all doing ok! Very jealous lol

Helz - at this rate there'll just be the 4 of us left sitting here twiddling our thumbs! lol

I've had another load of :sick: -inducing gunk. This time with blood and everything. Baby feels like it's between my knees and I can't bend at all- just got myself stuck in front of the washing machine! :blush:

Hubby is making me a scrummy lunch.....feel everso spoiled! :cloud9:

Hoping it's not too much longer for all of us! Seems to be us Yorkshire Girls! lol :shrug:

That sounds positive hun. I know everyone is different, but I had the same gunk and blood stuff just when my proper labour contractions kicked in and my waters went.

Sending you lots of labour vibes :hugs:
Congratulations Sammii and MrsO on the births of your baby boys!! That's wonderful news :)

I hope it isn't that much longer for the rest of the Bumpkins :hugs:

Just a short post from me, as Romilly is very unsettled today, so I'm replying in between hugs, changes and feeding :lol:
Hiya gorgeous girlies

Finally 2 mins to myself to pop and say hello! Sienna or Minnie the Minx as i call her is having a nap in her swing :)

Aimee: sounds like you wont be waiting too much longer hun! A bloody show is a pretty good sign that things will get going x

Mrs029: congrats hun x

Helz: I love having my haircut and feeling all fresh and new... Enjoy your bath x

Eala: I hope Romilly settles soon hun... Sienna has days like that where all she wants is me and nothing else will do... xx

Right girls.. I might take the chance to get some bits done before i have a soak in the tub.. Got Most Haunted Live tonight so i am mega excited :D

Love to you all xxx
Congrats MrsO and Sami:happydance:

Well, things are finally moving forward ladies. I think i may be in early labour:happydance: I went to the loo last night, had awful period pain and right there and then my plug come away! I was so shocked. Almost instantly the contractions started, coming 15 mins apart. I took some codeine and tried to sleep. I was up 12 times to pee in the night lol! Anyhoo, got up at 9 this morning and the contractions are now between 8 and 10 mins apart lasting 40 secs. Just had a nice hot bath and i'm now tucking into a box or cadbury's roses to keep my mind of the pain:blush: I've managed to cope with no more tablets since i took the codeine last night, don't know how much longer i'll be able to keep that up for though! Hopefully things are coming along nicely and i'll meet my little man soon:cloud9:
Aaaw, thank you hon. I just really hope that things are on the move and it's not a false alarm. I know that people lose plug and have pain for ages before the big day but i suppose that the regularity of the contractions and the fact that i'm now a day over due are plus points. My mum never had any show at all until she was in labour and her waters had to be broken for her too so we'll just wait and see i suppose xx
Oohh Good luck Harmony!

Aimee, that sounds really good, a bloody show is usually a very good sign things are starting..think my bodys forgotten what to do cos I had mine 12 days ago and still nothing :wacko::nope: I hope you have better luck hun.
I had a nice bath and had a huge braxton hicks when I was getting dry but thats it. I will end up in here alone I think :cry:
Thanks everyone....I really hope so as tbh I'm really bored of being achey and huge lol. :blush:

Good luck Harmonybunny! Lets hope he gets moving out soon! x

Helz - I'm sure he'll hurry along soon enough. I have been having almost permanent period pain all day and have had a few big contractions (expecting one in a couple of minutes tbh if we are to have a pattern.) Ive had so many false alarms though, I'm not sure what to do lol.

S'pose I'd better think about getting us some tea! lol

The contraction never arrived! Drat!!! :doh:
Oohh Good luck Harmony, and huge congrats to MrsO!!!!
Goodluck to all waiting
babylove have a fab time this evening
Good luck Harmonybunny! I hope this is really it, and that everything goes smoothly for you!!! - thanks hun :hugs: I'm trying to keep in mind that the longer she's awake during the day, hopefully the better she'll sleep tonight :rofl:
quick hello from hospital. Noah is wonderful. will post the birth story when home as it is a bit long annd dramatic. he loves boobies!
Aimee - is so annoying having no pattern, I'm with you on that, hope you get some regularity soon x

harmonybunny - good luck, it all sounds super positive x

my cousin is being induced today, she is only two days overdue!!!! I asked her sis if she is okay as it's not something I thought was normal unless there is a prob. Her sis said she had something wrong with the placenta and her baby boy is measuring small (my cousin never let on about this before so it's all a tad confusing)

lovely positive speedy labour vibes to is all xx
Congrats MrsO29 :) Have added Rory to the bumpkin list in 3rd tri too.

Boys are well 7 truly ahead now; 47 girls & 55 boys so far :happydance:

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