ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

hi ladies!!

Sarah just wanted to wish you a fabulous birthday!! :hugs:
I just noticed that retracing my previous post too Sheryl - I'm sorry I don't know why it keeps happening. I really think my autocorrect doesn't like Kristin for some reason because I'm sure the last two times it came up wrong I spelled it right :s. (aha, if I capitalise the K it doesn't change it - if I don't capitalise it it changes the spelling when it fixes the capital error. How very strange :wacko:)

Sarah I hope you manage to have a good birthday weekend despite the :bfn:. I think a month off will do you a world of good. And don't think about the low success rate - your tests have all come back good so far so IMO you have a much better chance of being in that 17% success rate than most women your age.
Rereading*. I hate autocorrect sometimes! (it does have it's uses but it can be really annoying too).
Happy birthday Sarah! I hope it's a wonderful one, despite there being no BFP yet. It WILL come!!! One day...

I do love all the names everyone has chosen! I've also been loving the names of the babies born in my antenatal class so far; there's only one 'uncommon' name; Mila. The rest are good solid traditional, but nice names (Owen, William, Isaac, Oliver and Annabelle) 6 down, 6 of us to go in that group... And because it's the 1st here now, I just flipped my calender page over and wow; all the lil numbers that I wrote on my calender counting down each week, that I've been looking at all year long, STOP on this page!!! I'm having a baby this month! I'm excited, nervous, feeling rather surreal about it... But definitely feeling like I'm ready; come out and see us lil one!
Happy birthday Sarah! I hope it's a wonderful one, despite there being no BFP yet. It WILL come!!! One day...

I do love all the names everyone has chosen! I've also been loving the names of the babies born in my antenatal class so far; there's only one 'uncommon' name; Mila. The rest are good solid traditional, but nice names (Owen, William, Isaac, Oliver and Annabelle) 6 down, 6 of us to go in that group... And because it's the 1st here now, I just flipped my calender page over and wow; all the lil numbers that I wrote on my calender counting down each week, that I've been looking at all year long, STOP on this page!!! I'm having a baby this month! I'm excited, nervous, feeling rather surreal about it... But definitely feeling like I'm ready; come out and see us lil one!

hey its already my birthday in your part of the world :happydance: :cake:
I can't believe it...you are having a baby THIS MONTH!!!!! :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:

Happy birthday Sarah! Hope its as great as you deserve. And thank you so much for adding Kian's welcome into the title of our thread. Made me smile:)

Im finally on a computer, and can read everything. Of course, its at 3 am, sleep deprived, having a snack, and falling asleep. We came home yesterday(thurs) and have been non stop going going going. OH keeps telling me to sit down and stop and I go even harder. I can't quit nesting, cleaning, and shopping. Well, it hit me tonigt and I ended up in great pain with a fever and chills. I woke up sweat dripped everywhere and chilled, but fever broke. So i really hope its just my body was exhausted and not that an infection began from the surgery. I need to remember im only 4 days post op, and it was a very bad and intense surgery. Wish I could quit feeling the need to be on the go. Hope today I can sit home all day and relax.

Kian has doc appointment today to check weight and stuff since he was little when we left hopsital. Hope they say he has gained something. Breast feeding has been a bit tough and im afraid he might not be eating enough. Milk is just coming in more full force though, as im very sore and feeling ill when anything touches my boobs! Definitely not glamourous.

Dew- I love your happy birthday wishes to sarah, very cool! Also wanna see pics of your cake, is it finished? I am crossing my fingers for your beta test soon...

Sarah- I would take the break next cycle also, had you decided yet? I did read through it all, but also skimmed some so I could get to respond tonight! I am sorry for negative beta, but I think you should just kinda move on from IUI and look forward to the next journey with a better chance to work. Have a lovely birthday weekend, the leaves will be so amazing wherever you go right now.

Sheryl- love Juliana. Funny you are packing bags now. I had NO bags packed and at 1am when I had to pack them in a panic, it was tough. So yea, I suggest doing it ahead of time.

Kian had NO name when we went in and had him. Not sure i expected myself to be that lady!

Preethi- how is nursing goin? and sleep? Im not getting any sleep and its starting to affect my mood and my behavior! Hope it improves.....Are you loving being a mom? Its tough huh.

Flying- i am jealous, I wanted to make it to say I was 38 weeks! Im so excited for yours to come. Any time now!

NDH- your auto correct is making me laugh. My phone does that often and people respond to my text messages very confused. Im afraid it will get me in to trouble some time by saying something inappropriate, as i've corrected a few that have before they sent. Annoying! Glad you are feeling well, that may change now in 3 trimester! Sorry to say. Lol. Thats when I started some miserable symptoms and it all became harder. Hope its a good one for you though.

Mummy- I LOVE the naems Charlotte and Elizabeth together. Thats a winning combo!

Anyone who has just had a baby or having one soon already planning when to have their next child?

