Official TTC after Implanon removal thread!

I started bleeding yesterday. N got admitted today with suspected eptopic.. But it wasnt. I had a scan and was told the baby had gone. Im very heartbroken. But my fiance has been my rock. And we will try again. Im just in alot of pain. Thanks for ur love.

I'm so glad you have such good support at home Tudor Rose. It must be so hard, but you will get through it. I think these horrible things happen because your body knew something wasn't right, but next time, when you're ready I'm sure everything will be OK. Stay positive sweet xxx :hugs:
sorry for ur loss I had the same a few years ago so I understand how u feel Xx

bloody witch got me early as if it wasn't bad enough showing her face she arrived with more force and before she was welcome :-(

3 months trying now and I still don't no when i ovulate and cramps are back with a vengeance. anyone have any tips on soothing these that wouldn't damage conception?
A warm hot water bottle on your belly Hun an paracetomol are fine to use x
Good luck girls. I shall be joining u in trying again once my body has recovered. X
Im so glad i found this thread i had my implanon removed on the 14.4.11 and ive started a withdrawal bleed 2days later which is today (sillyme) ive had it removed after 2years of having it in which was after having my first lo onece the bleed stops ttc will start :D
Is it ok for me to join? :)
Im so glad i found this thread i had my implanon removed on the 14.4.11 and ive started a withdrawal bleed 2days later which is today (sillyme) ive had it removed after 2years of having it in which was after having my first lo onece the bleed stops ttc will start :D
Is it ok for me to join? :)

Welcome! And lot and lots of :dust: keep us updated on how you get on :) I'm on cs33 today, got another :bfn: yesterday, no sign of AF, and thinking of going docs next week if nothing changes :wacko:

Sorry you got a bfn hun im still having this withdrawal its very light does anyone know how long it will last for?

Wish i could get baby making :)
hi nimoo :wave: my first af after removal started 2days after & lasted 7days an was heavy every1 seems to differ loads on that :wacko: good luck ttc :thumbup:
Hello karentia thanks for sharing mine is only there when wiping sorry if tmi hopefully well all have lots of bfp in this thread hope this is everyones lucky cycle GL :happydance:
Wow! I don't look in for a few days and I miss everything!

Sorry for your loss tudor rose! :hugs: I too believe things happen for reasons! XX

Wecome Nimoo! (love your username lol)

I was chatting to another friend who has PCOS as well as me ands he said that the opks don't work very well when you've got PCOS. Anyone else heard about that?
hi every1

so sorry tudor rose :(

i thought my cycle was back to normal but seems not, i am 5days late and bfn. i have tested twice now.though they are only internet cheapies. so not sure what to do. i think if nothing by tomorrow then im going to make a doctors appointment as he told me to go back if i havent conceived by march i thought i would leave a extra month.
getting frushrated now i did a test yesterday still neg were the bloody hell my af then
.:DHey gills8752:)

I totally forgot to update well my withdraw bleed only lasted 2 days :) soo these last two days weve been dtd! Except last night dh pulled out like a numpty duhh he then said to me honey the swimmers are going the wrong way sorry but i thought oh well im not ovulating yet anyway no cm tmi? Sorry.
Hows everyone?
Hi everyone. Well tomorro is D-day when I finally get my first scan and I am feeling both scared and excited. Think I am just desperate to know just how many weeks I am as I dont have a clue n also hoping my baby is ok of course :)
Well guess I will know soon enough and have all my questions finally answered
I hope everyone is ok and very soon everyone gets their wish :)
Hi everyone.
Sorry to hear AF arrived somersetlass :hug: I hope this cycle is a more settled one for you.

Nimoo, your post made me laugh :) x

And looking forward to hearing how far along you are proudmummsey x

Im still waiting for the :witch: I'm cd36 today but as we all know it could be just my body messing, but I'm still getting the dull really low cramps, which seem a lot less painful. Going to test again either tonight or tomorrow morning, last :bfn: was sat. I feel like I'm being such a plum letting myself get hopeful though :( I just keep thinking about the spot of blood in my cm 2 wks ago, the dizziness, the cramps... :wacko:
well i am now late by over a week, though i am thinking i may of ovulated late. i have tested twice tonight and got the lightest 2nd line. im not sure whether this is my bfp or a evap. i did read them both with in the 5mins, i think i may end up getting another test tomorrow.xx

katwa8 i had a time in my cycle were i had 7weeks gap. the only thing i can say i be patient. i know its easier said than done but try relax stressing will only make af later if ur not pregnant already. when af finally arrived for me i was so happy only for the fact that i could then start again :) try stay hopeful no matter what happens xxx

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