err how long have yous known each other? I sort of vaguely remember you going to US for a spell to meet 'a friend' etc.
Im not saying you shouldnt because of how long you've been together because that wopuld make me a hypocrite. We had been together just over a year and a half when I fell pregnant, I came off the pill when we'd been together a month and I was your age.
Now I look back, Im pleased it took as long as it did because we got a year and a half to spend together, being a couple, doing things as a couple. Day trips, nights out, romantic meals, doing as we pleased. I think every couple needs that. You dont get that much when you have a baby, or it gets seriously reduced. Im not saying you can't but honetly, a baby changes your life in so many ways you wouldnt realise until you have one.
I mean... I just can't get my head round it. Why do you both need to have a baby asap?? It seems impossible to me to finish with your serious partner, move to another country, get engaged to someone else and even think about TTC in a matter of a few months?
Again hun, Im not beng horrible, Im just hoping that my experience can give you something to think about. Love each other, enjoy being with each other... you dont HAVE to get married or have a baby straight away!!