Official TTC after Implanon removal thread!

Giggles, I am soooooo sorry to hear that! Stay positive and keep trying. Thoughts are with you!
Thank you so much for posting Jin, I've been feeling quite disheartened to be honest and you've given me hope. AF is pretty much gone today, and certainly was no more than half the loss all these NHS sites and things say is 'healthy'. Do you mind me asking were you on implanon long, and did you have periods while on it? I think what I find so odd is mine were quite heavy when on it, and now they're barely there. I guess I just need to be more patient. x

I was on implanon just short of 3 years. Before that I was on the depo injections and before that the pill. I have been on contraceptives in total for fifteen years.

While I was on implanon my periods were all over the place. I would go with no bleeding at all for 3 months and then I would be bleeding for 3 weeks solid, stop for two weeks and bleed for 3 weeks again then nothing for 3 months and so on. Also I would always bleed after sex. Very odd.

Once I had implanon removed I had no bleeding at all for five weeks. I had a +opk exactly 3 weeks after removal and got AF exactly two weeks after +opk. After my first period my periods returned exactly 27/29 days every month with most being bang on the 28th day but as I said these would last a day and a half.

I got BFP seven months later although we did use condoms for two of those months due to our wedding plans. I hope this helps. Good luck x
well according to my calender today is the begining of my fertile stage. now my question is should i dtd everyday or every other day? plus those with :bfp: what positions or techniques did you use that you think did the trick? any insight would help
Mami, I suggest every other day so that the dh has more swimmers on the hunt. Also doggy style, but my cervex is reallllllly high and to the front. But thats what worked for me.
Good news today, my hcg levels jumped from 469 last wed afternoon to 1704 by friday afternoon. Also my progesterone is up to 22.9 the numbers seem really high for as early they think I am, we will find out next tuesday how far I am per the sonogram. Read somewhere that high levels = >1 baby......... I already have 3 kids, next tuesday can not come soon enough!!

Fx'd for all of you lovely ladies waiting on that bfp!!
Good news today, my hcg levels jumped from 469 last wed afternoon to 1704 by friday afternoon. Also my progesterone is up to 22.9 the numbers seem really high for as early they think I am, we will find out next tuesday how far I am per the sonogram. Read somewhere that high levels = >1 baby......... I already have 3 kids, next tuesday can not come soon enough!!

Fx'd for all of you lovely ladies waiting on that bfp!!

Thats wonderful news Blue83nicole! how very exciting :D keep us updated :hugs:
I GOT A BFP, I had my implanon removed July 8th my AF July 26th and a positive BFP TODAY. I didn't think it would happen so soon.
Got my :bfp: I am super excited, I got my implanon removed on July 8th had my :witch: on July 26th and TODAY :happydance:
That's wonderful news thetruth! Congratulations! H&h 9 months to you :D x
So, I have posted a few things a couple weeks ago and I am coming back to update you on my status. I had my implanon removed on the 9th of Aug and still have not had a AF yet. I was VERY sick for the 1st week after removal so I was alittle freaked out. But I got a positive ovulation on this past Monday. Well I have had intercourse almost everyday since the removal (my husband thinks he is in heven by the way! haha) so I am hoping that something stuck during my ovulation. Well today I am starting to feel very crampy. Is this a good or bad sign? I am not sure when I should take a pregnacy test neither. Isn't in like 2 weeks? I know that if I get a BFP it will be a blessing since I just got the implanon removed, but I've read it happening this fast. What do you think about the cramping?
Thanks and baby dust to all!!
Currently in the er for cramps, baby levels are still increasing, but I am not far enough to see the bean in the sack, but the sack is there, yay! Now waiting for them to check my appendix.
hey girls

i was on the pill only for couple months cos i mc in may (impant was out feb) any way i come off the pills july and af arrived 16th july lasted 6 days.

I am still waitin for my next af i am well was spot on 28-30 day cycle i have done preg tests clearblue plus i had 2 light bfp i reteted again friday -sunday on diff test brand (poundshop) never ever been wrong with me come back negitive. All i want is to have another baby my family will be compleat im 24 my df 46 never had probs gettin preg but i did have 3 mc and 2 helthy pregnanceies also i found out thet i have got a tilted womb.

Thanks girls x
Hi all :)

Love this thread! Had implant out 14th July, af came on 6th august. Do I assume I am now on 23 day cycle, as it was 23 days from removal to af? I am confused as I have noticed ewcm for the first time today but last week I had cramps, headaches, dizzyness and bloating. Took test 25th Aug, BFN :( no idea when to expect af or to test.

Any advice would be appreciated, baby dust to all
MrsHP xx

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