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Official TTC after Implanon removal thread!

Hi Ladies! i had posted a question some weeks ago, Anyway here is a small recap of it, I had the wretched implanon removed 11-03-11 after a little less than a year with it and never had my period during it...Well I'm here to say that on 12-04-11 I got my :bfp: !!!!!! So ladies it IS possible to get pregnant within weeks of having the thing removed!!!! My husband and I are ecstatic and over the moon that we got pregnant so fast! Lot of baby sticky dust to ya'll trying after having what I call "The thing" removed! I also know I will NEVER get that birth control ever again!

Lots of love!!!!
I had my implanon out Aug 24 and this morning I finally got my BFP!! I got my first period a month after removal and they have been for the most part regular but my LP was shorter. After three failed attempts this month I decided to not try and just enjoy my holidays! I stopped taking supplements (except for folic acid) stopped temping, and didn't use my opk's. After feeling blah throughout the weekend and this morning I decided to test and there popped up my second line!! I am so excited even though I feel like I am going to lose my morning bagel!! :happydance: :happydance:


I couldn't help it but confirm with every brand I had on hand and an opk!!


Hoping those of you who are still waiting get your BFP will get it soon and I am hoping this one is a very sticky bean, but if ms is already feeling like this I am hoping that is a very good sign!!



oh wow! congrats!!! I am so happy for you!!
Hi ladies im new to this thread. So here's the story so far:
i had the implant fitted in Oct after a MC and then my partner and i decided we'd try again. so i had implant removed on 28th nov. I didnt have any periods on the implant so I have no idea as to when it will reappear? Since removal, about a week after i've been having cramps coming and going, terrible headaches, feel exhausted by doing absolutely nothing and terrible lower back pain? I've gone through and read over your stories and would just like to go through mine with all you ladies. I just dont know whether im pregnant already or if its my AF returning slowly? If anyone is or has been in my situation please do reply as talking to women who have gone through this would help greatly!

Goodluck to all us ladies who are looking to get their BFP !!

That sounds just about right. I was certain I was pregnant just after removal had every symptom under the sun. Seems most other ladies did as well. good luck I hope you get that bfp soon.
Hi ladies im new to this thread. So here's the story so far:
i had the implant fitted in Oct after a MC and then my partner and i decided we'd try again. so i had implant removed on 28th nov. I didnt have any periods on the implant so I have no idea as to when it will reappear? Since removal, about a week after i've been having cramps coming and going, terrible headaches, feel exhausted by doing absolutely nothing and terrible lower back pain? I've gone through and read over your stories and would just like to go through mine with all you ladies. I just dont know whether im pregnant already or if its my AF returning slowly? If anyone is or has been in my situation please do reply as talking to women who have gone through this would help greatly!

Goodluck to all us ladies who are looking to get their BFP !!

That sounds just about right. I was certain I was pregnant just after removal had every symptom under the sun. Seems most other ladies did as well. good luck I hope you get that bfp soon.

Thanks lillichloe, well since posting yesterday straight after i had these cramps and i seriously thought i the :witch: had come but nope nothing, only a pinkish discharge? That came and went away? :confused:
I am thinking of testing next week as it would be so magical to get a :bfp: so close to christmas!

Hope all you ladies that have got there :bfp: are doing well and us ladies who are still waiting are enjoying the :sex: LOL
:hi: Ladies, i'm so confused now I've started bleeding i'm not sure if it AF or implantation bleeding as it looks very light to be the start of AF? But as I'm typing I have a hot water bottle on my tum and chocolates at the ready. Either way which ever it turns out to be I'll be happy. Staying positive and hopeful :)
I'm just glad I've found this thread as all the ladies posting seem lovely and hearing so many successful stories keep me positive and lets me know it will happen! Congrats to all the ones that have got their :bfp: to all us that are TT get our :bfp: GOODLUCK!! :thumbup:

I will keep you all up-to-date with what's going on. And would love to hear from you all too!

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

to you all
Hi Ladies...my first post, but thought I would post some good news for everyone still trying...

Implanon out on 21 Sept 2011 (after two and a half years)
Two 29 day cycles.
AF due 9th Dec which didn't arrive.
BFP today!!

And with the complication that my husband and I are both in the military and only see each other on the weekends! So you can get pregnant fairly quickly after implanon removal.

Good luck to everyone still waiting for BFPs...x
Hi Ladies...my first post, but thought I would post some good news for everyone still trying...

Implanon out on 21 Sept 2011 (after two and a half years)
Two 29 day cycles.
AF due 9th Dec which didn't arrive.
BFP today!!

And with the complication that my husband and I are both in the military and only see each other on the weekends! So you can get pregnant fairly quickly after implanon removal.

