Official October Team Bumpkins

Hi girls!

Sam, Sorry to hear about your dog. It's always hard - I had to have a day off work when my rats died so I can only imagine when you lose a much loved companion.

Just to give you an update girls. I went to the Dr's this morning and she was really good and signed me off for 2 weeks due to stress. I went into work and dropped off the sick note to let them know what was going on and lets just say the reception was frosty. But I have 2 weeks of utter calm in which to get my head around the whole thing. I still don't know what to do but I know that I can't let it affect my health, which hopefully it wont.

Thanks for all the support girls. I know this is going to make money tight but I'm going to get some stuff onto ebay, pawn my old jewellery that I don't wear any more and we'll get there! I know it's for the best though.....what's best for baby is best for everyone!

While at the Dr's I was prescribed some nasal spray and eye drops for my hayfever....aparently every form of tablet is not safe in pregnancy (my Dr went through the entire book!! :rofl: She was really young, just out of medical school I think, but really with it and eager which makes a change. I was also her first appointment ever at this surgery so bless her she must have been nervous!

Hope you have a good day ladies, xx
Hey all,
I you all had good weekends. I for one have had flu (not the swine kind, lol) so I've been ill the past couple of days. Went back to work today though & struggled through coz I dont get sick pay yet & can't afford to take time off otherwise. grrrrrr. On a good note, I *think* I may have felt my bubba move yesterday evening- it felt like little 'pops' if that makes sense & was doing it on & off for about 40 minutes. I'm making the assumption it's the baby as it's not something I've ever felt before, hehe. :)
Got docs check up at end of week, then my 20 week scan on the 22nd may. Can't wait! I really hope they're able to tell us the sex. Finger's crossed!
Anyways, just thought I'd stop by & send my regards to everyone.
Have a good evening ladies (& OHs).
sam, so sorry about your dog, hun. I know how it feels. Losing a pet is just awful!:hugs:
aimee-lou-glad to hear you are getting a little break and had a decent encounter with the doc. That always helps!
florabean-sorry bout the flu:( Good luck with the scan! I am hoping the same thing. If I don't find out, I will totally cave and go get another somewhere!

Had Dr. apt on Friday. Amazingly, I lost 3 pounds this month, but that still leaves me up 3 for the pregnancy. Dr. isn't worried, so I am good:)

Got my 20 week scan scheduled for 2 weeks from Wednesday. The next 2 weeks are going to creeeeeeeeeep by:rofl:. I swear it seems like I have been waiting forever!(I'm such an impatient girl)

Planted flowers this weekend, so I feel like I got a lot accomplished. Hey, the inside of my house might be a disaster, but at least my yard looks nice!:rofl:
Hi girls,

Hope everyone had a lovely day - am tired, pissed off and in pain so not stopping :cry: just wanted to pop by and check not missing owt

Sam :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: so sorry for you

Aimes - am POSITIVE about the piriton - if your sprays aren't effective go and check with a pharmacist - I double checked at my obstetric consultant appointment yesterday and he said it was fine, just if I needed it when breast feeding though I may need to swap to the baby piriton syrup. The placenta stop it making bubs drowsy but it can become so from breast milk.
Lots of our new baby docs and med students have only got their knowledge from textbooks rather than experience though so see how you are-hopefully you'll be ok without eh.

Have a nice evening lovely girls xxx :hugs:
Good Evening Ladies!!

I've had a busy day, went up to the house and sorted the utility out. Found out that my tumble dryer has broken, the heating element has gone. OH is going to fix it tomorrow along with finishing off the rest of the pumbing.

The house is coming alone fast now, which is really good to see and I can't help feeling it's about time too... Builder said today that we should be able to move back in about 4 weeks:happydance: Which is really good!!:cloud9: It means we'll be able to start getting DS's room, babe's room and the rest of the house kinda sorted hopefully before the babe is here.

Gosh I'm tired now... Glad I'm not at work tomorrow... I've had so much to eat today, if I carry on eating like this the bump I have which is all baby will become fat not just baby.. Hopefully I won't have another day like today for a while..

