Official TTC after Implanon removal thread!

I have my implanon removed monday 9/12. Does ovulation occur immediately after removal??

:hi: I ovulated a couple of days after my removal, and we DTD but I didn't get a bfp. my cycles are regular now, (see my tickers) but still no bfp :nope:

I had my implanon in for 3 years 8 months.

wishing you lots of :dust:
Just wanted to check in been awhile since i posted. been stalking the page lol. I had my implant out in june was on pill for july stopped 4 days into a new pack. I had I think withdrawl bleed for a couple days a few days after that. I did not have a cycle at all while on the implant nor the month I was on the pill. today is 30 days with no hormonal BC. I really thought I Ov'd this month. took a test this morning BFN and no sign of AF. I am just curious if anyone can tell me if they did not have a cycle while on the implant and how long it was till you started cycling again. I have my annual apt next month and will talk to my Dr then if nothing has happened still. I am just getting worried that I broke my body with all of those hormones. I am assuming I used to be very fertile since I concieved my daughter while perfectly on the pill. Are there any supplements one can take to encourage AF to come back so I can work on getting that BFP??
Hi everyone,

I haven't been on in a while so thought I would update.

I got my implant out in January this year and my periods still aren't regular. for the past 3 months they have been 61 days, 53 days and I started this morning at 45 days between them ( although I did have a 7 day bleed around 2 weeks ago which was very light but it was strange as was only 3 weeks from my other one )

Anyway, I am seriously considering investing in a CBFM in the next couple of months, I am getting very impatient lol

Feel like everyone is pregnant! Someone was asking me at work today if I didn't want anymore children given the fact that my LO is 4 and a half. I said yeah we would like a child together, just got to wait and see when that happens. She then asked if we were trying, I said yes properly trying since March - and she said " Oh if that was me I'd be pregnant by now" Really helpful - THANKS!

I've never had to "try" before because my LO was conceived whilst I was on the pill so this is all new to me. I really really want to see that BFP soon. :-(


I sympathize with you my family knows we want to ttc and every time I see them even if it has only been a couple days I get asked are you pregnant yet?? Grrrrrr wish I would have kept my mouth shut. I too conceived my daughter while on the pill and didnt expect to encounter any difficulty when we decided it was finally time for #2. I never thought I would ever wish for my AF to get here I wish she would I want to get this party started! lol.
Hi everyone,

I haven't been on in a while so thought I would update.

I got my implant out in January this year and my periods still aren't regular. for the past 3 months they have been 61 days, 53 days and I started this morning at 45 days between them ( although I did have a 7 day bleed around 2 weeks ago which was very light but it was strange as was only 3 weeks from my other one )

Anyway, I am seriously considering investing in a CBFM in the next couple of months, I am getting very impatient lol

Feel like everyone is pregnant! Someone was asking me at work today if I didn't want anymore children given the fact that my LO is 4 and a half. I said yeah we would like a child together, just got to wait and see when that happens. She then asked if we were trying, I said yes properly trying since March - and she said " Oh if that was me I'd be pregnant by now" Really helpful - THANKS!

I've never had to "try" before because my LO was conceived whilst I was on the pill so this is all new to me. I really really want to see that BFP soon. :-(


I sympathize with you my family knows we want to ttc and every time I see them even if it has only been a couple days I get asked are you pregnant yet?? Grrrrrr wish I would have kept my mouth shut. I too conceived my daughter while on the pill and didnt expect to encounter any difficulty when we decided it was finally time for #2. I never thought I would ever wish for my AF to get here I wish she would I want to get this party started! lol.

My OH is the worst for that lol He is always hugging me from behind, touching my belly and saying " are we pregnant yet "! I even did a test the other day and didn't tell him, when he asked if we were I said definitely not. Prompting him to ask how I knew, so I said well I did a test and it was negative, he told me off for not telling him and saying he wants to know lol When he goes on about it so much and I'm already disappointed when i see a negative i dont want his disappointment too!

I've went 8 weeks with no sign of AF hun so I wouldn't panic straight away. I hope for us they start to become more regular soon so that we can figure out when we are ovulating! Complete minefield!

Everyone just assumes that becauee my LO is almost 5 that I dont want anymore, they couldnt be more wrong, I've been wanting another since she was 18months old, her dad always said he didn't want anymore so I made myself believe I didnt either. It cause so many arguements.
Then he had an affair and I met my wonderful OH 14 months ago and when we talked children it was like all my dreams had come true because he wanted one with me too.
It takes over all your thoughts doesn't it.....

