Official TTC after Implanon removal thread!

Aww karentia I'm so sorry! Have they said about future pregnancys? Hope its not long before you can get back on the old horse! :hugs:
hey gills congratulations hun !!!! hopefully i can ttc later again in the year (if i feel emotioanally ready) apparently my left tube is good !
Its quite a weak line but there is definitely a line. I've got another test I'll do in the morning too - I'm only 2 weeks late so its early days if it is so.

Yay :bfp: :bfp: :bfp: :bfp: :bfp: :bfp: :happydance::happydance::happydance::baby::baby::baby::baby::baby::baby::baby:

HUGE congratulations to you and your OH :bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny:
hi ladies so sorry ive not been on in ages , well ive been in hospital havin my right fallopian tube removed ! my pregnancy turnt out to b ectopic ! this is the 2nd ectopic ive had but this time i lost my tube ! anyways im now at home recovering from my op x

So sorry to hear that. Hope you are feeling better :hug:
Hi Dinah - guessing the evil stick is out of your arm by now! My periods/cycles have stayed fairly regular...but beware the phantom pregnancy symtoms the implant withdrawal will throw your body into! :dohh:

Please warn me I haven't heard about these - what can I expect?

For me my BB's inflated at my first ov and haven't erm...deflated since. (Needless to say my OH is stoked about this!)

You will probably get every random pg symptom going as your hormones regulate. I've had headaches, twinges, cramping, itchy nippples :blush: well the list is endless if you stalk the 2ww section like me!

Good luck and :dust:
Congrats Gills xx

Aww k wishing you all the luck in the world to get a sticky bean xx
Its always the case when you are thinking of babies or trying that everyone appears to be having one!

We've not told anyone we're ttc, couldn't stand them all asking if i'm preggers yet! Nosey *******s really!

Mrs Davo - you've got really long cycles! I had them prebaby with my PCOS, nearly 40 days some "months"

Well my last 2 af's have been fairly on the mark and now i'm over 2 weeks late. Did a test on day 9 of being late and was a :bfn: I'm a bit scared to go buy another test now though.
I have been feeling really tired though this last week and hungry! But that could be due to my new improved "lifestyle" (aka exercise and healthy eating (minus that bit of chocolate cake)!!)

Off to tesco later so might brave it to buy one...

Gills, were you 2 weeks late for AF showing up? so around 4 weeks from ovulating?

I only ask because I did another internet cheapie yesterday and it was BFN.

Now 4-5 days late. Got a tesco preg test yesterday but don't want to do it yet lol. My OH keeps telling me to do it, but I want to wait until I'm 2 weeks late like you. What you reckon? xxx
Its always the case when you are thinking of babies or trying that everyone appears to be having one!

We've not told anyone we're ttc, couldn't stand them all asking if i'm preggers yet! Nosey *******s really!

Mrs Davo - you've got really long cycles! I had them prebaby with my PCOS, nearly 40 days some "months"

Well my last 2 af's have been fairly on the mark and now i'm over 2 weeks late. Did a test on day 9 of being late and was a :bfn: I'm a bit scared to go buy another test now though.
I have been feeling really tired though this last week and hungry! But that could be due to my new improved "lifestyle" (aka exercise and healthy eating (minus that bit of chocolate cake)!!)

Off to tesco later so might brave it to buy one...

Gills, were you 2 weeks late for AF showing up? so around 4 weeks from ovulating?

I only ask because I did another internet cheapie yesterday and it was BFN.

Now 4-5 days late. Got a tesco preg test yesterday but don't want to do it yet lol. My OH keeps telling me to do it, but I want to wait until I'm 2 weeks late like you. What you reckon? xxx

I was 15 days late from period when i tested 2nd time. First time I was a few days late from period.

I'd be inclinded to wait a few days inbetween testing. No point doing one each day - would end up costing a fortune and only getting you down.
Yeah I will leave it another week at least I think. If it shows up I know not to bother at all!