Don't think it'll be too long before I go to bed...:sleep:
I'm sorry for those who have a flu...many of my friends got now the flu (not Mexican flu though, thankfully!!!) and I can see how bad they feel! I cannot imagine how bad it would be to be pregnant AND have flu... so lots of good wishes and strength to you all!

I am going slowly crazy because my boyfriend, went back to Poland few weeks ago and told his parents who are very conservative that his girlfriend is pregnant (we agreed that it's better he does it while there). No surprise, it was quite a big reaction and now his mother decided she will visit us in London to help this "terrible situation". Well, it's nice of her to come and I really understand it's difficult for her to accept that we will have a baby without being married, because that's like that for our parents generation in Poland. But ohhhhhhhhhh, she annoys me!

So, we have the following situations for example:

[My boyfriend's mother, to my boyfriend, while I am there]: Oh dear, Andzrej, Dana really did put on weight didn't she? When I was expecting you I was not putting on weight. But Dana is looking quite overweight, although she was never thin I suppose.

We had also a "discussion" about names. That if I have a girl, I will like to call her Dajana, this is not acceptable because it's A. not a historical name and B. not religious.

[to me]: Danuta, it's not nice to see so much the breasts of pregnant woman. Especially when she has got so much, ahem, bigger. You should buy a bra that is more restraining. And also, maybe it's nice to wear a different style of clothes now that you're getting already very, well, shall we say, large?

"So, when are you planning to get married? It should be as soon as possible" (x1,0000)

"Dana when you have child, you must stop to work as waitress. it;s not a job for married woman" (x1,000)

"How many times a week do you clean the floor Dana? What are you cooking for Andrzek's dinner? Man needs to have a proper meal when he gets home so late from work. What do you mean you bring food home from the restaurante? this is not as a proper housewife. When you have your baby AND YOU ARE MARRIED you will need to change this."

Now she has been here for 3 days and I already started to go quite mad. I suppose I must be patient. Does anyone have such a situation with the mother of OH? I really hope that this is just how the mother of OH is likely to behave, not because I am really failing in every way as she says!
Danuta - Every Mother-in-Law (OH Mum) is the same. No woman wether she's married or just the girlfriend will ever be good enough for OH no matter what they do as no woman can do it as well as she can for her little boy. It's a standing joke here in England... Personally I wouldn't read too much into what she's saying; at the end of the day as long as you and OH are happy with how you are and feel you are doing right where baby is concerned you really won't be going too far wrong...

As far as wearing clothes that are showing clevage, if you're not embarrassed by them why should anyone else be? I'm rather glad my boobs distract peoples eyes away from my ever increasing belly... But hey, I'm pregnant who expects me not to get rounder???

If you're working now and choose to continue working after baby's here, where's the problem lot's of women choose/have to go back to work. Any job's a good job as long as the money helps to pay the bills. At least that's my opinion. I'm planning on going back to work when babys here, hopefully; working very close to EDD too, if I can...

Good Luck Whilst OH Mums here, just keep counting to 10...
First off, Sam, I am so very sorry for your loss. This Friday will mark 2 years since my Cinnamon has been gone, and it is so hard. I'm imagining I will be quite the mess, so I won't be leaving the house that day!

Danuta, I'm sorry your MIL (soon to be, if she gets her wish!) is being so horrible. When I was married, my MIL hated me. I was with her son for 7 years before we married, and I was never good enough for her 'precious little boy' (only child...nuff said!) Anyways, don't let the things she says get under your skin...that's her goal!
My MIL went so far at my WEDDING RECEPTION to tell over 250 people that that was the worst day of her life...(now get this) not because she was 'losing' her son, but that she was gaining me as her daughter!!! I tell mom and stepmom almost flew over the table and throttled her!!! But, needless to say, our marriage didn't work!

on a more devious side note: Something tells me that she would just ADORE me these days...she won't be having any grandchildren which she wants desperately...and something tells me that she would've been happy with me simply for the fact that at least I'm a woman! Oh yes...I left my gay husband! ha! and she doesn't know, no one knows...

