Official October Team Bumpkins

Well im still hanging around waiting aswell i was originally due 27th Oct going by my dates but not really due till 5th Nov but iv never stopped following this thread so feel kind of attatched LOL
Feel like iv went thru all my pregnancy with the October girls-guess i'll b left behind real soon.
Had a growth scan last week as bump is measuring3-4weeks behind but baby is fine, the wee toot is on the smaller side but still within limits.
Bump is very achey, especially under my R ribs he seems 2 just get stuck there OUCH!!
Been getting period like pains over the last week+shooting pains in my legs+groins but no loss of plug or any other possible signs of labour.
Suppose im just more impatient reading about all u girls-iv still 11days till my due date so i shud b more patient i guess.
Would just like 2 say thank u before every1 disapears from here with their little bundles, although i havn't posted much i have really enjoyed following u girls as i have gone thru my pregnancy+will prob sneak back with uz when my 'Wee Toot' eventually arrives-even though i'll b a bit behind.xx:hugs:
Hi all,
I finally found some time to get on here and let you know, I had my baby!!! Was due Oct 1st and what seemed like forever...8 days late on Oct 9th, I went into labour! I had my baby girl, Myra Kathryn, at home after 12 hours of labour: 9lbs 4oz and 21 inches. OH and I were so shocked as we had been pretty sure baby was a boy, but we are so excited and happy to have Myra here.
My thoughts go out to all the October mommies/babies and for those of you who are overdue - I can totally relate! but get your rest and don't worry, babe will be here before you know it!!
Morning all, still the pains, they are coming on a bit stronger but still no pattern :dohh: no other signs either.

Shell the more the merrier I say! My LO could still decide to show in Nov (please no!) but my journey has also been with the Bumpkins so I'm sticking with them x

Any news on Eswift? She normally posts quite early, hope she is okay.

Got to go sort the cats today before hospital visit. The silly things wouldn't come in yesterday once we let them out so I expecting to see 3 mogs feeling very sorry for themselves, wet and windy + cats = not good!! Bless them.
Morning everyone!

Well we've had an interesting night! I've had regular contractions since 6pm last night.......they got unbearable, 3mins apart lasting 1 minute at about 3ish and we headed for the birth centre to be told I was only 1cm dilated and to go home. I'm still here having managed a couple of hours sleep with the help of some anadins and a horlicks and some tea and toast. Still unsure as to whether this LO is going to make an appearance today lol...... guess we will have to see.

Anyhoo, best be off (my mother has already tried to call......I'm not impressed! lol) to take some more painkillers :dohh: Wish me luck girls xx :wacko:
Wow, Aimee-Lou i'm soooo excited for you:happydance:! I hope you have your little one before the day is through.

I'm just baffled and confused tbh. After nearly a full day of regular contractions they seemed to die off at about 9ish last night:dohh:!!! They returned at about 11:30 and have been painful but irregular ever since:growlmad: Aaargh, i feel like mother nature is messing with me, has she never heard of the dangers of pissing off a pregnant woman lol?!?!
morning gals x

It wont be long now :hugs: sounds like these babies are planning their escapes to me x

Sienna is going in her cot tonight as she hates her moses, she likes space rather than being confined... unless she is being cuddled of course!

I hope things progress today girls... thinking of you all xxxx
Aimee-Lou - Ooh, things are happening! That's fab :) You sound like me with the contractions vs dilation. When I was examined at the hospital at about 7pm, having been having regular contractions since 8am, I was only 2cm! I hope things start moving well for you now! Here's hoping you and hubby meet your baby today!!

JMM - congratulations on Myra's arrival :hugs:

Fingers crossed for all the other Bumpkins whose little ones are still to make an arrival - I hope they don't keep you waiting for much longer!
Hi, Thomas Edward born 21st Oct at 1:35am by emerg. c-section: he'd passed merconium, waters had broken 12 hours before, two inducements failed to raise a single contraction or dilate my cervix, or move it from posterior.

Home after 2 days (yey!) and feeling perfectly fine!
Ok - we're still going- getting the contractions regular-ish (ranging 5-8 minutes) but I can't stop sleeping. I think I've woken up now after having slept through Wall-e and the Bourne Supremacy which hubby put on (granted he slept too). These contractions are getting sharper and longer lived though so I'm happy there's progress but it's slowed down by my resting. Hubby is occupying himself by making a 'kick-ass' chilli lol for when we get home/lunch today. I'm just sat here trying not to rush things and hoping that we'll get somewhere by 6pm tonight (5 hours to go) as that will be 25 hours in labour which is what my Mum had with me before they took her off to theatre....difference being she had by the point I'm at now had every single painkilller under the sun and was screeaming for an epi.....I've had 4 paracetamol and a lot of massage........feel fairly proud of myself lol. (I know there's still time for a quivering wreck to appear but my goal is to get to 6cm so I can get in that pool! Just wish I knew how much progress I had made!:dohh:

Anyway, I'm off for a wander around the house to try to stimulate my next contraction..........I've only just woken up and they are still a bit too spaced for my liking! :dohh:

Have a good one girls....probably wont be on again. xx

EDIT: Woohoo- 1 more contraction down lol....BTW in case it's confusing anyone, please ignore my facebook status. It's for the benefit of friends and family who we don't want to know until baby is here and safe. We're trying to get them off our backs as Sunday is normally phone call day! :dohh:
Aimee-Lou: Let me know how the chilli goes, the OH just went out and bought ingredients for chilli tonight too lol! Great minds, huh!