I also never had a period when I had implanon in, for 2 years and 5 months. X
MrsDavo thanks so much for sharing your story. Mine is very similar. My daughter is 6 and I wanted another right away but my Husband didnt. I finally had given up and told him to go get a vasectomy as my implanon was due to come out and he couldn't do it and decided he really did want another child. *sigh* men. Now I am worried that now that he is willing to give me what I want I wont be able to get preggers. I ordered fertilaid preconception vitamin today fingers crossed it helps regulate my cycle. And baby dust to you I hope you get your bfp soon!
Hi Ladies! New here but I've been reading most of the posts. I got my implanon removed yesterday (9/12/11) and my AF ended on 9/10/11 so I'm hoping to conceive very quickly!! Although I feel iffy about this, thinking maybe me or my partner can't conceive for some reason? :( Hope I'm just thinking too much!!
Hi Ladies! New here but I've been reading most of the posts. I got my implanon removed yesterday (9/12/11) and my AF ended on 9/10/11 so I'm hoping to conceive very quickly!! Although I feel iffy about this, thinking maybe me or my partner can't conceive for some reason? :( Hope I'm just thinking too much!!

Good luck kissesandhugs! hope you do get your BFP quickly!!:dust:
Good Luck Kissesandhugs hope you get your BFP quickly.
Hi Ladies! New here but I've been reading most of the posts. I got my implanon removed yesterday (9/12/11) and my AF ended on 9/10/11 so I'm hoping to conceive very quickly!! Although I feel iffy about this, thinking maybe me or my partner can't conceive for some reason? :( Hope I'm just thinking too much!!

Welcome :) and good luck with that bfp!
MrsDavo thanks so much for sharing your story. Mine is very similar. My daughter is 6 and I wanted another right away but my Husband didnt. I finally had given up and told him to go get a vasectomy as my implanon was due to come out and he couldn't do it and decided he really did want another child. *sigh* men. Now I am worried that now that he is willing to give me what I want I wont be able to get preggers. I ordered fertilaid preconception vitamin today fingers crossed it helps regulate my cycle. And baby dust to you I hope you get your bfp soon!

Thank hun, it's a bit strange that we are both in a similar situation!

I'm going to try Bding every second day once my period stops this cycle to see if that does anything lol.

I am very concious of my LO's age and I never wanted a huge age gap, at this rate it's going to be between 5-6 years gap between them. I guess one consolation is that my OH has a daughter age 2 and a half so all three of them there will be a nice difference but that will only be when we have SD to stay over.

Sometimes ( and I know it's horrible ) I look at my step daughter and I'm jealous. Not because when she's here OH spends more time with her, not at all - that I understand. Jealous because I should have a child that age too, it's what I've always wanted and I guess I still feel a lot of resentment towards my ex. Feel like I gave up an awful lot for him ( my job, my home, more children ) for him to then have an affair anyway.

I'm rambling on now lol sorry!
Thats what we will be doing every other day.
MrsDavo thanks so much for sharing your story. Mine is very similar. My daughter is 6 and I wanted another right away but my Husband didnt. I finally had given up and told him to go get a vasectomy as my implanon was due to come out and he couldn't do it and decided he really did want another child. *sigh* men. Now I am worried that now that he is willing to give me what I want I wont be able to get preggers. I ordered fertilaid preconception vitamin today fingers crossed it helps regulate my cycle. And baby dust to you I hope you get your bfp soon!

Thank hun, it's a bit strange that we are both in a similar situation!

I'm going to try Bding every second day once my period stops this cycle to see if that does anything lol.

I am very concious of my LO's age and I never wanted a huge age gap, at this rate it's going to be between 5-6 years gap between them. I guess one consolation is that my OH has a daughter age 2 and a half so all three of them there will be a nice difference but that will only be when we have SD to stay over.

Sometimes ( and I know it's horrible ) I look at my step daughter and I'm jealous. Not because when she's here OH spends more time with her, not at all - that I understand. Jealous because I should have a child that age too, it's what I've always wanted and I guess I still feel a lot of resentment towards my ex. Feel like I gave up an awful lot for him ( my job, my home, more children ) for him to then have an affair anyway.

I'm rambling on now lol sorry!

