Official October Team Bumpkins

WOW! We're starting to get some lovely pics of the special little bumps...

I've had a busy day of housework, wash and cooking... Also fell asleep twice on the sofa, I'm feeling so tired today. I'm thinking it's after such a busy week at work.

We had a lovely roast chicken dinner for tea. It took ages to cook and looked lovely, was such a shame I could only eat half of it! It's really starting to bug me, all the effort put into preparing and cooking a meal, then all I can eat is half of it... Makes me feel awkward telling DS to eat up...

I've a pile of ironing to do tomorrow, but really haven't got the energy to did it now, I thought about it. Really I did. But as I'm so tired and in work for 6am tomorrow, I've decided it can wait until after work tomorrow when DS is at school... All the uniforms are sorted and ready to wear so it not too important. - I hope you sell the boy clothes, and I glad the pram you got will still do the job. Enjoy shopping for the lovely frilly dresses and pink things... Hopefully, we may be able to find the sex of ours out when we go back for our next scan a week on Thursday. DS is so excited! I hope they can take plenty of pics, as my sister is away at sea and not here until December. So the only way she's gonna get to see babe is through the occasional email or by pics through the post. Both she gets so infrequently, only when they dock - otherwise there's no signal for internet...

My Mam has been making blankets for cot/moses basket. She's cover both angles, she done a pink one covered in hearts and a blue one covered in criss crossed squares. They heavier than the holey shop brought ones and cheaper. At the moment any money saved is a bonus. I'm hoping that this next week is a really positive one on the job front for OH. I'm not sure if I'm starting to panic as we're 'brassic' or if it's my maternal instinct worrying that we can't really afford the babe. It seems as though we're miles away from where we were in Feb when we started the extension... Things will sort themselves soon I hope...
Evening all, OH just gone out to get food. Ive not felt up to even geting dressed today, seeing midwife tomorrow. Struggling a little with not sleeping and vomiting has come back so going to discuss things with mw as feel very run down.
hi ladies.....

hope everyone's doing great!

Baby.Love - congrats on PINK bump! :hugs:

I am 19 weeks..... arrghhhh almost close to mid-point in my pregnancy!!! my bump is growing faster n faster.... I am feeling the little kicks quite frequently these days!

My energy is almost back.... with a day of tiredness here n there! which I think is normal!
I am eating every two hours and still not satisfied!!!! sometimes...... I just want to get back to normal!!!!!!
morning ladies, early start for me today, have day off workl to take ds2 for hosp appointment, he has a tongue tie so off to c what ent have to say about it, although we have already been told that the decision to have it cut or not is solely ours, dont u just wish sometimes that someone could make decision for u? Part of me wants him to have it done but probably purely for social reasons and not wanting him picked on when hes older but at same time hes my baby and dont want to see him go through a op that isnt totally necessary, oh its so hard!! Then off to ds1 sports day this afternoon, i am praying it stays dry :) have a good day all x
Aww Jlo hun what a horrible situation to be in :hugs: I cant imagine how hard the decision must be,
Good luck to you @ the hospital and good luck to you son for sports day :)
Keerthy thanks hun, we finally got a proper answer after 2 gender scans lol, hope you and bump are well xxx

Well i am full of a bloody cold today so staying home and finsihing my listings on ebay :(

Hope you all have a good day xxx
Mornin' All!

Hope you all had a great weekend. I dug the garden, planted flowers, scrapbooked some and we went and saw "Angels and Demons" and "Ghosts of ex's past" Both good movies! Oh and cooked a roast dinner last night :)

I passed out on the sofa at 8pm last night and crawled up to bed at 9pm. I thought the days of uber early nights were over a few weeks ago!

I think I've been bitten on the back of my heal by a bug or a mozzie or something. Woke me up last night itching something fierce. American mozzies are the size of blackbirds over here. For some reason they love my English blood lol.

So 5 weeks before my sister is here for a month and 12 weeks before I quit work and 19 weeks before baby is due. Lots of count downs going on at the moment!

BL ~ I just read your other post. Did they show you between her legs in 4D .. if there was a distinct lack of nuts that should pretty much seal it. That's what made it sure for me. I can't really make the arse from the elbow on the 2D but the 4D was plain as day to me. You've had a bad experience, I'm sure it will sink in soon. As someone else said, you'll have the NHS scan in a couple weeks and that should put your mind at rest.

