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Official TTC after Implanon removal thread!

I bought ovulation prediction tests from Amazon as they were cheapest (just the little cheap blue strips, I actually found these better than the ones with smiley faces as I could see how dark the line was and get a good indication if the surge was at peak, coming or going) - think it was about £5 for 50 of them so not expensive. If you don't know when you OV start using them from around day 10 of your cycle, when the line gets about as dark as the control line (mine never got quite as dark but nearly) OV is sometime in the next 24-48 hours. You can get the OV surge without actually OVing though, the only way to know for certain you have OV-d is to temp. Get a basal body thermometer (again under £10) which is accurate to 2 decimal places. Each morning before you get up take your temperature - it is important to do this about the same time every day - I set an alarm to make sure I took it at the right time even on the weekend, even if I then went to sleep again! When you OV you will get a noticeable temperature rise. I used fertility friend to record my temps (this is free) and was very handy and much easier to understand than a notebook.
been following this thread for a few days and decided i finally post something. i had my implanon removed dec 12 after having an af for a month. stoped bleeding dec 17th and started using ovulation test which i had some faint positives dec 28-dec30. jan 5-6 i started having af like cramping and now no cramping but i feel nausea..... i keep hearing about implantation cramping and i was wondering if anyone else had that before finding out. but anyhoo i took a test this morning and failed. BFN. i think it was to soon to test but my mother was pressuring me haha.
been following this thread for a few days and decided i finally post something. i had my implanon removed dec 12 after having an af for a month. stoped bleeding dec 17th and started using ovulation test which i had some faint positives dec 28-dec30. jan 5-6 i started having af like cramping and now no cramping but i feel nausea..... i keep hearing about implantation cramping and i was wondering if anyone else had that before finding out. but anyhoo i took a test this morning and failed. BFN. i think it was to soon to test but my mother was pressuring me haha.
if you just had implanon out not quite a month ago your body could still be adjusting I felt pregnant for about 6 wks after. I hope its not! good luck I hope you get that BFP!
I'm having mine out 2mro morning, is there anything I should be aware of, scared of? What should I expect in the next few days? I will be going on the mini pill for a few months until we are ready to TTC ....... Anyone tell me what its like?
Mine is mega easy to feel very close to the skin and it can move around loads too, Ive had it in for 22months and it feels softer now than before tbh.? anyone else experience this?
It takes 30 seconds to remove, nothing to worry about. After the removal, you've to expect AF which can start the same evening or take a month (or few!!) to arrive!
It takes 30 seconds to remove, nothing to worry about. After the removal, you've to expect AF which can start the same evening or take a month (or few!!) to arrive!

Ahh right the ones I have watched all took at least 5 minutes to twenty minutes to take out with multiple cuts and lots of digging/tugging :sick:
Oh so it really does just depend when you start AF ect ect... could be in for a wait then, it may sound weird but I cant wait to have a AF its been two years now of feeling like I was going to come on and not, either that or horrible morning sickness and pregnancy symptoms :dohh:
Ahh right the ones I have watched all took at least 5 minutes to twenty minutes to take out with multiple cuts and lots of digging/tugging :sick:
Oh so it really does just depend when you start AF ect ect... could be in for a wait then, it may sound weird but I cant wait to have a AF its been two years now of feeling like I was going to come on and not, either that or horrible morning sickness and pregnancy symptoms :dohh:

I'm not surprised! To be honest, if your implant is visible - like you say it is then you shouldn't have much of a problem getting it removed. It'll be even easier than my last one. I've had one before that removed that was literally hell as the nurse was digging in my arm for around 45 minutes before she gave up - but the implant wasn't put in properly then hence why. Getting it removed isn't pleasant, as the anesthetic stings quite a bit at first, but then it's literally 30 seconds and it's out. A little cut, pull, that's about it.

I'm the same, I haven't had AF just yet but seems I might possibly be O soon or getting AF soon with the symptoms I'm having :happydance:

I would recommend starting taking Vitex as it regulates the cycle and it might help regulate it and bring on AF even quicker after going off the implant. It only costs around £5 for 2 month supply in the UK. Available in most pharmacies too.

Good luck with getting it removed, hopefully you'll have no problems or complications getting it removed :thumbup: and hopefully your AF comes soon!
mine took a bit of tugging it was attached to a bit of scar tissue. but over all it was easier than having it placed. i had a withdrawl bleed shortly after and it took about two months for af to come back. We jumped straight in to TTC that first month and I was convinced I was pregnant my hormones went bonkers but after bfn after bfn we stopped ttc till I had my first cycle. I was so ready to have it back too until it got here, the first one was horrid but after that they have been fine. GL!!!
Ahh right the ones I have watched all took at least 5 minutes to twenty minutes to take out with multiple cuts and lots of digging/tugging :sick:
Oh so it really does just depend when you start AF ect ect... could be in for a wait then, it may sound weird but I cant wait to have a AF its been two years now of feeling like I was going to come on and not, either that or horrible morning sickness and pregnancy symptoms :dohh:

I'm not surprised! To be honest, if your implant is visible - like you say it is then you shouldn't have much of a problem getting it removed. It'll be even easier than my last one. I've had one before that removed that was literally hell as the nurse was digging in my arm for around 45 minutes before she gave up - but the implant wasn't put in properly then hence why. Getting it removed isn't pleasant, as the anesthetic stings quite a bit at first, but then it's literally 30 seconds and it's out. A little cut, pull, that's about it.

