Official October Team Bumpkins

Haven't done any cleaning either. Went to the Post Office and then took a long leisurely walk to Boots to get the free parenting club changing bag. Got a bargain as I had to buy newborn pampers to get it but had a £2 off pampers voucher and £1 off boots voucher so they only cost me 74p :happydance:

I've worked up an appetite so going to have a fry up for brunch.
Hi Ladies

How you all doing? You sound like your getting some great bargains on ebay! I need to start looking myself! Im trying to resist though until monday until we find out the sex then i can go mad! :happydance:
Ive kind of conveniced myself its a girl but would like a boy wish monday would hurry up :cry: Ive got bad carving for chocolate crossants ive eating 3 already very unhealthy but what the hell its what my babe wants! My other is salt and vinegar crisps and drench flavoured water. :blush:

I know it's still kind of early, but have you ladies thought about whether you are going to give you baby a pacifier or let them suck their thumb?
Hiya MummyW, i will let him have a dummy/pacifier, i did with my other 2 but got rid of them before they were 1 :) Plus i am BF'ing so he wont have it straight away unless he is an unsettled baby... I'd rather that than thumb sucking as my brother is now 25 and STILL sucks his thumb lol.

Bumpn3 not long now hun, so excited for you :hugs:

Well I did that "walk in the door and pass out" thing again last night lol. Today we're gonna go to babys R us and get prices of stuff so we can compare them to other places like target etc, to get the best prices.

Alright I gotta get my butt in to gear, its just gone 930! Have a great Saturday :)
Good afternoon ladies! How are we all today?

We've had a lovely day. Went for a 2 hour walk down by the canal with the dog....he went swimming for the first time since we've had him at least. Should have seen the panic but he loved it once he was in! We saw som lovely birds, I fed the ducklings and we got so close to the swans! Really gorgeous!

We also got some more of the my ebay purchases through...I'm really pleased with them all. Wont need to buy anything else at all! :rofl:

So what have we been up to.

We will be using a dummy, nothing worse IMO than a child sucking their thumb. I went to school with a girl who was 14 and still did and she had to have braces to repair her teeth from doing it. Plus it's easier to wean them off a dummy at an earlier age.

Right, I'm off to start my baby book - we bought the Peter Rabbit Baby's First Year books yesterday and I'm going to attempt to fill in the family tree pages....could be fun!

Have a good day girls. Hubby is out fixing his bike, I'm watching Blackadder and all is right with the world....apart from the smell coming off the dog!! Essence of Swamp I believe they call it!! :rofl:
I don't intend to use a dummy but will have one on standby just incase. My last DD wasn't interested in it as it wasn't food!!! She pacified herself without the need to suck anything in the absence of a dummy. Just because they don't have a dummy it doesn't mean they will suck their thumb. Neither of my girls do.
Hi ladies
As we are all bargain hunters thought would mention the Kiddicare website, just checked out their sale and quite a few bargain, although most are gender specific so not much use to me at the mo:sulk:
But for all you lucky ladies may be worth a peek!!
I have a very active baby at the mo, could be something to do with the caramel choccie bar I just had, whoops, sugar rush time!!!
On the dummy front, I will be offering one, my first ds had one and handed them over to the lady in mothercare in exchange for some books when he was 2 (he only took it to bed thou) but second ds refused them all, every type I could buy, he doesnt suck his thumb either, he is tongue tied I'm not sure if that would make a difference to using a dummy?
The health visitor suggested we use one first time round to give ourselves a break from baby, the dummy combined with rocking swing meant we ate tea together for the first time in 6 weeks:happydance:
Hope your all enjoying your weekends, my mamas and papas sale clothes came today so pretty excited about that, chill out evening tonite with a yummy Asda pizza!!
Wow what a bargain on the breast pump babylove, thats the type that Im gonna get,been watching some on ebay but not got lucky yet.
Ive been busy today...been sorting out bedroom..Ive vacuum packed all my jeans,trousers,skirts and tops I can't fit into anymore and put them away under the bed. I don't expect I'll be dragging them back out again for at least another year. Also been to see OH's Nanna and she gave us some beautiful hand knitted white cardis for pumpkin. Then we came back and Ive been busy in the kitchen making homemade lasagna and homemade chips for tea..yummy!! Its almost ready,so I'll be off for now, catchya later girls n bumps xxxx
Hello fellow bumpkins, it sounds like everything has gone well on the Ebay front! I'm a little too wary to start buying things in yet. (Although we do have the pram ordered) hubby is reluctant to even go looking at wallpaper /borders etc and we only have ten weeks when he is home before the baby arrives lol!

Is anyone suffering badly with headaches? My midwife said I have hormonal headaches and they will ease off, but looking on the internet it says hormonal headaches are supposed to ease off after 1st tri and for me they are getting worse and more frequent. She said I could take co-codamol but I went to the pharmacy today and the lady said they aren't licenced for use in pregnancy and I'd have to get a prescription :grr:

I think I felt the first movement today - the midwife said it feels like little airbubbles and today i did feel something like an airbubble bursting/ Very small and difficult to tell but it makes me happy nonetheless!!

Having a lazy and quiet night as hubby is off to see Xmen Wolverine film thingy with some friends.
Girls the pram is here and OMG its amazing :cloud9: Its weird to steer though as its a swivel frame rather than swivel wheels... also it wont go through my front door when its up :rofl: Good job we aint planning on staying in this house really as our front door is stupidly narrow :(
Glad you like your pram Leah.