My advice to you my dear, is stick to your guns and don't let her push you around. She may be his mother, but he's chosen to have a family with you. He didn't choose her, now did he? Hang in there...she'll go home eventually! Oh, and don't ever let her make you think that you are a failure.
Good morning everyone!

How are we all today. I must say it feels very odd to not be at work....slept in til 9 and I'm now sat in my dressing gown. Hubby is on earlies this week so I will get to see loads of him! :happydance:

Going to write myself a list of things to do while I'm off though as otherwie I will just get very over-aquainted with home and away and neighbours!! :rofl:

I know that today I'm going to call the solicitors to see about how to go ahead and if indeed I have been bullied as badly as would appear to be the case. I spent a long time on Sunday looking up the legal definitions as I wasn't convinced but now I'm beginning to think that I am. I have been bulied on and off since I was 8 years old so I think my brain is saying it's time to stand up for myself if I'm going to be a Mummy!

Hope we're all having a good day. Will be on later xx
Aimee are you part of a union at all? They may help?

I have joined Unite over the weekend for that very reason. Hubby is already a member so we know the benefits plus if I lose/leave my job they will still look after me as his 'dependent'.
Morning girls. Well I hope everyone had a nice relaxing weekend. I woke up this morning full of cold (great!) and feeling like crap. Was supposed to be going into work this morning to take in my sick note but I wont be able to if I dont feel a bit better as its a Neonatal unit and therefore the babies would get very sick if I took a cold in. Picked up my ebay bargains last night before going to MIL's house where we were presented with even more baby clothes lol. Dont think this baby is going to want for any clothes til it is about 3 months old lol.
Anybody thinking of using a baby hammock? I've asked about these in the Baby and Toddler forum, but nobody's responded. Love the look of them, and they're really portable, so can be used as a cot, Moses basket and travel cot, for up to one year, so seems an ideal purchase to me. But, as ever, it's always good to hear others' opinions.
Anybody thinking of using a baby hammock? I've asked about these in the Baby and Toddler forum, but nobody's responded. Love the look of them, and they're really portable, so can be used as a cot, Moses basket and travel cot, for up to one year, so seems an ideal purchase to me. But, as ever, it's always good to hear others' opinions.

We've looked at them and love the idea...but our pram doubles up as a proper moses basket (mattress etc) and my brother is buying our fantastic purchase, but Im not sure we can justify it :blush:
Hey everyone. do you ever wake up and just feel in a bad mood but for no reason in particular? i feel like that today!! guess its going to be a long day at work....
Morning Ladies !! Had hosp app this morning .. Just a routine one . Thank god didnt have to give bloods as I had given them at my early app ( and fainted !) so was really glad of that.. Just urine sample which was fine and then a quick meeting with the doc who suprisingly done a quick scan and I got to see baba who is getting big !!! LOL So roll on 4th of june when i get my 20wk scan and fingers crossed I find out the sex yeyyyyyyyyyyyy.. I did ask this morning if he could tell me the sex and he said no that can only be told from 16wks but im only 2 days off 16wks anyway Il just have to wait till june !!

Hope you are all doing ok !! xx :hug:
hey i get my 20week scan 4th june too!!! mines at 8.30 x
Grr why is it that when you set your mind on acheiving something things always get in the way. For some reason my unite membership hadn't gone through despite me getting a confirmation - grrrr which means that because my bank account is really low til thursday I cna't do it again til then. I called the CAB and they are closed until 5.30 tonight so I have to wait until then to call them. Grrrrr I really wanted to get the ball rolling on this. :hissy:

Still.....I guess it's going to be a nice lazy day with only a couple of loads of washing and ironing to do and a pizza for tea....what can I say I'm feeling lazy! :)
Aimee - double check you dont have to be a member for 3 months or something before they'll take a case on.

Just a thought as my friend got stuck before xx

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