Congrats to JMM and Nuttyjester:happydance:
Aimee-Lou: Let me know how the chilli goes, the OH just went out and bought ingredients for chilli tonight too lol! Great minds, huh!

Congrats to JMM and Nuttyjester:happydance:

Just had a taster and it's awesome! Hubby is fab at chilli's - I just can't get them right. Don't know how much I can eat of it but I will certainly be having a go - it's as nice as our local mexican restaurant!!! :happydance:
Congratz Nuttyjester

Good luck Aimee :flower: your giving me some ray of light at the end of this irregular pain tunnel xx
Good Afternoon Ladies...

I'm still here, LOL Still incubating babe...

Over the past 3 evening I've had a few tightenings, normally starting early evening, I go for a warm bath and then to bed LOL and then nothing until I wake for my pee trips during the night (It's getting harder and harder to get out of bed LOL) Then I wake up about 4 ish for breakfast...

I've been dragging DS and OH out and about this weekend, and still nothing!?!? My bump is massive, tender and still there... OH was laughing at me today, as I've been dragging them about all morning and still had to admitte defeat in the fish shop, I ended up sat on their stool... Couldn't stand any longer... Golly does my back hurt and my bump is so tight and tender...

LOL I'm so hopeful that something happens soon... Well the MW were wrong babe wasn't early, we're now 40+4 and counting... I'm back to see MW on Tuesday... OH is at work for 5am in the morning, so hopefully he'll get home at a reasonable time... I'm hoping that if babe doesn't show before Tuesday, OH starts work at a normal ish time as I really don't fancy being up any earlier than 4am... LOL That in my mind is early enough for anyone, even for breaki 1...

Sent my sister a pic of me today, I'd have expected to have sent her a pic of babe by now, so she got the closest thing... LOL... And she still called today... LOL OH tells me it definately his child, he's always 10 mins late... Babe is just doing a proper job... OH work college's said it's a good job, I'm carrying the babe otherwise babe'd would only ever be half cooked... LOL (either that or he'd have an 18 year pregnancy...) So, he's starting to get the flack now...

Aimee-Lou ~ Sounds like babe's gonna arrive shortly, good luck girl... Hope you have the water birth you've planned for...

Kte ~ Hope your cats weren't too sulky today, if you've had the rain we've had they wouldn't have wanted to go out... Mine have been curled up on the sofa zzzing most of the day...

Congratulations to all the girls who've had their bundles of joy... Let the hard work begin!?!?

For the girls who are due soon, hope you labours arrive without too much pain and on time... LOL... And for the rest of us who are still waiting lets get a labour dance going... LOL (even wondered today about getting the dance mat out and connected to the playstation! LOL not even sure I could do the bloody thing now... WOuld be a sight for sore eyes... Not even sure it would do anything, same as the long walk we had yesterday, did absolutely nothing but tire me out!)
i think its safe to say that the boy bumpkins have won, lol. 63 boys & 49 girls so far!
Must be a boy month, my cousin had her little boy today, they said he was small originally but he was 6 pounds odd lol she has called him Lucas.

I have had my phone off most of today as my sister is still driving mad lol I explained in the Oct & Overdue Thread she sent me a message saying 'no baby news yet? If not why not?' drove me a tad mad to say the least!

still the same pAins, they eased off earlier but came back about 8:15, phew lol anything is better than nothing, let's hope LO comes before my next MW appointment booked in for Wed, I really hoped we wouldn't make that one and it would be her coming to visit me and LO at home!'

Eswift - glad your ok, was hoping babe had decided it was tome for you x the cats were much happier when we got to let them in, lots of cuddels, cat milk and bikkies did the trick!
Morning All!?!?

Oooo no Amiee-Lou message today yet! I do hope that means LO is either on it's way or is here....

I had a really uncomfy night's sleep but slept all the same; no drama's or pains; back at MW tomorrow... Really really didn't want to have that one... Means I'm definately closer to 41 weeks than 40 now... My bump is so solid, tender and just there - Now it's just in the wrong place... LOL found I had to use both hands to try and put my car keys in my pocket yesterday and still couldn't do it... Just gave in and gave OH the keys instead... When we got back to the car we all stood there looking at the door, me waiting for him, him waiting for me; DS just looking at both of us; until I said to OH well open the door then! LMAO he'd forgotten he had them... I still drive if I go in the car, since being pregnant I get travel sick? Never suffered with it before...

Kte ~ Hope you LO decides to show soon too... I bet your sisters not the only one wanting babe here already... Know my sister isn't... Friends & family have all taken to calling and texting everyday, morning and night LOL... OH sister wouldn't even ask me, had to talk to OH to ask him why they'd not been told babe was here?! OH was gobsmacked! And was rather short and curt, if babe was here; you'd have all been told by now! Thought he was gonna slam the phone down... Never heard him swear after talking to her before, but he did yesterday... Families?!!? Just no pleasing sometimes...

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