Good luck to everyone still waiting for BFPs...x

MrsArmyNavy Congrats on your BFP! Thats made me really hopeful. H&H9 months. x
It seems the general is around 2-3 cycles! It's definitely not the same for everyone but the majority is around there :) It took 2 proper cycles for me as well. I didn't count the 1st one as AF was still hanging around when I got my implanon out.
Still don't know whats going on with me lol? Spotting yesterday and then stopped and been thinking AF would arrive today but nothing? Was thinking of testing next week or week after as i really don't want to see a BFN? Advice needed ladies x
Still don't know whats going on with me lol? Spotting yesterday and then stopped and been thinking AF would arrive today but nothing? Was thinking of testing next week or week after as i really don't want to see a BFN? Advice needed ladies x

It's probably withdrawal bleeding. & It's really hard to know when AF will arrive as your cycle can be totally different after removal :) xx
Still don't know whats going on with me lol? Spotting yesterday and then stopped and been thinking AF would arrive today but nothing? Was thinking of testing next week or week after as i really don't want to see a BFN? Advice needed ladies x

It's probably withdrawal bleeding. & It's really hard to know when AF will arrive as your cycle can be totally different after removal :) xx

Do you think? As the bleed was when i wiped then gone? Now all i've got is lots of discharge (sorry tmi) I've read withdrawal bleeding lasts for more than an hour as that's what mine was, there one min and gone the next.
Still don't know whats going on with me lol? Spotting yesterday and then stopped and been thinking AF would arrive today but nothing? Was thinking of testing next week or week after as i really don't want to see a BFN? Advice needed ladies x

It's probably withdrawal bleeding. & It's really hard to know when AF will arrive as your cycle can be totally different after removal :) xx

Do you think? As the bleed was when i wiped then gone? Now all i've got is lots of discharge (sorry tmi) I've read withdrawal bleeding lasts for more than an hour as that's what mine was, there one min and gone the next.

It can last from an hour to a day to 4 days! Mine lasted 3 days exactly so it does vary quite a bit but it's quite possible that that is withdrawal bleeding :)
I had my implanon b.c. removed Aug 15 after 3 yrs and a wk. .. husband and i started ttc right away. I got my first af right away & 30days later got my second af. Oct 2 we conceived & Oct 15 I had a positive pg test. af was not to be around til Oct 18. We were into our lovely pregnancy & Dec 9th I started bleeding, rushed to the hospital to find out we were starting a miscarriage. Dec 11th we got our D & C. As of 3days ago stopped my bleeding, dr appt tomor to check on everyhting & ready for my af to arrive again. I am in my wk of ovulation so I don't know whether to ttc this wk or not. What I was wondering was anyone have a miscarriage after the implannon that the implanon cause it. I have had 2 full pregnancies & this is our first miscarriage. I am just wondering if the b.c. was the cause of it. Please let me know.
I also wanted to say my af was regular within the last 6months of my implanon & stayed regular afterwards. The dr couldn't believe my af was as regular as it was on the implanon let alone to stay regular. I keep track of every day on & off in my calendar.
by the time you conceived the bc was well out of your system.....I'm very sorry for your loss :hugs: call your Dr and see if it is ok to TTC right away or if you need to wait. GL :dust:
thank you. i have an appt tomor at 10:20am & I am ready to find out what he says. I believe Ovulation is this wk & i believe I am at the start of it today. I am hoping he says it's ok to ttc since I am ovu this wkend. I think that would be a wonderful way to end this is by conceiving a little one again. we have alot of fear that it was the b.c. and I thought I would ask since so many has used it. I loved it though & I do plan on going back on the implanon after having a little one.
I got the word today that my hubby & I can be sexually active. I was told by the dr that they recommend 3 periods but if we got pregnant again he wouldn't be surprised. I am excited to be able to enjoy my hubby again. But here is my issue. Is it safe to get pregnant right after a miscarriage or should I wait?
I got the word today that my hubby & I can be sexually active. I was told by the dr that they recommend 3 periods but if we got pregnant again he wouldn't be surprised. I am excited to be able to enjoy my hubby again. But here is my issue. Is it safe to get pregnant right after a miscarriage or should I wait?

I think the answer is different for everyone. If your doctor gave you the ok to have unprotected sex then he/she probably isn't too worried. The recommended 3 months is probably an ideal. I have also heard from friends that you are very fertile for a few months following a MC because your body wants to be pregnant. :shrug: good luck to you!
hello everyone, like most of you here, I had my implant removed and now me and OH are trying to conceive.

I'm keeping a diary of how everything is and looks everyday since I had my implant removed. I used to have very, very regular periods before I had the implant & also in between implants as I used to take 3 months break before each one.

Now - I had my implant removed on Tuesday morning - got brown CM on Wednesday afternoon - the type I've had for years whenever I was on the implant - but it was a little bit heavier this time. On Thursday - I had some spotting - proper red blood - lasted till Friday afternoon and that's it, since then it's been non stop brown CM - very light Friday afternoon and throughout Saturday and rather heavy today.

I didn't think I'd ever want to get a normal period so badly so that I'd know where I stand with my cycle - just as long as I know I ovulate fine and that all is good with my cycle - then I don't even mind if it takes a few months to conceive! It's really getting to me - especially when I read this forum and there's so many things that could be wrong down there - low hormone levels or a million other things. Please tell me I'm just freaking out?
You're freaking out. While it only takes about 24 hours for the implant hormones to leave your system it can take a few weeks or even months for your own hormones to take over and regulate again. It's really common to have missing or irregular periods after implanon for up to 6 months. A withdrawl bleed is very common, especially if you haven't had periods while on the implant. It's hard to accept it takes time when you just want to start on the pregnancy journey right away, but unfortunately it really does just take time for most people.

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