Official TTC after Implanon removal thread!

3 days left til witch is due--- must control urge to poas, must control urge to poas .....

Oooooooo how exciting!!! Good luck for when you give in to the urge!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I caved in tonight and got a very clear ( literally) bfn. Hoping it is too early to have enough hormone in urine especially as tested pm soon not long after I had been to toilet. However not holding my breath!!!!:nope:

It is looking very positive for you I dont think you could have done much more
Fx for you!
Hi all

I had my implant took out on the 20th May 2011 (had it in for 7 years In and out)

We had a celebratory the time has arrived hows your father the night before.

Since then AF hasn't showed, on the 24th I had cramp on the right side, on the 25th I had brown CM when I wiped sorry TMI accompanied with sore boobs and a feeling of heaviness in my stomach.

I've been reading about getting pregnant after implant removal but its a jumble of information so I'm not sure what's going on xx

I have had a kind of same experience!!! I managed to figure out it was Ovulation pains (didnt think i would ov so soon but had these really bad last time i was off contraception!)and apparently the rise in eastrogen just before the peak of Lh can sometimes trigger a small bleed . I had this then got + opks and peak on cbfm !!!! If i were you id get bd!!! xxxxxxxx

We've been bd'ing loads lately but it doesn't help OH works away during the week. I haven't got a BFP yet but he proposed on My 30th on Friday so got some good news xx
Congratulations xticx. are you going to carry on ttc or focus on wedding first?
Congratulations xticx. are you going to carry on ttc or focus on wedding first?

Thank you, not sure as yet if we decide on a 2013 wedding then ttc will be going ahead but if we decide on a 2012 wedding ttc will be put on hold.

Unless I'm preggers already :lol: just wish the :witch: would turn up soon or my negatives turn in to positives.

Why are pregnancy symptoms the same as AF ones mother nature should at least have given us them different xx
Because mother nature us evil!!!

haha that is true OH wants to go out and buy a clear blue or similar test he's convinced his little :spermy: have done the job I've done internet cheapies 25miu and they were negative.

What's the best tests in your opinion xx
hi wonder if any of you can help as i am a bit confused!

i had my implant out on the 16th may as i mention previously!
the night i had implant out i had a bleed that lasted about 5-6 days but not sure wether to have classed that as a period or not as i had constant spotting and bleeding throughout having the implant in!

On the 13th and 14th day (sat and sunday) of cycle if i was to class that first bleed as AF i had stetchy CM, my partner and i have been dtd everyother day since having implant removed.

However between the 12th day of cycle to the 15th (friday to monday) day i was away with some friends so didnt dtd then, which is annoying as i was hopefully fertile then, hadnt done ov test as i was away! but dtd on the thursday night and when i got back on monday!

Anyway, over the past couple of days i have had slight pink/brown spotting, but no sign or feeling as an early AF, what could this be??

Because mother nature us evil!!!

haha that is true OH wants to go out and buy a clear blue or similar test he's convinced his little :spermy: have done the job I've done internet cheapies 25miu and they were negative.

What's the best tests in your opinion xx

Tbh not sure. I got some hpt off a website called zoombaby. I am using cheap ones currently which measure 25 but have heard you can get extra sensitive ones that measure 10 hgp. I plan to use cheapies to support poas addiction. When af is due/ hopefully late I will then pick up sone more expensive ones like clearblue digi to hopefully confirm - dont see point of using expensive ones when chances of it showing a bfp early is slim!:dohh: Have been looking at getting some off eBay or amazon as you can get them cheaper than in the shops.
Hellybean- if it is a cycle and you hit you ov whilst you were away if you had Dtr before sperm can survive in your body. However it could be implantation bleeding but too my knowledge this happens between 7th - 14th day after ovulation and happens to about a third of all people. It could also be your cycle regulating itself. I would wait and see what happens and maybe test if you don't see m to get a full af around 14 daya after you ovulated. Perhaps keep testing with cheap pregnancy tests and opk til you figure out your cycle and what your body is doing. Sorry most prob not been very helpful!
thankyou hopingitwill , i just need to get some sense of what the hell is going on!

I really want a BFP but i also in away hope AF arrives, so i have more of an idea what is goin on, i always said i wouldnt be so 'trying' on ttc and what will be will be, but i am the mot impatient person ever haha!

oh well, i will see what happens and will keep you all posted.. i have bought some cheapy opk's and pregnancy tests, and i havent had a positive yet but if i didnt test for tho whole time while i was away i wont know if i ovulated or not, just had the symptoms of ov so figured i had!

baby dust to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hellybean- Join the club ... This ttc is driving me nuts because of the tww and the fact that I am super impatient! My period due on tues so not long to wait. tested today and got a bfn so not holding much hope so gearing myself up for next cycle! Fx for you.
Morning ladies,

Thought I'd pop back and let you know that after 61 days I have finally started AF!! Boy has she come back with a vengance. I've been grumpy, irritable, crying yesterday.....ugh!