No signs of it turning up yet, I feel rather sicky most of the time. Except when I am eating! Hope I am on my way to a BFP!
Hey ladies just wanted to let everyone know that i got my:bfp: !!:thumbup:

34 days after removal -period..40 days after last period :bfp::)

good luck to all!!!
Congratulations Squishy!!

I am CD 44 today so a week after AF was due and still nothing. haven't tested for 3 days but going to wait until Monday if i can! All bfn's so far
got my :bfp: tuesday after having implant out in January

hope everyone gets some good news soon xx

Hi - can I join this forum. Had implant removed mid Jan had a 2 day bleed at end of Jan. Since march af seems to have settled at 32 days with af lasting about 3 days. Hoping fir a bfp this month. It is reassuring to hear of so many others getting bfp in first 6 months. I am due to ovulate this week and hoping not to get af on 7th June or for at least another 9 months after!!!! Think had had it in about 6 or 7 years!!
Congratulations to all who have got a bfp and baby dust and fingers crossed for all of us hoping for one this month.
Hey Ladies,

Well Af still hasn't showed up yet!

I've been on that app on my phone, trying to figure out if I am wrong about the date AF should have turned up. It tells me that it was 40 days bewteen AF on 25th of Feb, and AF on the 6th of April.
So that means that I would have been due AF on the 16th of May not the 12th, so that would make me 5 days late rather than 9.

But! I did a FRER yesterday in the afternoon and it was stark white, no doubting it was a BFN, so I don't know whats going on! Just wish AF wouls show up so we can try again this month!

I've been soooo tired the past couple of days too. Haven't even went with OH to get his daughter this morning lol.

So I guess I am either 9 or 5 days late, but either way - I don't think I am pregnant. Not with a negative FRER!

If I still have no AF by 1st of June I will make an appointment at the doctors I think.
Hi ladies thought I'd post this in here as you may be able to help more :)

So here goes:

I had my implant removed on 27th April and it had been in for 5 months in total. On the 6th May-12th May I had my withdrawal bleed, it wasn't heavy at all so assuming it was withdrawal as my normal periods can be quite heavy! For the past two days I have woke up feeling sick had tummy cramps and barely been able to eat anything, do you think it's possible to be pregnant so soon? Or because I had a withdrawal bleed is it not? I dont know if you can get/be pregnant and have a withdrawal bleed?

Help?! :wacko:

Also if I was going to test do I wait untill 4 weeks after I had the implant removed which will be 25th May, or 4 weeks after the first day I bled which will be 3rd June?

Thanks in advance for replys :)
Hi lilena
I was in the same boat in the sense that I didn't know if my first bleed was withdrawal or af couple of weeks after having it removed. If I were you you would do the first test as soon as you can as at least you then won't be thinking should I should I not. If you get a bfn and your af doesnt show up by the second time you were considering testing and by then you will hopefully have a bfp! Good luck and let me know how it goes. Previous posters show you could be pregnant and it is possible.
Thanks for the reply, I have some internet cheapys so I think I will do one in the morning and see what it says. I just don't know if it's possible to have bled but be pregnant, that's the thing Im wondering about :shrug:
Well people go through pregnancies without knowing they are pregnant because they still have periods. It isn't common but can happen. Keep us posted. Baby dust and lots of it
I don't know if I want AF to show up or not. Obviously I'd rather get a BFP, but equally I want my first AF since taking the implant out so I can work out my cycle length. I had very regular periods throughout so the nurse said it would be unlikely to change, so currently working on those dates. Thing is I neve really tracked AF before, the only reason I know when the last one started is it was 2 days after I came back from holiday.

Got over excited and took a home pg test. Was only 7DPO though, and unsuprisingly it was negative. I think that was too early anyway, but I also need to remember this isn't a 'real' trying month due to when the implant was taken out.
I did one this morning and it was :BFN: which I was totally expecting as It's far too early, but couldn't help myself :haha: Im still having cramps/nausea and am bit light headed too so will test again in a week or so if they continue. Part of me is sure its just withdrawal symptons from the implant but the other bit of me secretly hopes im pregnant!

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