I'm the same, I haven't had AF just yet but seems I might possibly be O soon or getting AF soon with the symptoms I'm having :happydance:

I would recommend starting taking Vitex as it regulates the cycle and it might help regulate it and bring on AF even quicker after going off the implant. It only costs around £5 for 2 month supply in the UK. Available in most pharmacies too.

Good luck with getting it removed, hopefully you'll have no problems or complications getting it removed :thumbup: and hopefully your AF comes soon!

Thanks I will let you know how I get on lol!:thumbup: I will be going on the mini pill so I don't really want to take anything else as I can't afford health wise to get pregnant at my weight, I'm working on that :happydance: and we will be TTC in Sept onwards :happydance:
Ahh right the ones I have watched all took at least 5 minutes to twenty minutes to take out with multiple cuts and lots of digging/tugging :sick:
Oh so it really does just depend when you start AF ect ect... could be in for a wait then, it may sound weird but I cant wait to have a AF its been two years now of feeling like I was going to come on and not, either that or horrible morning sickness and pregnancy symptoms :dohh:

I'm not surprised! To be honest, if your implant is visible - like you say it is then you shouldn't have much of a problem getting it removed. It'll be even easier than my last one. I've had one before that removed that was literally hell as the nurse was digging in my arm for around 45 minutes before she gave up - but the implant wasn't put in properly then hence why. Getting it removed isn't pleasant, as the anesthetic stings quite a bit at first, but then it's literally 30 seconds and it's out. A little cut, pull, that's about it.

I'm the same, I haven't had AF just yet but seems I might possibly be O soon or getting AF soon with the symptoms I'm having :happydance:

I would recommend starting taking Vitex as it regulates the cycle and it might help regulate it and bring on AF even quicker after going off the implant. It only costs around £5 for 2 month supply in the UK. Available in most pharmacies too.

Good luck with getting it removed, hopefully you'll have no problems or complications getting it removed :thumbup: and hopefully your AF comes soon!
I started taking fertilaid which is much the same as vitex and I am sure that thats what evened me out got af to come back. I am thinking about going back on it if af shows up this month. I only took it for the month because it is spendy
Yeah, FertilAid is basically Vitex + some extra ingredients but Vitex is much much cheaper than Fertilaid and does the exact same thing! :)
I had my Implanon removed today and it was nothing, Just a bit of a cut a poke around and she pulled it out, no biggie , nothing to be scared about :D yey
I told you it was nothing! Glad it went well.

Now, hoping your AF arrives soon and your cycles will be regular!
Thank goodness I found this!! I had my implant out yesterday, had some mild crampings but nothing has come from it yet, Ive started taking Angus castus to try and regulate my cycles as they were up to 56 day cycles before I had it put in!! Hopefully it will help! :dust: to you all x
Thank goodness I found this!! I had my implant out yesterday, had some mild crampings but nothing has come from it yet, Ive started taking Angus castus to try and regulate my cycles as they were up to 56 day cycles before I had it put in!! Hopefully it will help! :dust: to you all x

I had mine out yesterday and it is quite sore today which I did not expect at all, I'm quite active so I've bumped it and caught it on my files and folders and bag today a few times plus I have two butterfly stitches on it and I feel like they are pulling on it, also I've cried three times today, I feel crampy and my boobs hurt lol so all in all feeling a bit all over the place, how do you feel?
My arm is still sore! Think it's Bruised and it's nippy I have to lie down funny at night so it doesn't hurt, an it felt like I had a dead arm for 2 days lol!! Yeah I've been cramping a bit and I'm feeling bloated but hey these things happen. The only good thing is that I don't feel as emotional a I was on the Implant! Hope your side effects calm down and your arm feels better soonx
yeah mine is nippy too :( yeah I'm sure it will only get better from here :)

wishing you well and hope your super fertile and catch quickly :)
Lol I'm dreading taking my bandage off! (he said I've to keep it on a tad longer coz I'm a bleeder) not sure if he's hacked my arm :hehe: thanks opalfruits!! You too x
I'm very naughty I took the bandage off about 5 hours later and have just had the paper stitches on since and I want them off too, I hate dressings :<
I'm in SUCH moany mood today, do excuse me!
Ive noticed, and my oh has noticed a change in my emotions, I got really aggitated and angry on the implant! It's so good to finally feel so calm again lol!! I think the agnus castus I'm taking helps with mood swings! X

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