Jlo ~ Thats kinda crap they take that choice away from you. He's your child. Grr.

Ok off to get ready for work! Have a great day.
Chaos: They did show is inbetween in 4D but she kept playing with the cord :lol:, plus TBH we didnt know what we were looking for! But in the 2D we saw 3 very bright white lines which i have been told 100% mean girl if they are between the legs and indeed they were :) The sonographer took 35 mins to scan me as she wanted to keep checking after my 1st experience.
haha my little girl kept sucking on the cord too! But at one point she opened her legs for all to see.

When they told me it was a girl at 13 weeks via the 2D scan, I saw two bright white lines like an = sign. (they said the lips are really dense and thats why they show up so bright) Maybe because yours is more developed there was 3.

We need more girls on the bumpkins! :)
Here, this may help put your mind at rest, these are comparison pictures of a boy and girl on 2D scan .. is the girl version like what you saw?
Thanks hun, YES YES YES :wohoo: the 1st girl 2D gender pic is what we saw for sure.. God Chaos right now i love you as you have just made me realise 100% that i am having a baby girl :D
Wow Chaos--those comparisons were very easy to see!!! Thanks! I hope mine is just as easy on June 4th.

Eswit--I wish i could be satisfied with half my meal--I eat a full meal and am starving again a half hour later like I never ate. I feel queasy when I'm hungry so I feel like I'm always eating to avoid that feeling. I'm not much of a snacker when I'm not pregnant so I feel off.

I'm trying to find keep from focusing too much on the pregnancy. One drawback to this being #5 is I already know what comes next so I'm just ready to have the baby already. Time is moving slow for me--but everyone around me is always saying they can't believe how fast my pregnancy is going.
Thanks hun, YES YES YES :wohoo: the 1st girl 2D gender pic is what we saw for sure.. God Chaos right now i love you as you have just made me realise 100% that i am having a baby girl :D

Yay! Glad I could be of help :) :hugs:
Good Morning (oooh actually it's afternoon! lol) ladies xx

How are we all. Hope we all had a nice weekend. Mine was nice and it felt very nice not to have to worry about getting up for work today. Also, next monday is a BH so I don't go back til Tuesday so no Monday stigma....I'm definitely a garfield syndrome sufferer! :rofl:, I don't think I've said congrats on the little girl....and good choice of name! :happydance:

Well I've got a packed day of housework and baking today. due to me being off for 2 weeks I have stocked the cupboards and I'm going to make a load of apple pies, frout tarts, cakes etc for us to have as puddings as I wasn't very good at buying them! I must have been in a savoury frame of mind while in the supermarket. We wont be able toa fford to go shopping for anything more exciting than a pint of milk for 2 weeks! :rofl:

So, I'm off anyway, I've got to do the washing, ironing, washing up etc today. Is it wrong I'm enjoying my SAHM dry run?! :rofl:
Afternoon all, i seen your thread quickly on saturday but couldnt reply so congrats on pink!! I was sure you still had a little boy there.

Im feeling so frigging miserable today, work is piling on top of me and in my work we have very strict deadlines for stuff so its not like i can put it to one side and get through it as and when. Also this spd thingy is making my pregnancy sooooo uncomfortable :cry: I had an appointment with physio on thursday where they checked one last time it definitely is spd and not any other back issues (never had any before) and gave me some exercises that will help keep the muscle strong for when im not using my leg properly, that is all well and good but its not helping the f*cking pain!!!!! They also said that they cant really do much more and that once baby is here it'll go - oh so i just have to put up with it another 21 weeks - great! She told me to pace myself and do things in my own time - easier said than done when my 9yr old is acting like a 4 yr old and wanting everything done for her.

Sorry for ranting but im in so much pain some days that its really putting a dampner on the pregnancy i wanted soooo much.
Hi all. Long time and I'm knackered!
One of my blood tests came back with low iron so have been to the docs this morning to get that sorted. The Doc had never heard of Pregnacare and I couldn't remember how much iron was in it.. Strange seeing him as he was one of the first people I told when I found out I was PG which seems an age ago!

I'm increasingly fussy with food. I'm eating a hell of a lot of processed food (super-noodles and cream cheese:dohh:) as when I go to the shop I end up picking loads of rubbish (Sneakers, Minstrels) and salad or healthy stuff is not appealing at all! I feel bad about this. I'm also sick of juice and water! I hope this is just a funny fad and my appetite will come back soon...

