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Official TTC after Implanon removal thread!

I guess I'll have to wait it out! Seems my period has came on today so if they stay as regular as the did everytime I had it removed, things should be fine :) FX!
Im really pleased for all of you that got your bfp, its great news! I had my own little celebration with arrival of first af lol. Have never been so pleased to see it and know all is well and we can start ttc officially now.

I hope u all had similarly wanted christmas gifts x
My period seems to be coming back every evening - then I take pregnacare and its gone by morning. I'm gonna stick to folic acid on its own until I'm pregnant then start taking these as many post that they delay your period themselves and mess up the cycle, so folic acid only for the next few days and see what happens! I thought I got my period again yesterday, as I had a light bleed but now, again, it's gone this morning :(
how long did it take u to get ur first af after having it removed? i had mine removed 2nd dec and havent had af yet and had negative tests so sitting and waiting lol!! xx
how long did it take u to get ur first af after having it removed? i had mine removed 2nd dec and havent had af yet and had negative tests so sitting and waiting lol!! xx
I think it took me 6-8 weeks. I started taking fertilaid and thats when it came back. I have not taken fertilaid for 2 months and still have a regular af I think the herbs just helped my body get back on track.
I havent properly got af yet but i get brown and bloody spotting. I can feel af coming. Its like it wants to but yet cant start haha. Ive stopped taking the vitamins and see what happens in the next few days. I hears it can take a while for a period to come back. Last 2 times I had it removed i got a period the same night. This time i have to wait :(
I had it removed on 18th nov and got af on 21st dec so just over a month.
I had I think withdrawl bleeding a couple days after for like a day or maybe two but that is it untill I got AF
Oh. Well i've had some blood - light spotting and loads and loads of brown CM - sorry for TMI. Still no period though. Im having seriously bad cramps today yet nothing. I dont think Ive ever wanted af to cone so badly haha. My arm has finally healed up from the removal :) at least thats a plus. Today though, the cm and spotting seems to have disappeared. I sort of considered the spotting as my period, at least the start of it but it was never a full flow so not really a period. Though the spotting lasted 5/6 days - like my periods did before. I guess I have to keep on waiting though this is driving me crazy!
I didnt have any spotting at all before my first af, im just hoping that wasnt my wd bleed but it was very like a normal period so im guessing not. Im going shopping today and think i will try one of those ovulation kits to see if i am all working now.

I had terrible spotting the whole time i had the implant thou, simular to what ur describing ie wrong colour etc
I had terrible spotting too - through all implants - i sort of wish I never went on it in the first place as I had very regular cycles before. I might try the ovulation tests too if I notice a change in CM - it was usually very obvious when I was O. Good luck to you. Hope all is good, keep us updated :)
Sunnii- I remember wanting nothing more than to start cycling again after having the implant out. My body felt so bad/wrong/off. When my first AF did come it was horrible and heavy and I regretted wanting it hahahaha. But now my body has calmed down and is back to "normal".Its a process for sure.
I know! Its so frustrating! Today everything has cleaned up - i just have normal white discharge so I'm wondering what the heck is going on.. Im having more cramps today. Ive been so tired since the implant has been removed - its almost unreal. Same with constipation - so gassy! TMI - SORRY. I sort of wish af would just come already even if it will be extremely bad one! i just want to know all is good!
I think my cycle came back so regular cause I bought ferileaid its a little spendy but it is supposed to balance hormones if I dont get preggers this cycle I think I will go back on it
I might look into buying some. And also... Back to brown CM and tonnes of cramps :(
I know! Its so frustrating! Today everything has cleaned up - i just have normal white discharge so I'm wondering what the heck is going on.. Im having more cramps today. Ive been so tired since the implant has been removed - its almost unreal. Same with constipation - so gassy! TMI - SORRY. I sort of wish af would just come already even if it will be extremely bad one! i just want to know all is good!

If it helps any after having my Implanon removed I never got any EWCM just creamy cm. I was still ovulating every cycle (I used opk and bbt) and now I'm pregnant so you may not get the ewcm back so soon but that doesn't mean you can't get pregnant or won't.
I know! Its so frustrating! Today everything has cleaned up - i just have normal white discharge so I'm wondering what the heck is going on.. Im having more cramps today. Ive been so tired since the implant has been removed - its almost unreal. Same with constipation - so gassy! TMI - SORRY. I sort of wish af would just come already even if it will be extremely bad one! i just want to know all is good!

If it helps any after having my Implanon removed I never got any EWCM just creamy cm. I was still ovulating every cycle (I used opk and bbt) and now I'm pregnant so you may not get the ewcm back so soon but that doesn't mean you can't get pregnant or won't.

I get tons of ewcm. I dont temp or use opks so not 100% that I O I hope I do. And obviously I am not yet preggers sooooooo ewcm isnt everything
Well, my brown CM has disappeared now! Finally -.- now, white, creamy *TMI* just as I did before EWCM time and O. So I think the week of browny/bloody CM might have been a wonky period. It's certainly getting stronger. Had to change twice today! I think I might O at some point next week, will see what happens!
So glad I found you girls! Ive seen Mirena posts, etc... I had the Implanon removed in July, and we have been trying since September. I was due for AF on Monday, and still no sign, although all of my poas has been for nothing, BFN's all around! I look forward to reading your experiences!

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