God this baby is being wriggly tonight. Its a very strange feeling as I havnt quite got used to the stronger movements just yet. Can properly feel rolling which is very odd. And little kicks. Its amazing.
Evening Ladies...

Well, I've been a busy little bunny today..:bunny:. What with everything at work, going to the house (I worked my little tail off, and I've still got more to do), ripped out half the carpet in the bedroom, which is totally knackered from water damage! Could do the taking the other half out, but all the furnitures packed on the carpet and we've no room to move the furniture too at the moment. Catch 22 again..

We're going to go back to the house tomorrow to clean some more:wohoo:... Guess it's a good job I feel as though I've loads of energy.. I'm feeling babe move more and more at the moment, nothing OH can feel yet. But I certainly know when it's on the move:rofl: Not sure if I like the feeling or not, find it very reassuring but quite uncomfortable at the mo... Just no pleasing some people..:rofl:

I am so looking forward to moving back home soon. I'm not sure I can really explain how much I want to be there...:help: But for the want of not sounding ungrateful, I do think we've been lucky to be able to stay with my parents but I'm starting to get bored and feel under foot. I enjoy my own space, raising DS my way and totally just doing our own thing. With the dramatic changes that have occured this week with the house hopefully it won't be too long. Even if it means going back a little early back to the caravan. I'll still be able to potter in my house.:rofl:
Is anyone suffering badly with headaches? My midwife said I have hormonal headaches and they will ease off, but looking on the internet it says hormonal headaches are supposed to ease off after 1st tri and for me they are getting worse and more frequent. She said I could take co-codamol but I went to the pharmacy today and the lady said they aren't licenced for use in pregnancy and I'd have to get a prescription :grr:

Im so glad you've said this, not that you having headaches lol but that im not the only one! Ive also read that they are supposed to ease of by 2nd tri but mine only just started a week a go and are getting worse. The pressure behind my eyes when i wake up in a morning is horrible :( I hope it goes soon.. and for you too :hugs:

Ive been for a lovely Carvery today, was yummm :D:D Logan liked it too, hes been wriggling around tonight :cloud9:

Hope you've all had a good day! :hug:

I'm glad I'm not the only one Anababe. I'm going through way too many paracetamol which I feel bad for, because you don't want to take anything, but I'm stuck for what else to do!

Very jealous of your carvery though I have to say!!!
Morning girlies,

My lovely son decided 5am was a good time to start the day today! Am off to the carboot sale in a bit to see if i can finish my weekend of bargain hunting in style :lol:
Then off to asda as didnt get that steak last night and had chip shop tea instead... Went through all the clothes and they are so sweet, he is gonna be a proper cool dude.

Hope everyone has a lovely sunday xxx
Hi everyone

Leah your pram sounds great hun, i wish mine was so easy to chose lol :rofl:
One more day until find out the sex and get to see my bubs im so excitied my girls are all saying a boy im 80% its another girl again so going to be very suprised if does turn out to be a boy! I just hope things get rushed and i get proper time to see my bubs as dont know when next scan will be the way things are with the hopsital.

Hope you all have a good day xxx :hugs:
Morning all, well went to Twycross zoo yesterday with OH and his kids, had a lovely day. I am still tring to choose a pram and struggling, OH isn't overly enthused at the moment but we are awaiting a funeral date for his dad so its understandable.
I have noticed any movement from baby yet. This is my first so I guess might be a whiel before I realise the feelings!

Im still having a little MS but its slowly getting better. I feel much more lively than I did a few weeks ago.

I want to go look at prams today but not sure where to go near Manchester, OH hates mothercare!!!
Morning Ladies!

I've had a lovely lie-in today.. Well, until 8am anyway, certainly beats 4/5am... Just had a lovely cooked breakfast. I normally have cereals as breakfast 1, so babe must have really wanted it...

Plan of action for today, I'm hoping OH risies from his pit very soon as I'd like to have a mooch around the carboot before going to the house to finish the cleaning that needs doing. I sure it's a nesting thing as the house is still covered in dust, and builders are still working hard there during the week; but it's just doing my head in the way the house is. Don't get me wrong I realise there's some stuff I can't shift or do anything about ie, the ceilings coming down etc, but I can clear the bathroom, kitchen and make the whole house smell less 'cattie'.

Maffie - Glad you had a lovely time at the zoo, hope you get to Mothercare too.

Anababe & LazyLoe - I hope your head aches start to ease very soon. Having a head ache really sucks. I've had a few this week, but think it's sleep related as I've been up so early. I've had a few early nights this week and plan to have many more next week as I'm in work all next week for 6am.. Urgh!!

Have a lovely day ladies...
Hi ladies,

Hope we're all having a good day so far.

Hubby has gone for his first ever ride-out on his bike with friends. I think he was a little nervous personally cos he didn't want a cup of tea like he normally does.

Well today is back to normal routine of housework while hubby is out.I was absolutely worn out after the walking yesterday so I will have to take it a little easier today I think and try not to over-do it. I was everso faint yesterday and have lready had a turn today....yet another thing to tell the Dr about tomorrow as well as the hayfever, bad back, palpitations, general stress and now's a wonder i'm still alive!!! :rofl:

Enjoy your days everyone., good luck with the bargain hunting at the car boot...very jealous, would love to go to a car boot today, they are always so much fun and today looks like it might be a nice day!

Right, I'm off to find something to watch on the telly.....if you thought that saturday night TV was bad, try Sunday Mornings!!! :rofl:

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