Official TTC after Implanon removal thread!

Hi girls :D I started a new thread with my chart attached this afternoon ive had high temps for past 3 days but I was wondering if ppl cam please have a look at my chart for me and see if it looks right... I'm a little confused by it and concerned that it's only my second cycle since implanon removal and it's telling me judging by the info I gave to FF that I ov'd cd14... I would love your opinions if you have a moment to have a look :D thank you in advance :hugs:
Hiya girls

how is everyone? I've been really stressed lately, been in the new house for 2 weeks without a cooker and everything has just been getting me down seem to be tearful more than usual.

I've downloaded a period and ovulation tracker and according to that I'm due on in 12 days so I think I'm only 2DPO.

I should be back on properly soon only got a dongle at the minute and its sooo slow lol

Hugs and babydust to you all xx
Hi everyone, I am just here looking for some new info. Had my implanon out Jun 7th and we are TTC. I still haven't had any AF and I'm wondering if anyone could give me an idea of where to find a good calendar so I can try to start tracking. Also, any info on temps? I'm not sure how that works but I'm willing to try anything at this point since I have no AF to go by :/
Ok so I came across this thread and couldn't be more excited, on tuesday 6/28/2011 I had the evil stick removed from my arm. Which by the way, was definitely not a easy and quick as my dear ob depicted. I am now feeling like I have a constant "warm" flash that will not go away! Has anyone else had this happen? Also how are talk figuring out your ov days when you first had it out? I have 3 kids and have never charted my cycle or figured out ovulation times. This is my dh and I's last kid and I am determined to do everything in my power to have the best possibility of a boy as I can as that is the only reason we are trying one last time. Any help or advice is welcomed!
Hi! I had my implant removed in April and we have been TTC since then with no luck so far.... I've had AF once since removal and am now on CD 30.

Hi again! Now 9DPO - CD45! I've never had this long a cycle before! Would the Implanon screw with the length of my cycles? Seven weeks since my last AF! This is nuts!
Hi Ladies, welcome to everyone new! (though i am kinda new as well...)
I thought that I would update you all.
I had a scan done yesterday and I am 5 weeks 1 day, I was convinced that they have my dates wrong by about 1.5 weeks but you cant really argue with the scan at this stage.. So i did some research- got to love google- and found out why. Now that I understand ovulation, conception and implantation I get why my dates are the way they are.
Basically I know that we conceived around the 25-30th may, so I was expecting to be around 6-7 weeks along, but I have read that implantation can take alot longer in some women than others and the hcg hormone is only released when the egg is implanted- implantation... basically it can take around 6-12 days for IMPLANTATION to occur... so yeah. I dont know if that helps anyone and I wonder if it is partly to do with the implant but everything appears ok at the moment and I am just totally stoked that I am pg. BTW that means that you most definately can get pregnant straight after implanon!! yay! how is everyone going? any af or bfps?
can wait to hear...
Miss nat- am no expert but think lh surge comes before ovulation normally 12-36 hours before So your pains could be the actual ovulating happening and that's why lh surge not showing. I would get bedding just in case. Did you opk the day before? depending on time you test you could miss opk.
Fx for you ninny. I am sure it was just the timing of urine test.
Baby dust to everyone else.
I am now 14 days late and no sign of af and another bfn!!! Just want her to show now!

Hey hopingitwill, have you had AF yet?
Hey ninnyone, so glad all looks good on your scan and i am sooooo happy for you!
is it your 1st bambino?

and a big hello to the new ladies!

and where have you gone HIW????

UPDATE on where i am after implanon removed!

removed on 16th May (5-6 bleed from removal)

AF on 11th June

Postive OPK on 29th June (CD19) also teamed with some white very stretchy CM (not clear) but i have read that it can be white!

so i guess i am heading for a 34 day cycle this month or better, a BFP as i got plenty on :sex: in heehee
Ok soooooo now I am officially confused, as I posted yesterday I just got the implanon removed on tuesday, was curious to sew how long it takes for my body to get back to work and so I purchased the cheap ov test strips, tested yesterday and if I strained my eyes I could see a faint line (barely) today I did another one and it is showing 2 pink lines, which if looking at the directions, means it is a positive. . . . . . Has anyone had their ov show back up that soon after removal???
Ok soooooo now I am officially confused, as I posted yesterday I just got the implanon removed on tuesday, was curious to sew how long it takes for my body to get back to work and so I purchased the cheap ov test strips, tested yesterday and if I strained my eyes I could see a faint line (barely) today I did another one and it is showing 2 pink lines, which if looking at the directions, means it is a positive. . . . . . Has anyone had their ov show back up that soon after removal???