I haven't gone to work today as I am so tired, breathless (like talking or walking upstairs!) and headache-y. Think my blood pressure must be all over the shop. I have slept all day. I feel guilty for being off with such a lame excuse but I also don't want to faint in public or put LO in danger for not listening to my body and resting when I need to?

Is/has anyone else suffering/ed with breathlessness?

Oh and my gum on one tooth bled overnight last night. I pulled away a bit of plaque (TMI) last week and it seems to be deteriorating! Not good for someone who hasn't been to the dentist for around 7 years :(

Aside from this everything seems good. We borrowed a doppler from someone OH works with - she is due around the same time. Wow - so cool. Is there a way to work out the heartbeat (BPM) on around 30 or 40 seconds?? I don't really want to listen for long periods...

I hit 19 weeks yesterday and we have our 20 week scan on Friday. I am trying not to get too excited! :happydance:

Sorry girls - it's taking me an age to catch up. - Congras on team Pink! Can't believe you have been through what you have. Have you been offered any kind of compensation? Quite strange reading some of your posts, where you've said 'Welcome to team blue'. (I've just sold a load of stuff on Ebay. I had forgotton the work that goes into it!)
Jo - congrats on team Blue.

Hope you're all well.. :hug:
Hi Neon!!

Long time no see! I've got low bp and having sugar issues, which makes me go all shaky and dizzy. I've been having to eat snacks (and small meals) and drink sweet things. I've had breathlessness when I start with one of these funny turns, find that if I sit down, with a sweet drink and have something to eat. After a 5 min time out I feel a whole lot better. Because my bp low I can sleep at the drop of a hat too...

Yesterday I was up at 8am, had two naps between lunch and 5pm and then was in bed by 9.15pm... Today I've been up since 5.15am and I'm planning on an 8pm bedtime as I'm in work for 6am again tomorrow...

Don't feel lame for having to take time off. My GP signed me off for 4 weeks due to ms and low bp and sugar probs. When I was due to go back I ended up with a chest infection & sinusitus, so ended up with another 2 weeks off. During which time I had to see dentist as I got tooth ache too, the tooth had to be pulled out. Here we are 2 and a half weeks on and I'm so much better than I was; still have the cough I gained with the chest infection, which sets off the ms on a morning or evening. Otherwise we're coping with bp and sugars better...
Hi Neon!!
Long time no see! I've got low bp and having sugar issues, which makes me go all shaky and dizzy. I've been having to eat snacks (and small meals) and drink sweet things. I've had breathlessness when I start with one of these funny turns, find that if I sit down, with a sweet drink and have something to eat. After a 5 min time out I feel a whole lot better. Because my bp low I can sleep at the drop of a hat too...

Yesterday I was up at 8am, had two naps between lunch and 5pm and then was in bed by 9.15pm... Today I've been up since 5.15am and I'm planning on an 8pm bedtime as I'm in work for 6am again tomorrow...

Don't feel lame for having to take time off. My GP signed me off for 4 weeks due to ms and low bp and sugar probs. When I was due to go back I ended up with a chest infection & sinusitus, so ended up with another 2 weeks off. During which time I had to see dentist as I got tooth ache too, the tooth had to be pulled out. Here we are 2 and a half weeks on and I'm so much better than I was; still have the cough I gained with the chest infection, which sets off the ms on a morning or evening. Otherwise we're coping with bp and sugars better...
Aw thanks eswift. I knew you had been poorly but didn't realise it had been one different thing after another you poor thing. I guess you have to rest when you have to rest.
Work has been really stressful tbh so I don't want to burn the preggo candle at both ends really...!
Thanks again. x
Good Morning Ladies!!

At the moment the weather looks wonderful, and it's 9 degrees already. Here hoping for a lovely day...

I had a great nights sleep last night, OH came in at 2am just as I was getting up for yet another trip to the loo. After that I slept right the way through to just before my alarm. It surprises me how much difference a good sleep makes you feel...

Have a lovely day all xxxx
Morning all, its my OH's dads funeral today so quite a somber mood in the house. Im trying to rest lots and need to book to see gp to see if protein has gone down in urine. OH's brother has just had another baby too ths weekend so need to get a present at some point for the little one. She's had a little girl.It all makes me even more broody and soppy.
Still not sleeping much but its gone up from 1-2 hours to 4-5 which has made me feel slightly more human today.

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