Sorry you had a crappy first husband but look at it this way. If you never married your ex then you would of never met your current husband. He may have been an awful mess to you but he played an important step in your life. You will now be able to have the life that you wanted and with the guy that you love. I hope that can help. I think of my sad little past often but I remember if it wasn't for all of that I wouldn't be where I am, have the kids that I have or be the woman that I am today.
MrsDavo thanks so much for sharing your story. Mine is very similar. My daughter is 6 and I wanted another right away but my Husband didnt. I finally had given up and told him to go get a vasectomy as my implanon was due to come out and he couldn't do it and decided he really did want another child. *sigh* men. Now I am worried that now that he is willing to give me what I want I wont be able to get preggers. I ordered fertilaid preconception vitamin today fingers crossed it helps regulate my cycle. And baby dust to you I hope you get your bfp soon!

Thank hun, it's a bit strange that we are both in a similar situation!

I'm going to try Bding every second day once my period stops this cycle to see if that does anything lol.

I am very concious of my LO's age and I never wanted a huge age gap, at this rate it's going to be between 5-6 years gap between them. I guess one consolation is that my OH has a daughter age 2 and a half so all three of them there will be a nice difference but that will only be when we have SD to stay over.

Sometimes ( and I know it's horrible ) I look at my step daughter and I'm jealous. Not because when she's here OH spends more time with her, not at all - that I understand. Jealous because I should have a child that age too, it's what I've always wanted and I guess I still feel a lot of resentment towards my ex. Feel like I gave up an awful lot for him ( my job, my home, more children ) for him to then have an affair anyway.

I'm rambling on now lol sorry!

Sorry you had a crappy first husband but look at it this way. If you never married your ex then you would of never met your current husband. He may have been an awful mess to you but he played an important step in your life. You will now be able to have the life that you wanted and with the guy that you love. I hope that can help. I think of my sad little past often but I remember if it wasn't for all of that I wouldn't be where I am, have the kids that I have or be the woman that I am today.

Thanks MzRowRow,

You're exactly right. Id not have my fantastic daughter and OH now if those things hadn't have happened. I usually live by " everything happens for a reason " just hope my dream to be a mother again comes soon.
Okay Ladies. I'm new to this whole tracking ordeal but I do have woman log on my phone and it shows my "fertility days" START tomorrow. So we dtd today. What do you guys believe my chances will be?!?!?! :dust: to all!!!
Okay Ladies. I'm new to this whole tracking ordeal but I do have woman log on my phone and it shows my "fertility days" START tomorrow. So we dtd today. What do you guys believe my chances will be?!?!?! :dust: to all!!!

It all depends when your body figures out that it has to go back to doing its job. I would say that it would probably be best to use opk's till you know your cycles are back to normal. I had Implanon out on Aug 24 and I just ovulated on Monday. I would of never really had known for sure if I did without the use of opk's and my temping.
Okay Ladies. I'm new to this whole tracking ordeal but I do have woman log on my phone and it shows my "fertility days" START tomorrow. So we dtd today. What do you guys believe my chances will be?!?!?! :dust: to all!!!

It all depends when your body figures out that it has to go back to doing its job. I would say that it would probably be best to use opk's till you know your cycles are back to normal. I had Implanon out on Aug 24 and I just ovulated on Monday. I would of never really had known for sure if I did without the use of opk's and my temping.

Oh okay! Thanks! I just figured bc my AF ended before removal it would still be this week but I guess we'll find out :D thanks again
Hi everyone. No post from me recently as we went to New York to celebrate our first anniversary, got home only to have the awful news 2 days later that DHs granny had died, so we had to fly over to Ireland for that the next day, and just got home Monday. CD3 here, start of cycle 5 since coming off implanon. Cycles have finally settled down a bit and AF is heavier - I've been taking Evening Primrose oil 3 times a day pre-OV for the last 2 cycles, and its made a huge difference in terms of bringing OV forward and getting me into a regular pattern. All thats left is actually catching that one lucky swimmer.
Well, dtd again last night. Woke up with some menstrual cramps :wacko: and a little redness when I wiped (tmi sorry!) Thinking it's probably withdrawal bleeding.

:dust: to all!!!
Okay, help!! I'm pretty sure I'm having the "withdrawal" bleeding...That usually occurs a couple days after removal correct??
Hi everyone. No post from me recently as we went to New York to celebrate our first anniversary, got home only to have the awful news 2 days later that DHs granny had died, so we had to fly over to Ireland for that the next day, and just got home Monday. CD3 here, start of cycle 5 since coming off implanon. Cycles have finally settled down a bit and AF is heavier - I've been taking Evening Primrose oil 3 times a day pre-OV for the last 2 cycles, and its made a huge difference in terms of bringing OV forward and getting me into a regular pattern. All thats left is actually catching that one lucky swimmer.

Sorry about your hubby's granny. That is so sad. Remember though, when one soul leaves Earth, another one enters! Hope you have a lucky month after all this chaos.

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