hey hun, well that is impressive, some ladies have become pregnant before even having AF after coming off implanon so it looks like it can be that quick, i know doctor said to me that fertility comes back straight away.

good luck with it all x
Hi girls, not been on for a while as been away on a residential trip with my class to lakes and didn't have access to Internet. How are you ladies doing? I am now officially 24 days late. don't have a clue what is going on. Am going to make another appointment for doctors. No symptoms of bfp or af. Got a lovely call from nurse yesterday to inform the the test I took about 10 days ago was negative! ( I already knew this as I had chased it up after I didn't get a call).
Anyway congratulations to all the bfp's and babydust to all those starting a new cycle!
Ninnyone that is wonderful news about your scan and that info you provided is very helpful thank you :D
I am currently 7dpo and my temps for the past 5 days have been 36.8 then 36.7 then 36.6 then 36.6 again then it shot up again this morning to 36.8 again. Have had some horrid hot flushes in the past 24 hours, very vivid dreams for the past 3 nights, been feeling nauseas on and off, very tired, stabbing pains in bbs along with occasional tender/itchy/burning nipples, stabbing/pulling sensation in my abdomen and yesterday I was very thirsty all the time, this is all very strange to me! I'm trying not to get my hopes up yet though cuz it's only my first cycle ttc so I would be very very lucky to conceive first go...
Sending lots of :dust: to everyone! :hugs:
Hi ladies just to update I had implanon removed 8th March 2011. I had no withdrawal bleed. 28 days later on 6th April AF came & stayed for 5 days. I was a regular 28 day cycle before BCP & implant so I thought I was back to 28 days, however next AF was at 38 days next time & lasted 5days again. So I assumed I was now a 38 day cycle. AF was due again on 21st June but never came. Tested on 26th June as AF was almost a week late & got my :bfp:

So just a little message of hope to all ex-implanon'ers it can & most likely will happen, it doesnt seem to have a huge impact on your fertility & it can happen very quickly i.e. only 2 cycles for me!!

Good luck all sending you some lucky babydust.
:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
congratulation majella, thats amazing so happy for you! :wohoo:
Hope alll you ladies are well this morning!

wounder if anyone can give me any idea on whats happening with me!

before i start i havent BBT this cycle!

saturday, sunday, monday and tuesday creamy white cm, on occassions watery

positive on opk on wednesday (cd19)

stretchy white CM on wednesday (cd19) and thursday (cd20)!

yesterday (cd21) cm was wasnt much, was quite dry and tacky! (which i hear happens after ovulation)!

and this morning (cd22) watery opague CM .. i am guesing i am 2dpo

BD on sunday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday! so i hope i have caught the eggy!

why has the cm come back slippery and not dry like its supposed to be!??? :comfused:
Congratulations Helly- Happy & Healthy 9 months.

Helly - would love to help but my cm is all over the place at min so not convinced on pattern. I woukld keep bedding every other day just in case your body didnt ovulate and is trying to again because I have beeen wondering if that is what my body has been trying to do and at least you have all bases covered. But fx you have already caught the eggy!
Hi ladies just to update I had implanon removed 8th March 2011. I had no withdrawal bleed. 28 days later on 6th April AF came & stayed for 5 days. I was a regular 28 day cycle before BCP & implant so I thought I was back to 28 days, however next AF was at 38 days next time & lasted 5days again. So I assumed I was now a 38 day cycle. AF was due again on 21st June but never came. Tested on 26th June as AF was almost a week late & got my :bfp:

So just a little message of hope to all ex-implanon'ers it can & most likely will happen, it doesnt seem to have a huge impact on your fertility & it can happen very quickly i.e. only 2 cycles for me!!

Good luck all sending you some lucky babydust.
:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

Congradulations! How far along are you now? I am five weeks... according to my scan, though i have to get another one in a few weeks... be great to keep in contact if you are up for it? how are you feeling?
Hope that the rest of you wonderful ladies join us soon!
Hi Ninnyone, I had an appointment with the doctor on wed & she said 6 weeks according to my last period & give me a due date of 21st Feburary. However I have very long cycles so I dont believe im that far along id say more like 3ish weeks. I havent had a scan yet but I hope I have one soon as im still POAS like every other day just incase its fell out or something!! I have an appointment with the midwife on Friday so hopefully know more then. Werid thing is I feel great no symptoms at all which is worrying me abit. Apart from the missed :af: & :bfp: thats it!!

Hope to chat to you soon!

Hi,I had my implant removed in 28.6.11. I started light bleeding on 2.7.11 so thats 2days now, im not sure if this is af or withdrawal bleed.x
Hello everyone, how are u all today?

hello mummytomaisie, i think i would class it was a withdrawel bleed, maybe see how long it lasts!

I got my BFP today. Had implanon removed at the end of november.

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