Official TTC after Implanon removal thread!

Hi again ladies!

Well it took a while to navigate my way around the forum until i re-found this thread.. Thank you for welcoming me.. I am incredibly emotional today:cry:, very annoyed at myself for it as well :dohh:lol, which kinda makes it worse?!... still waiting for the blood test to go through, wont get it till Tuesday now... I really don't like waiting. MrsDavo- congratulations on the job... How is everyone feeling this afternoon? I have been very crampy, but still no AF and sort of over it all.. lol.. I love mood changes they really can make me laugh... Tomorrow though i will probably be over the moon and very optimistic.. :wacko: Not to mention tired now that i think about it... time to get out of the house and take the boys to the park. I hope you have a really good evening! ... I am loving these little faces...:flower:
OMG hun, i cant even begin to imagine how you are feeling!
I have just been reading up on some vitamins and minerals i have been taking for the past 2 months or so that are in the conception support tablets, its all interesting! Think i should get OH some male ones to increase all chances!!
i do wonder if this things ever make much difference!

:headspin: i had to put this little head spin man on coz i just liked him lol
11 days no af and bfn from doctors. Fed up now!!!!

that really suxs.. But here is some small hope for you.. I got my first :bfp: this morning with FR... yay:happydance:.. but still need to confirm it with the doctors.. I am stoked.. but trying not to get to overjoyed till it is confirmed.. so providing that it all goes well it does seem very possible very soon after implanon. I have PCOS as well.. so there you go.... fingers crossed for you guys! I have gotten so many BFNs that it was kind of a shock to get the positive:bfp: That is our first time trying to (only had withdrawal bleed)... hang in there! you never know...!!! (of course neither do i for sure :coffee: I will remain calm...)

Congratulations ninny. So pleased for you. H&H 9 months. Have you got any pictures? Remind me when you got your implant removed? Congrats again! Keep us posted what the doctor says
Hi girls so glad to see a post purely dedicated to ttc after implanon removal :D I got my implant removed 29th April and AF arrived exactly 5 days after that (or it may have been a withdrawal bleed I'm not sure), stayed around for 6 days then disappeared again. 40 days later and a LOT of preg signs which made me and my OH think I was preg AF came back again and boy did she make an appearance! I had my implant for 8 years and for the past 2 years before it was removed I barely bled at all and when I did items very light and only lasted for a few days at the most so I was very happy to have AF 5 days after getting it removed. It was really heavy on her second return but think it was cuz she was so late. I am not BBT'ing as I'm pretty sure I did ov during the first month but cuz I didn't test it
I can't be 100% sure so I want to be certain this time I did have ov pains though which lasted for 3 or 4 days and I can remember seeing what looked like ov discharge (sorry if tmi) so I'm hoping I did ttc baby #1 is very exciting so I'm hoping it doesn't take too long
Baby dust to you all xx
Hi girls so glad to see a post purely dedicated to ttc after implanon removal :D I got my implant removed 29th April and AF arrived exactly 5 days after that (or it may have been a withdrawal bleed I'm not sure), stayed around for 6 days then disappeared again. 40 days later and a LOT of preg signs which made me and my OH think I was preg AF came back again and boy did she make an appearance! I had my implant for 8 years and for the past 2 years before it was removed I barely bled at all and when I did items very light and only lasted for a few days at the most so I was very happy to have AF 5 days after getting it removed. It was really heavy on her second return but think it was cuz she was so late. I am now BBT'ing as I'm pretty sure I did ov during the first month but cuz I didn't test it I can't be 100% sure so I want to be certain this time I did have ov pains though which lasted for 3 or 4 days and I can remember seeing what looked like ov discharge (sorry if tmi) so I'm hoping I did ttc baby #1 is very exciting so I'm hoping it doesn't take too long
Baby dust to you all xx
Congratulations ninny. So pleased for you. H&H 9 months. Have you got any pictures? Remind me when you got your implant removed? Congrats again! Keep us posted what the doctor says

hey Hopingitwill,

I got my implant removed end of may. Had af(or withdrawal) a couple of days later and then some spotting two weeks later and now.. I am hoping!... I will let you know tomorrow morning.. I am addicted to the tests now, lol, so i will do one in the morning and then confirm it with the blood test... babydust to you.. hope we can both be pregnancy buddies!