Im still mourning my news, no more babies. Then I feel bad for being sad over that when I have a new baby who is amazing. I think him being so amazing makes it harder though, as I dont want to think its the last time i'll have this:( I feel like taking the risk some days and resolve to having another in 2 years, but other days I feel like its too much of a risk and dont want to leave my children with no mom...idk. Its hard though to get that news. I never ever thought it would be concrete that I can't have another baby....

Huggles- hello and hugs to you. Hope you are well.

Have a great weekend everyone! Chat soon!

Also, if anyone else wants to join together on FB, let me know! I've got Miss Sarah on my friends and would enjoy to add anyone else from this lovely thread on there as well.
Sheryl- love Juliana. Funny you are packing bags now. I had NO bags packed and at 1am when I had to pack them in a panic, it was tough. So yea, I suggest doing it ahead of time.

Anyone who has just had a baby or having one soon already planning when to have their next child?

Also, if anyone else wants to join together on FB, let me know! I've got Miss Sarah on my friends and would enjoy to add anyone else from this lovely thread on there as well.

I think I am going to stick with Kristin Isabella. DH doesn't want me to change it. And I love the name still more than anything else I have come up with. I have a really hard time remembering when I am trying to think of Julianne or Julianna. I have had a list of what to pack in my bags for well over a month just in case but still haven't put them together. I have my 34 week appointment Thursday so may as well get it over with.

I think our kids will be between 3 and 5 years apart. Two is just too close together for me after seeing what my friends are going through.

You can add me on facebook. I think I am the only Sheryl Behr.
Thanks Nikki!

You def sound like you're doing too much! Hope you manage to rest a bit!

Sheryl... it's a gorgeous name! :cloud9:

We had a busy day but I have absolutely everything I need for my hospital bag now and so tonight I will be packing it! :) :) including gifts from baby for Lottie and kiddie magazine with things to entertain her if she comes to visit at the hospital! :D

Any of you American ladies planning on or have been watching the X Factor?? We've had the show running in the UK for about 7 years now (Idols got canned and this was put in it's place) but the reason I ask is because of all the hype about the American version over here... will it/wont it work for Simon Cowell etc etc... we are getting the footage.. some of which I saw yesterday and my word you guys have some amazingly talented people!!! :thumbup:
Oh and Happppppppppppppppppppppppy Birrrrrrrrrrrrthday Sarah!!! :cake:

Hope you have a lovely day!! xxx
I had a midwife appointment today, and got hubby to come along so we could have a wee tour of the birthing suites so he knows where to bring me when I'm in labour, and so that I'm not totally unfamiliar with the rooms!!! Baby is 1/5th engaged into my pelvis now, so yay for that! Now I want it to keep dropping and have a nice quick labour.... lol, probably won't, but we can hope! I realised there's a full moon on the 12th, and I'm due on the 14th, so I wonder if that'll influence anything if I haven't popped by then?? I hope I pop early rather than late though...

But otherwise, all is well, my tummy is measuring slightly big, but blood pressure all good and everything, so just a waiting game now... tick tock, tick tock... lol!

Ny, add me on FB; https://www.facebook.com/flyingduster and anyone else can too (though I think most of the rest of you have...? lol!) and when I DO pop, I'll be updating facebook first as I can get to it easily on my crappy phone, but won't be able to get to forums until I'm home, so yes by all means if there's a sudden message on there that I'm in labour or something, by all means it can be shared here, it's not that I'd be trying to exclude you guys at all!!! lol
Flying- thats exadctly how it was for me, when I had Kian, facebook got all the updates, but like you, its not as easy to access this site with my phone and I was in hospital a few days....so I wasnt trying not to update either!

Mummy- I caught a bit of the show, but really, after Idol for the past....who knows how many years, Im kind of sick of those type of shows! I may try it though...Simon seems nicer in this show, I was wondering if they weren't allowing him to be as mean. But again, I only saw like 3 singers so maybe he was just warming up! Lol.

Sheryl- love that name, so good choice! And yea, having children farther apart really does have advantages. I LOVE having my children the 7 years apart that they are. At least while they are at this age....later on I ma wish they were closer, but for having a newborn its awesome to have a 7 year old.

I am just trying so hard to not be bummed about no more children. Its hard.
awesome news flying! Fx'd baby arrives nice and soon!

Ny- :hugs:
Ny, im not really getting any sleep.. im so tired !!! and my boobs really hurt from all that expressing and leaking and soreness.. im so sick of it lol shes on all formula now anyway as prescribed by the doctor for her weight gain.. we went for her weekly check up and she is 2.25kg now, so thats good, she gained 200 gms in 4 days.. xx i hope you are resting well although i know it is difficult with gorgeous kian now, the first few days... xx hope you cope well though... i know youre so bummed about not having any more kids, but i really do believe you could if you spoke to your doctor again and gave it some time to get on to the safe zone or something ? maybe in two years ? xx i do hope you will be able to have more children as you wish to xxx

Mummy, you are so close now... oct the 28th.. can you believe you are giving birth this month !! youre lovely surprise is on his/her way... and i love your choice of name.. its very classy .. xxx

Flying, i cannot believe you are giving birth on the 14th or the 12th if the full moon agrees with you.. its going to be so awesome... im excited for you and really cant wait to see a pic of your gorgeous bubs xxx yay for the engaging !!

