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Official TTC after Implanon removal thread!

I had mine removed June or July now I can't remember and went on the pill for 1 month 1 wk. must have been June. It took a bit to get my cycle back. I have had 4 proper cycles and we started actively TTC after my first cycle ( I didn't have one for the 3 yrs while on implanon) :dust: let's get our BFP !!
i think i've been lucky and returned to normal cycle straight away. ive never been in a position to monitor my cycle before as have been on the pill since i was 15 right up to when i had my implant fitted. i havent had natural cycles for over 15 years!! (am now 31)

anyhow, according to my app i was due to ov today and yesterday i got a tiny but of spotting, sore boobs and some crampy pains. all of which on research sound like ov symptoms - yayyyyy!!!!

been trying to dtd but have a blasted flu cold thing so not exactly looking very sexy right now lol.

btw - before my first af after implant removed i just felt wrong. had bad constipation (sorry tmi) mood swings the lot. have settled right down now thankfully, though i think i have scared oh half to death about how i might be when pregnant lol.
Hiya everyone Ive had mine in for 22 months and I'm having it out next tuesday, However we are waiting to try as I need to lose a significant amount of weight so I will be going on the mini pill until june/july and then to let my body get back to normal we will be using condoms untill sept when we go on holiday :)

what is it like having the implant out guys does it hurt of feel weird?
my removal went very smoothly much less pain than when I had it placed. but my hormones went bonkers I felt pregnant for weeks I was a total b***h. hahaha Things have evened out thankfully....my poor DH
I had the same! Poir oh didnt know what to do with me poor thing. It was ok having it taken out but you may be a litle up and down till you get your af. Ive been ok since then x
My hormones are still crazy!! I think that is just me though! Haha.
The Implanon was my favorite bc to date, and I would absolutely get it again if we had to go back on bc. As it stands, once we get our BFP, and have a bouncing, happy, healthy baby (if we can), hysterectomy for this lady is certain!
As an update, AF started today, and so we begin tracking BBT tomorrow am... DH picked up the therm today for us to use.
I am completely devastated, but I need to pull myself together and just get on with it...
Sorry to hear the witch has come hun, big hugs and luck for this cycle x
My hormones are still crazy!! I think that is just me though! Haha.
The Implanon was my favorite bc to date, and I would absolutely get it again if we had to go back on bc. As it stands, once we get our BFP, and have a bouncing, happy, healthy baby (if we can), hysterectomy for this lady is certain!
As an update, AF started today, and so we begin tracking BBT tomorrow am... DH picked up the therm today for us to use.
I am completely devastated, but I need to pull myself together and just get on with it...
hysterectomy?! why not have the hubster get clipped? much less invasive. or a tubal ligation rather than hysterectomy thats some serious surgery.:hugs: just other options sorry if that came off as judgmental
My hormones are still crazy!! I think that is just me though! Haha.
The Implanon was my favorite bc to date, and I would absolutely get it again if we had to go back on bc. As it stands, once we get our BFP, and have a bouncing, happy, healthy baby (if we can), hysterectomy for this lady is certain!
As an update, AF started today, and so we begin tracking BBT tomorrow am... DH picked up the therm today for us to use.
I am completely devastated, but I need to pull myself together and just get on with it...
hysterectomy?! why not have the hubster get clipped? much less invasive. or a tubal ligation rather than hysterectomy thats some serious surgery.:hugs: just other options sorry if that came off as judgmental

Not judgmental at all! I have adenomyosis, so I am literally in pain every day of my cycle except for when I am menstruating. It just isn't worth it in the long run. I will keep one of my ovary's so I don't go into induced menopause.
oh wowsers! well :dust: get that baby made so you don't have to be in pain anymore!!!
God, I know!! I think that is why we are having an issue... I had no problem conceiving my other children. It's so stressful!
Hi ladies, I have been reading your posts over the last couple of days so thought I would introduce myself :)
Had my implanon removed on 28 Dec, since then no bleeding whatsoever, no other symptoms except very tender breasts and a little emotional!
I have no expectations on how long it will take but hoping my cycle will be back to normal soon!
Had no af at all on implanon for 3 years, and was on the pill prior to that for 8 years, so really looking forward to letting my body take control of itself :)
Looking forward to sharing my journey with you lovely ladies!
update! got af on 2nd jan so 4 weeks and 3 days after removal :) just glad my body is getting back to normal! wont be able ttc till april now as hubby is in army on tour. GL to all hope u get ur BFP's soon xx
update! got af on 2nd jan so 4 weeks and 3 days after removal :) just glad my body is getting back to normal! wont be able ttc till april now as hubby is in army on tour. GL to all hope u get ur BFP's soon xx

Mattysmommy question for you (and the other ladies on this thread) Did you ov in the first month after removal before your first af? I'm pretty sure I just have based on EWCM a few days ago - only bought some OPKs today and came back -ve although based on cm think i might have just missed it...
Well, for the first week after removal I had brown CM/spotting, then for a few days I was dry and then I started getting white and sticky CM which is getting more and more intense everyday - like I did before the implant, before I got EWCM so I'm keeping an eye on it. But it's very much possible to ovulate before AF, quite a few woman get pregnant during that ovulation and never even end up getting their first AF. I think it is better to wait for your first AF though, just to make sure all is good.
Oh my !! I will have a year on march 18,2012 since I got it removed we immediatly started ttc but nothing yet so frustrated someone help !
I did OV the month after removal, but I had EWCM on about day 13, and didn't actually OV until day 18. I only know this as I'd heard OV can take ages to come back so had some OPKs to know if it was worth getting my hopes up. Only had a 10 day luteal that month as well so the hormones were clearly still a bit out of whack.

usaf wifey have you been monitoring your temperature? I used OPKs and temping and found I didn't really OV when I expected to. I also used EPO to get my hormones back in balance and regulate my cycle. I didn't have much EWCM so used both cough syrup (Robutissin has the magic ingredient) and Conceive+ the month we fell. The other thing we changed that month is we had been doing the SMEP with obviously no success, and I read about 'the way of the rabbit' in a fertility book which basically means never leaving it more than 12 hours but ideally 8 without sending in fresh supplies as it were. As well as creating more favourable conditions what I'm convinced did it for us was that I came after he did - if you come before hand your cervix tightens and rises, and makes it hard for sperm to get through. Finishing after he does means your cervix dips down and effectively draws up the pool of sperm into the opening of the uterus, removing one of the biggest barriers the sperm have to cross to reach their goal. x
I guess I have to pay more attention to my whole ttc journey I have not being using anything but an ov calender wich seems off .. how should I or what do I do to monitor my body and use opk and all that stuff help I'm a rookie desperately wanting to have #2 it seems like #2 is so much harder help !!

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