Welcome Miss Nat, looking forward to sharing our ttc moments together and CONGRATULATIONS to Ninnyone!

Hope your all well

How are u HIW? i hope you feeling better in your self xx
I'm all right thanks hun just as impatient as usual. Succumbed to test again today and bfn and also neg on opk - still got a lot of cm ( sorry tmi) so not got a clue what is going on with my body!!!!
How are you getting on?
I'm all right thanks hun just as impatient as usual. Succumbed to test again today and bfn and also neg on opk - still got a lot of cm ( sorry tmi) so not got a clue what is going on with my body!!!!
How are you getting on?

i want to give u a big hug :friends:
I would normally want to wish anyone a AF but for you i do so you know what the hell is goin on and you can start a fresh!

I am ok, plodding along on CD9 now AF pretty much finished on thursday but had the odd bit of brown spotting friday, and today but nothing much (sorry tmi) i think it might just be issues from the implant removal! So i am now gonna get :sex: this week, well we do most of the time anyway but not gona miss any chances this cycle!

I still arent gonna chart or anything just going to use opk's to check when i'll be ovulating, purely for piece of mind that i am after having the implant out! as i have read somewhere that some ladies havent ovulated for months after yet have had a period, :wacko: but i know if i chart and temp i'll just get stressed out!

on a positive i bought i gorgeous dress yesterday for york races for my friends birthday, cant wait! :happydance:

Congrats Ninny that's fab news! How many BFNs did you have to wade through before getting that BFP? x
Hi All

New to the site but so pleased to find it!!

Had my implant removed on 30/03/11 and still no AF!! Was on it for two years after having my first child and had no AF all the way through.

Its interesting to see that everyone has different experiences when it comes to the implant and mine were always positive, until now. I've never wanted to see AF so badly. Dunno if i should go to the Dr or not. We're desperatly ttc but just feel like we're in limbo until something happens!!

Congrats Ninny that's fab news! How many BFNs did you have to wade through before getting that BFP? x

Thankyou! lol.. I am not sure that i want to admitt how many i went through... :blush: I brought quite a few.. so i tested way to early- i did buy the OPKs but dont need them now i dont think. Fingers crossed.. Hopingitwill-:hugs: I really hope that it is because your testing to early! I should have had a period around the 11th (withdrawal bleed or AF) but it came up negative as well.. only just got this the other day and I grabbed a digital one just because of my poas addiction:blush: and it came up positive as well:happydance: I hope it works out.. I am now going to try and figure out how to post the photo for you... I am kind settled in this forum now.. Can i stay for a couple more days? lol..
So if these are right then you most certainly can fall pregnant straight after implanon- although I think that it messes everyone around.. I loved the implant, I had odd spotting for a bit but then they settled down and then none and then regular again.. all over the place. It is also really early so i want to not get to excited till the first trimester is over... There hope the attachment works, I have to go to the gym now..:wacko: Oh and I think I said somewhere that i got implanon out end of may? it was end of april... just fyi...


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Congrats Ninnyone! that is wonderful news! the implanon certainly does affect everyone differently, i hope all those who have not yet got AF since having it removed get it soon.... i barely got AF through the whole 8 years of having implanon and have bled twice since and also some spotting since having it out about 7 weeks ago, so im hoping thats a good sign that my body is getting back to normal. I really want to try the OPK but im not sure of when to start testing as my last cycle was 40 days and i had what i think was OV pains in the third week after getting the implanon removed....i know that your meant to OV 2 weeks after getting AF, but if i start testing then im worried that i will waste the kit if my body doesnt OV until the 3rd week again..... but then my cycle may be shorter this month if i dont fall preg so im really stuck as to what i should do...what does everyone think? im charting BBT also :)
Ive just decided to buy a OPK kit from ebay hehehe i got 30 ovulation tests and 10 early preg tests for $13.50 and they should arrive at my house tomorrow so i am going to start testing for OV from CD11 :D

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