NDH, hope your dh's job search is going ok and that you are doing well with your pregnancy !! xx fx'd he will get a job soon xxx

Dew, im crossing my fingers and toes for your BFP soon !!! xxx fx'd for that test !!! :hugs:

Sarah my love, hope you had a wonderful birthday !!!!! and i just have a brilliant feeling about this IVF you are gearing up for .. and im praying it works out for you xxx you soooooo deserve it !! xxx:hugs:

Huggles , hope your pregnancy is going well !!! xxx you must be over the moon... i cant believe you are 32 weeks already.. it seems like yesterday that you were celebrating your 26-28 week mark.. i am honestly very very happy for you x and i know its going to be such a precious moment for you xxx

AFM, nothing much going on here, im trying to get infant gaviscon sent over from the uk or us as she has bad reflux and the doctor prescribed some and he knows its not really available here !! im giving her infacol at the moment for colic but hoping i get my hands on some infant gaviscon soon xx she gained the weight so thats good, other than that everythings been ok.. dh is back to work today, so im on my own looking after her from today, mums coming over for a bit.. but thats about it, nothing much going on here, all the eventful stuff is over from my end !

just want a break now lol, sounds funny, but i feel so overworked and tired.. all the time.. i just want to fly and go on a cruise or something... dh and me are already planning our holiday next year as we feel so tired lol.. i want to go to australia, but am concerned about a very long flight with the baby,, it will be in august or something though.. otherwise, its back to the uk, but this time we will stay in ireland for a week, or wales... and not be driving around a lot.. dh's third plan is to go on a mediterranean cruise.. i dont know if im too keen on that one.. getting on and off a cruise with a travel system, although i would love to visit all the different places !

ny, with regards to having other babies... lol i am soooo ok with just this one now... i dont feel like having another one real soon, i dont know if it sounds awful but im so tired and just want my normal life back for a bit before i even contemplate having another one.. maybe in another 2 years or something.. lets see ! i dont want dh to get too old as well.. lol

sorry for the long blabble.. i dont come online much as ive got so much to do at home xx so im trying to tackle all in one post..

BIG :hugs: to all of you xx

Flying... sounds like a fab appointment! :thumbup: I know what you mean about updating facebook and not here as it's not easy for me to get on the forum on my phone either... but my plan is as follows..... I have a bunch of friends on BnB that have my mobile/cell number and when things start kicking off I'll be letting them know and they will update my journal (Huggles/Sheryl or whoever else visits my journal will be welcome to update you ladies) but we'll be keeping all news OFF facebook until after the event! As we'll be phoning certain family and friends and letting them know before the general public.... so basically... BnB will be in the know before anyone else! :thumbup:

And I'm happy for pictures/names/birth weight to be shared on this thread as soon as it's announced... cos I'm not sure how soon I'll be able to get online and want you lovely ladies knowing how things went!!!

Nikki... we had the 'what are are plans for contraception after baby' conversation yesterday... we both very happily are not going down the route of permanent contraception for a long time still as we are still young (30/29 years)... so i think I'll be trying something (other than the pill) as I've not been on the pill since Oct 2006 as it messed with my body so much. We're not sure if we're done after two... we may want more... so we'll just wait and see how things turn out! :thumbup:
Flying- thats exadctly how it was for me, when I had Kian, facebook got all the updates, but like you, its not as easy to access this site with my phone and I was in hospital a few days....so I wasnt trying not to update either!

Mummy- I caught a bit of the show, but really, after Idol for the past....who knows how many years, Im kind of sick of those type of shows! I may try it though...Simon seems nicer in this show, I was wondering if they weren't allowing him to be as mean. But again, I only saw like 3 singers so maybe he was just warming up! Lol.

Sheryl- love that name, so good choice! And yea, having children farther apart really does have advantages. I LOVE having my children the 7 years apart that they are. At least while they are at this age....later on I ma wish they were closer, but for having a newborn its awesome to have a 7 year old.

I am just trying so hard to not be bummed about no more children. Its hard.

My brother and I are 9 years apart so I have always been like a second mama to him. Of course now he's 16 and I don't get to see him as often as I'd like. He does come stay with us for several days at a time probably twice a year but he's not very active aside from playing on the computer like I do.
Mummy -- I am thinking about paraguard since we can't have hormone birth control while BFing. I got some info about it in the mail and it sounds good to me. Still need to discuss with my doctor.
Ooh, I've not heard of that one before but then I've not looked into contraception hot years! We used to just avoid my fertile period in my cycle or use a condom if we were desperate :rofl:
I heard about it recently. It's called the copper coil. It's an IUD similar to Mirena at least in basic form but without the hormones. It lasts up to 10 years.

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