Anyway I hope now she'll start to get into some sort of pattern. I've had 28 days from implant out, then 36 days, then 61 days......

Off to sulk now lol
Morning ladies,

Thought I'd pop back and let you know that after 61 days I have finally started AF!! Boy has she come back with a vengance. I've been grumpy, irritable, crying yesterday.....ugh!

Anyway I hope now she'll start to get into some sort of pattern. I've had 28 days from implant out, then 36 days, then 61 days......

Off to sulk now lol

So sorry to hear witch got you ,but also glad that you are no longer in limbo. I would suggest using opk ( cheap ones) from cycle day 10 as you will prob not know when to expect ovulation given varied cyles. Or yOu could use cbfm. Maybe when you get a pos opk or peak day then confirm with a more reliable/ expensive opk? Good luck !:hugs:
Morning ladies,

Thought I'd pop back and let you know that after 61 days I have finally started AF!! Boy has she come back with a vengance. I've been grumpy, irritable, crying yesterday.....ugh!

Anyway I hope now she'll start to get into some sort of pattern. I've had 28 days from implant out, then 36 days, then 61 days......

Off to sulk now lol

So sorry to hear witch got you ,but also glad that you are no longer in limbo. I would suggest using opk ( cheap ones) from cycle day 10 as you will prob not know when to expect ovulation given varied cyles. Or yOu could use cbfm. Maybe when you get a pos opk or peak day then confirm with a more reliable/ expensive opk? Good luck !:hugs:

Thanks HIW, I am just happy that she turned up in a way, rather than continued BFN's and not knowing what was going on!

I am going to concentrate more on finding employment at the moment, after my 6 month temp contract ran out I've not been able to find anything else. Had interviews but no one is getting back to me and it's sooooo frustrating!

So I think I am going to put this on a back burner until I can find a job. I'm stressing out too much with both things going on at the same time. And money is now getting tighter with being unemployed for 2 months.

Good Luck to everyone else though! We are now going to Not Try, Not Prevent.
Morning ladies,

Thought I'd pop back and let you know that after 61 days I have finally started AF!! Boy has she come back with a vengance. I've been grumpy, irritable, crying yesterday.....ugh!

Anyway I hope now she'll start to get into some sort of pattern. I've had 28 days from implant out, then 36 days, then 61 days......

Off to sulk now lol

So sorry to hear witch got you ,but also glad that you are no longer in limbo. I would suggest using opk ( cheap ones) from cycle day 10 as you will prob not know when to expect ovulation given varied cyles. Or yOu could use cbfm. Maybe when you get a pos opk or peak day then confirm with a more reliable/ expensive opk? Good luck !:hugs:

Thanks HIW, I am just happy that she turned up in a way, rather than continued BFN's and not knowing what was going on!

I am going to concentrate more on finding employment at the moment, after my 6 month temp contract ran out I've not been able to find anything else. Had interviews but no one is getting back to me and it's sooooo frustrating!

So I think I am going to put this on a back burner until I can find a job. I'm stressing out too much with both things going on at the same time. And money is now getting tighter with being unemployed for 2 months.

Good Luck to everyone else though! We are now going to Not Try, Not Prevent.

Good luck on the job hunting front hun- you never know when you are not focused and stressing about this you might actually find that it happens. Hope everything works out for you and we see you back on this forum soon!:hugs:
Hey Ladies

Almost forgot to check back in and say I got my bfp 2nd cycle at 11dpo (test was a tesco FR).

Wishing all the ex-implanon ladies lots of :dust :dust:
Hey Ladies

Almost forgot to check back in and say I got my bfp 2nd cycle at 11dpo (test was a tesco FR).

Wishing all the ex-implanon ladies lots of :dust :dust:

Congratulations on your BFP - gives us all some hope that it could happen quickly for us! H&H 9 months!:hugs:
Hey Ladies

Almost forgot to check back in and say I got my bfp 2nd cycle at 11dpo (test was a tesco FR).

Wishing all the ex-implanon ladies lots of :dust :dust:

congratulations hun dont 4get to keep us updated on your pregnancy have a H&H pregnancy x
Thank you ladies! so shocked it happened so quick for us.

I only had one proper bleed when I came off the implanon (withdrawal bleed I assume). Then first cycle with every phantom pregnancy symptom going. Had a really light bleed after cycle 1 which made me think I was implanting :dohh:

Second cycle only started getting symptoms from 7dpo at which point I got an implantation dip on my chart and the lightest of light pink spotting. So didn't really get a proper af.

Hope that helps :flower:

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