Official TTC after Implanon removal thread!

@hopingitwill - that must have been awful having such a long gap, I really feel for you. I am hoping I get some normality back - when I came off the pill to have my son I didnt have AF for 9 months, had one then it was another 6 months to my next one!!!! I think you should go away and enjoy your holiday and test when you get back. Being a POAS addict I would struggle to do that but with all the stresses of TTC it might be good to have some time away and just see how it goes when you get back! Me...I would love to say I am gonna wait until Friday to test but doubt I will wait until then lol!!!

Hey Mami - all good signs!!! FX'd for you hun! xxx
Welcome Andersondyson :D
Mammi that is definitely a good sign I have everything crossed for you :D
Hopingitwill I hope your cycles start to regulate themselves soon it must be very frustrating :( have a great holiday :D xx
:dust: to all :) xx
@hopingitwill - that must have been awful having such a long gap, I really feel for you. I am hoping I get some normality back - when I came off the pill to have my son I didnt have AF for 9 months, had one then it was another 6 months to my next one!!!! I think you should go away and enjoy your holiday and test when you get back. Being a POAS addict I would struggle to do that but with all the stresses of TTC it might be good to have some time away and just see how it goes when you get back! Me...I would love to say I am gonna wait until Friday to test but doubt I will wait until then lol!!!

Hey Mami - all good signs!!! FX'd for you hun! xxx

Thants what i was thinking enjoy holiday. But if af doesnt show am not going to know what to do about drinking - not that I am an alcoholic or anything - but would like to have some wine with meals and a couple of cocktails whilst on holiday but if BFP than I would happily not. However don't want to not drink and then come back to a bfn! Decisions. Keep me posted if you test that way i can feed my POAS addivction through you:happydance:. I will have everythinkg crossed that this is your month.

Mami - Good luck have you tersted? Hope you get your BFP :hugs:
Hi everyone.

Back from holiday. Was a nice break although brother's new gf turned out to be a complete drama queen, friendly enough but if she doesn't get her own way she pouts and has a good old stomp that would put any toddler to shame!

DH and I actually DTD every single day but one (and more than once most days) so I'm not worried we timed anything wrong this month. However I've been taking EPO (primrose oil, not performance enhancing drugs!) to try to beef up my cycle a bit, so I'm hoping AF comes on Tuesday or Wednesday a lot heavier than it has been, because then we might have a chance of catching next month. Did a HPT today (12 DPO) and it was a neg, not a suprise but still always a dissapointment. Have used no OPKs or temps this month, guessing on OV date purely on changes in CF. Bit of cramping today so AF seems to be on her way.

Had decided not to tell anyone we were trying but ended up telling my mum while we were away - she got all excited but one of the first things she said was that for some women it can take time.
OK hubby went to get a test should I take it? I'm so nervous let me know ladies. Threw up a little last night out of no where. but having mild cramps today with sticky cm. could af be coming or just more pregnancy signs?
Hello gorgeous ladies!!!!

How are you all, i have been trying to catch up with your posts! but sooo much has been out on here while i have been away for 2 weeks!

Hopingitwill nice to see you back too and glad you can start again after that awful 80 odd day cycle, blimey i hope that doesnt happen again to you! and enjoy your holiday too, i had 2 weeks of being away and boy did i want a drink but only coz i got sick of water, fanta and sprite lol and kids cocktails just didnt cut it hahaha! Enjoy your self and enjoy a few drinks, i did before i knew i was pregnant but not crazy, but as soon as i found out i stopped! Am sure if BFP turns up after your hols and you had a couple it will be fine! be relaxed and its more likely to get that bfp, i'll have my fingers crossed for you!

Baby dust to you all and hugs :dust:
Hello ladies and welcome to the new ones! Sorry I have ben mia for a bit. Mami keep your head up, it still may be too early. Well not much has changed for me other than I am gaining weight, which is odd..... Had anyone else gained weight after removal??? Last month I had like 7 sets of + opk rounds (go + for a few days then -then + again) oh and I have yet to bleed, at all, since removal at the end of june. Per my cycle tracker I should have started today, and it didnt happen. I dont want to buy another test because I dont want to get my hopes up....... Other than all of that life is great and football season is here! Yay! Baby dust to all!
Hello all! I am new to this website and I would like to join. I have got my implanon removed on the 9th of Aug. I have not had any bleeds or anything yet (7 days after removal)! I am TTC with my husband and have bed everynight since 2 days b4 removal. I have been very light headed for the past 4 days so I'm going to doctor tomorrow to see why I'm feeling this way. I'm hoping to get the bfp fast, but I know I can't get my hopes up too high. Hoe long did it take for you all to conceive after removal??? Good luck to you all!
I think I calculated things wrong ft said I may have o'd CD 14 -16 instead of day 12 which would pull me back a couple doo which would explain the :bfn: either that or I'm giving excuses for my :bfn: just to perk myself up lol. not sure at the moment but I do no that I have no signs of af showing her face........oh well :dust: and fx for everyone!
Hey Ladies - how are we all?

I had my +OPK on 8 Aug and possibly on 7 Aug too (but threw it away and should have kept for comparison)! So I am thinking I am 8 dpo. Sunday at 6dpo I felt a bit sickly during the day then just before bed I had pretty bad cramping to the extent that I was sure AF was on her way and used a tampon. Next day cramp was gone and no AF...but achey boobs all day Monday and carrying on to today. Did IC this morning and BFN - well I thought there was the faintest of faint lines but it was to the extent that I really think I was imagining it. So keeping FX'd for the next few days and hope for a BFP. Also (TMI) but I feel 'wet' and keep checking for AF but nothing. I have had two kids already and cant for the life of me what early symptoms I had those times!!

A question for you - any of you squint so hard and stare at a test for so long that you convince yourself there is a line there? I have tried looking in every different type of light possible and know I should just try again in a couple of days! I am soooo impatient lol!!!
Hello giggles :D I have to admit I have had the odd case of line eye, my last cycle actually... Then AF came :/ I think I just wanted to see it sooo bad that I pictured it there lol
Anways I really hope this is your bfp! Can you see it if you take a photo of it? Can you tweak it at all? Xx
Hello giggles :D I have to admit I have had the odd case of line eye, my last cycle actually... Then AF came :/ I think I just wanted to see it sooo bad that I pictured it there lol
Anways I really hope this is your bfp! Can you see it if you take a photo of it? Can you tweak it at all? Xx

Thanks Nat - nah I had to throw it out, I couldnt get anything done because I was just giving myself eye-strain lol! :dohh:

Just gonna wait a couple of days and test again I guess! Will keep you guys in the loop!

:dust: to you all! xx
Yeah that's a good idea giggles test again in a few days and hopefully there is a stronger line :D
How are you going mami?
I think I got my days mixes up on when I ovulated fertility friend says on thing and I guessed another but either way it goes still no af or any sign of her. I hope I am and don't have a freaked up cycle but I'm not testing again no time soon imma wait it out and see if the :witch: shows and if not I'll test again. :)
I find the whole charting stuff confusing Mami - as long as AF isnt here though, thats a good thing! xxx
Ahhh ok I see I see mami :) so how many DPO are you today then? Fx'd AF doesn't shoe her ugly face :D
i may have a bfp i did clearblue plus yesterday was faint + going to wait few more days to retest. good luck girls x

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