Official TTC after Implanon removal thread!

Ok, sorry in advance for the tmi but last night and today I have had blood tinted discharge, only nashville when I wipe, last night I thought af was coming so I put in a tampon, but this morning it was clean........ Any ideas? Has this happened to anyone else?? Again sorry for the tmi
I'm so sorry for your friend, I hope she's okay and she will be in my prayers over the next few days.

Was at the docs on an unrelated issue yesterday and I mentioned that since coming off implanon my AF had been really light, about 4 days long but only 1 of real flow the rest just heavy spotting, and she said if it was that light my hormones were out of whack and I wouldn't be able to conceive (or if I did it would be a chemical as not enough lining to stick to) and it would probably be about 6 months for the hormones to get to a place where we could conceive. I only went on implanon as they said fertility returned within days - I'm both upset and a little angry that this is actually so commonplace. DH has said we can go to Cuba for my birthday in Feb if there is no bean by then so I have something to look forward to, but I'm still very dissapointed its going to be a few months till we have a chance. Has anyone else had a similar AF issue since coming off implanon?

dont get disheartened hun, and dont listen to them, everyone is different! i got my bfp as so have others and others take a little longer! it will happen when its meant to happen hun keep your chin up and chest out!! :hugs:

Only just saw this thread, but can I join?! I had my implant taken out last wednesday :)
Thanks for that, it gives us all hope! Did you have any periods at all from removal to becoming pregnant?
4 weeks and still nothing at all! :growlmad:

And on to day 5 of + opk

Who knows? I had mine out 30th June, and i honestly think its going to take a good few months for our body to get back to normal after having the implanon in. I think the hormones must be a little messed up! I havent tried any OPKs, i use ultrasound in my job so ive been 'keeping an eye' on my ovaries/uterine lining, and i also havent had any AF since it was removed.. i also dont think i have ovulated either by the looks of it... its just a case of waiting for everything to get back to normal.. which is really annoying!!! :wacko:

I had a implant removed on 16th may and had a bleed for 5 days from that evening, but i also bled al the way thru having implanon in, so it was same as ever but slightly heavier, then i had another period on the 11th june for 7 days (however i also had a weird week of light spotting from day to day from the 6th june until it arrived properly, i then had a positive opk on cd20 (that is goin from the 11th june, i didnt count the spotting) then BFP 12dpo, that was on the 12th july! hope that makes some sense! x

i thought the very same hun, thought it would take months but got my bfp less that 2 months after having implant out! it just feels like the ongest time ever, and i thought i be trying months, so dont give up hope xxxx

I had a implant removed on 16th may and had a bleed for 5 days from that evening, but i also bled al the way thru having implanon in, so it was same as ever but slightly heavier, then i had another period on the 11th june for 7 days (however i also had a weird week of light spotting from day to day from the 6th june until it arrived properly, i then had a positive opk on cd20 (that is goin from the 11th june, i didnt count the spotting) then BFP 12dpo, that was on the 12th july! hope that makes some sense! x
Hey everyone new to the thread lots of babydust and luck to you all.

Well AF is apparently due on the 31st or the 6th according to my period tracker I'm going to test on sunday and if no BFP then I'll wait till the following saturday.

I've got a few symptoms but not really paying too much attention to them as I got more a couple of days after having the implant removed.

I've had to put all of my bra's away and dig out a sports bra they have increased in size and my BF say they weigh more as well (he's looking forward to the boob part of pregnancy lol), they also are soo sore to the touch and if I knock them ouch I just wanna scream.

Frequent trips to the toilet and a heavy feeling just at my knicker line.

Hope everyone's ok and we all get our BFP's soon

Emma xxx
update: waiting to o but been having hot flashes like CRAZY! Can't sleep at night feel restless during the day and heaviness with some mild cramping yesterday. Cm creamy position mid texture mid opening open but can't really rely on the opening part since I have 3 children already so that may not be too accurate regarding it being open due to increased fertility. (sighs) so confusing.
I had my implant removed at the end of Feb 2011.. and happened to fall pregnant the week I had it removed! Sadly, this ended in an ectopic.

FX to all of you lovely ladies!! <3
OMG I'm cramping so bad! is this ovulation pain or what? af shouldn't be here yet! I'm at CD 12 its the same heavy cramping feeling I felt last time. am I o'ing? ooo I hope I am :happydance: what you think?
take that back still having pain lol it makes dtd a lil uncomfortable at times but its OK sighs I just can't wait to poas
So.... Today was my forcasted ovulation day, took an opk tonight and it is positive. I have yet to have a period since implanon removal, so I set up my calender based on the first pos opk on 7/1. I am exited to see that something looks to be on schedule. :)
I'm so confused today I am either 1 day late (22day cycle) or 5 days early (28day cycle)

Just took an internet cheapy and it was a BFN grrrr

I've got no AF symptoms either but my BB's are mega sore
hi all i think i might be due next week (not sure cos of implanon messing them up lol), but i took a test today and it was bfn,( i couldnt wait any longer lol), i think i ov last week, as i had the stretchy cm sry if tmi, and we was dtd every night, yesterday i had a sharp pain on my right side near my pelvic area, i hope i get bfp soon, but i no it can take a long time, i just feel really odd at the mo, but i think thats because i have had implanon in for the last 4 years i think it my body adjusting back to normal...... gl to all trying x
Good luck mami hope you catch that eggy :hugs:
Good luck mami hope you catch that eggy :hugs:

thx nimoo I hope so cause I'm STILL in pain and now just on my right side I can barely walk. maybe I'm going through that hyper ovulation pol keep talking bout. I don't know I have no clue I just want it to go away and poas already!
Sounds like you're in quite a bit of pain mami hope it passes soon :) i found that EPO really helped with my ov pains, if you're not on it already maybe give it a go next cycle if you dont fall this one :) I know how painful it can be :/
I did sone blood tests yesterday and I got my results back today and I'm not preg, which I knew cuz :witch: got me this morning :( but on the bright side my blood test results came back really good he said everything is perfect and I'm ready to go, so my new test date is now August 28, if I don't cave in to my poas addiction before that hehehe
Fingers crossed for you girls :D xx
Sounds like you're in quite a bit of pain mami hope it passes soon :) i found that EPO really helped with my ov pains, if you're not on it already maybe give it a go next cycle if you dont fall this one :) I know how painful it can be :/
I did sone blood tests yesterday and I got my results back today and I'm not preg, which I knew cuz :witch: got me this morning :( but on the bright side my blood test results came back really good he said everything is perfect and I'm ready to go, so my new test date is now August 28, if I don't cave in to my poas addiction before that hehehe
Fingers crossed for you girls :D xx

thx Nat this morning the pain finally left I had more ewcm yesterday around 2 pm so we dtd again hehe. So I think I caught her we're gonna dtd today too and tomorrow just to make sure. :D :dust: and fx to you lovely ladies!
Hey girls how's everyone feeling today? Any updates?

Nothings changed with me still no sign of af and still gettin negatives I'm currently on cd25 and getting more and more agitated just wish I knew either way.

Emma xx
Hello ladies!! Hope everyone is doing well! Nothing new to report for me. Still no af 37 days past implanon removal, never had a withdraw bleed either. But I did have period the whole time I had the implanon in. I have resisted the urge to purchase more pregnancy tests (went through 5 last month) much like you xtc I am getting agitated, but I am trying to keep my mind off of it so I don't drive myself and my hubby crazy lol . Been dtd'ing daily to try and not miss the egg (that is if one dropped). Baby dust to all and mami I am happy to hear that your pain stopped!

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